News Search Results

Displaying Results 2901-3000 of 4567 "blockchain"


serves as Phillips Lytle's Data Privacy and Cybersecurity practice team leader, e-Discovery practice team leader, and Cryptocurrency and Blockchain practice team co-leader. 

More news about: Phillips Lytle LLP

Nov 30, 2023, 13:50 ET 第7屆 Fintech Abu Dhabi 探討金融與科技間的協同作用

主席兼行政總裁 Gary Vaynerchuk 題為《尋找創業心態》的討論。 Fintech Abu Dhabi 期間還舉辦了別開生面的論壇,主題涵蓋了區塊鏈、人工智能,以及風險與安全。與 Circle 合作舉辦的 Blockchain Abu Dhabi 論壇討論的主題包括:數位貨幣穩定性設計的探索、中央銀行數位貨幣改善數位資產基礎設施,以及區塊鏈和 Web3 對金融業的整體影響。AI Abu Dhabi 論壇是与萬事達卡聯合主辦的,而 Risk 4.0 的聯合主辦方則是反洗錢和反恐融資執行委員會。 活動期間,ADGM

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Nov 30, 2023, 13:45 ET Global Video Games Analysis Report 2023: The More the Merrier Social Gaming Trends Storms Into the Spotlight - Forecasts to 2030

for Years 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027Blockchain Emerges to Change the Gaming LandscapeFrom Securing In-Game Transactions to Enhancing the Gaming Experience, Blockchain is Here to Revolutionize the Gaming Industry: Global Spending on Blockchain in the Media & Entertainment Industry (In

More news about: Research and Markets

Nov 30, 2023, 13:11 ET Le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement s'associe à Algorand pour lancer une académie de la blockchain

développer l'écosystème de la blockchain de couche 1 la plus avancée, la plus sûre et la plus fiable au monde, afin de lancer une académie de la blockchain qui fournira au personnel du PNUD des connaissances et des idées sur les applications de la technologie de la blockchain. L'annonce a été faite aujourd'hui

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 13:08 ET Ontwikkelingsprogramma van de Verenigde Naties slaat de handen ineen met Algorand voor de lancering van een Blockchain Academy

het ecosysteem voor 's werelds meest geavanceerde, veilige en betrouwbare laag-1-blockchain, om een Blockchain Academy te lanceren om UNDP-personeel te voorzien van kennis en inzichten in de toepassingen van blockchain-technologie. De bekendmaking werd vandaag gedaan op het podium van de 

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 12:00 ET Magic Eden Marketplace Integrated into 'Honeyland' Enabling Native Token Transactions

/PRNewswire/ -- Magic Eden, the leading cross-chain NFT platform, today announced the integration of its marketplace directly into Honeyland, a mobile-first blockchain strategy game that blends traditional web2 gaming fundamentals with a seamless web3 onboarding experience. The collaboration aims to simplify the

More news about: Magic Eden

Nov 30, 2023, 11:47 ET Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento fecha parceria com a Algorand para lançar uma academia de blockchain

focada no crescimento do ecossistema de blockchain de camada 1 mais avançada, segura e confiável do mundo, para lançar uma academia de blockchain a fim de fornecer aos funcionários do PNUD conhecimento e informações sobre as aplicações da tecnologia de blockchain. O anúncio foi feito hoje no palco do

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 11:26 ET Stasis integriert EURS in das Stellar Network

Euro-Stablecoins und das Unternehmen hinter EURS, hat in jüngster Vergangenheit einen wichtigen Meilenstein erreicht, indem es die Integration mit der Stellar-Blockchain vollzogen hat. Diese Integration bringt eine neue digitale Version der zweithäufigsten Währung der Welt in das Stellar Network und erweitert den

More news about: The Stellar Development Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 11:23 ET 7. Ausgabe der Fintech Abu Dhabi untersucht Synergie zwischen Finanzwesen und Technologie

und Geschäftsführer von VaynerX. Blockchain, künstliche Intelligenz sowie Risiko- und Sicherheitsaspekte waren die Themen der einzigartigen Foren, die während der Fintech Abu Dhabi präsentiert wurden. Die in Partnerschaft mit Circle präsentierte Blockchain Abu Dhabi behandelte Themen wie die Suche

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Nov 30, 2023, 10:48 ET Assurer l'avenir de la chaîne de la blockchain : le salon Next Block Expo 2023 est de retour à Berlin

expertise précieuses à la communauté de la blockchain, ainsi que son engagement proactif à façonner le futur environnement du marché des cryptomonnaies. Le salon Next Block Expo, un événement international central au sein du secteur de la blockchain, fera un retour triomphal à Berlin

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 10:44 ET Desbloqueando o futuro do blockchain: The Next Block Expo 2023 retorna a Berlim

fornecimento de informações valiosas e expertise para a comunidade de blockchain, bem como seu engajamento proativo em moldar o cenário futuro do mercado de criptomoedas. The Next Block Expo, evento internacional crucial no setor de blockchain, fará um retorno triunfante a Berlim de 4 a 5 de dezembro de

