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Feb 08, 2024, 02:17 ET Bitget Introduced Proof of Reserves (POR) Report of February 2024
Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary
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Feb 08, 2024, 02:03 ET Bitget Introduced Proof of Reserves (POR) Report of February 2024
world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners,
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Feb 07, 2024, 12:00 ET 'Ascent to the Shards' Playtest Welcomes Players into the Highly-Anticipated TCG-RPG Hybrid Beginning February 21
Immutable, the leading web3 gaming company, Immutable Games has pioneered the world's first blockbuster NFT trading-card game Gods Unchained and is currently building the highly anticipated mobile RPG Guild of Guardians. Alongside its own high-quality
More news about: Immutable Games Studio
Feb 07, 2024, 07:00 ET OKX Genişliyor: Kripto Borsası ve Web3 Cüzdan Arjantin'de Kullanıma Giriyor
alım satımı, stake ve derin likidite için en güvenilir platformlardan biri olarak öne çıkıyor. Kullanıcı dostu arayüzüyle DeFi uygulamalarını yönetmek, NFT alıp satmak ve DApp'leri kullanmak ve daha pek çok işlem yapmak için güvenli bir portal sunan gözetimsiz (non-custodial) OKX Web3 Cüzdan da artık Arjantinliler
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Feb 07, 2024, 07:00 ET Expansión de OKX: lanzamiento del exchange de criptos y billetera Web3 en Argentina
usuarios argentinos ahora también podrán usar la billetera de autocustodia OKX Web3, un portal seguro para administrar protocolos DeFi, hacer trading de NFT, usar dapps entre múltiples productos disponibles a través de su interfaz intuitiva y sencilla de usar. El producto P2P (persona a persona en
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Feb 06, 2024, 17:20 ET Artprice comenta o lançamento do fundo de investimento FrenchArtFund, regulamentado pela AMF
Artmarket, líder mundial em informações sobre o mercado de arte, definiu para si a ambição, mediante seu Global Standardized Marketplace, de ser a plataforma NFT de Belas Artes líder mundial. A Artprice Images® permite acesso ilimitado ao maior banco de imagens do mercado de arte do mundo: Nada menos que
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Feb 06, 2024, 17:10 ET Artprice commenta il lancio del fondo d'investimento FrenchArtFund, regolamentato dalla AMF
dell'informazione sul mercato dell'arte, ha come ambizione quella di diventare, mediante il suo Global Standardized Marketplace, la più grande piattaforma di NFT d'arte. Artprice Images® consente l'accesso illimitato alla più grande banca immagini al mondo dedicata al Mercato dell'Arte: non meno di 180
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Feb 06, 2024, 15:44 ET Artprice kommentiert die Einführung des Investmentfonds FrenchArtFund, der von der AMF reguliert wird\
Weltmarktführer für Informationen über den Kunstmarkt, hat sich vorgenommen, mit seinem Global Standardized Marketplace die weltweit führende Fine Art NFT-Plattform zu werden. Artprice Images® bietet unbegrenzten Zugriff auf die größte Kunstmarkt-Bilddatenbank der Welt: nicht weniger als 180 Millionen
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Feb 06, 2024, 04:08 ET Artprice comenta el lanzamiento del fondo de inversión FrenchArtFund, regulado por la AMF
líder mundial en información sobre el mercado del arte, se ha fijado la ambición, a través de su Mercado Global Estandarizado, de ser la plataforma de NFT de Bellas Artes de referencia en el mundo. Artprice Images® permite acceder de forma ilimitada al mayor banco de imágenes del mercado del arte
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Feb 05, 2024, 10:00 ET 9VRSE, Inc. Advances Digital Ownership with Arbitrum Foundation Grant for KittyKart Game Development
Ethereum—and 9VRSE, Inc., the creators of the Kitty Inu IP. The game will introduce an in-game marketplace where players can earn, customize, and trade NFT assets using a wrapped version of the ERC20 Kitty Inu DAO governance token, KITTY, that will be launching on Arbitrum One. About 9VRSE, Inc.:9VRSE,
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Feb 05, 2024, 07:09 ET Bitget Wallet Welcomes Alvin Kan, Former Senior Executive at BNB Chain, as New COO
multi-chain DEXs, NFT marketplaces, and diverse protocols. This evolution has broadened the scope and redefined what it means to serve a Web3 wallet in today's context, elevating them to comprehensive Web3 gateways that encompass asset management, Swap transactions, inscriptions, NFT minting, and interactions
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Feb 05, 2024, 07:01 ET Bitget Wallet Welcomes Alvin Kan, Former Senior Executive at BNB Chain, as New COO
multi-chain DEXs, NFT marketplaces, and diverse protocols. This evolution has broadened the scope and redefined what it means to serve a Web3 wallet in today's context, elevating them to comprehensive Web3 gateways that encompass asset management, Swap transactions, inscriptions, NFT minting, and interactions
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Feb 05, 2024, 01:45 ET Artprice comments launch of FrenchArtFund investment fund, regulated by the AMF
leader in information on the art market, has set itself the ambition through its Global Standardized Marketplace to be the world's leading Fine Art NFT platform. Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank in the world: no less than 180 million digital images
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Feb 05, 2024, 01:45 ET Artprice comments launch of FrenchArtFund investment fund, regulated by the AMF
leader in information on the art market, has set itself the ambition through its Global Standardized Marketplace to be the world's leading Fine Art NFT platform. Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank in the world: no less than 180 million digital images
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Feb 04, 2024, 22:00 ET A Million-Dollar Airdrop Event for Celebrating Live4Well's first 150,000 Users Downloads In the First Month of launching.
