News Search Results

Displaying Results 401-500 of 4555 "blockchain"

Jun 17, 2024, 22:00 ET WSPN and DigiFT Forge Strategic Partnership in Web3 Digital Payments and Investment

with a Capital Markets Services license by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. DigiFT allows asset owners to issue blockchain-based security tokens and investors can trade with continuous liquidity via an Automated Market Maker (AMM). Established in Singapore

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Jun 17, 2024, 16:20 ET HTX nombra a Hassan Sunny, portero nacional de Singapur, Director de Protección

HTX: HTX se fundó en 2013 y ha evolucionado de ser una bolsa de criptomonedas para convertirse en un ecosistema integral de negocios de blockchain que cubre operaciones con activos digitales, derivados financieros, carteras, investigación, inversión, incubación y otras áreas. HTX da servicio

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Jun 17, 2024, 16:18 ET A HTX nomeia o goleiro nacional de Cingapura, Hassan Sunny, como Diretor de Proteção

Tailândia. Sobre a HTX: Fundada em 2013, a HTX evoluiu de uma bolsa de criptomoedas para um ecossistema abrangente de negócios em blockchain que envolve a negociação de ativos digitais, derivativos financeiros, carteiras, pesquisa, investimento, incubação e outras áreas. A HTX atende milhões

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Jun 17, 2024, 13:52 ET HTX nomme Hassan Sunny, gardien de but national de Singapour, au poste de directeur de la protection

Thaïlande. À propos de HTX : Fondée en 2013, HTX est passée d'une bourse de cryptomonnaies à un écosystème complet d'entreprises blockchain qui couvrent le trading d'actifs numériques, les dérivés financiers, les portefeuilles, la recherche, l'investissement, l'incubation et d'autres

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Jun 17, 2024, 13:51 ET HTX ernennt Singapurs Nationaltorhüter Hassan Sunny zum Beauftragten für Sicherheitsfragen

qualifizieren. Informationen zu HTX: HTX wurde 2013 gegründet und hat sich von einer Kryptobörse zu einem umfassenden Ökosystem von Blockchain-Unternehmen entwickelt, das den Handel mit digitalen Vermögenswerten, Finanzderivate, Wallets, Forschung, Investitionen, Inkubation und andere Bereiche

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Jun 17, 2024, 13:36 ET HTX nombra al portero nacional de Singapur Hassan Sunny como director de salvaguardia

Tailandia. Acerca de HTX: Fundada en 2013, HTX ha pasado de ser un intercambio de cifrado a un ecosistema integral de negocios de blockchain que abarcan el comercio de activos digitales, derivados financieros, billeteras, investigación, inversión, incubación y otras áreas. HTX presta servicios

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Jun 17, 2024, 13:27 ET HTX nomina il portiere della nazionale di Singapore Hassan Sunny capoprotezione

Informazioni su HTX Fondata nel 2013, HTX si è evoluta da una piattaforma di scambio di criptovalute in un ecosistema completo di attività blockchain che spaziano dalla contrattazione di asset digitali ai derivati finanziari, ai portafogli, alla ricerca, agli investimenti, all'incubazione e ad

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Jun 16, 2024, 20:00 ET TradeFlow Capital Management advances collaborations with Obligate through further USDC-denominated eNote™ issuances

secure, transparent, and regulatory compliant platform for the issuance, trading, and lifecycle management of debt instruments natively issued on the blockchain. The platform's unique architecture caters to the complex needs of institutional investors whilst lowering the barriers of entry for issuers by providing

More news about: TradeFlow Capital Management - Transforming Risk, Enabling Trade

Jun 15, 2024, 01:49 ET HTX Appoints Singapore National Goalkeeper Hassan Sunny as Chief Safeguarding Officer

Thailand. About HTX: Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a crypto exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, wallets, research, investment, incubation and other areas. HTX serves millions

More news about: Huobi Technology PTE. LTD.

Jun 15, 2024, 01:42 ET HTX Appoints Singapore National Goalkeeper Hassan Sunny as Chief Safeguarding Officer

Thailand. About HTX: Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a crypto exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, wallets, research, investment, incubation and other areas. HTX serves millions

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Jun 14, 2024, 17:25 ET Trade Finance Market size is set to grow by USD 16.64 billion from 2024-2028, Growing number of exports boost the market, Technavio

provide predictive analytics and automate document processing. Blockchain enhances efficiency and security by enabling direct digital transfers and smart contracts. Citigroup's AI-based compliance platform and the use of blockchain in trade finance are expected to boost market growth.  The

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Jun 14, 2024, 16:50 ET Distribution Software Market size is set to grow by USD 1.22 billion from 2024-2028, Value-based pricing strategies adopted by market vendors to boost the market growth, Technavio

enhancing overall efficiency. However, the market also faces challenges such as cyber-attacks and the need for robust security measures, including Blockchain technology, to ensure data integrity and protect sensitive information. The IT market continues to evolve, with distribution operations and logistics