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 10:43 ET De toekomst van Blockchain ontsluiten: The Next Block Expo 2023 keert terug naar Berlijn

sponsorschap voor The Next Block Expo aan te kondigen, waarmee het platform zijn toewijding toont om voorop te lopen ten aanzien van de innovatie van blockchain. Als belangrijke deelnemer zal CoinEx niet alleen een bijdrage als sponsor leveren, maar ook een boeiend seminar van 30 minuten en 15 minuten durende

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 10:40 ET IQST - iQSTEL Announces $145 Million 2024 Annual Revenue Forecast

Division (Communications) includes VoIP, SMS, International Fiber-Optic, Proprietary Internet of Things (IoT), and a Proprietary Mobile Portability Blockchain Platform.The Fintech Division (Financial Freedom) includes remittances services, top up services, Master Card Debit Card, a US Bank

More news about: iQSTEL Inc.

Nov 30, 2023, 10:39 ET El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo se asocia con Algorand y lanza una Academia Blockchain

alternativas y desarrollo bajo en carbono. La Algorand Blockchain Academy se lanzará en 2024 y está diseñada para reforzar la capacidad del personal del PNUD a través de la educación y capacitación en tecnología blockchain y sus aplicaciones prácticas para el desarrollo sostenible. El plan

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 10:37 ET Il Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo (UNDP) stringe una partnership con Algorand per lanciare un'Accademia della blockchain

crescita dell'ecosistema per la blockchain di livello 1 più avanzata, sicura e affidabile al mondo, finalizzata al lancio di un'accademia della blockchain per fornire allo staff UNDP le conoscenze e informazioni approfondite sulle applicazioni della tecnologia blockchain. L'annuncio è stato dato oggi in

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 10:15 ET NUSCALE INVESTOR DEADLINE APPROACHING: Securities Litigation Partner James (Josh) Wilson Encourages Investors Who Suffered Losses In NuScale To Contact Him Directly To Discuss Their Options

its Carbon Free Power Project ("CFPP"), and (2) a contract with Standard Power, a company providing data center services for businesses focusing on blockchain mining and high performance computing applications. On October 19, 2023, the Company's share price fell

More news about: Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP

Nov 30, 2023, 10:00 ET Program Pembangunan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Bermitra dengan Algorand untuk Meluncurkan Blockchain Academy

yang berfokus pada pengembangan ekosistem untuk blockchain layer-1 yang paling canggih, aman, dan dapat diandalkan di dunia, untuk meluncurkan akademi blockchain guna memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada staf UNDP tentang aplikasi teknologi blockchain. Pengumuman tersebut disampaikan di atas panggung

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 10:00 ET United Nations Development Programme Partners with Algorand to Launch a Blockchain Academy

focused on growing the ecosystem for the world's most advanced, secure and reliable layer-1 blockchain, to launch a blockchain academy to provide UNDP staff with knowledge and insights into the applications of blockchain technology. The announcement was made onstage today at the

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 10:00 ET United Nations Development Programme startet gemeinsam mit Algorand eine Blockchain-Akademie

Ökosystems für die weltweit fortschrittlichste, sicherste und zuverlässigste Layer 1-Blockchain konzentriert, um eine Blockchain-Akademie ins Leben zu rufen, die UNDP-Mitarbeitern Wissen und Einblicke in die Anwendungen der Blockchain-Technologie vermittelt. Die Ankündigung erfolgte heute auf der Bühne des

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 10:00 ET United Nations Development Programme Partners with Algorand to Launch a Blockchain Academy

focused on growing the ecosystem for the world's most advanced, secure and reliable layer-1 blockchain, to launch a blockchain academy to provide UNDP staff with knowledge and insights into the applications of blockchain technology. The announcement was made onstage today at the

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 10:00 ET El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo se asocia con Algorand para crear una academia de cadena de bloques

ecosistema para la cadena de bloques de capa 1 más avanzada, segura y confiable del mundo, con el propósito de crear una academia de cadena de bloques (Blockchain Academy) que ofrezca al personal del PNUD conocimientos e ideas sobre las aplicaciones de esta tecnología. El anuncio se llevó a cabo hoy en el escenario

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 09:42 ET Binance Pilots Banking Triparty Agreement to Help Institutional Investors to Manage Counterparty Exposure

2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Binance, the global blockchain ecosystem behind the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, is pleased to announce it has successfully executed the world's

More news about: Binance

Nov 30, 2023, 09:00 ET RARI Foundation launches RARI Chain on Arbitrum to guarantee creator royalties, taking a step further to build the future of NFT infrastructure

fostering the growth and expansion of NFT infrastructure and innovative use cases has officially unveiled the testnet for "RARI Chain", an EVM equivalent blockchain embedding royalties on the node level, powered by Arbitrum. The RARI Foundation closely collaborates with the RARI DAO which governs the Rarible

More news about: RARI Foundation; Arbitrum Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 08:41 ET JBB Advanced Technologies Teams with Premier Cybersecurity Specialists Silent Quadrant