with the official launch of the $LV token expected in the fourth quarter of 2024. In conjunction with this, the platform's bespoke non-fungible token (NFT), "Vitizen", and an additional token,
More news about: GYMetaverse
Feb 04, 2024, 22:00 ET A Million-Dollar Airdrop Event for Celebrating Live4Well's first 150,000 Users Downloads In the First Month of launching.
official launch of the $LV token expected in the fourth quarter of 2024. In conjunction with this, the platform's bespoke non-fungible token (NFT), "Vitizen", and an additional token,
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Feb 02, 2024, 09:15 ET Metavesco Announces Stock Buyback Program
facilities in TX, KY and IA. The company also invests in promising NFT projects and virtual land including OthersideMeta. Through its wholly owned subsidiary, the Company operates Boring Brew, a specialty coffee company utilizing owned and licensed NFT IP as unique packaging. Safe Harbor Statement This
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Feb 01, 2024, 11:40 ET Bybit Web3 ve spolupráci s LightCycle přináší nezapomenutelný virtuální zážitek - virtuální koncert Robbieho Williamse k 25. výročí zahájení kariéry
objemu, revoluci v prostředí Web3 v podobě nevšední oslavy 25. výročí zahájení kariéry Robbieho Williamse. Společnost Bybit Web3 je oficiálním partnerem NFT Marketplace pro nadcházející virtuální koncert Robbie Williams Beyond Reality in LightCycle – A Virtual Music Experience, který přináší společnost
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Feb 01, 2024, 10:05 ET Bybit Web3 и LightCycle -- виртуальный концерт в честь 25-летнего юбилея Р. Уильямса
фурор в среде Web3, устроив необычное празднование 25-летнего творческого юбилея певца. Bybit Web3 является официальным партнером торговой площадки NFT на предстоящем виртуальном концерте «Робби Уильямс за гранью реальности в метавселенной LightCycle — виртуальное музыкальное шоу» (Robbie Williams
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Feb 01, 2024, 10:05 ET Bybit Web3 ve LightCycle İş Birliğiyle Unutulmaz Bir Sanal Deneyim: Robbie Williams'ın 25. Yıl Sanal Konseri
özel resmi NFT pazarı haline gelerek eğlence endüstrisinde yeni bir standart belirliyor. İşte Bybit'in LightCycle ile iş birliğinin getireceği 3 Web3 yeniliği Hatıra eşyası, konser bileti ve metaverse pasaportunu açıp birleştirmek : Dünyanın en büyük NFT pazarlarından
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Feb 01, 2024, 10:04 ET Bybit Web3 associé à LightCycle présente cette expérience virtuelle inoubliable - Concert virtuel pour fêter les 25 ans de carrière de Robbie Williams
Web3 avec une célébration extraordinaire commémorant les 25 ans de carrière de Robbie Williams. Bybit Web3 est le partenaire officiel de la marketplace NFT pour le prochain concert virtuel - « Robbie Williams Beyond Reality in LightCycle - A Virtual Music Experience », présenté par LightCycle.
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Feb 01, 2024, 09:35 ET Bybit Web3 i LightCycle prezentują niezapomniane widowisko w wirtualnej rzeczywistości - koncert Robbiego Williamsa z okazji 25-lecia obecności piosenkarza na scenie
scenie. Jest to efekt przełomowej współpracy Bybit z Hape2.0-LightCycle, oficjalnym partnerem wydarzenia. Bybit Web3 jest oficjalnym partnerem NFT koncertu - Official NFT Marketplace Partner. Oficjalny tytuł wydarzenia organizowanego przez LightCycle to "Robbie Williams Beyond Reality in LightCycle
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Feb 01, 2024, 09:27 ET Bybit Web3 v spolupráci s LightCycle prináša nezabudnuteľný virtuálny zážitok - Virtuálny koncert Robbieho Williamsa k 25. výročiu
výročiu, revolúciu do prostredia Web3 mimoriadnou oslavou pri príležitosti 25. výročia Robbieho Williamsa. Bybit Web3 je oficiálnym partnerom trhoviska NFT pre nadchádzajúci virtuálny koncert – „Robbie Williams za hranicami reality v LightCycle – virtuálny hudobný zážitok,"
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Feb 01, 2024, 09:00 ET VAYK Updates Business Strategy to Concentrate On $64 Billion Domestic Short-Term Rental Market
short-term rental investment. It will also utilize blockchain technology, including cryptocurrency and non-fungible token (NFT) technology to facilitate investment and operation of short-term rental properties. The company plans to communicate more details regarding its
More news about: Vaycaychella, Inc.
Feb 01, 2024, 08:00 ET Alpha Technology Group Limited Reports 2023 Financial Year Results
(ii) the increase in revenue from NFT-related services resulting from our engagement of two NFT projects in 2023, which involved creating an NFT marketplace, developing NFT-related artworks, building an NFT minting site, and preparing a proposal in relation to an NFT-related game; and (iii) the increase
More news about: Alpha Technology Group Limited