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Displaying Results 251-275 of 515 "cop28"

Jul 22, 2024, 01:00 ET Llamamiento del presidente de la COP28 a todas las partes interesadas del Consenso de los EAU

-El presidente de la COP28 hace un llamamiento a todas las partes interesadas para que aporten el espíritu de solidaridad que dio lugar al Consenso de los EAU para impulsar la aplicación y el desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible

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Jul 22, 2024, 01:00 ET El presidente de la COP28 hace un llamamiento a todas las partes interesadas para que aporten el espíritu de solidaridad que generó el Consenso de los EAU para impulsar la implementación y el desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible

anunció hoy el presidente de la COP28, el Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, en la octava Reunión Ministerial sobre Acción Climática (MoCA). Desde su inicio en la COP28, celebrada en Dubai

More news about: COP28

Jul 22, 2024, 01:00 ET O presidente da COP28 pede a todas as partes interessadas que tragam o espírito de solidariedade que proporcionou o Consenso dos Emirados Árabes Unidos para impulsionar a implementação e o desenvolvimento socioeconômico sustentável

hoje o presidente da COP28, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, na oitava Reunião Ministerial sobre Ação Climática (MoCA, na sigla em inglês). Desde a sua criação na COP28, realizada em Dubai

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Jul 22, 2024, 01:00 ET Le président de la COP28 appelle toutes les parties prenantes à insuffler l'esprit de solidarité qui a présidé à l'élaboration du consensus des Émirats arabes unis afin de favoriser la mise en œuvre et le développement socio-économique durable

le président de la COP28, le Dr Sultan Al Jaber, lors de la huitième réunion ministérielle sur l'action climatique (MoCA). Depuis sa création lors de la COP28, qui s'est tenue à Dubaï en décembre, le consensus

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Jul 11, 2024, 16:45 ET Education Cannot Wait Announces US$5 Million Grant in Response to 'Super El Niño' Floods in Somalia, ECW Funding in Somalia Tops US$40 Million

global climate appeal at last year's Climate Talks in Dubai (COP28). The appeal calls for US$150 million in additional funding to scale-up ECW's response to the climate crisis and is

More news about: Education Cannot Wait

Jul 08, 2024, 14:01 ET MOU Signed for 35,000 Hectares of Land in Sonora, Mexico, to Propel Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Production

Mexico's commitment to a low-carbon future and its recent COP27 and COP28 commitments. Aslan Energy is keen on developing a localized supply chain hub in Sonora and providing an open platform to welcome strategic solar

More news about: Aslan Energy Capital

Jul 08, 2024, 06:58 ET Second-generation Biofuels Market Size to be Worth USD 314.5 billion by 2031, with Notable CAGR of 26.4%| Transparency Market Research, Inc.

aviation fuels (SAF). A MoU was signed in Dubai, UAE, in conjunction with the COP28.Global Second-generation Biofuels Market: Segmentation By Feedstock Lignocellulose BiomassField

More news about: Transparency Market Research

Jun 30, 2024, 16:31 ET Cathay FHC steht an der Spitze des Vorstoßes Taiwans für erneuerbare Energien beim LSEG Climate Investment Summit während der Klimawoche in London

Folge der einzige Redner aus Taiwan. Aufbauend auf dem Konsens der 28. UN-Klimakonferenz (COP28) zum Thema „Transformation des Energiesystems und Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen" im Jahr 2023 erörterte Lee am Beispiel Asiens die Herausforderungen

More news about: Cathay Financial Holdings

Jun 30, 2024, 16:09 ET Cathay FHC, chef de file de la promotion des énergies renouvelables à Taïwan, participe au sommet sur l'investissement climatique organisé par la LSEG pendant la Semaine du climat à Londres

et abandon des combustibles fossiles » atteint lors de la 28e conférence des Nations unies sur le changement climatique (COP28) en 2023, M. Lee a utilisé l'Asie comme exemple pour discuter des défis et des solutions en matière de promotion des énergies renouvelables, en

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Jun 28, 2024, 05:56 ET Cathay FHC leads Taiwan's Renewable Energy Push at LSEG's Climate Investment Summit During Climate Week London

consensus of "Energy System Transformation and Moving Away from Fossil Fuels" reached at the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in 2023, Lee used Asia as an example to discuss the challenges and solutions in promoting renewable energy, sharing

More news about: Cathay Financial Holdings

Jun 26, 2024, 05:14 ET ISA announces first ever International Solar Festival 2024

Player, Olympian, and Padma Bhushan Awardee; and Ms Arushi Sana, Official Youth Ambassador, COP28 UAE.