Dallas-based holding company that innovates in the segments of clean renewable energy, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. Through our Research and Development Division, we are developing blockchain-based solutions for today's world, including one to integrate ever-increasing amounts of solar

More news about: JBB Advanced Technologies

Nov 30, 2023, 08:34 ET AdTech Holding's HackAdTech 2023: Unveiling the Success of Innovation and Collaboration

Place: vasilkoff team created a chatbot for social media advertising and costs optimization;3rd Place: POI team are the authors of blockchain-based payment solution for social media influencers and marketing agencies.Congratulations to the winners and see you at HackAdTech

More news about: AdTech Holding

Nov 30, 2023, 08:31 ET Epoch Garage+ Launches Its 2023 Open House for Must-See Startups in Taiwan

Japan, 2019. Received USD 4M investment. Produces digi-physical anime merchandise, leveraging AI, blockchain and XR. Currently collaborating with more than 50 Japanese anime/manga IPs, and featured in Toyo Keizai's "100 greatest startups". Innovative

More news about: Garage+

Nov 30, 2023, 08:30 ET Talos Teams up with Uniswap Labs and Fireblocks in Landmark Partnership to Bring DeFi Liquidity to Institutional Investors

client access to Uniswap is supported by Fireblocks, an enterprise platform to manage digital asset operations and build innovative businesses on the blockchain. "We are thrilled to be working with Uniswap Labs and Fireblocks to expand liquidity access for our institutional clients," said Anton

More news about: Talos Trading

Nov 30, 2023, 08:30 ET Talos Teams up with Uniswap Labs and Fireblocks in Landmark Partnership to Bring DeFi Liquidity to Institutional Investors

client access to Uniswap is supported by Fireblocks, an enterprise platform to manage digital asset operations and build innovative businesses on the blockchain. "We are thrilled to be working with Uniswap Labs and Fireblocks to expand liquidity access for our institutional clients," said Anton

More news about: Talos Trading

Nov 30, 2023, 08:09 ET ARPA Network Announces Launch of Randcast on Coinbase's Base: Propelling Multi-Ecosystem Advancement in On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds

source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast's tamper-proof randomness. Media ContactRyan

More news about: ARPA

Nov 30, 2023, 08:00 ET Binance Debuts 'Crypto Is Better' Content Series Highlighting User Journeys

/PRNewswire/ -- Binance, the leading global blockchain ecosystem behind the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, today announced a campaign '

More news about: Binance

Nov 30, 2023, 06:53 ET LABITCONF 2023: CoinEx se destaca como referência em criptomoedas na América Latina

CoinEx celebra o grande sucesso no encerramento da LABITCONF 2023, o principal evento de criptomoedas e blockchain na América Latina. Com um estande vibrante e discursos impactantes, a CoinEx se destacou como uma referência em inovação e compromisso com a comunidade

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 06:37 ET Bitget Wallet Integrates TON Mainnet, Prepares for TON and Telegram-Based Innovative Products

Bitget Wallet (formerly known as BitKeep Wallet), now supports TON (The Open Network). TON, a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain, was initially designed by the Telegram team and later advanced by the community.

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Nov 30, 2023, 06:26 ET Bitget Wallet Integrates TON Mainnet, Prepares for TON and Telegram-Based Innovative Products

Bitget Wallet (formerly known as BitKeep Wallet), now supports TON (The Open Network). TON, a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain, was initially designed by the Telegram team and later advanced by the community.

More news about: Bitget

Nov 30, 2023, 05:00 ET The9 Limited Raised US$12 million in a Private Placement Transaction to Fund Business Growth

Limited (The9) is an Internet company listed on Nasdaq in 2004. The9 aims to become a global diversified high-tech Internet company, and is engaged in blockchain business including the operation of cryptocurrency mining.

More news about: The9 Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 03:29 ET Finaliza la LABITCONF 2023: CoinEx se destaca como referente en criptomonedas en América Latina

CoinEx celebra el rotundo éxito en el cierre de LABITCONF 2023, el evento líder en criptomonedas y blockchain en América Latina. Con un stand vibrante y discursos impactantes, CoinEx se destacó como un referente en innovación y compromiso con la comunidad

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 03:27 ET Finaliza la LABITCONF 2023: CoinEx se destaca como referente en criptomonedas en América Latina

CoinEx celebra el rotundo éxito en el cierre de LABITCONF 2023, el evento líder en criptomonedas y blockchain en América Latina. Con un stand vibrante y discursos impactantes, CoinEx se destacó como un referente en innovación y compromiso con la comunidad

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 30, 2023, 01:53 ET Deloitte India partners with Ramco Systems to redefine the landscape of payroll transformation

delivery platform. On the innovation front Ramco is leveraging cutting edge technologies around Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, RPA and Blockchain, amongst the others, to help organizations embrace digital transformation. For more information, please visit

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 30, 2023, 01:36 ET Deloitte India partners with Ramco Systems to redefine the landscape of payroll transformation

delivery platform. On the innovation front Ramco is leveraging cutting edge technologies around Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, RPA and Blockchain, amongst the others, to help organizations embrace digital transformation. For more information, please visit