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Jun 14, 2024, 08:56 ET OKX Ventures Becomes Founding Member of to Support Development of an On-chain Settlement Framework for Crypto Structured Products

exchange and Web3 technology company OKX. It focuses on exploring the best blockchain projects on a global scale, supporting cutting-edge blockchain technology innovation, promoting the healthy development of the global blockchain industry, and investing in long-term structural value. Through its

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Jun 14, 2024, 08:33 ET BingX Ramp Up Global Expansion with Key Vietnam Engagement

Vietnam's crypto ecosystem, BingX has been a consistent sponsor of major blockchain and crypto events, including the Vietnam Blockchain Summit, HCM Blockchain Expo, GM Vietnam 2024, and NEO Hackathon. Vietnam's strategic

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Jun 14, 2024, 08:13 ET Movement Labs kündigt den Hackathon „The Battle of Olympus" an, um das Wachstum des Ökosystems zu beschleunigen

Movement Labs, ein in San Francisco ansässiges Blockchain-Entwicklungsteam, gab heute den Start von „Battle of Olympus" bekannt, einem innovativen Hackathon, der das Wachstum und die Akzeptanz von Movement, dem ersten

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Jun 14, 2024, 07:49 ET Movement Labs Anuncia Hackathon "A Batalha do Olimpo" para Acelerar o Crescimento do Ecossistema

Movement Labs, uma equipe de desenvolvimento de blockchain baseada em SanFrancisco, anunciou hoje o lançamento da "Batalha do Olimpo", um hackathon inovador projetado para impulsionar o crescimento e a adoção

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Jun 14, 2024, 07:46 ET Movement Labs anuncia el hackatón "La batalla del Olimpo" para acelerar el crecimiento del ecosistema

desarrollo de blockchain con sede en San Francisco, ha anunciado hoy el lanzamiento de "Battle of Olympus" (La batalla del Olimpo), un hackatón innovador diseñado para impulsar el crecimiento y la adopción de Movement, la primera red modular de blockchain basadas en Move.

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Jun 14, 2024, 06:00 ET Bybit Web3 Celebrates 10 Million Wallet Milestones and Unveils Giveaways Worth Over $500,000 and 50,000 Web3 Points

committed to achieving many more milestones together. Here's to a future where everyone can participate in and benefit from the transformative power of blockchain technology."

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Jun 14, 2024, 06:00 ET Bybit Web3 Celebrates 10 Million Wallet Milestones and Unveils Giveaways Worth Over $500,000 and 50,000 Web3 Points

committed to achieving many more milestones together. Here's to a future where everyone can participate in and benefit from the transformative power of blockchain technology."

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Jun 14, 2024, 03:03 ET BingX comemora o evento de futebol de 2024 com um prêmio de um milhão de USDT

evento de futebol em 2024. Com um prêmio de um milhão de USDT, a BingX continua a expandir os limites da inovação, conectando os mundos dinâmicos de blockchain e esportes. Essa comemoração deve reunir entusiastas de cripto e fãs de futebol, destacando o compromisso da BingX em criar eventos envolventes e

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Jun 14, 2024, 03:00 ET Brickken is selected to participate in the European Blockchain Regulatory Sandbox

to participate in the European Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) Regulatory Sandbox. This regulatory sandbox, driven by the European Commission, will provide legal certainty for decentralized technological solutions, including blockchain, by identifying deployment obstacles

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Jun 14, 2024, 03:00 ET Brickken is selected to participate in the European Blockchain Regulatory Sandbox

selection to participate in the European Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) Regulatory Sandbox. This regulatory sandbox, driven by the European Commission, will provide legal certainty for decentralized technological solutions, including blockchain, by identifying deployment obstacles from

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Jun 14, 2024, 03:00 ET Brickken est sélectionné pour participer au bac à sable réglementaire européen pour la blockchain

sable réglementaire européen pour la blockchain et les technologies des registres distribués (DLT). Ce bac à sable réglementaire, piloté par la Commission européenne, offrira une certitude juridique aux solutions technologiques décentralisées, y compris la blockchain, en identifiant les obstacles au déploiement

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Jun 14, 2024, 03:00 ET Brickken wird für die Teilnahme an der europäischen regulatorischen Sandbox für Blockchain ausgewählt

Teilnahme an der regulatorischen Sandbox für Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologien (DLT) bekannt. Diese von der Europäischen Kommission vorangetriebene regulatorische Sandbox wird Rechtssicherheit für dezentrale technologische Lösungen, einschließlich Blockchain, schaffen, indem sie Hindernisse bei

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Jun 14, 2024, 00:44 ET WUSD Stablecoin Expands Reach with Integration on Binance Smart Chain and Solana

cross-chain swaps, and create bridging solutions across multiple networks to further enhance the interoperability and usability of WUSD across different blockchain ecosystems. About WSPNWSPN is a global digital payments company that provides transparent, fast, and efficient digital payment

