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Displaying Results 301-325 of 515 "cop28"

Jun 11, 2024, 05:35 ET The NDC Partnership & UNFCCC Launch Tool to Support Countries in Raising NDCs 3.0 Ambition and Accelerating Implementation

degrees Celsius, while building much greater resilience to worsening climate impacts. The first Global Stocktake (GST) at COP28 concluded that while the Paris Agreement has driven near-universal climate action, significant gaps remain in the level of ambition, the pace of

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Jun 09, 2024, 19:01 ET Energy Transitions Commission says countries can triple climate ambition by COP30

If governments reflect today's rapid technological progress and existing national, industry and COP28 commitments when setting new climate targets LONDON, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/

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Jun 09, 2024, 19:01 ET Comissão de Transições Energéticas afirma que os países podem triplicar a ambição climática até a COP30

Se os governos refletirem o rápido progresso tecnológico atual e os compromissos nacionais, industriais  e da COP28 existentes ao estabelecerem novas metas climáticas LONDRES, 10

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Jun 09, 2024, 19:01 ET Energy Transitions Commission says countries can triple climate ambition by COP30

If governments reflect today's rapid technological progress and existing national, industry and COP28 commitments when setting new climate targets LONDON,

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Jun 09, 2024, 19:01 ET La commission sur la transition énergétique affirme que les pays peuvent tripler leur ambition climatique d'ici à la COP30

gouvernements tiennent compte du rapide progrès des technologies bas-carbone et des engagements nationaux, industriels et de la COP28 lorsqu'ils fixent de nouveaux objectifs de réduction d'émissions. LONDRES, 10

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Jun 09, 2024, 19:01 ET La Comisión de Transición Energética afirma que los países pueden triplicar su ambición climática antes de la COP30

Si los gobiernos reflejan el rápido progreso tecnológico actual y los compromisos nacionales, industriales y de la COP28 existentes a la hora de fijar nuevos objetivos climáticos LONDRES, 10

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Jun 05, 2024, 23:22 ET La présidence de la COP28 appelle à un effort mondial pour tirer parti de l'essor de l'IA, de la transition énergétique et de la croissance des pays du Sud afin d'accélérer le développement durable pour tous

6 juin 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sultan Al Jaber, président de la COP28, a déclaré aujourd'hui aux délégués réunis à l'occasion de l'ouverture de la Semaine de l'énergie de Bakou que toutes les parties prenantes devaient

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Jun 05, 2024, 13:23 ET COP28-Präsidentschaft ruft zu globalen Anstrengungen auf, um den Anstieg der KI, die Energiewende und das Wachstum des globalen Südens zu nutzen, um die nachhaltige Entwicklung für alle zu beschleunigen

BAKU, Aserbaidschan, 5. Juni 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Der Präsident der COP28, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, erklärte heute den Delegierten bei der Eröffnung der Energiewoche in Baku,

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Jun 05, 2024, 12:18 ET COP28 主席呼籲全球攜手應對氣候挑戰,以 AI、能源轉型及全球南方發展為契機,加速實現可持續發展

他表示,根據《阿聯酋共識》的規定,COP 主席團的「三駕馬車」將聯合阿塞拜疆和巴西擔任 COP28 大會主席,這將有助於推動雄心勃勃的集體氣候行動。 「三駕馬車」正為新一輪符合《阿聯酋共識》的強化國家自主貢獻 (NDC) 凝聚動力。 Al Jaber 博士表示,產業也必須繼續發揮其作用,並稱讚 SOCAR 加入了在 COP28 上發起的《石油和天然氣脫碳憲章》。 「目前,已有超過 40% 的行業承諾到 2030

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Jun 05, 2024, 00:15 ET Education Cannot Wait's New Climate Champion Adenike Oladosu Calls on World Leaders to Act #RightHereRightNow to Connect Climate Action with Education Action on World Environment Day

benefiting people across Africa. At last year's Conference of the Parties in Dubai (COP28), ECW issued a global 

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Jun 04, 2024, 17:19 ET COP28 의장직, 모두를 위한 지속 가능한 발전을 가속하기 위해 AI의 부상, 에너지 전환과 글로벌 사우스의 성장을 활용하도록 전세계가 노력해야한다고 촉구

가시적인 현실로 바꾸는데 도움이 될 것"이라고 말했다. 그는 UAE 컨센서스에서 의무화되었으며 COP28과 아제르바이잔 및 브라질 COP 의장단을 통합한 COP 의장단 트로이카는 야심찬 집단 기후 행동을 견인하게 될 것이라고 말했다. 이 트로이카는 UAE 컨센서스에 따라 강화된 국가 온실가스 감축 목표 (NDC)의 새로운 라운드를 위한 모멘텀을 구축하고 있다. 알 자베르 박사는 소카르가 COP28에서 발표된 석유 및 가스 탈탄소화 헌장에 동참한 것을 높이 평가하면서 산업계도 지속적으로 그들의 역할을