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 29, 2023, 23:00 ET Tech Mahindra Awarded Frost & Sullivan's 2023 Global Enabling Technology Leadership Award for Its Innovative Cognitive AI Field Service Management Solution

helping 1250+ global customers, including Fortune 500 companies. It is focused on leveraging next-generation technologies including 5G, Metaverse, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and more, to enable end-to-end digital transformation for global customers. It is the

More news about: Frost & Sullivan

Nov 29, 2023, 22:48 ET Tech Mahindra Awarded Frost & Sullivan's 2023 Global Enabling Technology Leadership Award for Its Innovative Cognitive AI Field Service Management Solution

helping 1250+ global customers, including Fortune 500 companies. It is focused on leveraging next-generation technologies including 5G, Metaverse, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and more, to enable end-to-end digital transformation for global customers. It is the

More news about: Frost & Sullivan

Nov 29, 2023, 21:34 ET Trust Wallet and Alchemy Pay Partner for Seamless Crypto Ramp Solutions

provide users with branded virtual and physical cards for instant global spending. ACH is the Alchemy Pay network token on the Ethereum blockchain. Website 

More news about: Alchemy Pay

Nov 29, 2023, 21:00 ET United States Metaverse Market Research Report 2023: Generations Z and Alpha Drive Metaverse Usage to New Heights - Competition, Forecasts and Opportunities to 2028

fundamentally designed to support this kind of blockchain-based metaverse networks. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as nonfungible tokens (NFTs) support metaverse platforms that allow blockchain technology to be utilized and users can create,

More news about: Research and Markets

Nov 29, 2023, 19:46 ET Fluent Economic Bridge Acquires ADGM License, Expands Operations to Colombia to Propel UAE Global Trade

ABU DHABI, UAE, Nov. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Blockchain startup Fluent Economic Bridge has officially received its Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) license, permitting Fluent to domicile and conduct operations within the United

More news about: Fluent Economic Bridge

Nov 29, 2023, 17:15 ET Non-fungible Token (NFT) Market size is set to grow by USD 113.93 billion from 2022-2027 | The increasing demand for digital art to drive the market growth - Technavio

market share growth is anticipated in the collectibles segment during the forecast period. NFT collectibles, limited or rare tokens minted on the blockchain, are unique and non-interchangeable. Companies like Funko Inc., Foundation, and Makerspace offer platforms for buying and selling these exclusive

More news about: Technavio

Nov 29, 2023, 15:12 ET 7th Edition of Fintech Abu Dhabi Explores Synergy Between Finance and Technology

included Blockchain, AI and Risk & Security. Blockchain Abu Dhabi presented in partnership with Circle discussed topics such as the quest to design stability for digital money, digital currencies of Central Banks improving digital asset infrastructure and the overall impact of blockchain and Web3

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Nov 29, 2023, 15:03 ET 7th Edition of Fintech Abu Dhabi Explores Synergy Between Finance and Technology

included Blockchain, AI and Risk & Security. Blockchain Abu Dhabi presented in partnership with Circle discussed topics such as the quest to design stability for digital money, digital currencies of Central Banks improving digital asset infrastructure and the overall impact of blockchain and Web3

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Nov 29, 2023, 14:58 ET Stasis intègre l'EURS sur le réseau Stellar

-- STASIS, pionnier de l'émission de stablecoins en euros et société à l'origine d'EURS, a récemment franchi une étape importante en s'intégrant à la blockchain Stellar. Cette intégration apporte au réseau Stellar une nouvelle version numérique de la deuxième monnaie la plus utilisée au monde, élargissant

More news about: The Stellar Development Foundation

Nov 29, 2023, 11:30 ET Die Zukunft der Blockchain entdecken: The Next Block Expo 2023 kehrt nach Berlin zurück

internationalen Veranstaltungen der Blockchain-Branche, kehrt vom 4. bis 5. Dezember 2023 nach Berlin zurück. Nach dem durchschlagenden Erfolg der ersten Veranstaltung im November 2022, an der 1.583 Blockchain-Experten aus 45 Ländern teilnahmen,

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 29, 2023, 11:28 ET Shy Datika, CEO of The INX Digital Company, Inc., Announces Further Share Acquisition

million. The INX Group is shaping the blockchain asset industry through its willingness to work in a regulated environment with oversight from regulators like the SEC and FINRA. In addition to operating two regulated trading platforms for blockchain assets, INX's interdealer broker, I.L.S.

More news about: The INX Digital Company, Inc.

