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Displaying Results 76-100 of 516 "cop28"

Nov 13, 2024, 02:02 ET Masdar and KESH Sign Agreement to Explore Renewable Energy Joint Venture in Albania

Rama, His Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, COP28 President and Chairman of Masdar, and Her Excellency Belinda Balluku, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy for

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Nov 13, 2024, 01:55 ET Masdar and KESH Sign Agreement to Explore Renewable Energy Joint Venture in Albania

Rama, His Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, COP28 President and Chairman of Masdar, and Her Excellency Belinda Balluku, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy for

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Nov 12, 2024, 14:17 ET Damilola Ogunbiyi, PDG de SEforALL, figure sur la liste TIME100 2024 des 100 leaders les plus influents dans le domaine de l'action climatique des entreprises

l'ordre de première classe de Zayed II en reconnaissance de sa contribution au succès de la conférence sur le climat, la COP28 ; le même mois, elle a également reçu le prix Global Female Leadership Impact (GFLI). En mars 2024, elle a été reconnue comme une pionnière dans

More news about: Sustainable Energy for All

Nov 12, 2024, 14:10 ET Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO von SEforALL, wird in die TIME100-Klimaliste 2024 der 100 einflussreichsten Führungskräfte aufgenommen, die den Klimaschutz in der Wirtschaft vorantreiben

Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate den Orden erster Klasse von Zayed II. in Anerkennung ihres Beitrags zum Erfolg der Klimakonferenz COP28; im selben Monat wurde ihr auch der Global Female Leadership Impact (GFLI) Award verliehen. Im März 2024 wurde sie von den Reuters' Trailblazing

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Nov 12, 2024, 13:06 ET La consejera delegada de EforALL, Damilola Ogunbiyi, nombrada en la lista TIME100 Climate 2024

presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en reconocimiento a su contribución al éxito de la conferencia sobre el clima, COP28; ese mismo mes, también recibió el premio Global Female Leadership Impact (GFLI). En marzo de 2024, Trailblazing Women in Climate y Trailblazing

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Nov 12, 2024, 11:28 ET COP28 主席呼籲各界推動和實現《阿聯酋共識》

在金融界中。我們也獲得進展,並委任菲律賓為 Board of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage 的主辦國家。COP28 主席呼籲締約方捐助該基金,該基金已於去年 COP28 投入營運和資本化。Al Jaber 博士表示,目前為止,已向基金承諾超過 8.5 億美元,並撥款安排 ALTÉRRA 是世界上最大型以氣候為中心的投資基金,也在 COP28 上啟動 65 億美元影響力投資者,這是「必須建立的模式」。 Al

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Nov 12, 2024, 10:05 ET SEforALL's CEO, Damilola Ogunbiyi, named to the 2024 TIME100 climate list of the 100 most influential leaders driving business climate action

Class Order of Zayed II from the UAE President in recognition of her contribution to the success of the climate conference, COP28; in the same month, she also received the Global Female Leadership Impact (GFLI) Award. In March 2024, she was recognized

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Nov 12, 2024, 10:05 ET SEforALL's CEO, Damilola Ogunbiyi, named to the 2024 TIME100 climate list of the 100 most influential leaders driving business climate action

Class Order of Zayed II from the UAE President in recognition of her contribution to the success of the climate conference, COP28; in the same month, she also received the Global Female Leadership Impact (GFLI) Award. In March 2024, she was recognized

More news about: Sustainable Energy for All

Nov 12, 2024, 06:54 ET COP28議長、各国にUAEコンセンサスの推進と実現を呼びかけ

/PRNewswire/ -- スルターン・アル・ジャーベル博士は本日、アゼルバイジャンで開催中のCOP29の初日、COP28議長として引継ぎ演説を行い、気候変動に関する議題全般にわたる画期的な進展により、画期的な任期を締めくくりました。演説の中で同氏は、バクーでの今後2週間にわたり「再び団結し、行動し、成果を出せることを証明しよう」と各国に呼びかけました。 「歴史的なUAEコンセンサスを実現することで、多くの人が不可能だと思っていたことを成し遂げました。」とアル・ジャーベル博士は、ムフタール・ババエフ閣下への議長職の正式な引継式典で述べました。 同氏は出席者に対し、COP28での交渉に

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Nov 12, 2024, 05:56 ET COP28 의장, 당사국의 UAE 협약 추진 및 이행 촉구

손실과 피해 대응 기금 이사회(Board of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage)의 주최국으로 임명되면서 재정 분야에서도 진전이 있었다. COP28의 의장은 당사국에게 지난해 COP28에서 운용하고 자본화 된 손실과 피해 기금에 기여할 것을 요청하였다. 지금까지 8억 5천만 달러 이상이 해당 기금에 약정되었으며 COP28에서 출범한 기후 중심 투자 기금인 알테라(ALTÉRRA)는 임팩트 투자자들에게 65억 달러를 투자했다. 알 자베르 박사는 '이 모델을 지속적으로 발전시켜야 할 것'이라고 말했다.

