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Displaying Results 26-50 of 516 "cop28"

Dec 02, 2024, 01:21 ET La COP16 comenzará en Arabia Saudita mientras el mundo busca soluciones urgentes a la degradación de la tierra, la desertificación y la sequía

diciembre º para abordar la escasez mundial de agua y los desafíos del agua. Originalmente anunciada al margen de la COP28 en asociación con Arabia Saudita, la cumbre tiene como objetivo mejorar la gobernanza mundial del agua y contará con la participación del presidente

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Dec 02, 2024, 00:26 ET COP16 to Begin in Saudi Arabia as World Seeks Urgent Solutions to Land Degradation, Desertification and Drought

December 3rd to address global water scarcity and water challenges. Originally announced on the sidelines of COP28 in partnership with Saudi Arabia, the summit aims to enhance global water governance and will feature involvement

More news about: UNCCD COP16

Dec 02, 2024, 00:18 ET COP16 to Begin in Saudi Arabia as World Seeks Urgent Solutions to Land Degradation, Desertification and Drought

December 3rd to address global water scarcity and water challenges. Originally announced on the sidelines of COP28 in partnership with Saudi Arabia, the summit aims to enhance global water governance and will feature involvement

More news about: UNCCD COP16

Nov 28, 2024, 06:12 ET ADFW divulga a agenda completa para a edição de 2024, uma das reuniões financeiras mais impactantes do ano

apresentados pela ascensão da IA. Dia 4: ADSFFExatamente um ano após sediar sua última edição na COP28, o Fórum de Finanças Sustentáveis de Abu Dhabi (ADSFF) será realizado no dia final do ADFW para conduzir discussões

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Nov 28, 2024, 06:08 ET ADFW presenta la agenda completa para la edición 2024, una de las reuniones financieras más impactantes del año

el aumento de la IA. Día 4: ADSFFExactamente un año después de organizar la última edición en la COP28, el Foro de Finanzas Sostenibles de Abu Dhabi (ADSFF, por sus siglas en inglés) se celebrará el día final de ADFW

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Nov 28, 2024, 03:33 ET ADFW, 올해 가장 영향력 있는 금융 관련 회의 중 하나의 2024 에디션 풀 어젠다 공개

기관들과 MENA 지역, 유럽연합, 영국, 아시아, 미국 대표들이 비공개로 다시 모여 AI의 부상으로 인한 기회와 과제들에 대한 접근 방식을 논의한다. 넷째 날: ADSFF아부다비 지속가능 금융 포럼(ADSFF)은 COP28에서 지난 회의를 연 지 정확히 1년 후인 ADFW 마지막 날에 개최되어 지속 가능한 금융, 임팩트 투자, 넷제로 공약에 대해 토론한다. 이 포럼에는 유엔 AI 자문기구 공동 의장인 카르메 아르티가스 브루갈(Carme Artigas

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Nov 28, 2024, 02:55 ET 年度最具影響力金融盛事之一----2024 年阿布達比金融週議程隆重揭曉

此外,全球金融監管機構峰會亦將回歸。這是一個閉門會議,來自中東和北非地區、歐盟、英國、亞洲和美國的國際高級監管機構和代表將會聚首一堂,共同探討如何應對人工智能崛起帶來的機遇和挑戰,促進金融科技的健康發展。 第四天:阿布扎比可持續金融論壇 (ADSFF)在 COP28 舉辦上一屆會議整整一年後,阿布達比可持續金融論壇 (ADSFF) 將於阿布達比金融週的最後一天壓軸登場,探討可持續金融、影響力投資和淨零排放承諾等議題。屆時,論壇將匯聚各界重要聲音,包括聯合國人工智能諮詢機構聯席主席 Carme Artigas