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Jun 14, 2024, 00:35 ET WUSD Stablecoin Expands Reach with Integration on Binance Smart Chain and Solana

cross-chain swaps, and create bridging solutions across multiple networks to further enhance the interoperability and usability of WUSD across different blockchain ecosystems. About WSPNWSPN is a global digital payments company that provides transparent, fast, and efficient digital payment

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Jun 14, 2024, 00:19 ET Movement Labs Umumkan Hackathon "The Battle of Olympus" Untuk Percepat Pertumbuhan Ekosistem

adalah tim pengembangan blockchain asal San Francisco. Hari ini Movement Labs mengumumkan Hackathon "Battle of Olympus", yaitu hackathon inovatif yang dirancang untuk mendorong pertumbuhan dan penggunaan Movement, jaringan modular pertama di blockchain berbasis Move. Hackathon

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Jun 13, 2024, 23:56 ET Movement Labs lance le hackathon « The Battle of Olympus » pour accélérer la croissance de l'écosystème

Movement Labs : Movement Labs, fondé en 2022 par Rushi Manche et Cooper Scanlon, construit un réseau blockchain qui alimente une couche 2 sécurisée et performante sur Ethereum. En apportant la blockchain MoveVM à Ethereum par le biais de son produit phare L2, Movement Labs vise à améliorer la sécurité

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Jun 13, 2024, 17:25 ET Testing, Inspection, and Certification Market Size in Japan is set to grow by USD 3.10 billion from 2024-2028, Stringent government regulations to ensure product and environmental safety boost the market, Technavio

are being adopted for efficiency, but the lack of uniformity poses challenges. TIC standards are crucial for ensuring data security and privacy. Blockchain technology, with its immutability, cryptography, decentralization, and tamper-proof records, offers a promising solution for secure data access and

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Jun 13, 2024, 15:04 ET Movement Labs annuncia l'hackathon "Battle of Olympus" per accelerare la crescita dell'ecosistema

team di sviluppo blockchain con sede a San Francisco, oggi annuncia il lancio di "Battle of Olympus" (La Battaglia dell'Olimpo), un innovativo hackathon progettato per stimolare la crescita e l'adozione di Movement, la prima rete modulare di blockchain basata su Move.

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Jun 13, 2024, 13:04 ET Movement Labs anuncia el hackathon "La batalla del Olimpo" para acelerar el crecimiento del ecosistema

Movement Labs, un equipo de desarrollo de blockchain con sede en San Francisco, ha anunciado hoy el lanzamiento de "La Batalla del Olimpo", un innovador hackathon diseñado

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Jun 13, 2024, 11:00 ET Movement Labs Announces "The Battle of Olympus" Hackathon to Accelerate Ecosystem Growth

Movement Labs, a San Francisco-based blockchain development team, today announced the launch of "Battle of Olympus," an innovative hackathon designed to drive the growth and adoption of Movement,

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Jun 13, 2024, 11:00 ET Movement Labs Announces "The Battle of Olympus" Hackathon to Accelerate Ecosystem Growth

Movement Labs, a San Francisco-based blockchain development team, today announced the launch of "Battle of Olympus," an innovative hackathon designed to drive the growth and adoption of Movement,

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Jun 13, 2024, 10:15 ET Secure Multiparty Computation (SMPC) Market Worth $1,412 Million by 2029- Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™

of cloud-based solutions and advanced technologies like AI, ML, and blockchain has propelled the rapid growth of SMPC adoption. Cloud-based SMPC solutions offer remote accessibility and cost reductions, while AI, ML, and blockchain integration are used for secure data exchange. These combined advancements

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Jun 13, 2024, 09:00 ET Govini National Security Scorecard Reveals AI Investment Gap, Widespread Parts Risks Across U.S. Programs

country has become the largest source of patent applications globally and ranks first worldwide in patent application numbers in areas such as 5G, blockchain, and artificial intelligence."Scorecard methodology and detailed assessments of the 15 critical technology areas identified as essential

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Jun 13, 2024, 08:32 ET BurstIQ Attains TX-RAMP Level 2 Certification to Support Secure Data Exchange in Texas

of this process highlights its ability to protect sensitive data against evolving cyber threats. The LifeGraph Platform delivers a collection of blockchain and Web3 technologies, purpose-built for the secure sharing of data, making data more trustworthy and valuable across enterprises and partner/customer

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Jun 13, 2024, 07:30 ET JanOne's Subsidiary, Alt5, Reports 91% year over year increase in Transaction Volume to US $289 million for April and May 2024

added Mr. Beauchesne. About ALT5 Sigma Inc. Launched in 2018, ALT5 is a fintech company that provides next generation blockchain-powered technologies to enable a migration to a new global financial paradigm. ALT5, through its subsidiaries, offers two main platforms to its customers:

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Jun 13, 2024, 07:30 ET JanOne's Subsidiary, Alt5, Reports 91% year over year increase in Transaction Volume to US $289 million for April and May 2024