Nov 29, 2023, 11:06 ET Unlocking the Future of Blockchain: The Next Block Expo 2023 Returns to Berlin

and expertise to the blockchain community, as well as its proactive engagement in shaping the future landscape of the cryptocurrency market. The Next Block Expo, a pivotal international event in the blockchain sector, is set to make

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Nov 29, 2023, 10:15 ET Global Privileged Access Management Markets, 2023-2028 with Fortinet, Beyond Trust, CyberArk, Broadcom, Imprivata, Optiv Securit, and ManageEngine Dominating

PamZero-Trust Security Model and PamIntegration of Cloud Technology in PamAdvancements in Pam with Behavioral AnalyticsBlockchain Technology Integrated with PamRegulatory Landscape Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard (Pci-Dss)Health

More news about: Research and Markets

Nov 29, 2023, 10:00 ET Paxos Receives In Principle Approvals from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority to Issue Stablecoins and Conduct Digital Asset Services from the Abu Dhabi Global Market

regulated blockchain platform in the world, meeting the highest operating standards in New York, Singapore and the ADGM. Walter Hessert, Paxos Head of Strategy, commented, "Blockchain technology

More news about: Paxos

Nov 29, 2023, 10:00 ET Hashgraph Application Studio Marks New Era in dApps Development with Community Growth and AI Integration

blockchain technology. By simplifying complex tasks such as Hedera Consensus Service (Topics), accounts creation, assets transfer, and tokens management,

More news about: Joget

Nov 29, 2023, 10:00 ET Hashgraph Application Studio Marks New Era in dApps Development with Community Growth and AI Integration

blockchain technology. By simplifying complex tasks such as Hedera Consensus Service (Topics), accounts creation, assets transfer, and tokens management,

More news about: Joget

Nov 29, 2023, 09:00 ET 'SERAPH: In The Darkness' Seeks to Enhance ARPG Experience by Launching on Arbitrum

gaming and blockchain technology. Arbitrum, with its advanced, game-friendly tech stack via Arbitrum One, and its growing games ecosystem, makes leading Layer 2 blockchain a natural selection to launch SERAPH which has already seen an incredible response from the blockchain gaming community.

More news about: Arbitrum Foundation; Seraph Studio

Nov 29, 2023, 09:00 ET BETS has mined over 120 BTC, and the second site is about to launch

Limited  Bit Brother Ltd is a multifaceted corporation with operations spanning business management in China and blockchain and cryptocurrency ventures in the United States. Within the U.S. jurisdiction, the company strategically

More news about: Bit Brother Limited

Nov 29, 2023, 08:15 ET Stasis Integrates EURS on the Stellar Network

trailblazer in issuing euro-backed stablecoins and the company behind EURS, has recently achieved a significant milestone by integrating with the Stellar blockchain. This integration brings a new digital version of the second-most widely used currency in the world to the Stellar network, broadening access to transparent

More news about: The Stellar Development Foundation

Nov 29, 2023, 08:15 ET Stasis Integrates EURS on the Stellar Network

trailblazer in issuing euro-backed stablecoins and the company behind EURS, has recently achieved a significant milestone by integrating with the Stellar blockchain. This integration brings a new digital version of the second-most widely used currency in the world to the Stellar network, broadening access to transparent

More news about: The Stellar Development Foundation

Nov 29, 2023, 08:00 ET AU10TIX to Accelerate Onboarding for 3.0 Verse Multi-Market Crypto Trade Routing Platform

aggregates multiple CeFi and DeFi exchanges, providing real-time prices, market analysis, news, information, and a robust data interface for blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it features a media channel (3.0 TV) and an educational platform (3.0 University). AU10TIX's

More news about: AU10TIX LIMITED

Nov 29, 2023, 04:23 ET CHREMA Launches Blockchain-Based Real World Asset Investment Platform

ownership of physical assets recorded on the blockchain - have recently gained attention. RWA tokens use blockchain technology to tokenize real-world assets like government bonds, stocks, and real estate. Tokenizing physical assets on the blockchain improves transparency by making issuance and

More news about: CRM Korea

Nov 29, 2023, 01:30 ET Die Tochtergesellschaft DeFi Technologies, Valour Inc. kündigt Pläne zur Einführung eines physisch hinterlegten ETP (Exchange Traded Product) für das Internet-Computer Protocol (ICP)-Token in Zusammenarbeit mit derDFINITY Foundation an

Marktzugänglichkeit für Kryptowährungen an traditionellen Börsen wie XETRA zu erweitern. Wegweisende Blockchain-Innovation: Das Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) ist eine Blockchain-Plattform, die entwickelt wurde, um die Funktionalität von Web3 zu erweitern. Mit einer signifikanten Marktkapitalisierung

More news about: DeFi Technologies Inc.

Nov 29, 2023, 01:30 ET DeFi Technologies' Subsidiary Valour Inc. Announces Plans to Launch a Physical Backed ETP for the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) Token in Collaboration with DFINITY Foundation

market accessibility for cryptocurrencies on traditional exchanges like XETRA. Pioneering Blockchain Innovation: The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a blockchain platform designed to extend the functionality of Web3. With a significant market capitalization of around

More news about: DeFi Technologies Inc.