More news about: ADGM

Nov 28, 2024, 02:34 ET ADFW、2024年版の全アジェンダを発表、年間で最も影響力のある金融イベントの1つ

グローバル金融規制サミットも再び開催され、国際的な上級規制機関やMENA地域、欧州連合、英国、アジア、米国の代表者が非公開で集まり、AIの台頭による機会と課題への対応策を議論します。 4日目: ADSFF 前回の開催からちょうど1年後、COP28での成功を引き継ぎ、アブダビ・サステナブル・ファイナンス・フォーラム(ADSFF)がADFWの最終日に開催され、持続可能な金融、インパクト投資、ネットゼロコミットメントに関する議論が行われます。同フォーラムには、国連のAIに関する諮問機関の共同議長であるカルメ・アルティガス・ブルガル閣下、シェイク・シャマ・ビント・スルタン・ビン・ハリファ・アル・ナヒヤーン殿下、AXA IMのジョナサン・ディーン氏、アルテラ(Alterra)のCEOであるマジド・アル・スワイディ閣下などの影響力ある人物が集まり、アブダビの持続可能性とグリーンファイナンスへの取り組みを強く示します。

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Nov 27, 2024, 17:06 ET ADFW stellt vollständige Agenda für die Ausgabe 2024 vor, eine der bedeutendsten Finanzveranstaltungen des Jahres

den Aufstieg der KI ergeben. Tag 4: ADSFFGenau ein Jahr nach der letzten Veranstaltung im Rahmen der COP28 wird das Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum (ADSFF) am Abschlusstag der ADFW stattfinden, um Diskussionen über nachhaltige Finanzen, Impact Investing

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Nov 27, 2024, 14:05 ET L'ADFW dévoile le programme complet de l'édition 2024 de l'un des rassemblements financiers les plus importants de l'année

défis présentés par l'essor de l'IA. Jour 4 : ADSFFUn an exactement après sa dernière édition à la COP28, l'Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum (ADSFF) se tiendra le dernier jour de l'ADFW pour mener des discussions sur la finance durable, l'investissement

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Nov 27, 2024, 08:27 ET ADFW presenta agenda completa para la edición 2024, uno de los encuentros financieros más impactantes del año

presenta el auge de la IA. Día 4: ADSFFExactamente un año después de celebrar su última edición en la COP28, el Foro de Finanzas Sostenibles de Abu Dhabi (ADSFF) se celebrará el último día de la ADFW para llevar a cabo debates

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Nov 27, 2024, 05:14 ET ADFW Unveils Full Agenda for 2024 Edition, One of the Most Impactful Financial Gatherings of the Year

challenges presented by the rise of AI. Day 4: ADSFFExactly one year after hosting its last edition at COP28, the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum (ADSFF) will be held on the concluding day of ADFW to conduct discussions on sustainable finance, impact

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Nov 27, 2024, 05:04 ET ADFW Unveils Full Agenda for 2024 Edition, One of the Most Impactful Financial Gatherings of the Year

challenges presented by the rise of AI. Day 4: ADSFFExactly one year after hosting its last edition at COP28, the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum (ADSFF) will be held on the concluding day of ADFW to conduct discussions on sustainable finance, impact

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Nov 27, 2024, 04:34 ET LONGi and IUCN jointly release the Initiative of Advancing Climate Action and Biodiversity Conservation with Photovoltaic

which began in Kunming, Yunnan in 2021, and has actively put this into practice. During the COP28 conference, LONGi announced its "Zero-Carbon Life Plan for Pandas", donating a distributed photovoltaic power station to the Qinling Giant Panda

More news about: LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Nov 25, 2024, 07:16 ET HBCU Green Fund's Africa Network Calls for Bold Climate Action and Equitable Financing Over Empty Promises at COP29 in Azerbaijan

text included in previous UN conferences. COP27 left finance out of implementation, and at COP28 Rule 16 further delayed progress. This time, during ACE negotiations, we were able to get a paragraph on climate finance included. At least this

More news about: HBCU Green Fund

Nov 21, 2024, 02:35 ET KuCoin Partners with Dubai Sports Council for the Open Padel Cup for Government Institutions

partnerships in Dubai's vibrant city and has been actively involved in various local activities. Last year, KuCoin sponsored the COP28 Global Climate Change and Green Blockchain Summit and hosted the "KuCoin Green Future Charity Gala Dinner," supporting various charitable causes.

