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Displaying Results 2926-2950 of 4551 "blockchain"

Dec 01, 2023, 19:00 ET Global Smart Water Meters Strategic Analysis Report 2023-2030 - Rise of Smart Cities and Focus on Efficient Management of Water Resources Opens Up Opportunities

IndustryIntegrated Digital Water Meters Find Increased AcceptanceCloud Computing Transforms Smart Water Metering MarketBlockchain Technology for Smart Water MetersAI Makes a Mark in Water Management and Smart MeteringBig Data Analytics to Provide Actionable

More news about: Research and Markets

Dec 01, 2023, 11:45 ET US Identity Verification Market Outlook Report to 2028- Trulioo and MasterCard are Leading the Market

fortify market stature in the US, while compliance with evolving regulations remains an enduring market catalyst. The integration of AI, ML, and blockchain technologies is anticipated to redefine fraud detection and identity assurance standards across the industry. Companies Profiled

More news about: Research and Markets

Dec 01, 2023, 10:00 ET Algorand Foundation Announces Strategic Investment in Digital Payment Platform, HesabPay

Algorand Impact Summit in New Delhi, where business leaders, policymakers, NGOs, and developers convened to discuss how blockchain can be part of the solution to the world's most intractable challenges.

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Dec 01, 2023, 09:00 ET BETS Announces Purchase of 3300 units of S19 Miners

Limited Bit Brother Ltd is a multifaceted corporation with operations spanning business management in China and blockchain and cryptocurrency ventures in the United States. Within the U.S. jurisdiction, the company strategically

More news about: Bit Brother Limited

Dec 01, 2023, 08:05 ET Compass UOL offers financial institutions new Gen AI solutions with AWS Financial Services Competency

technology talent training program, Compass Academy, was also key for obtaining the AWS Financial Solutions Competency. The training focused on blockchain, Open Finance, and Data & Analytics, among other courses, preparing professionals to accelerate software engineering in the financial services

More news about: Compass UOL

Dec 01, 2023, 00:50 ET W ZEA dobiega końca największy hackathon regionu MENA: trójka zwycięzców wyróżniona za nowatorskie rozwiązania udoskonalające Web3

zespołów, prezentując przełomowe innowacje w różnych dziedzinach technologii blockchain, w tym GameFi, zdecentralizowanych finansach (DeFi), NFT na potrzeby edukacji w zakresie Web3 czy zrównoważonych rozwiązaniach blockchain. Na koniec wybrano trzy najlepsze projekty. Wśród nagrodzonych znalazły

More news about: Bybit

Nov 30, 2023, 23:05 ET Deloitte Inde s'associe à Ramco Systems pour redéfinir le paysage de la transformation de la paie

technologies de pointe telles que l'intelligence artificielle, l'apprentissage automatique, l'automatisation des processus par la robotique et la blockchain, entre autres, pour aider les entreprises à adopter la transformation numérique. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur 

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 30, 2023, 22:50 ET Deloitte India schließt Partnerschaft mit Ramco Systems, um die Landschaft der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung neu zu definieren

Unternehmensanwendungen. An der Innovationsfront setzt Ramco unter anderem auf Spitzentechnologien wie künstliche Intelligenz, maschinelles Lernen, RPA und Blockchain, um Unternehmen bei der digitalen Transformation zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter 

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 30, 2023, 22:44 ET Deloitte India se asocia con Ramco Systems para redefinir el panorama de la transformación de la nómina

el frente de la innovación, Ramco está aprovechando tecnologías de vanguardia en torno a inteligencia artificial, aprendizaje automático, RPA y Blockchain, entre otras, para ayudar a las organizaciones a adoptar la transformación digital. Si desea más información visite la página web 

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 30, 2023, 22:39 ET Bybit i DMCC Crypto Centre ogłaszają dziesięciu finalistów hackatonu Web3 Unleashed: Crypto Innovation Challenge

dziesięć wyróżniających się pod względem przełomowych osiągnięć w różnych sektorach branży blockchain, w dziedzinie GameFi, finansów zdecentralizowanych (DeFi), NFT i zrównoważonych rozwiązań blockchain. Swoje prace przedstawią one podczas prezentacji 22 listopada. Zespół EVA.IO jest pierwszym,

More news about: Bybit

Nov 30, 2023, 22:17 ET Deloitte India se asocia con Ramco Systems para redefinir el panorama de la transformación de las nóminas

En el ámbito de la innovación, Ramco aprovecha tecnologías de vanguardia en torno a la inteligencia artificial, el aprendizaje automático, RPA y blockchain, entre otras, para ayudar a las organizaciones a abordar la transformación digital. Visite

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 30, 2023, 18:00 ET Global Biometrics Strategic Market Analysis Report, 2022 and 2023-2030: Next-Generation Biometric Technologies to Transform Market Landscape

Identity Authentication Address Concerns with Contact BiometricsCloud Solutions Boost Adoption of Iris Recognition TechnologiesBlockchain & Iris Recognition Opens Opportunities for Identity Verification in Various IndustriesTechnology Developments to Transform the Iris

More news about: Research and Markets


("Clara"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lucara, has developed a secure, digital sales platform that uses proprietary analytics together with cloud and blockchain technologies to modernize the existing diamond supply chain, driving efficiencies, unlocking value and ensuring diamond provenance from mine to finger. 

More news about: Lucara Diamond Corp.

