News Search Results
Jun 14, 2024, 10:45 ET Gacha Games Market Size to Grow USD 781.5 Million by 2030 at a CAGR of 8.5% | Valuates Reports
Play-to-Earn NFT Games Market revenue was USD 755 Million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD
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Jun 14, 2024, 10:42 ET CIHA Lyon 2024 - Frankreich. Artprice ist aktiver Sponsor des Internationalen Kongresses für Kunstgeschichte (CIHA), an dem in diesem Jahr weit über tausend Forscher aus über 70 Ländern teilnehmen werden (23. bis 28. Juni)
führende Anbieter von Informationen über den Kunstmarkt, hat sich mit seinem Global Standardized Marketplace zum Ziel gesetzt, die weltweit führende NFT-Plattform für bildende Kunst zu werden. Artprice Images® gewährt unbegrenzten Zugriff auf die weltweit größte Bilder-Datenbank des Kunstmarktes.
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Jun 14, 2024, 08:47 ET Movement Labs 宣布展開「奧林匹斯之戰」黑客馬拉松以加速生態系統發展
Movement Labs 的開發網絡和測試網絡上開創和建立突破性的應用程式。 黑客馬拉松採用遊戲化結構,參與者隨著進步獲得積分和獎勵。為奧林匹斯之戰引入的五個獨特公會之一,Masons 公會中的開發人員,可以建立各類別的創新 dApp,包括 DeFi、遊戲、社交工具、基礎架構和 NFT。 要參加 Masons 公會,開發人員可以組成最多 4 名成員的團隊,並在官方黑客馬拉松網站上註冊。來自世界各地的團隊,可以透過虛擬方式或親臨舊金山參賽。在整個活動中,Movement Labs 將提供支援、指導和資源,協助參與者取得成功。 傑出項目將獲得有吸引力的獎勵,而獲獎者將由受人尊敬的評審團根據概念、執行、運動原生功能的使用、創新、卓越技術、用戶體驗和潛在影響力來選擇得獎者。
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Jun 14, 2024, 07:46 ET Movement Labs anuncia el hackatón "La batalla del Olimpo" para acelerar el crecimiento del ecosistema
introducidos en Battle of Olympus, pueden crear dApps innovadoras en varias categorías, incluyendo DeFi, juegos, herramientas sociales, infraestructura y NFT. Para participar en el gremio de Masones, los desarrolladores pueden formar equipos de hasta 4 miembros y registrarse en el sitio web oficial
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Jun 14, 2024, 06:00 ET Bybit Web3 Celebrates 10 Million Wallet Milestones and Unveils Giveaways Worth Over $500,000 and 50,000 Web3 Points
launch of DEX Pro now offers users access to over 1 million tokens across nine chains, enhanced by cutting-edge i-SMART data technology. Bybit Web3's NFT collaborations with top-tier brands have also shown strong demand, with the Velocity Pass 2.0 reaching $1 million in sales
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Jun 14, 2024, 06:00 ET Bybit Web3 Celebrates 10 Million Wallet Milestones and Unveils Giveaways Worth Over $500,000 and 50,000 Web3 Points
launch of DEX Pro now offers users access to over 1 million tokens across nine chains, enhanced by cutting-edge i-SMART data technology. Bybit Web3's NFT collaborations with top-tier brands have also shown strong demand, with the Velocity Pass 2.0 reaching $1 million in sales
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Jun 14, 2024, 00:19 ET Movement Labs Umumkan Hackathon "The Battle of Olympus" Untuk Percepat Pertumbuhan Ekosistem
diperkenalkan untuk Battle of Olympus, dapat menciptakan dApps yang inovatif di berbagai kategori, termasuk DeFi, game, alat sosial, infrastruktur, dan NFT. Untuk berpartisipasi dalam guild Mason, pengembang dapat membentuk tim dengan maksimum 4 anggota dan mendaftar di situs resmi hackathon. Tim
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Jun 13, 2024, 23:56 ET Movement Labs lance le hackathon « The Battle of Olympus » pour accélérer la croissance de l'écosystème
peuvent créer des dApps innovantes dans diverses catégories, y compris la finance décentralisée, les jeux, les outils sociaux, l'infrastructure et les NFT. Pour participer à la guilde des francs-maçons, les développeurs peuvent former des équipes de quatre membres maximum et s'inscrire sur le site
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Jun 13, 2024, 15:04 ET Movement Labs annuncia l'hackathon "Battle of Olympus" per accelerare la crescita dell'ecosistema
esclusive lanciate per Battle of Olympus, possono creare dApp innovative in varie categorie, tra cui DeFi, giochi, strumenti social, infrastrutture e NFT. Per partecipare alla gilda Masons, gli sviluppatori dovranno formare squadre di un massimo di 4 persone e registrarsi sul sito ufficiale dell'hackathon.
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Jun 13, 2024, 13:04 ET Movement Labs anuncia el hackathon "La batalla del Olimpo" para acelerar el crecimiento del ecosistema
Batalla del Olimpo, pueden crear aplicaciones digitales innovadoras en varias categorías, como DeFi, juegos, herramientas sociales, infraestructuras y NFT. Para participar en el gremio de masones, los desarrolladores pueden formar equipos de hasta 4 miembros e inscribirse en la web oficial del hackathon.
