News Search Results

Displaying Results 851-875 of 4569 "blockchain"

May 13, 2024, 19:00 ET Synechron Acquires iGreenData, a Digital Engineering Organization Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia

domain expertise in the banking and financial services sectors, along with strengths in full-stack, DevOps, cloud, data engineering, automation, and blockchain. The acquisition of iGreenData was completed on May 13, 2024.

More news about: Synechron

May 13, 2024, 09:45 ET DACFP and Franklin Templeton Digital Assets Advisor Pulse Survey Finds a Seventy Percent Change in Number of Financial Advisors Planning to Recommend Crypto in Next Six Months

Assets: Blockchain, Bitcoin and Beyond course, which provides financial professionals with practical and actionable advice to effectively incorporate digital assets into their businesses. The 60-minute course consists of videos that address various topics including blockchain, bitcoin,

More news about: Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals

May 13, 2024, 08:15 ET General Motors Names Alps Alpine North America, Inc. a 2023 Supplier of the Year

units; consumer electronics like car navigation and audio-visual systems; and systems and services such as digital keys based on smartphone app and blockchain technology, and remote monitoring. General Motors is a global company focused on advancing an all-electric future that is inclusive

More news about: Alps Alpine North America, Inc.

May 13, 2024, 08:03 ET Marvion, Inc. (MVNC) Blockchain (DOT Platform) Sales Rise 25% in 2023 with 107% Increase to Gross Profits

works through our Digital Ownership Token (DOT) platform. This initiative provides a secure resale of intellectual property usage rights, leveraging blockchain technology for various utilizations of movie content, including adaptations into other media forms such as comics and TV series. Despite the

More news about: Marvion Inc.

May 13, 2024, 07:30 ET JanOne to Acquire ALT 5 Sigma Inc., a Leading Next Generation Blockchain Financial Technology Provider

May 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- JanOne Inc. (Nasdaq: JAN) announced today that it has executed a Definitive Agreement to acquire blockchain financial technology provider, ALT 5 Sigma Inc., a Delaware corporation, and each of its wholly-owned subsidiaries.

More news about: JanOne Inc.

May 13, 2024, 07:30 ET DeFi Technologies Subsidiary Valour Inc. Launches Internet Computer (ICP) and Toncoin (TON) ETPs, Landmark Offerings in the Nordics Alongside Chainlink (LINK) ETP

as a decentralized oracle network, plays a pivotal role in enabling smart contracts on blockchain platforms to securely interact with real-world data. By acting as a bridge between blockchain-based smart contracts and external data sources, Chainlink facilitates the execution of trustless

More news about: DeFi Technologies Inc.

May 13, 2024, 05:20 ET Cyber Security Market size is set to grow by USD 203.5 bn from 2023-2027, increase in use of mobile devices to boost the market growth, Technavio

transactions, IoT, e-commerce platforms, and cloud computing, the demand for advanced cybersecurity solutions has surged. AI, machine learning, and blockchain are increasingly being integrated into cybersecurity systems to enhance threat detection and response capabilities. Regulatory frameworks such as

More news about: Technavio

May 13, 2024, 05:16 ET Flash News: OKX Marketplace Captures #1 Market Share with Over 50% of Total Daily Runes Exchange Volume

Bitcoin network, simplifying the creation and management of tokens. It offers a streamlined alternative to traditional models, reducing blockchain bloat and significantly improving scalability. *Source:

More news about: OKX

May 13, 2024, 01:30 ET XRP Healthcare Solidifies Presence in Uganda with Trademark Registration Success

healthcare access in emerging markets, and creating real-world utility by transforming global healthcare through mergers, acquisitions and blockchain. Photo -

More news about: XRP Healthcare

May 13, 2024, 01:00 ET Blockdaemon erweitert seine Präsenz in Abu Dhabi mit der Gründung einer Einheit unter der Registrierungsbehörde des Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Weg für mehr Zusammenarbeit und Innovation im dynamischen Blockchain-Ökosystem der VAE. Wir freuen uns auf die vor uns liegenden Möglichkeiten und bleiben unserer Mission treu, Unternehmen und Organisationen mit sicheren und skalierbaren Blockchain-Infrastrukturlösungen zu unterstützen." Arvind

More news about: Blockdaemon

May 13, 2024, 01:00 ET Blockdaemon dokonuje ekspansji w Abu Zabi dzięki utworzeniu podmiotu podlegającego Organowi Rejestracyjnemu Rynku Globalnego w Abu Zabi (ADGM)

współpracę i innowacje w dynamicznym ekosystemie blockchain w ZEA. Cieszymy się z nadchodzących możliwości i pozostajemy wierni misji, która polega na zapewnianiu przedsiębiorstwom i organizacjom bezpiecznych i skalowalnych rozwiązań z zakresu infrastruktury blockchain". Arvind Ramamurthy,

More news about: Blockdaemon

May 13, 2024, 01:00 ET Blockdaemon expands presence in Abu Dhabi with established entity under Registration Authority of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

for greater collaboration and innovation in the UAE's vibrant blockchain ecosystem. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and remain steadfast in our mission to empower businesses and organizations with secure and scalable blockchain infrastructure solutions." Arvind