About ALT5 Sigma Inc. Launched in 2018, ALT5 is a fintech company that provides next generation blockchain-powered technologies to enable a migration to a new global financial paradigm. ALT5, through its subsidiaries, offers two main platforms to its customers:

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Jun 13, 2024, 06:42 ET BingX Celebra l'Evento Calcistico del 2024 con ricompense di Un Milione di USDT

evento calcistico del 2024. Con una pool di un milione di USDT, BingX continua a superare i limiti dell'innovazione, collegando i mondi dinamici della blockchain e dello sport. Questa celebrazione riunirà appassionati di criptovalute e fan del calcio, evidenziando l'impegno di BingX a creare eventi coinvolgenti

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Jun 13, 2024, 06:00 ET Bybit's Web3 WAGMI Race: Top Innovators Debate Blockchain's Big Moves for 2024

Web3 WAGMI Race: Who's Gonna Make It?" in collaboration with the Blockchain for Good Alliance. It featured speakers from Animoca Brands, Solana Foundation, Aptos, Sei, Taiko and ConscienceLAND.

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Jun 13, 2024, 06:00 ET Bybit's Web3 WAGMI Race: Top Innovators Debate Blockchain's Big Moves for 2024

Web3 WAGMI Race: Who's Gonna Make It?" in collaboration with the Blockchain for Good Alliance. It featured speakers from Animoca Brands, Solana Foundation, Aptos, Sei, Taiko and ConscienceLAND.

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Jun 13, 2024, 05:31 ET Bitrue Launches Aethir $ATH 3-Week Trading Marathon Featuring 1,180,000 ATH Prize Pool

July 2018, Bitrue is a diversified digital asset exchange that supports trading, loans, and investments. Bitrue aims to utilize blockchain technology to bring financial opportunities to everybody regardless of their location or financial position. It has offices in Asia

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Jun 13, 2024, 04:54 ET Bitrue Launches Aethir $ATH 3-Week Trading Marathon Featuring 1,180,000 ATH Prize Pool

July 2018, Bitrue is a diversified digital asset exchange that supports trading, loans, and investments. Bitrue aims to utilize blockchain technology to bring financial opportunities to everybody regardless of their location or financial position. It has offices in Asia

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Jun 13, 2024, 03:01 ET Blockchain for Good Alliance and Bybit Web3 Join SocialPlus Hackathon to Empower Builders Using Blockchain and AI Technology in the Web3 Ecosystem

June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --  Blockchain for Good Alliance (BGA) and Bybit Web3

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Jun 13, 2024, 02:39 ET Blockchain for Good Alliance and Bybit Web3 Join SocialPlus Hackathon to Empower Builders Using Blockchain and AI Technology in the Web3 Ecosystem

June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --  Blockchain for Good Alliance (BGA) and Bybit Web3

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Jun 12, 2024, 23:10 ET Cross-Border E-Commerce Repurchase Revolution: Consumer Behavior Insights and Market Opportunities

competitiveness.Strengthen research, development and application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain to improve operational efficiency and optimize user experience.For buyers: Offer personalized recommendations and optimized logistics and

More news about: DHGATE Group

Jun 12, 2024, 18:15 ET Oil and Gas Logistics Market size is set to grow by USD 4.56 billion from 2024-2028, Shift in freight operations from over-the-road to intermodal to boost the market growth, Technavio

extracted natural gas are also part of the logistics network, with high-end logistics solutions ensuring the efficient and secure movement of goods. Blockchain technology is increasingly being adopted to enhance transparency and security in the oilfield discoveries, whether onshore or offshore. The Oil and

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Jun 12, 2024, 17:25 ET Fintech Software Market size is set to grow by USD 22.65 billion from 2024-2028, Need to improve business efficiency boost the market, Technavio

automation and artificial intelligence. Securitization is another trend, with companies using technology to create and trade financial securities. Blockchain technology is also transforming the industry, providing secure and transparent transactions. Programming languages like R and Python are widely

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Jun 12, 2024, 17:00 ET Plug and Play Partners with UN Tourism for Artificial Intelligence Global Startup Competition

tourism sector towards the Sustainable Development Goals by harnessing the potential of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Augmented and Virtual Reality.  Accelerating SDGs through Innovation and Technology The UN Tourism Artificial Intelligence Global

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Jun 12, 2024, 11:14 ET Minima, L1 blockchain, powers the world's first on-chain race data logger for McLaren GT4 supercar at Spa

Minima, a fully decentralised and device-agnostic L1 blockchain for DePIN projects is working with data platform Influx Technology to integrate a blockchain-powered data tracker into a 

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Jun 12, 2024, 10:30 ET WiMi Announced a Intelligent Interconnected Decision-making System Based on Blockchain Technology

that intelligent interconnected decision-making system based on blockchain technology is a system based on blockchain technology. The system achieves data decentralization and security by storing various data and information on the blockchain. At the same time, through the application of smart contracts

More news about: WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc.

