News Search Results

Displaying Results 326-350 of 4565 "blockchain"

Jun 25, 2024, 03:44 ET CoinEx Tingkatkan Transparansi dan Lindungi Keamanan Aset Pengguna dengan Memperbarui Rasio Cadangan Aset

untuk memperkuat sistem keamanan yang menjaga integritas aset pengguna dari risiko ekstrem. CoinEx pun berkolaborasi dengan lembaga keamanan blockchain ternama dalam kemitraan keamanan strategis. Lewat kolaborasi ini, CoinEx membentuk tim keamanan terbaik dan membangun pertahanan solid sekaligus

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Jun 24, 2024, 19:14 ET CoinEx renforce la transparence et protège les actifs des utilisateurs en actualisant son ratio de réserve d'actifs

protection de l'intégrité des actifs des utilisateurs contre les risques extrêmes. CoinEx a collaboré avec les meilleures institutions de sécurité de la blockchain pour former un partenariat de sécurité stratégique afin de rassembler une équipe de sécurité de premier plan et de bâtir une forteresse imprenable,

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Jun 24, 2024, 19:09 ET CoinEx zvyšuje transparentnosť a chráni bezpečnosť aktív používateľov aktualizovaným pomerom rezerv aktív

zabezpečením.  O burze CoinEx Spoločnosť CoinEx bola založená v roku 2017 a jej poslaním je využívať transformačnú silu technológie blockchain, ktorá sa riadi étosom značky „používateľ na prvom mieste". CoinEx sa môže pochváliť výberom obchodných možností pre BTC, stablecoiny a viac ako 1

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Jun 24, 2024, 17:00 ET Bluprynt Completes EU's First Ever MiCA Pilot

crypto asset disclosures and regulated communications, is a global financial technology company that provides infrastructure and tools to help blockchain-based businesses and governments prepare for the future. We pair our premier regulatory and technology expertise to bring unique, first in class

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Jun 24, 2024, 15:04 ET CoinEx mejora la transparencia y protege la seguridad de los activos de los usuarios

más la integridad de los activos de los usuarios contra riesgos extremos. CoinEx ha colaborado con las principales instituciones de seguridad de blockchain para formar una asociación de seguridad estratégica con el fin de reunir un equipo de seguridad de primer nivel y construir una fortaleza sólida,

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Jun 24, 2024, 10:33 ET GCL Launches World's First Carbon Data Platform and SiRo Module

München, Germany, GCL unveiled the world's first solar photovoltaic carbon chain—GCL Carbon Data Platform integrating blockchain technology with granular silicon technology. It effectively tracks the carbon footprint across the entire photovoltaic industry chain, ensuring that

More news about: GCL SI

Jun 24, 2024, 09:30 ET Hyperlink InfoSystem Proclaims Its Ranking as Top App Development Company in India 2024

development have a huge market of more than 6 billion smartphone users. Advancements such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, AR/VR, IoT, and blockchain have penetrated their hearts into the Indian market very heavily and also opened up new avenues for application functionality along with enhanced

More news about: Hyperlink InfoSystem

Jun 24, 2024, 09:00 ET Coincall Announces Strategic Partnership with to Catapult CeFi-DeFi Liquidity

non-profit, and open-source DAO dedicated to developing a trustless, DeFi ecosystem capable of atomically settling financial assets on the blockchain.  The organization's first protocol will focus on crypto structured products, enabling seamless execution between depositors and market

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Jun 24, 2024, 08:57 ET HashKey Capital Becomes Founding Member of to Support On-chain Settlement Framework for Crypto Derivatives

HashKey CapitalHashKey Capital is a global digital asset and blockchain leader helping institutions, founders and talents advance the blockchain industry. As one of the largest crypto funds and earliest investors in Ethereum,

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Jun 24, 2024, 08:57 ET CoinEx Enhances Transparency and Protect User Asset Security with Updated Asset Reserve Ratio

Shield Fund which dedicates 10% trading fees to further securing the integrity of user assets against extreme risks. CoinEx has collaborated with top blockchain security institutions to form a strategic security partnership in order to assemble a top-tier security team and build a solid fortress, equipping

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Jun 24, 2024, 08:36 ET iSHANG and PSC Insurance Collaborate on Web3 "Proof of Coverage" Insurance Solution under Cyberport Web3 Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme

processing; and 3) using smart contracts to increase efficiency and eliminate the need for manual intervention in routine processes. Web3 technology and blockchain, coupled with PoC Solution, are revolutionizing the insurance industry. They provide insurance companies with a way to ensure data integrity, transaction

More news about: iSHANG

Jun 24, 2024, 08:27 ET CoinEx Enhances Transparency and Protect User Asset Security with Updated Asset Reserve Ratio

Shield Fund which dedicates 10% trading fees to further securing the integrity of user assets against extreme risks. CoinEx has collaborated with top blockchain security institutions to form a strategic security partnership in order to assemble a top-tier security team and build a solid fortress, equipping