More news about: International Solar Alliance

Jun 25, 2024, 06:40 ET EQT Releases 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

operator to sign the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), which calls for the industry to achieve net zero before or by 2050 and end routine flaring by 2030.Earned a first-place

More news about: EQT Corporation (EQT-IR)

Jun 22, 2024, 12:22 ET El Consejo de SEforALL aprueba la renovación del CEO Damilola Ogunbiyi

Nigeria, el Primer Ministro de Barbados, los Presidentes de la COP28, el Banco Mundial, el Banco Africano de Desarrollo y la Fundación Rockefeller, el CEO interino de la EMAPP, el Secretario Ejecutivo de la UNECA y

More news about: Sustainable Energy for All

Jun 20, 2024, 18:04 ET Envision Energy Releases 2024 Net Zero Action Report Highlighting Global Decarbonization Achievements

green hydrogen-ammonia annually, with the first phase of 300,000 tons already in operation. With these two projects, Envision received two awards at COP28 as an "Energy Transition Changemaker." This Net Zero Industrial Park model has now expanded to Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

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Jun 20, 2024, 17:50 ET Envision Energy Releases 2024 Net Zero Action Report Highlighting Global Decarbonization Achievements

green hydrogen-ammonia annually, with the first phase of 300,000 tons already in operation. With these two projects, Envision received two awards at COP28 as an "Energy Transition Changemaker." This Net Zero Industrial Park model has now expanded to Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

More news about: Envision Energy

Jun 20, 2024, 12:04 ET SEforALL 理事會批准行政總裁 Damilola Ogunbiyi 的續任

,該計劃旨在透過能源外交建立國際雄心,並動員全球聯盟資助和實現公正和公平的能源轉型;推動經過驗證的連接並加速私營部門部署清潔能源解決方案,包括透過持續擴大普及能源基金的規模;並透過策略性的國家級方案支援來幫助國家行動。 Ogunbiyi 女士收到了迦納和奈及利亞總統、巴貝多總理、COP28 主席、世界銀行、非洲開發銀行和洛克菲勒基金會、GEAPP 代理行政總裁、UNECA 執行秘書、UNOPS 執行主任,以及聯合國全球協議行政總裁的賀信。如需查看完整新聞稿,請瀏覽:

More news about: Sustainable Energy for All

Jun 20, 2024, 10:09 ET SEforALL理事会、Damilola Ogunbiyi CEOの任期更新を承認


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Jun 20, 2024, 10:00 ET SE포올(SEforALL) 이사회, CEO 다밀롤라 오군비이(Damilola Ogunbiyi) 연임 승인

검증된 연결을 견인하고 민간 부문의 청정 에너지 솔루션 전개를 가속하며, 국가 차원의 전략 프로그램 지원을 통해 국가 행동을 지원하는 것이다. 오군비이 씨는 가나와 나이지리아 대통령, 바베이도스 총리, COP28, 세계은행, 아프리카개발은행, 록펠러 재단 등의 대표, GEAPP의 CEO 대행, UNECA 사무총장, UNOPS 이그제큐티브 디렉터, UN 글로벌 콤팩츠 CEO 등으로부터 축하 메시지를 받았다. 전체 보도 자료를 보려면

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Jun 20, 2024, 08:09 ET El Consejo de Administración de SEforALL aprueba la renovación del mandato de su consejera delegada

Nigeria, el primer ministro de Barbados, los presidentes de la COP28, el Banco Mundial, el Banco Africano de Desarrollo y la Fundación Rockefeller, el director general en funciones del GEAPP, el secretario ejecutivo

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Jun 20, 2024, 07:08 ET Record energy investments are failing to keep the world on track for the 2030 renewables target

US$660 billion earmarked for renewables, investment remains below what is needed to meet the COP28 target of tripling renewable capacity by 2030. Network gridlock and high capital costs could also delay progress just when acceleration is needed,

More news about: EYGS LLP

Jun 20, 2024, 03:49 ET Masdar and GEK TERNA Strike Landmark €3.2bn¹ Deal: UAE Renewables Champion to Acquire Greece's TERNA ENERGY

Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, Chairman of Masdar and COP28 President, said: "Today marks a major milestone in Masdar's strategy to expand its portfolio to 100GW of clean energy by 2030

More news about: Masdar; GEK TERNA SA

Jun 20, 2024, 03:46 ET Masdar and GEK TERNA Strike Landmark €3.2bn¹ Deal: UAE Renewables Champion to Acquire Greece's TERNA ENERGY

Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, Chairman of Masdar and COP28 President, said: "Today marks a major milestone in Masdar's strategy to expand its portfolio to 100GW of clean energy by 2030

More news about: Masdar; GEK TERNA SA

Jun 20, 2024, 03:00 ET El Consejo de SEforALL aprueba la renovación del CEO Damilola Ogunbiyi

Nigeria, el Primer Ministro de Barbados, los Presidentes de la COP28, el Banco Mundial, el Banco Africano de Desarrollo y la Fundación Rockefeller, el CEO interino de la EMAPP, el Secretario Ejecutivo de la UNECA y

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Jun 20, 2024, 03:00 ET SEforALL-Verwaltungsrat stimmt der Verlängerung der Amtszeit von CEO Damilola Ogunbiyi zu

Nigeria, dem Premierminister von Barbados, den Präsidenten der COP28, der Weltbank, der Afrikanischen Entwicklungsbank und der Rockefeller-Stiftung, dem amtierenden CEO von GEAPP, dem

More news about: Sustainable Energy for All

Jun 20, 2024, 03:00 ET SEforALL Board approves term renewal of CEO Damilola Ogunbiyi

Nigeria, the Prime Minister of Barbados, the Presidents of COP28, The World Bank, The African Development Bank, and The Rockefeller Foundation, the Acting CEO of GEAPP,  the Executive Secretary of UNECA and the

More news about: Sustainable Energy for All