Jun 12, 2024, 10:15 ET AxonDAO Unveils A+Voice: Pioneering Biometric AI Voice Collection

utilizes a reward system to collect high-quality, consistent voice data that runs through a quality assessment and analytical engine. By utilizing blockchain technology, A+Voice timestamps, anonymizes, and processes this data into patterned AI processes while adhering to stringent HIPAA and ISO 27001 compliance

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Jun 12, 2024, 10:11 ET HTX Ventures Invests in Avail to Support Key Infrastructure Development

models within the sector. To foster growth within the blockchain ecosystem, we provide comprehensive support to projects, including financing, resources, and strategic advice. HTX Ventures currently backs over 300 projects spanning multiple blockchain sectors, with select high-quality initiatives already

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Jun 12, 2024, 10:06 ET HTX Ventures Invests in Avail to Support Key Infrastructure Development

models within the sector. To foster growth within the blockchain ecosystem, we provide comprehensive support to projects, including financing, resources, and strategic advice. HTX Ventures currently backs over 300 projects spanning multiple blockchain sectors, with select high-quality initiatives already

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Jun 12, 2024, 10:00 ET Cwallet & Microcosm Labs Deepen Ties to Empower TON Growth

supports over 50 blockchain networks and 800+ cryptocurrencies. Focusing on user experience and innovation, Cwallet provides a seamless and safe platform to manage their digital assets. The company's commitment to collaboration and early integration with the TON blockchain has made it a leading

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Jun 12, 2024, 09:46 ET AxonDAO Unveils A+Voice: Pioneering Biometric AI Voice Collection

utilizes a reward system to collect high-quality, consistent voice data that runs through a quality assessment and analytical engine. By utilizing blockchain technology, A+Voice timestamps, anonymizes, and processes this data into patterned AI processes while adhering to stringent HIPAA and ISO 27001 compliance

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Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 ET Solana Labs Revolutionizing Brand Loyalty with Launch of Bond

Solana blockchain, Bond delivers ultra-fast transaction speeds, true scalability, and low costs, ensuring a seamless user experience where customers won't even realize it's Web3. With Bond's simple integration process, brands don't need any blockchain expertise, thereby eliminating blockchain-related

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Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 ET METABORA SINGAPORE Updates BORA 3.0 and Adopts Deflationary Tokenomics

SINGAPORE As a subsidiary of METABORA, a casual and blockchain game developer, and a developer of blockchain platform BORA, METABORA SINGAPORE is servicing user-friendly blockchain-based games and entertainment contents based on a myriad of experiences


Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 ET METABORA SINGAPORE Updates BORA 3.0 and Adopts Deflationary Tokenomics

SINGAPORE As a subsidiary of METABORA, a casual and blockchain game developer, and a developer of blockchain platform BORA, METABORA SINGAPORE is servicing user-friendly blockchain-based games and entertainment contents based on a myriad of experiences


Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 ET Aprio's Black Business Forum and The Gathering Spot Forge Strategic Partnership to Empower Black Entrepreneurs

Education; Professional Services; Real Estate; Construction; Restaurant, Franchise & Hospitality; Government Contracting, and Technology and Blockchain. Aprio has grown to over 2,100 team members. To serve clients wherever life or business may take them, Aprio's teams speak more than 60 languages

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Jun 12, 2024, 06:01 ET Buzzmint Announces Launch of Project IMI Wales, A New Token-Based Loyalty Platform to Revitalise Welsh Communities

Prosperity Fund (SPF), is designed to foster local community engagement and economic growth through a unique token-based rewards system, built on the BSV Blockchain. Scheduled for initial testing in Summer 2024 to select towns, with plans for further national rollout in 2025, IMI Wales aims to redefine

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Jun 12, 2024, 03:59 ET iSHANG and PSC Insurance Collaborate on Web3 "Proof of Coverage" Insurance Solution under Cyberport Web3 Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme

processing; and 3) using smart contracts to increase efficiency and eliminate the need for manual intervention in routine processes. Web3 technology and blockchain, coupled with PoC Solution, are revolutionizing the insurance industry. They provide insurance companies with a way to ensure data integrity, transaction

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Jun 11, 2024, 23:27 ET GeeTest CAPTCHA Earns Best Value and Best Ease of Use Badges from Capterra for Second Consecutive Year

human-bot verification technology since 2012. Now it processes 2.9 billion CAPTCHA requests daily and serves 360,000+ companies in sectors like blockchain, online games, e-commerce, etc. In November 2021 GeeTest was recognized as a selected vendor in Forrester's Now Tech:

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Jun 11, 2024, 17:10 ET Siemens apresenta soluções completas para a transformação da indústria de A&B na Fispal Tecnologia e TecnoCarne 2024

outras. O Siemens Xcelerator, uma plataforma digital de negócios aberta e flexível, que incorpora soluções como inteligência artificial, IoT, blockchain e edge computig, mostrará durante a feira um dos seus primeiros lançamentos, no qual será possível conferir o uso aberto da inteligência artificial