More news about: CoinEx Global Limited

Jun 24, 2024, 05:14 ET BingX se suma a la celebración de la fiesta del fútbol en Europa y América

en el continente americano en 2024. Con premios por un total de 1 millón de USDT, BingX continúa innovando para conectar los mundos dinámicos de blockchain y los deportes. Esta celebración busca unir a los entusiastas de las criptomonedas con los fanáticos del fútbol, subrrayando el compromiso de BingX

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Jun 24, 2024, 04:02 ET Reimagining Real-World Assets with Blockchain: iRA Blocks' Bold Vision

SINGAPORE, June 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iRA Blocks, a pioneering blockchain platform for Real World Assets (RWAs), is transforming the landscape of high-value investments. The platform democratizes physical asset investments

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Jun 24, 2024, 02:24 ET MapleStory Universe Pre-Launch Campaign -- 'MapleStory Universe: The Genesis' Begins on June 24

IP-expanding project based on blockchain technology that utilizes NFTs. The goal of NEXPACE is to bring creators and users together, fostering an innovative games community where members can experience various games and content developed by other members. With its blockchain technology, NEXPACE provides

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Jun 24, 2024, 01:30 ET After Just 18 Months, Is XRP Healthcare (XRPH) One of the Fastest Growing Companies on the Blockchain?

XRP Healthcare has rapidly positioned itself as a trailblazer in the intersection of blockchain and healthcare. In just 18 months, the company has achieved milestones that many in the blockchain industry, and even traditional businesses, aspire to reach within years.

More news about: XRP Healthcare

Jun 23, 2024, 22:41 ET GCL SI stellt neue SiRo Innovation auf der Intersolar Europe 2024 vor

neuester Lösungen vor, darunter Perowskit-Module sowie eine Reihe von hocheffizienten N-Typ-Modulen in Europa. Durch den Einsatz modernster Blockchain-Technologie und strategischer Partnerschaften zur Schaffung einer nahtlosen und transparenten Kohlenstoff-Plattform reduziert GCL SI seinen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck

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Jun 21, 2024, 19:57 ET GCL SI présente sa récente innovation SiRo à Intersolar Europe 2024

pérovskites ainsi qu'une variété de modules de type N à haut rendement en Europe. S'appuyant sur une technologie de blockchain de pointe et des partenariats stratégiques pour créer une plateforme carbone transparente et sans faille, la pratique pionnière de GCL SI permet

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Jun 21, 2024, 13:48 ET GCL SI po raz pierwszy prezentuje innowacyjne rozwiązanie SiRna Intersolar Europe 2024

rozwiązania, między innymi moduły z perowskitu oraz zróżnicowaną ofertę wysokowydajnych modułów typu N. Wykorzystując przełomową technologię blockchain i strategiczne partnerstwa, aby stworzyć płynnie działającą i przejrzystą platformę śledzenia emisji dwutlenku węgla, pionierskie rozwiązanie GCL

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Jun 21, 2024, 13:47 ET GCL SI presenta la nueva innovación SiRo en Intersolar Europe 2024

módulos de perovskita, así como una variedad de módulos de alta eficiencia de tipo N en Europa en la feria comercial. Aprovechando la tecnología blockchain de vanguardia y las asociaciones estratégicas para crear una plataforma de carbono transparente y sin fisuras, la práctica pionera de GCL SI es reducir

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Jun 21, 2024, 13:06 ET Utilities Sector Can Enhance Risk Management and Resilience With Exponential IT, Says Info-Tech Research Group in New Resource

Innovation: Evaluate and adopt solutions that drive consumer value, enterprise growth, and innovation. Explore and implement emerging technologies such as IoT, blockchain, and advanced analytics to enhance service delivery, improve customer engagement, and drive business growth.Cultivate Workforce Flexibility: Dismantle

More news about: Info-Tech Research Group

Jun 21, 2024, 09:00 ET Anime Creator and Culture Brand Azuki Taps Steve Chung as New COO

brands in entertainment. Chung will also separately be signing up as a contributor and be closely involved with the launch of AnimeChain, a blockchain network designed for and by anime fans that will act as the first step in redefining anime community engagement. Prior to joining Azuki, Chung

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Jun 21, 2024, 09:00 ET Team Liquid and Community Gaming announce 20K USDC Tournament Series For Onchain Summer 2024

elite talent in Team Fight Tactics and Hearthstone. Winners will be paid in USDC, a digital asset redeemable 1:1 to US Dollars, on Base, the Layer-2 blockchain incubated by Coinbase.

More news about: Community Gaming Inc

Jun 21, 2024, 08:12 ET GCL SI Debuts New SiRo Innovation at Intersolar Europe 2024

as well as a variety of N-type high-efficiency modules in Europe at the tradeshow. Leveraging cutting-edge blockchain technology and strategic partnerships to create a seamless and transparent carbon platform, GCL SI's pioneering practice is reducing its the carbon

More news about: GCL SI

Jun 21, 2024, 08:00 ET Mina Foundation and Mirae Asset Financial Group Collaborate to Advance Privacy-Preserving Security Token Offering Integration Platform With Zero-Knowledge Technology

 Mina Protocol, a zero-knowledge (ZK) blockchain, has signed a strategic memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Mirae Asset

More news about: Mina Foundation