Nov 28, 2023, 22:24 ET OKX Publishes 13th Consecutive Proof of Reserves (PoR) with USD14.5 Billion in Primary Assets, Over 1m Users View Reserves

its reserves, all while maintaining their privacy. OKX also recently received the highest quality rating among major exchanges from renowned blockchain expert Nic Carter, solidifying its position

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Nov 28, 2023, 22:13 ET OKX Publishes 13th Consecutive Proof of Reserves (PoR) with USD14.5 Billion in Primary Assets, Over 1m Users View Reserves

its reserves, all while maintaining their privacy. OKX also recently received the highest quality rating among major exchanges from renowned blockchain expert Nic Carter, solidifying its position

More news about: OKX


Zetrix to serve as a blockchain gateway that facilitates global trade by deploying critical building blocks for Web3 services such as Blockchain-based Identifiers (BID) and Verifiable Credentials (VC). About Xinghuo International Xinghuo BIF is a national blockchain infrastructure supported

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Nov 28, 2023, 20:08 ET SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On NuScale Power Corporation - SMR

its Carbon Free Power Project ("CFPP"), and (2) a contract with Standard Power, a company providing data center services for businesses focusing on blockchain mining and high-performance computing applications. Following publication of the Iceberg Report, NuScale's stock price fell $1.24

More news about: Pomerantz LLP


("Clara"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lucara, has developed a secure, digital sales platform that uses proprietary analytics together with cloud and blockchain technologies to modernize the existing diamond supply chain, driving efficiencies, unlocking value and ensuring diamond provenance from mine to finger. 

More news about: Lucara Diamond Corp.

Nov 28, 2023, 19:32 ET FORE Predict Brings Decentralized Validation to Prediction Markets

the occurrence of events and record them to the blockchain in a transparent and immutable way, acting as a collective source of truth to minimize the influence of any single entity or individual. Validators then upload this information to the blockchain, where transparency creates a strong incentive for

More news about: FORE Protocol

Nov 28, 2023, 19:02 ET FORE Predict Brings Decentralized Validation to Prediction Markets

the occurrence of events and record them to the blockchain in a transparent and immutable way, acting as a collective source of truth to minimize the influence of any single entity or individual. Validators then upload this information to the blockchain, where transparency creates a strong incentive for

More news about: FORE Protocol

Nov 28, 2023, 15:00 ET Ledger et YouHodler SA annoncent un partenariat stratégique pour étendre les services de Ledger Live

redéfinir le paysage de la gestion des actifs numériques, en offrant une passerelle entre différents services financiers dans le monde innovant de la blockchain et des crypto-monnaies. À propos de YouHodler : YouHodler est une plateforme Web3 basée en Suisse

More news about: YouHodler

Nov 28, 2023, 14:49 ET Ledger e YouHodler SA annunciano un accordo strategico per promuovere l'espansione dei servizi di Ledger Live

ridefinire il panorama della gestione degli asset digitali, colmando il divario tra i diversi servizi finanziari all'interno dell'ambiente innovativo di blockchain e criptovalute. Informazioni su YouHodler:YouHodler è una piattaforma Web3 con sede in Svizzera che si dedica a offrire soluzioni

More news about: YouHodler

Nov 28, 2023, 14:46 ET DeFi Technologies' Subsidiary Valour Inc. Announces Plans to Launch a Physical Backed ETP for the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) Token in Collaboration with DFINITY Foundation

market accessibility for cryptocurrencies on traditional exchanges like XETRA.Pioneering Blockchain Innovation: The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a blockchain platform designed to extend the functionality of Web3. With a significant market capitalization of around

More news about: DeFi Technologies Inc.

Nov 28, 2023, 14:00 ET Jack Dorsey Leads Seed Round in Support of OCEAN'S Mission to Decentralize Bitcoin Mining Globally - Announces Launch at Future of Bitcoin Mining Conference

extent possible. Pools have become trusted third parties whose permission we have required for activating soft forks and deciding what gets into the blockchain in addition to taking custody of all newly generated coins." "By offering transparency and a mechanism for miners to be paid directly by bitcoin

More news about: Mummolin Inc

Nov 28, 2023, 12:00 ET Chainlink Staking v0.2 Is Now Live

institutions, startups, and developers worldwide with access to real-world data, offchain computation, and secure cross-chain interoperability across any blockchain. Chainlink powers verifiable applications and high-integrity markets for banking, DeFi, global trade, gaming, and other major sectors.

More news about: Chainlink

Nov 28, 2023, 11:45 ET Global Air Cargo Market Size, Trends and Forecasts to 2028 - Profiles of Leading Players Cathay Pacific Airways, DHL, FedEx, UPS, Qatar Airways, Emirates Group and More

volumes and revenue. Trends: The market is projected to grow at a fast pace during the forecasted period, due to increasing adoption of blockchain technology, escalating focus on supply chain optimization, growing emphasis on reduction of perishable product waste and spoilage, ongoing technological

More news about: Research and Markets

Nov 28, 2023, 11:27 ET Crypto Watchers Eye TG.Casino ($TGC) to Steal GameFi Coin Crown After it Powers Past $3m in ICO

suited for gaming and gambling. Decentralized networks are more efficient and cheaper to run than legacy systems. Blockchain technology also provides the transparency and security to guarantee that all games are provably fair. Deposits and withdrawals are instant as well.