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Jun 11, 2024, 16:35 ET DeFi Technologies kündigt die Einführung eines Core Chain Validator Node an, um am Netzwerkkonsens und Staking mit 1498 BTC teilzunehmen

neuartiges CORE ETP eingeführt, welches die einzigartigen Blockchain-Funktionen von Core Chain nutzt, um Renditechancen durch den Einsatz von BTC zu eröffnen. Core Chain ist eine hochmoderne, mit Bitcoin betriebene, EVM-kompatible Blockchain, die Bitcoin-Miner und BTC-Staker im Austausch gegen Prämien

More news about: DeFi Technologies Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 12:35 ET Following Initial Backing From Coinbase Ventures, OKX Ventures, and Solana Ventures, Unite Secures $3 Million Seed Extension From Superlayer to Build Web3 Mobile Gaming Infrastructure

accelerate Unite's mission to become the first Layer 3 blockchain solution for mass-market mobile games.SINGAPORE, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Unite, the pioneering Layer 3 blockchain solution for mass-market mobile gaming, today announced

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Jun 11, 2024, 12:27 ET Following Initial Backing From Coinbase Ventures, OKX Ventures, and Solana Ventures, Unite Secures $3 Million Seed Extension From Superlayer to Build Web3 Mobile Gaming Infrastructure

first Layer 3 blockchain solution for mass-market mobile games.SINGAPORE, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Unite, the pioneering Layer 3 blockchain solution for

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Jun 11, 2024, 10:51 ET BSV Association's Report Highlights Blockchain's Unparalleled Ability to Scale Trust in the New Digital Age

in an Automated World: The Role of Blockchain in Safeguarding Data and Streamlining Transactions. About BSV Blockchain: One Blockchain for Everyone. The BSV Association leads the BSV blockchain for Enterprise and Blockchain for Government initiatives. This

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Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Strategische Partnerschaft zwischen Constellation Network und Forward Edge-AI für vertrauenswürdige KI-Branchenlösungen mit Blockchain-Technologie

Unsere skalierbare Blockchain-Lösung kann die Datentreue und den Output kostengünstig auf Unternehmensebene validieren. Die Partnerschaft mit Forward Edge-AI, einem Unternehmen mit einem starken föderalen Hintergrund, war eine natürliche Wahl. In der Vergangenheit war es für Blockchain-Lösungen schwierig,

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Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network dan Forward Edge-AI Jalin Kemitraan Strategis Untuk Solusi Industri AI Terpercaya Dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Blockchain

Solusi blockchain kami dapat ditingkatkan sehingga mampu memvalidasi keakuratan dan output data dengan hemat biaya di tingkat perusahaan. Bermitra dengan Forward Edge-AI, perusahaan dengan silsilah federal yang kuat, adalah pilihan yang wajar." Secara historis, solusi blockchain sulit menyeimbangkan

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Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network Strategically Partners with Forward Edge-AI on Trustworthy AI Industry Solutions Using Blockchain Technology

reliance on unverified data. Our scalable blockchain solution can validate data fidelity and outputs cost-effectively at an enterprise level. Partnering with Forward Edge-AI, a company with a strong federal pedigree, was a natural choice." Historically, blockchain solutions have struggled with balancing

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Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network Strategically Partners with Forward Edge-AI on Trustworthy AI Industry Solutions Using Blockchain Technology

reliance on unverified data. Our scalable blockchain solution can validate data fidelity and outputs cost-effectively at an enterprise level. Partnering with Forward Edge-AI, a company with a strong federal pedigree, was a natural choice." Historically, blockchain solutions have struggled with balancing

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Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET A Constellation Network faz parceria estratégica com a Forward Edge-AI em soluções confiáveis do setor de IA usando a tecnologia Blockchain

solução de blockchain escalável pode validar a fidelidade dos dados e os resultados de forma econômica em nível empresarial. A parceria com a Forward Edge-AI, uma empresa com um sólido histórico no âmbito federal, foi uma escolha natural." Tradicionalmente, as soluções de blockchain têm enfrentado

More news about: Constellation Network Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network se asocia estratégicamente con Forward Edge-AI en soluciones de confianza para el sector de la IA mediante la tecnología Blockchain

Nuestra solución de blockchain escalable puede validar la fidelidad de los datos y los resultados de forma rentable a nivel empresarial. Asociarnos con Forward Edge-AI, una empresa con un sólido pedigrí federal, fue una elección natural". Históricamente, las soluciones blockchain han tenido problemas

More news about: Constellation Network Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network s'associe stratégiquement à Forward Edge-AI pour des solutions industrielles d'IA fiables utilisant la technologie blockchain

solution blockchain évolutive peut valider la fidélité des données et les résultats de manière rentable au niveau de l'entreprise. Le partenariat avec Forward Edge-AI, une entreprise ayant une forte expérience fédérale, était un choix naturel. » Historiquement, les solutions blockchain ont eu du