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Jun 13, 2024, 08:55 ET Bitget zeigt Transparenz durch Reserven- und Schutzfondsberichte
erstklassige Multi-Chain-Krypto-Wallet, die eine Reihe von umfassenden Web3-Lösungen und Funktionen bietet, einschließlich Wallet-Funktionalität, Swap, NFT-Marktplatz, DApp-Browser und mehr. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit glaubwürdigen Partnern, darunter der legendäre argentinische Fußballspieler Lionel
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Jun 13, 2024, 06:19 ET Bitget добавляет поддержку Bitcoin Lightning Network для ускорения развития экосистемы BTC
BitKeep, — это мультичейн криптокошелек, который предлагает целый ряд комплексных решений и функций Web3, включая сервисы кошелька, обмен, маркетплейс NFT, браузер DApp и многое другое. Bitget вдохновляет всех пользоваться криптовалютами, сотрудничая с надежными партнерами, среди которых легендарный аргентинский
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Jun 13, 2024, 03:01 ET Blockchain for Good Alliance and Bybit Web3 Join SocialPlus Hackathon to Empower Builders Using Blockchain and AI Technology in the Web3 Ecosystem
will have the chance to compete for a prize pool of up to $30,000. In addition, all finalists will receive an exclusive NFT and points rewards provided by BGA. "As an industry leader, Bybit is committed to empowering the next generation of projects through the Blockchain
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Jun 13, 2024, 02:39 ET Blockchain for Good Alliance and Bybit Web3 Join SocialPlus Hackathon to Empower Builders Using Blockchain and AI Technology in the Web3 Ecosystem
will have the chance to compete for a prize pool of up to $30,000. In addition, all finalists will receive an exclusive NFT and points rewards provided by BGA. "As an industry leader, Bybit is committed to empowering the next generation of projects through the Blockchain
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Jun 12, 2024, 09:50 ET CIHA Lyon 2024 - France. Artprice is an active sponsor of the International Congress of Art History (CIHA) which this year will be attended by well over a thousand researchers from over 70 countries (June 23 to 28)
leader in information on the art market, has set itself the ambition through its Global Standardized Marketplace to be the world's leading Fine Art NFT platform. Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank in the world: no less than 180 million digital images
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Jun 12, 2024, 09:40 ET CIHA Lyon 2024 - France. Artprice is an active sponsor of the International Congress of Art History (CIHA) which this year will be attended by well over a thousand researchers from over 70 countries (June 23 to 28)
leader in information on the art market, has set itself the ambition through its Global Standardized Marketplace to be the world's leading Fine Art NFT platform. Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank in the world: no less than 180 million digital images
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Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 ET METABORA SINGAPORE Updates BORA 3.0 and Adopts Deflationary Tokenomics
to entertainment to guild DAO through an aggressive eco fund investment and partnership. Also, it is developing services optimized to GameFi such as NFT trading, token exchange and DeFi by running BORA Portal. BORA is a national game/entertainment token with a high liquidity in the market and reinforcing
Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 ET METABORA SINGAPORE Updates BORA 3.0 and Adopts Deflationary Tokenomics
to entertainment to guild DAO through an aggressive eco fund investment and partnership. Also, it is developing services optimized to GameFi such as NFT trading, token exchange and DeFi by running BORA Portal. BORA is a national game/entertainment token with a high liquidity in the
Jun 12, 2024, 05:00 ET Bitget dokazuje zásadu transparentnosti zveřejněním květnových zpráv o ochranných fondech a o důkazu o rezervách
jako BitKeep, je špičková víceřetězcová kryptopeněženka, která nabízí řadu komplexních řešení a funkcí Webu3, jako je funkce peněženky, swapu, tržiště NFT, prohlížeče DApp a další. Bitget inspiruje jednotlivce k používání kryptoměn prostřednictvím spolupráce s důvěryhodnými partnery, včetně legendárního
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Jun 12, 2024, 03:59 ET iSHANG and PSC Insurance Collaborate on Web3 "Proof of Coverage" Insurance Solution under Cyberport Web3 Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme
establish a secure and scalable infrastructure. This innovative PoC Solution aims to revolutionize the insurance industry by introducing non-transferable NFT (non-fungible token) certificates for policyholders, providing a secure and transparent platform for managing insurance policies.
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Jun 11, 2024, 05:00 ET Bitget Partners with Three Turkish National Athletes under the #MakeItCount Campaign
world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners,
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Jun 11, 2024, 05:00 ET Bitget Partners with Three Turkish National Athletes under the #MakeItCount Campaign
Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary
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Jun 10, 2024, 19:00 ET Margex Announces $5 Million BOME Airdrop For High Trading Volume Ends June 17
(BOME), also known as Book of Meme, remains an exciting memecoin project with huge utility potential. As a Non-fungible memecoin token (NFT), it aims to revolutionize the memecoin culture of the cryptocurrency space. Terms & Conditions Of Bome (BOME) Airdrop Claim:
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Jun 10, 2024, 13:00 ET MMO Games Market Size to Grow USD 20360 Million by 2030 at a CAGR of 8.2% | Valuates Reports
Play-to-Earn NFT Games revenue was USD 755 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 3618.4
More news about: Valuates Reports
Jun 10, 2024, 06:44 ET Оценка Фонда защиты Bitget в мае 2024 г. превысила $464 млн
мультичейн-криптокошелек мирового уровня, который предлагает целый ряд комплексных Web3 решений и функций, включая функциональность кошелька, своп, маркетплейс NFT, браузер DApp и многое другое. Bitget вдохновляет людей использовать криптовалюту благодаря сотрудничеству с надежными партнерами, включая легендарного
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