More news about: TG.Casino

Nov 28, 2023, 10:30 ET Global eHealth Market Set to Hit $272.54 Bn by 2030, Growing at 14.84% CAGR, Driven by Rising Adoption of Digital Technology, States Kings Research

Progress Based on technology, the market is classified into artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML), internet of things (IoT), blockchain, big data analytics, cloud computing, and others. The Internet of Things (IoT) segment led the eHealth market in 2022, capturing the largest

More news about: Kings Research

Nov 28, 2023, 10:15 ET Telecom API Market worth $664.9 billion by 2028 - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™

applications, the greater usage of AI and machine learning, and an emphasis on security and privacy will impact the telecom API industry in the future. RCS, blockchain integration, and creative API monetization techniques might all expand in the market, and customization choices and developer ecosystem expansion

More news about: MarketsandMarkets

Nov 28, 2023, 10:10 ET Artificial Intelligence in BFSI Market to Reach $ 368.6 Billion, Globally, by 2032 at 32.5%% CAGR: Allied Market Research

intelligence in BFSI usage, are some of the factors that limit the artificial intelligence in BFSI market growth. Conversely, utilization of chatbots, blockchain, and other services is expected to improve consumer engagements which fuel the growth of the market. Report coverage & details:

More news about: Allied Market Research

Nov 28, 2023, 09:17 ET THR33S Basketball Event Brings Hoops Culture To Miami

company founded by Super Bowl Champion and former Denver Broncos player, Jordan Norwood. The Aces Collective infuses blockchain technology, sports, music, art, and culture to create immersive, one-of-a-kind experiences. They also own a stake in BIG3 Power. To learn more about

More news about: Aces Collective

Nov 28, 2023, 09:00 ET Fireblocks Launches Off Exchange, the First Solution to Truly Mitigate Exchange Counterparty Risk, with Deribit as First Live Exchange Integration

Fireblocks – a platform to manage digital asset operations and securely build blockchain-based products – announced the launch of Fireblocks Off Exchange, the first and only solution that truly eliminates exchange counterparty risk. Off

More news about: Fireblocks

Nov 28, 2023, 07:00 ET GameOn Receives Grant Funding From The Arbitrum Foundation

support and grow the Arbitrum network and its community while remaining at the forefront of blockchain adoption. Separate from the Foundation grant program, Arbitrum DAO (the token holders governing the blockchain) periodically launches large-scale grant initiatives such as the recent

More news about: GameOn Entertainment Technologies Inc.

Nov 28, 2023, 06:45 ET SMX Announces Planned Launch of World's First Plastic Cycle Token

raw materials in consumer products and packaging, promoting efficient recycling and reuse. It comprises a chemical marker, reader technology, and blockchain data storage, facilitating a global system for grading and certifying plastic recycled content. Footnotes: OECD, Global

More news about: SMX

Nov 28, 2023, 06:41 ET LBank Labs Winter Bootcamp 2024: The Epicenter of Blockchain Innovation

secure your place in this exclusive blockchain journey. This is a call to sponsors and participants alike to be part of this transformative event. Apply Now! Ignite the Future of Blockchain!  Eager to dive into the vibrant world of blockchain and Web3? Click

More news about: LBank Labs

Nov 28, 2023, 05:21 ET Rad Announces Significant Follow-on Funding from Ayre Ventures & Launch of Video Publishing on BSV Blockchain

About BSV Blockchain One Blockchain for Everyone. The BSV Association leads the BSV Blockchain for Enterprise and Government initiatives. This Switzerland-based global non-profit industry organisation supports the use of the BSV blockchain. The BSV Blockchain

More news about: BSV Blockchain

Nov 28, 2023, 03:00 ET Ledger and YouHodler SA Announce Strategic Partnership to Expand Ledger Live Services

set to redefine the landscape of digital asset management, offering a bridge between different financial services within the innovative world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. About YouHodler:YouHodler is a Swiss-based Web3 platform providing innovative fintech solutions that

More news about: YouHodler

Nov 28, 2023, 03:00 ET Ledger und YouHodler SA kündigen strategische Partnerschaft zur Erweiterung der Ledger Live Services an

der digitalen Vermögensverwaltung neu definieren und eine Brücke zwischen verschiedenen Finanzdienstleistungen innerhalb der innovativen Welt der Blockchain und Kryptowährungen schlagen. Informationen zu YouHodler:YouHodler ist eine in der Schweiz ansässige Web3-Plattform, die innovative

More news about: YouHodler

Nov 28, 2023, 03:00 ET Ledger y YouHodler SA anuncian una asociación estratégica para ampliar los servicios de Ledger Live

redefinir el panorama de la gestión de activos digitales, ofreciendo un puente entre diferentes servicios financieros dentro del mundo innovador de blockchain y criptomonedas. Acerca de YouHodler:YouHodler es una plataforma Web3 con sede en Suiza que ofrece soluciones fintech innovadoras