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Jun 04, 2024, 13:09 ET President of Azerbaijan Breaks Ground on Masdar 1GW Solar and Wind Projects

President of Azerbaijan and COP28 President mark opening of Baku Energy Week with groundbreaking of wind and solar projects  Three projects with 1GW capacity developed in partnership with SOCAR will

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Jun 04, 2024, 12:58 ET President of Azerbaijan Breaks Ground on Masdar 1GW Solar and Wind Projects

President of Azerbaijan and COP28 President mark opening of Baku Energy Week with groundbreaking of wind and solar projects  Three projects with 1GW capacity developed in partnership with SOCAR will

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Jun 04, 2024, 07:55 ET La presidencia de la COP28 pide un esfuerzo mundial para aprovechar el auge de la IA

COP28 y los EAU trabajarán "muy estrechamente con la Presidencia azerbaiyana de la COP y hacemos un llamamiento a todos los países para que la COP29 sea un éxito rotundo que se base en los resultados de Dubái". "La COP28 hizo

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Jun 04, 2024, 06:02 ET A Presidência da COP28 apela a um esforço global para alavancar a ascensão da IA, a transição energética e o crescimento do Sul Global para acelerar o desenvolvimento sustentável para todos

BAKU, Azerbaijão, 4 de junho de 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- O presidente da COP28, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, disse hoje aos delegados na abertura da Semana de Energia de Baku que todas as partes interessadas

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Jun 04, 2024, 05:57 ET La Presidencia de la COP28 pide un esfuerzo global para aprovechar el aumento de la IA, la transición energética y el crecimiento del Sur Global para acelerar el desarrollo sostenible para todos

BAKÚ, Azerbaiyán, 4 de junio de 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- El presidente de la COP28, el Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, dijo hoy a los delegados en la inauguración de la Semana de la Energía de Bakú que todas

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Jun 04, 2024, 04:32 ET COP28 Presidency calls for global effort to leverage the rise of AI, the energy transition and the growth of the Global South to accelerate sustainable development for all

COP28 Presidency and the UAE would work "very closely with Azerbaijan's COP Presidency and we call on all countries to ensure COP29 is a resounding success that builds on the outcomes of Dubai." "COP28 made history

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Jun 04, 2024, 04:09 ET COP28 Presidency calls for global effort to leverage the rise of AI, the energy transition and the growth of the Global South to accelerate sustainable development for all

COP28 Presidency and the UAE would work "very closely with Azerbaijan's COP Presidency and we call on all countries to ensure COP29 is a resounding success that builds on the outcomes of Dubai." "COP28 made

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May 28, 2024, 20:24 ET Envision Energy Pamerkan Solusi Hidrogen Hijau di World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition yang Berlangsung di Rotterdam

satu dari tiga Proyek Hidrogen yang Transformatif di ADIPEC 2023, serta meraih "Energy Transition Changemakers Award" di COP28 berkat kontribusi luar biasa dalam dekarbonisasi. Dengan berpartisipasi di di World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition, Envision Energy semakin memperluas

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May 28, 2024, 10:38 ET E8 Angels Issues Call for Proposals to the Decarbon8-US 2024 Fund, Focused on Renewable Energy

fund. This year focuses on fostering innovation in renewable energy, motivated by the ambitious objectives set forth at the COP28 climate summit to triple the world's renewable energy capacity by 2030. The Decarbon8-US fund, launched in 2020, has invested over

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May 28, 2024, 10:00 ET Introducing the World's First Nuclear-Powered Carbon Offset for the Fashion Industry

and his relationships with nuclear reactor manufacturers. Rickey detailed the initiatives of Global Nuclear Concepts at COP 28 in Dubai and NEI's Nuclear Energy Assembly in Washington DC. He is

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May 28, 2024, 08:30 ET Linden Announces Minority Investment from Blue Owl's GP Strategic Capital Platform and Lunate

recently established ALTÉRRA, the world's largest private investment vehicle for climate change action, at COP28. For more information, please visit 

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May 28, 2024, 03:08 ET Envision Energy Unveils Green Hydrogen Solutions at World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition in Rotterdam

one of the three Transformative Hydrogen Projects at ADIPEC 2023 and received the Energy Transition Changemakers Award at COP28 for its outstanding contribution to decarbonization. Envision Energy's participation the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition highlighted the

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May 28, 2024, 02:53 ET Envision Energy Unveils Green Hydrogen Solutions at World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition in Rotterdam

one of the three Transformative Hydrogen Projects at ADIPEC 2023 and received the Energy Transition Changemakers Award at COP28 for its outstanding contribution to decarbonization. Envision Energy's participation the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition highlighted the

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