More news about: Blockdaemon

May 13, 2024, 01:00 ET Blockdaemon étend sa présence à Abu Dhabi en créant une entité sous l'autorité d'enregistrement du marché mondial d'Abu Dhabi (ADGM)

l'écosystème dynamique de la blockchain des Émirats arabes unis. Nous sommes enthousiasmés par les opportunités qui s'annoncent et restons inébranlables dans notre mission de permettre aux entreprises et aux organisations de disposer de solutions d'infrastructure blockchain sécurisées et évolutives. »

More news about: Blockdaemon

May 13, 2024, 01:00 ET Blockdaemon amplía su presencia en Abu Dabi

colaboración e innovación en el vibrante ecosistema blockchain de los EAU. Estamos entusiasmados con las oportunidades que se avecinan y permanecemos firmes en nuestra misión de empoderar a las empresas y organizaciones con soluciones de infraestructura blockchain seguras y escalables". Arvind

More news about: Blockdaemon

May 13, 2024, 01:00 ET Společnost Blockdaemon rozšiřuje svou přítomnost v Abú Zabí a zakládá subjekt spadající do kompetence úřadu Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM))

to o progresivním regulačním prostředí, které nabízí naše mezinárodní finanční centrum, a o významném potenciálu a poptávce v dílčím klastru pro blockchain a Web3 a související služby. ADGM je průkopníkem ve vytváření ekosystému, který podněcuje růst a úspěch společností jako Blockdaemon. Netrpělivě

More news about: Blockdaemon

May 12, 2024, 21:30 ET XREX Singapur erhält die MAS-Lizenz für große Zahlungsinstitute

XREX Singapore, ein auf grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen in Schwellenländern spezialisiertes, Blockchain-fähiges Finanzinstitut, gab heute bekannt, dass es von der Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), der Zentralbank

More news about: XREX Inc.

May 12, 2024, 21:30 ET XREX Singapore Receives MAS Major Payment Institution Licence

May 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XREX Singapore, a blockchain-enabled financial institution specialising in cross-border payments in emerging markets, announced today that it has obtained the Major Payment Institution

More news about: XREX Inc.

May 12, 2024, 21:30 ET XREX Singapore krijgt Major Payment Institution-vergunning van MAS

13 mei 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XREX Singapore, een door blockchain ondersteunde financiële instelling gespecialiseerd in buitenlandse betalingen in opkomende markten, kondigde vandaag aan dat het de Major Payment

More news about: XREX Inc.

May 12, 2024, 21:30 ET XREX Singapour obtient une licence d'établissement de paiement majeur

2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XREX Singapore, une institution financière basée sur la blockchain et spécialisée dans les paiements transfrontaliers sur les marchés émergents, a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir obtenu une licence d'établissement de paiement

More news about: XREX Inc.

May 12, 2024, 21:30 ET XREX Singapore recebe licença de instituição de pagamento principal do MAS

2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A XREX Singapore, uma instituição financeira habilitada para blockchain especializada em pagamentos internacionais em mercados emergentes, anunciou hoje que obteve a Licença de Instituição de Pagamento Principal (MPI)

More news about: XREX Inc.

May 12, 2024, 21:30 ET XREX Singapur recibe la licencia de institución de pago importante de la MAS

2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XREX Singapur, institución financiera habilitada para blockchain especializada en pagos transfronterizos en mercados emergentes, ha anunciado hoy que ha obtenido la licencia de institución de pago importante (MPI,

More news about: XREX Inc.

May 12, 2024, 10:42 ET Pudgy Penguins Expands Pudgy Toys To Second Major Nationwide Retailer

innovative retail strategy. Pudgy Toys turns the digital collectible characters, that are part of an online gaming experience powered by the zkSync blockchain, into a popular line of physical products, seamlessly blending the physical and digital worlds for consumers.

More news about: Pudgy Penguins


("Clara"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lucara, has developed a secure, digital sales platform that uses proprietary analytics together with cloud and blockchain technologies to modernize the existing diamond supply chain, driving efficiencies, unlocking value and ensuring diamond provenance from mine to finger.

More news about: Lucara Diamond Corp.

May 10, 2024, 16:10 ET JanOne to Acquire ALT 5 Sigma Inc., a Leading Next Generation Blockchain Financial Technology Provider

JanOne to Acquire ALT 5 Sigma Inc., a Leading Next Generation Blockchain Financial Technology ProviderLaunched in 2018, ALT 5 is a fintech that provides next generation blockchain-powered technologies to enable a migration to a new global financial paradigm. ALT 5, through

More news about: JanOne Inc.

May 10, 2024, 11:10 ET Venom and KuCoin Ventures forge strategic partnership

the most anticipated new blockchain projects, the Venom network, has continued to make inroads across the blockchain industry following its launch into mainnet earlier this year. Venom has drawn attention due to its unique capabilities as both a layer-0 and layer-1 blockchain. The network is powered by

More news about: Venom Foundation