More news about: YouHodler

Nov 28, 2023, 02:00 ET SIX Digital Exchange and DLT Finance Partner to Offer End-to-End Crypto Trading and Custody for Institutional Clients

digital assets custody and infrastructure services for institutional clients who aim to scale their business by providing efficient access to public blockchain infrastructure. About DLT Finance DLT Finance is

More news about: SDX (SIX Digital Exchange)

Nov 28, 2023, 00:26 ET The Global Data Ecosystem Conference 2023 Kicks Off: The World's Leading Data Industry Leaders Eye New Development Opportunities

Data Exchange, Western China Data Exchange, and Northern China Big Data Exchange. These organizations have set up consensus nodes in a consortium blockchain network, enabling deep collaboration in the build of the data ecosystem. Additional institutions such as the Zhengzhou Data Exchange Center, Hunan

More news about: Shanghai Data Exchange

Nov 28, 2023, 00:21 ET Finance Minister and Minister of State for Electronics & IT Unveil the next chapter of India's Technological transformation at DATE 2023

Tech leaders & Startup Founders, and 100+ exhibitors & partners showcasing innovation across various domains like artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, drones, data analytics, digital marketing, electric mobility, egaming, fintech, generative ai, hyper computing, IoT, metaverse, robotics,

More news about: Trescon

Nov 27, 2023, 17:30 ET Akemona Technologies Unveils Akemona-OnchainTA Release 29, Elevating Digital Securities Management

actions like stock splits, reverse stock splits, buybacks, and dividend distribution. One of the platform's distinguishing features is its blockchain-agnostic nature. Compatible with permissioned and permissionless blockchains, the Akemona platform enables financial institutions to efficiently

More news about: Akemona, Inc.

Nov 27, 2023, 11:00 ET Metaverse Market Size to Worth USD 3,118.67 Billion by 2032

of digital education, a pattern that is anticipated to continue. Market Dynamics Driver: Integration of Blockchain Technology Blockchain technology is transforming the metaverse's structure by offering a decentralized framework for the secure ownership

More news about: Precedence Research

Nov 27, 2023, 10:00 ET Magic Eden Tests NFT-Focused Cross-Chain Wallet in Beta

cross-chain NFT platform, building a user-friendly platform for minting and collecting NFTs. Magic Eden brings dynamic cultural moments onto the blockchain, empowering users across thousands of digital communities to create, discover and collect unique NFTs. To date, the platform has facilitated over

More news about: Magic Eden

Nov 27, 2023, 09:59 ET Wirex Announces Winners of the 2023 Rising Women in Crypto Power List

SandboxBridget Greenwood, Founder of The Bigger Pie, Co-founder of 200Bn ClubCaterina Ferrara, Senior Blockchain Consultant & Analyst at AlmavivACharmaine Short, Operational Test Manager at Fnality

More news about: Wirex

Nov 27, 2023, 08:32 ET EMURGO Announces Partnership with Institute of Blockchain to Expand Web3 Education Offerings

an educational partnership with Institute of Blockchain® Ltd ("IBS") to further expand its catalog of blockchain education courses and credential new blockchain professionals. Via this partnership, EMURGO and IBS will organize and co-host blockchain education programs including in-person workshops,

More news about: EMURGO

Nov 27, 2023, 08:00 ET BDM DIGITAL: a revolutionary cryptoasset with immediate practical effects

highlight that the BDM DIGITAL blockchain is a 100% national platform. But after all, what is "blockchain"? In simple terms, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows for the secure and transparent storage of information. BDM DIGITAL's Blockchain acts as an immutable "ledger",

More news about: BDM DIGITAL

Nov 27, 2023, 07:43 ET BAE'de MENA'nın En Büyük Hackathon'u: Web3'ü Geliştiren Buluşlarıyla Üç Kazanan

hackathon'un son aşamasında GameFi, merkezi olmayan finans (DeFi), Web3 altyapısı, Web3 eğitimi için NFT'ler ve sürdürülebilir blockchain çözümleri dahil olmak üzere çeşitli blockchain alanlarındaki çığır açan yeniliklerini sergiledi. Yarışma, en üst sıralarda yer alan üç öne çıkan projeyle sonuçlandı.

More news about: Bybit

Nov 27, 2023, 05:59 ET Kabuni announces Web3 learning platform 'Kabuni Wizard' and Learn-To-Earn Cryptocurrency 'Kabuni Coin'

solution for the education system that needs help to keep pace with rapid advancements seen in other industries. Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and blockchain technology, the platform nurtures an active learning environment regardless of geographic location. "Educational technology expanded significantly

More news about: Kabuni

Nov 27, 2023, 01:53 ET Cross-border Payments Market to Reach $356.5 billion, Globally, by 2032 at 7.3% CAGR: Allied Market Research

attracting businesses and consumers seeking alternatives to traditional banking channels. Furthermore, the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology for cross-border payments has introduced new possibilities. Blockchain's decentralized and secure nature can improve transparency

More news about: Allied Market Research