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Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network avvia una collaborazione strategica con Forward Edge-AI incentrata su soluzioni affidabili destinate al settore dell'IA e basate sulla tecnologia della blockchain

Constellation Network, blockchain americana e rete decentralizzata su misura per l'adozione del web3 a livello aziendale e federale, oggi annuncia l'allineamento strategico con 

More news about: Constellation Network Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network se asocia con Forward Edge-AI para ofrecer soluciones industriales de IA

Nuestra solución blockchain escalable puede validar la fidelidad de los datos y los resultados de manera rentable a nivel empresarial. La asociación con Forward Edge-AI, una empresa con un sólido pedigrí federal, fue un elección natural". Históricamente, las soluciones blockchain han tenido dificultades

More news about: Constellation Network Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 ET Constellation Network werkt strategisch samen met Forward Edge-AI aan betrouwbare AI-oplossingen voor de industrie met behulp van blockchaintechnologie

Constellation Network, een Amerikaans blockchain- en gedecentraliseerd netwerk op maat gemaakt voor web3, enterprise en federale adoptie, kondigt vandaag aan dat het een strategische samenwerking

More news about: Constellation Network Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 ET Ledgible Pioneers Digital Assets Tax Information Reporting For First of its Kind Tokenized Money Fund

innovative financial products needing Ledgible to help with digital asset data. The asset manager launched the first U.S.- registered fund to use a public blockchain to process transactions and record share ownership. Franklin Templeton needed a solution to integrate multiple

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Jun 11, 2024, 08:30 ET ALT5 Sigma, a wholly-owned subsidiary of JanOne, Launches ALT5 Settlement Platform aimed at the untapped $27.3 Billion Global Digital Content Creation Market

$7 million per month. About ALT5 Sigma Inc. Launched in 2018, ALT5 is a fintech company that provides next generation blockchain-powered technologies to enable a migration to a new global financial paradigm. ALT5, through its subsidiaries, offers two main platforms to its customers:

More news about: JanOne Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 07:30 ET DeFi Technologies Announces Launch of Core Chain Validator Node to Participate in Network Consensus and Staking, Stakes 1,498 BTC

ETP and an upcoming novel CORE ETP, leveraging Core Chain's unique blockchain features to introduce yield opportunities through BTC staking. Core Chain is a cutting-edge, Bitcoin-powered, EVM-compatible blockchain that integrates Bitcoin miners and BTC stakers into its

More news about: DeFi Technologies Inc.

Jun 11, 2024, 00:00 ET Ethiopian Airlines Group partners with Loyyal and Finfare Connect to launch seamless bank-linked every-day offers for its ShebaMiles members

platform, integrating blockchain and smart contract technology. With over eight years of experience, Loyyal has established itself as a leader in the loyalty industry, driving innovation and transformation. Loyyal's mission is to redefine loyalty programs by leveraging blockchain to unlock incremental

More news about: Loyyal Technologies FZCO

Jun 11, 2024, 00:00 ET Ethiopian Airlines Group partners with Loyyal and Finfare Connect to launch seamless bank-linked every-day offers for its ShebaMiles members

platform, integrating blockchain and smart contract technology. With over eight years of experience, Loyyal has established itself as a leader in the loyalty industry, driving innovation and transformation. Loyyal's mission is to redefine loyalty programs by leveraging blockchain to unlock incremental

More news about: Loyyal Technologies FZCO

Jun 10, 2024, 16:01 ET "AI: MEDIA 2024": Explore how Al transforms media by upholding truth in the digital age

integrity of photography and video content in media. In this event and filmed TV special, we unravel the transformative power of AI algorithms and the blockchain in scrutinizing images and videos, detecting alterations, and verifying authenticity with unparalleled precision." About

More news about: DeFiance Media

Jun 10, 2024, 14:20 ET Timber Logistics Market size is set to grow by USD 18.47 billion from 2024-2028, Technological advances in timber logistics to boost the market growth, Technavio

transportation and management of various timber products, including Industrial Roundwood, Sawn Timber, Plywood, and Blockchain technology-enabled Paper-based Packaging solutions. Sustainable practices are paramount in this industry, with an emphasis on Sustainable Timber

More news about: Technavio

Jun 10, 2024, 11:45 ET High Performance Computing Market Size to Grow USD 70180 Million by 2030 at a CAGR of 10.7% | Valuates Reports

comprehensive data analysis and reporting are necessary for regulatory compliance, and HPC can effectively handle these tasks. The incorporation of blockchain technology and the growth of fintech both need significant processing power. The BFSI industry is becoming more and more dependent on HPC systems

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Jun 10, 2024, 10:46 ET Empowers Users to Trade Freely: 'Trade What You Want, With Whoever You Want'

has become a pressing need. To address this issue, various DeFi protocols, investment institutions, middleware providers, and blockchain builders have come together to form