Nov 30, 2023, 15:40 ET Deloitte Índia fecha parceria com a Ramco Systems para redefinir o cenário da transformação de folhas de pagamento

Ramco está alavancando tecnologias de ponta em torno de inteligência artificial, aprendizado de máquina, RPA (automação robótica de processos) e blockchain, entre outros, para ajudar as organizações a abraçarem a transformação digital. Para mais informações, acesse 

More news about: Ramco Systems

Nov 30, 2023, 14:58 ET La 7e édition de Fintech Abu Dhabi explore la synergie entre la finance et la technologie

général de VaynerX. Les forums uniques en leur genre présentés lors de Fintech Abu Dhabi concernaient, entre autres, la blockchain, l'IA et le risque et la sécurité. Blockchain Abu Dhabi a présenté en partenariat avec Circle des sujets tels que la recherche de stabilité pour la monnaie numérique, les

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)


serves as Phillips Lytle's Data Privacy and Cybersecurity practice team leader, e-Discovery practice team leader, and Cryptocurrency and Blockchain practice team co-leader. 

More news about: Phillips Lytle LLP

Nov 30, 2023, 13:50 ET 第7屆 Fintech Abu Dhabi 探討金融與科技間的協同作用

主席兼行政總裁 Gary Vaynerchuk 題為《尋找創業心態》的討論。 Fintech Abu Dhabi 期間還舉辦了別開生面的論壇,主題涵蓋了區塊鏈、人工智能,以及風險與安全。與 Circle 合作舉辦的 Blockchain Abu Dhabi 論壇討論的主題包括:數位貨幣穩定性設計的探索、中央銀行數位貨幣改善數位資產基礎設施,以及區塊鏈和 Web3 對金融業的整體影響。AI Abu Dhabi 論壇是与萬事達卡聯合主辦的,而 Risk 4.0 的聯合主辦方則是反洗錢和反恐融資執行委員會。 活動期間,ADGM

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Nov 30, 2023, 13:45 ET Global Video Games Analysis Report 2023: The More the Merrier Social Gaming Trends Storms Into the Spotlight - Forecasts to 2030

for Years 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2027Blockchain Emerges to Change the Gaming LandscapeFrom Securing In-Game Transactions to Enhancing the Gaming Experience, Blockchain is Here to Revolutionize the Gaming Industry: Global Spending on Blockchain in the Media & Entertainment Industry (In

More news about: Research and Markets

Nov 30, 2023, 13:11 ET Le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement s'associe à Algorand pour lancer une académie de la blockchain

développer l'écosystème de la blockchain de couche 1 la plus avancée, la plus sûre et la plus fiable au monde, afin de lancer une académie de la blockchain qui fournira au personnel du PNUD des connaissances et des idées sur les applications de la technologie de la blockchain. L'annonce a été faite aujourd'hui

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 13:08 ET Ontwikkelingsprogramma van de Verenigde Naties slaat de handen ineen met Algorand voor de lancering van een Blockchain Academy

het ecosysteem voor 's werelds meest geavanceerde, veilige en betrouwbare laag-1-blockchain, om een Blockchain Academy te lanceren om UNDP-personeel te voorzien van kennis en inzichten in de toepassingen van blockchain-technologie. De bekendmaking werd vandaag gedaan op het podium van de 

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 12:00 ET Magic Eden Marketplace Integrated into 'Honeyland' Enabling Native Token Transactions

/PRNewswire/ -- Magic Eden, the leading cross-chain NFT platform, today announced the integration of its marketplace directly into Honeyland, a mobile-first blockchain strategy game that blends traditional web2 gaming fundamentals with a seamless web3 onboarding experience. The collaboration aims to simplify the

More news about: Magic Eden

Nov 30, 2023, 11:47 ET Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento fecha parceria com a Algorand para lançar uma academia de blockchain

focada no crescimento do ecossistema de blockchain de camada 1 mais avançada, segura e confiável do mundo, para lançar uma academia de blockchain a fim de fornecer aos funcionários do PNUD conhecimento e informações sobre as aplicações da tecnologia de blockchain. O anúncio foi feito hoje no palco do

More news about: Algorand Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 11:26 ET Stasis integriert EURS in das Stellar Network

Euro-Stablecoins und das Unternehmen hinter EURS, hat in jüngster Vergangenheit einen wichtigen Meilenstein erreicht, indem es die Integration mit der Stellar-Blockchain vollzogen hat. Diese Integration bringt eine neue digitale Version der zweithäufigsten Währung der Welt in das Stellar Network und erweitert den

More news about: The Stellar Development Foundation

Nov 30, 2023, 11:23 ET 7. Ausgabe der Fintech Abu Dhabi untersucht Synergie zwischen Finanzwesen und Technologie

und Geschäftsführer von VaynerX. Blockchain, künstliche Intelligenz sowie Risiko- und Sicherheitsaspekte waren die Themen der einzigartigen Foren, die während der Fintech Abu Dhabi präsentiert wurden. Die in Partnerschaft mit Circle präsentierte Blockchain Abu Dhabi behandelte Themen wie die Suche

More news about: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Nov 30, 2023, 10:48 ET Assurer l'avenir de la chaîne de la blockchain : le salon Next Block Expo 2023 est de retour à Berlin

expertise précieuses à la communauté de la blockchain, ainsi que son engagement proactif à façonner le futur environnement du marché des cryptomonnaies. Le salon Next Block Expo, un événement international central au sein du secteur de la blockchain, fera un retour triomphal à Berlin

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited