News Search Results
Oct 02, 2024, 17:37 ET Cold Brew Coffee Market to Grow by USD 519.2 Million from 2024-2028, Driven by Millennial Demand for Instant Coffee and New Products, with AI Redefining Market Landscape - Technavio
Research AnalysisThe Cold Brew Coffee market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, particularly among the millennial and Generation Z demographics. These consumers, driven by their active lifestyles and social standing, have shown a preference for RTD beverages, including iced
More news about: Technavio
Oct 02, 2024, 09:00 ET Gen X Women On Average Believe They Will Need Over $2 Million to Retire Comfortably - More Than Any Other Group of Women, According to Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress Study
more secure and stress test the financial plans and assumptions they've made." Generation Zeal steps forward with confidence Generation Z women say they aim to retire nine years sooner than Boomer+ women (by age 62 vs. 71). They also expect to pay off their college loans a full decade
More news about: Northwestern Mutual
Oct 02, 2024, 05:00 ET Mars unveils the world's largest pet parent study to better understand and serve the over one billion pets - and growing - across the globe
than one-third (37%) of dog and cat owners considering their pets the most important thing in their lives. The percentage is even higher amongst Generation Z (Gen Z) (45%) and Millennials (40%). There's a preference towards kittens and puppies too: 84% of dogs and cats are acquired before the age
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Oct 02, 2024, 05:00 ET Mars stellt die weltweit größte Studie über Haustiereltern vor, um die über eine Milliarde Haustiere - Tendenz steigend - auf der ganzen Welt besser verstehen und bedienen zu können
haustierbesessenen Welt Mehr als ein Drittel (37 %) der Hunde- und Katzenbesitzer betrachten ihre Haustiere als das Wichtigste in ihrem Leben. Bei der Generation Z (45 %) und den Millennials (40 %) ist der Anteil noch höher. Es gibt auch eine Vorliebe für Kätzchen und Welpen: 84 % der Hunde und Katzen
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Oct 02, 2024, 05:00 ET Mars unveils the world's largest pet parent study to better understand and serve the over one billion pets - and growing - across the globe
than one-third (37%) of dog and cat owners considering their pets the most important thing in their lives. The percentage is even higher amongst Generation Z (Gen Z) (45%) and Millennials (40%). There's a preference towards kittens and puppies too: 84% of dogs and cats are acquired before the age
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Oct 02, 2024, 05:00 ET Mars dévoile la plus grande étude au monde sur les parents d'animaux de compagnie afin de mieux comprendre et servir plus d'un milliard d'animaux de compagnie - et ce chiffre ne cesse de croître - dans le monde entier.
propriétaires de chiens et de chats considérant leur animal comme la chose la plus importante dans leur vie. Le pourcentage est encore plus élevé parmi la génération Z (45 %) et les milléniaux (40 %). Il y a également une préférence pour les chatons et les chiots : 84% des chiens et des chats sont acquis
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Oct 02, 2024, 05:00 ET Mars ने पूरे विश्व में एक बिलियन से अधिक पालतू पशुओं की बेहतर समझ और उनकी सेवा के लिए विश्व के सबसे बड़े पैट पेरैन्ट अध्ययन का अनावरण किया है - और यह संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है।
पालतू पशुओं के प्रति समर्पित हैं, एक तिहाई से अधिक (37%) कुत्ते और बिल्ली के मालिक अपने पालतू पशुओं को अपने जीवन का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तत्व मानते हैं। Generation Z (Gen Z) (45%) और Millennials (40%) के बीच यह प्रतिशत और भी अधिक है। लोगों में बिल्ली और कुत्तों के बच्चों के प्रति भी प्राथमिकता है: 84%
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Sep 30, 2024, 03:30 ET Buckley Capital Management Sends Letter to Basic-Fit's Board and Management Recommending Strategic Review with the Intention to Sell the Business
Belgium just 9%.[8] Increases in penetration will in our view also be fueled by increased awareness of health and wellness among millennials and Generation Z. With its very high returns on capital in its existing markets, Basic-Fit has a long runway to deploy capital in line with these trends. Moreover,
More news about: Buckley Capital Partners, L.P.
Sep 29, 2024, 22:10 ET Global Times: Chinese youth increasingly embrace, share millennia-old cultural traditions
the seas along the historical Maritime Silk Road, spreading Chinese culture toward the rest of the world. Today, young people, especially Generation Z, are using unique ways to share Chinese culture with the world. Set new trend Li mentioned that one of the American Twitch streamers
More news about: Global Times
Sep 26, 2024, 18:43 ET Adyen leistet mit einer Reihe neuer branchenführender Produkte weiterhin Pionierarbeit im Bereich des persönlichen Zahlungsverkehrs
globales Publikum zu erreichen. Durch die Aktivierung von Klarna und Alipay+ in den Geschäften ermöglicht Adyen den Einzelhändlern, die Kunden der Generation Z und Reisende aus aller Welt, vor allem aus Asien, anzusprechen und ihnen die Flexibilität zu bieten, ihre bevorzugte Zahlungsmethode unabhängig
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Sep 26, 2024, 13:30 ET Adyen continue d'être un pionnier dans le domaine des paiements en personne avec une série de nouveaux produits qui définissent le secteur.
un public mondial plus large. En activant Klarna et Alipay+ en magasin, Adyen permet aux détaillants de répondre aux besoins des acheteurs de la génération Z et des voyageurs internationaux, principalement originaires d'Asie, en leur offrant la possibilité de choisir leur méthode de paiement préférée,
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Sep 24, 2024, 03:02 ET Global Times: Generation Z connect China and the world digitally: report
China's Cultural Exchanges with the World released at the Beijing Culture Forum on Thursday. Nowadays, Generation Z are serving as the new main force to push forward the cultural exchanges between China and other countries, according
More news about: Global Times
Sep 12, 2024, 12:57 ET Huawei lance Petal Ads pour promouvoir une connectivité mondiale dans le secteur du luxe et des voyages à Milan
luxe devrait tirer parti de la croissance de la clientèle aisée en Chine, sous l'effet d'un transfert de richesse vers les jeunes générations. La génération Z et les milléniaux sont en train de remodeler la consommation de produits de luxe, suscitant une fidélité aux marques et augmentant les dépenses.
More news about: Huawei Consumer Business Group
Sep 09, 2024, 08:23 ET Calling for submissions: The "Confucius in My Eyes" Global Gen Z Photo, Short-video and Writing Contest
The "Confucius in My Eyes" global Generation Z Photo, Short-video and Writing Contest was officially launched on September 8th. The aim is to collect innovative
More news about: China Daily
Ausland studiert Mehr als zwei Drittel der Generation Z und der Millennials sind daran interessiert, dass ihre Kinder näher am Wohnort studieren, im Vergleich zu etwas mehr als der Hälfte der Boomer82 % der Millennials und 77 % der Generation Z glauben, dass eine innovative Ausbildung wichtig
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l'étranger. Plus de deux tiers des membres de la génération Z et des milléniaux souhaitent que leurs enfants étudient plus près de chez eux, contre un peu plus de la moitié des baby-boomers.82% des Millennials et 77% des membres de la génération Z pensent que est important pour une éducation innovante,
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Sep 05, 2024, 10:02 ET Veterans United Names Best Cities for Millennial and Gen Z Veteran Homebuyers About Veterans United Home LoansBased in Columbia,
More news about: Veterans United Home Loans
Sep 04, 2024, 14:15 ET US Shapewear Market to Grow by USD 270.4 Million (2024-2028), Driven by Rising Demand for Sustainable Clothing, Report Includes AI's Impact on Trends - Technavio
exercise-friendly options in spandex, lycra, neoprene, nylon, and other fabrics for women at bust, waist, hips, thighs, and various body areas. Millennials and Generation Z are major consumers, seeking cost-effective items like body shapers, shaping bodysuits, shaping camisoles, shaping briefs, panties, waist cinchers,
More news about: Technavio
Aug 31, 2024, 21:57 ET China-Africa relations through young eyes
June 2021, aims to build a global platform of communication and exchange, focusing on the interests and ideas of Generation Z. The program comes in the form of interviews, forums and speeches, with topics related to anything of current interest in the world.
More news about: China Daily
Aug 29, 2024, 09:00 ET Revolve Group, Inc. to Present at the Piper Sandler Growth Frontiers Conference on Tuesday, September 10
Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Revolve Group, Inc. (NYSE: RVLV), the next-generation fashion retailer for Millennial and Generation Z consumers, will present at the Piper Sandler Growth Frontiers Conference on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 11:30
More news about: Revolve Group, Inc.
Aug 28, 2024, 22:00 ET TECNO s'associe à TRANSFORMERS pour une nouvelle édition spéciale percutante de la série SPARK 30
renforçant l'engagement de TECNO à offrir des expériences de produits plus percutantes et personnalisées avec un design vibrant et emblématique pour la Génération Z et les jeunes consommateurs modernes.
More news about: TECNO Mobile Limited
Aug 27, 2024, 09:00 ET Bloomerang's Generational Giving Report Reveals Digital Wallets Surpass Checks for Charitable Donations
donations were being used wisely, followed by 39% who said they no longer felt connected to the nonprofit they'd previously supported.Generation Z is the most enthusiastic about attending fundraising events. Despite favoring online methods of communication and giving, Gen Z prefers attending
More news about: Bloomerang
Aug 22, 2024, 04:55 ET Cloud Music Inc. Reports First Half 2024 Financial Results
China. The platform has been recognised as the most popular entertainment app among China's vibrant Generation Z community. Please see for more information.
More news about: NetEase Cloud Music
Aug 21, 2024, 10:00 ET Alkami Market Study Reveals Differences in AI Outlook between Financial Institutions and Consumers
being used by AI to deliver a better digital banking experience, with 51% agreeing to the same, statistically higher than all other generations - Generation Z (Gen Z), Generation X (Gen X), and baby boomers.Younger generations (Millennials and Gen Z) cite financial wellness as one of the
More news about: Alkami Technology, Inc.
Aug 20, 2024, 11:15 ET 73% of Insured Drivers Prefer to Pay Out-Of-Pocket Rather Than Filing Insurance Claim
population. Researchers reviewed all responses for quality control. We defined generations as the following ages in 2024: Generation Z: 18 to 27Millennial: 28 to 43Generation X: 44 to 59Baby boomer: 60 to 78About LendingTree LendingTree®
More news about: LendingTree, LLC