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Jun 10, 2024, 10:45 ET Introducing SOFA - An Innovative & Secured Way to Put Your Crypto to Work

trustless, DeFi ecosystem system capable of atomically settling financial assets on the blockchain. The organization's first protocol will focus on crypto structured products, enabling

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Jun 10, 2024, 10:01 ET Aviation Cloud Market worth $12.9 billion by 2029 - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™

(Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Parts Replacement, Performance Monitoring, Training, Inventory Management, Mobility), Technology (AR/VR, 3D Printing, Blockchain, Others), End User, and Region - Global Forecast to 2030

More news about: MarketsandMarkets

Jun 10, 2024, 09:30 ET MoneyGram Announces Gary W. Ferrera as Chief Financial Officer

home for family and friends to pick up in cash or receive directly to a bank account, mobile wallet or card. The Company is a pioneer in the use of blockchain technology at scale and also enables consumers to buy, sell and hold digital currencies on its industry-leading app. With one of the world's most

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Jun 10, 2024, 09:00 ET Chintai launches on Base to bring RWA's onchain

automated compliance infrastructure for regulated digital assets. The strategic aim is to bridge the gap between businesses and compliant blockchain technology with a Blockchain Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) model. Media Contact: Kok [email protected]

More news about: Chintai

Jun 10, 2024, 09:00 ET Nexus Closes $25M Series A to Enable Verifiable Computation via Zero-Knowledge Cryptography

participation from Dragonfly Capital, Faction Ventures, and Blockchain Builders Fund. Nexus' initial $2.2 million seed funding was led by Dragonfly in late 2022, and included Alliance, SV Angel, and Blockchain Builders Fund. This latest investment brings the company's total

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Jun 10, 2024, 08:30 ET BLiNQ Networks and Karrier One enable user-owned and operated mobile networks in latest DePIN deployment

States. Karrier One is the first global wireless carrier-grade decentralized service platform, powered by a new generation of blockchain which enables users or gate keepers to rapidly deploy and operate radio equipment called Gatekeeper Nodes.  In collaboration with qualified

More news about: BLiNQ Networks Inc.

Jun 10, 2024, 06:00 ET Deloitte and Bloomberg Tax & Accounting Announce the Release of a Comprehensive Tax Management Portfolio on Taxation of Cryptocurrency and Other Digital Assets

Rob Massey, partner, global & U.S. Tax Blockchain & Digital Assets leader, Deloitte Tax LLP, and a principal author of Portfolio 190. "The transformative impact of blockchain and digital assets is inspiring a fresh lens on the tax implications of these transactions.

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Jun 10, 2024, 03:30 ET XRP Healthcare Welcomes 10 Billion Dollar M&A Specialist Whitney Lynn to Head Africa Expansion

improving healthcare access in emerging markets, and creating real-world utility by transforming global healthcare through mergers, acquisitions and blockchain. Photo:

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Jun 09, 2024, 19:05 ET Third-Party Chemical Distribution Market size is set to grow by USD 138 million from 2024-2028, Growing focus on chemical distribution to boost the market growth, Technavio

direct sales by manufacturers and advanced technologies. Traditionally, self-distribution accounts for 90% of chemical distribution. Technologies like Blockchain enable direct contracts between manufacturers and end-users, eliminating intermediaries. Online sales also encourage manufacturers to bypass distributors,

More news about: Technavio

Jun 09, 2024, 19:00 ET Data Center Liquid Immersion Cooling Market size is set to grow by USD 1.04 billion from 2024-2028, Increase in construction of data centers boost the market, Technavio

optimal operating temperatures in high-density racks. Key drivers for market expansion include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology, which generate substantial electricity usage and heat. Water and electricity are crucial resources in this context, and the liquid usage

More news about: Technavio

Jun 07, 2024, 17:35 ET Lottery Market size is set to grow by USD 211.8 billion from 2024-2028, Increasing penetration of online lottery boost the market, Technavio

crucial elements in the industry, ensuring secure and convenient transactions for customers. On the other hand, competition from numerous numbers and blockchain-based lotteries poses a significant threat. Prizes and discounts are essential tools to attract and retain customers. •         However, maintaining

More news about: Technavio

Jun 07, 2024, 17:25 ET Ladder Market size is set to grow by USD 1.54 billion from 2024-2028, Rising focus on construction activities across the emerging countries boost the market, Technavio

buying and selling of various financial instruments. Smart technology and user-friendly interfaces make transactions efficient. Technologies like Blockchain and Smart Contracts ensure security and transparency. Multifunctional platforms offer services such as trading, investing, and consulting.

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Jun 07, 2024, 12:29 ET Node Nexus Network Has Entered into a Pending Acquisition by Spectral Capital Corporation (FCCN)

innovators and creators across the globe. About Node Nexus Network (NNN) Node Nexus Network has been at the forefront of leveraging AI and blockchain technologies to revolutionize cloud computing and data management. With a global presence across 16 regions and extending to 251 nations, NNN offers

More news about: Spectral Capital Corporation