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Nov 11, 2024, 11:57 ET Le président de la COP28 appelle les parties à conduire et à mettre en œuvre le consensus des Émirats arabes unis

réponse aux pertes et aux dommages. Le président de la COP28 a appelé les parties à contribuer au fonds, qui a été rendu opérationnel et capitalisé lors de la COP28 de l'année dernière. À ce jour, plus de 850 millions de dollars ont été promis

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Nov 11, 2024, 11:51 ET Der Präsident der COP28 ruft die Parteien auf, den VAE-Konsens voranzutreiben und umzusetzen

Bewältigung von Verlusten und Schäden ernannt. Der Präsident der COP28 forderte die Vertragsparteien auf, Beiträge zu dem Fonds zu leisten, der auf der COP28 im vergangenen Jahr eingerichtet und mit Kapital ausgestattet wurde. Bis heute wurden

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Nov 11, 2024, 08:07 ET NDCs 3.0 a 'Make or Break' for Global Goal to Triple Renewables by 2030

2050. Achieving the global goals of tripling renewable power capacity and doubling energy efficiency by 2030, as agreed at COP28, would keep the energy transition on track for net-zero emissions by 2050. These 2030 targets are crucial to limiting global temperature rise to

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Nov 11, 2024, 07:31 ET El presidente de la COP28 insta a las partes a impulsar y aplicar el consenso de los EAU

Respuesta a las Pérdidas y los Daños. El presidente de la COP28 pidió a las Partes que contribuyeran al fondo, que se puso en funcionamiento y se capitalizó en la COP28 del año pasado. Hasta la fecha, se han prometido más de 850 millones de dólares

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Nov 11, 2024, 06:19 ET O Presidente da COP28 convida as Partes a conduzir e entregar o Consenso dos Emirados Árabes Unidos

Conselho do Fundo de Resposta a Perdas e Danos. O presidente da COP28 pediu às Partes que contribuíssem com o fundo, que foi operacionalizado e capitalizado na COP28 no ano passado. Até o momento, mais de US $ 850 milhões

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Nov 11, 2024, 06:13 ET El presidente de la COP28 pide a las Partes que impulsen y cumplan el Consenso de los EAU

para Responder a Pérdidas y Daños. El Presidente de la COP28 pidió a las Partes que contribuyeran al fondo, que se puso en funcionamiento y se capitalizó en la COP28 el año pasado. Hasta la fecha, se han comprometido más de $

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Nov 11, 2024, 03:52 ET COP28 President calls on Parties to drive and deliver the UAE Consensus

Board of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage. The COP28 President called on Parties to contribute to the fund, which was operationalized and capitalized at COP28 last year. To date, more than $850 million has

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Nov 11, 2024, 03:44 ET COP28 President calls on Parties to drive and deliver the UAE Consensus

Board of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage. The COP28 President called on Parties to contribute to the fund, which was operationalized and capitalized at COP28 last year. To date, more than $850 million has

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Launched at COP28 in December 2023, this initiative tracks and publicly reports the greenhouse gas reduction ambitions and progress

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Launched at COP28 in December 2023, this initiative tracks and publicly reports the greenhouse gas reduction ambitions and progress

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Nov 04, 2024, 03:23 ET Alfa Laval supports the call for bold action at COP29

emissions reductions needed to limit global warming and build resilience to climate impact. According to pledges from COP28, held in Dubai in 2023, to meet the Paris Agreement we need to triple renewable energy, double energy

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Oct 29, 2024, 09:57 ET Greater Than's risk intelligence will power global effort to reduce transport emissions during COP29

intelligence to power the FIA SDC since 2019. Last year, the FIA and Greater Than showcased the FIA SDC in the Blue Zone throughout COP28, and took to the main stage to highlight how the technology has the potential to decrease world emissions if adopted by every driver globally. Drivers

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Oct 25, 2024, 04:14 ET Celebrating Environmental Excellence: Ryan International School, Vasant Kunj, Wins World's Best School Prize for Environmental Action 2024

and Biogas Plant, as well as its water scarcity project, 'Aquifier Guardians', which won the Climate Change Challenge at COP 28 in Dubai.  Additionally, the school's 'Each One Plant One' campaign has successfully planted over 5,000 saplings in Delhi.

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Oct 15, 2024, 10:09 ET Developing economies move away from fossil fuels in clean energy surge -- continued investment will ensure they become renewable energy powerhouses

economic growth, increase energy security and drive greater energy access. It's also a critical part of meeting the global COP28 goal of tripling renewables and doubling energy efficiency. Now the world faces a clear choice - either support developing nations to seize the

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Oct 14, 2024, 21:11 ET Cathay Financial Holdings nimmt im dritten Jahr in Folge am World Biodiversity Summit während der Climate Week NYC in Verbindung mit der UNGA 79 teil 

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