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Nov 21, 2024, 02:18 ET KuCoin Partners with Dubai Sports Council for the Open Padel Cup for Government Institutions

Dubai's vibrant city and has been actively involved in various local activities. Last year, KuCoin sponsored the COP28 Global Climate Change and Green Blockchain Summit and hosted the "KuCoin Green Future Charity Gala Dinner," supporting various charitable causes.

More news about: KuCoin

Nov 19, 2024, 06:01 ET グリーンな未来を形作る:ハイドロムが初のgH2インベスター・デイを開催し、オマーンの水素事業のマイルストーンと投資機会を紹介


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Nov 19, 2024, 01:19 ET 녹색 미래 만들기: 제1회 하이드롬 gH2 투자자의 날에 오만이 수소 분야에서 거둔 성과와 투자 기회들을 쇼케이스

이니셔티브를 커버하는 이 술탄국의 녹색 수소 사업 진전 상황에 대한 종합적인 최신 정보가 제공된다. 참가자들은 또한 암스테르담 항과의 공동 연구 협약인 액체 수소에 대한 획기적인 협력에 관한 최신 정보 또한 받게 된다. COP28 기간 중에 체결된 이 협약의 목표는 오만에서 출발하는 전 세계 최초의 상업용 규모의 액체 수소 루트를 구축하여 이 나라를 녹색 수소 수출의 전 세계 허브로 자리매김하는 것이다. 하이드롬은 지금까지 전 세계 22개 기업들로 구성된 컨소시엄들과 함께

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Nov 19, 2024, 01:15 ET Een groene toekomst vormgeven: De inaugurele gH2 Investor Day van Hydrom toont de waterstofmijlpalen en investeringsmogelijkheden in Oman

studieovereenkomst met de Haven van Amsterdam. De overeenkomst werd ondertekend tijdens COP28 met als doel 's werelds eerste route voor vloeibare waterstof op commerciële schaal vanuit Oman tot stand te brengen

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Nov 18, 2024, 21:59 ET Die Gestaltung einer grünen Zukunft: Hydroms erster gH2-Investorentag soll Omans Wasserstoff-Meilensteine und Investitionsmöglichkeiten präsentieren

Studienvereinbarung mit dem Hafen von Amsterdam gekennzeichnet ist. Dieses Abkommen, das während der COP28 unterzeichnet wurde, zielt darauf ab, die weltweit erste kommerzielle Flüssigwasserstoff-Route von Oman aus zu

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Nov 18, 2024, 12:08 ET Façonner un avenir vert : La journée inaugurale des investisseurs gH2 d'Hydrom présentera les étapes importantes et les opportunités d'investissement dans le domaine de l'hydrogène à Oman

marquée par un accord d'étude conjoint avec le port d'Amsterdam. Cet accord, signé lors de la COP28, vise à établir la première route de l'hydrogène liquide à l'échelle commerciale à partir d'Oman, positionnant le

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Nov 18, 2024, 06:38 ET Shaping a Green Future: Hydrom's Inaugural gH2 Investor Day Set to Showcase Oman's Hydrogen Milestones and Investment Opportunities

marked by a Joint Study Agreement with the Port of Amsterdam. This agreement, signed during COP28, aims to establish the world's first commercial-scale liquid hydrogen route from Oman, positioning the nation as

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Nov 18, 2024, 06:32 ET Shaping a Green Future: Hydrom's Inaugural gH2 Investor Day Set to Showcase Oman's Hydrogen Milestones and Investment Opportunities

marked by a Joint Study Agreement with the Port of Amsterdam. This agreement, signed during COP28, aims to establish the world's first commercial-scale liquid hydrogen route from Oman, positioning the nation as

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Agreement requires ending our dependence on fossil fuels, which are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions. At COP28, the world took a historic commitment to transition away from fossil fuels. This commitment must now be translated into concrete steps and timelines

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