Free Press Release Templates and Examples



Public relations (PR) professionals tend to have a lot on their plate. From organizing media tours to responding to press requests, we’re willing to bet your day is packed. That’s why some PR pros use press release templates to increase efficiency—even pros who are familiar with what a press release is and how to write one. Whether you're announcing a new product, a company milestone or an event, this article has the information you need to structure your press release clearly and professionally.

What’s the Structure of a Press Release?

Press release templates follow the Associate Press’ style guide. Understanding the purpose each section serves is essential for writing an effective press release.


The headline, sometimes also called the press release subject line, is the first thing readers see. A compelling headline grabs attention and encourages further reading. It needs to be catchy and informative, summarizing the main message in a clear and concise manner. Keep it short, using no more than 100 characters, and include keywords to gain search engine rankings and website traffic. 


The dateline provides the release date and location, setting the context for the announcement. It typically appears at the beginning of the first paragraph. The format usually includes the city name in all caps, followed by the date. This helps journalists understand the relevance of the news and accurately report on it.

Lead Paragraph

The lead paragraph is one of the most important parts of the PR news release template. It summarizes the essential details using the five Ws (who, what, when, where and why), providing a snapshot of the announcement. This section grabs attention and provides a quick overview, so journalists and other readers can immediately determine if they want to read more or share the news.

Body Content

The body content expands on the lead paragraph with supporting details. Here, you provide more in-depth information about the press release announcement, like background details, key points and additional context. This section should be well-organized and engaging, helping readers understand the significance of the news and its impact on the industry or market.


Including at least one quote adds a human element to your press release, gives it credibility and makes it easier for journalists to turn your release into an article. Having multiple quotes can increase the likelihood that a journalist picks up the story. The quotes should come from key figures within the organization, like executives or project leaders, or from individuals directly involved in the topic of the press release. For example, a charity-related press release might have a quote from both the business and the charity. 

Supporting Information

Supporting information includes statistics, relevant history or industry trends that back up the announcement. It should be well-organized and easy to read. For example, a press release about an award you’ve won might include a paragraph at the end of the template that provides more details about the history of the award and the organization that bestowss it.

Call to Action

The call to action (CTA) directs readers on what to do next. Whether it's visiting a website, contacting the company or signing up for a service, the CTA should be clear and compelling to encourage engagement and improve the performance of your campaign. While most press release templates include a CTA, some don’t, like certain types of news releases.


The press release boilerplate is a standard part of every PR release format that provides information about your organization. It typically includes your mission, history and key achievements, helping journalists understand how your story is relevant to their audience. Keep it concise and ensure it aligns with your organization’s brand. Also, link to your company’s website so that in the event the media picks up the story, the information is easy for them to find. 

Contact Information

Providing contact information is important so journalists can follow up and ask questions. Include the name, phone number, email address and social media information for your media contact person. Keep in mind that while most press release templates include this section, some organizations don’t provide this information. Ultimately, it’s up to you, although it can lead to better coverage of your news. 

7 Essential Press Release Samples

While most press release templates are similar, you can (and should) tailor the content to your specific news. Here’s a look at a few different examples of PR releases and their unique purposes.

1. Product Launches and Updates

Product-related press releases announce new products or updates to existing ones. They highlight features, benefits and availability, with the goal of creating buzz and driving initial sales with a specific target audience. This press release format often includes quotes from executives, multimedia images and links to more detailed information. The release below is a good example of a typical press release template for a product launch, including a powerful subject line.

Example: The Most Technically Advanced Email Signature Software Rocketseed Has Ever Developed

2. Growth Announcements

Growth announcements cover significant business changes like mergers, acquisitions, grand openings and new partnerships. They typically include quotes from key executives, details about the impact on the company's future and the potential benefits for customers and stakeholders. The press release sample below is a good example of a growth announcement that aims to build investor confidence and market interest. 

Example: Fifty 1 Labs, Inc. Announces Major Strategic Advancements and Shareholder Updates

3. Personnel Changes

Many organizations use press releases to announce executive promotions, new hires, retirements and other employee news. These press release templates showcase the individual's background, achievements and contributions to the company, building credibility and stakeholder confidence. Quotes from senior leaders and the new or departing individual are also essential, as shown in the press release example below.

Example: ImpediMed Appoints Google Financial Executive Fiona Bones to Board of Directors

4. Events

Event press releases are an important part of any PR strategy. For upcoming events, they provide details like the date, time, location and agenda, with the goal of driving media coverage, signups and attendance. For events in progress, they offer updates and highlights to help gain ongoing interest and attendance. Recaps summarize key moments and outcomes to earn positive publicity, as shown in the PR news release example below.

Example: Hyundai and Lurie Children's Host Car Seat Safety Check Event

5. Charity and ESG

Charity and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) press releases focus on a company’s sustainability efforts and philanthropic initiatives. They highlight community involvement, charitable donations, volunteer activities and eco-friendly practices, with a goal of earning positive publicity and enhancing the company’s reputation. This type of press release template highlights impactful statistics and humanitarian stories. The example below doubles as both a charity and ESG press release.

Example: Hyundai and One Tree Planted Advance Partnership to Plant an Additional 300,000 Trees Across North America

6. Awards and Recognition

Like charity work and ESG efforts, receiving awards and recognition can earn positive media coverage. These press releases detail the award or accolade, why it’s important and the criteria for winning. They often include quotes from representatives of both the awarding agency and the winning organization. The goal is to enhance the company's reputation, build credibility and earn trust. The press release example below would also help the company attract top employee talent.

Example: Inland Empire Health Plan Certified a Great Place to Work for Fourth Year in a Row

7. Proprietary Research and Statistics

Sharing your organization’s original studies, surveys and data analysis can showcase your expertise, drive online engagement and help position you as a leader in your industry. These press releases present key findings and discuss why they’re important to the target audience. They often include data visuals, quotes from researchers and links to detailed reports for further reading. The PR release template below shows an example of a tech trends report that’s timely and relevant.

Example: Latest Research by Hassell and Density Reveals Tech Workplaces Still Catching Up to New Work Patterns

A Press Release Template for Any Occasion

A basic press release example template can be customized to nearly any announcement. Get started with the template below. As you write, fill in the copy between the brackets, but don’t include the section names, which are in italics.


[Company Logo]


For Immediate Release



[Catchy and informative headline, ideally no more than 100 characters.]



[Optional: A brief secondary headline that provides additional information.]



[CITY, STATE, DATE] – [Introduction to the announcement.]


Lead Paragraph

[Summarize the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why. Provide a concise overview of the announcement.]


Body Content

[Expand on the lead paragraph with key points, background details and any relevant context. Make sure this section is well-organized and engaging.]



[Include a quote from a key figure within the organization. Note that you can also sprinkle quotes throughout the press release format.]


Supporting Information

[Provide clear and concise statistics, trends or other information that supports your announcement.]


Call to Action

[Tell the reader what you want them to do next. Make the call to action clear and compelling.]



[Provide background information about your organization, including its mission, history and key achievements. Keep it concise and relevant to your audience.]


Contact Information



[Company Name]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]


[Social Media Handles]

Drive Reach and Results with the Press Release Experts

Before you master the press release format, templates can help ensure your announcements are organized, professional and properly formatted. But promoting your press release and ensuring it reaches the right audience, at the right time, is another important part of the job for PR professionals. 

PR Newswire can help you with all aspects of writing, editing, distributing and promoting a press release. Our press release distribution and placement solutions can get your message in front of more than 440,000 newsrooms, websites, direct feeds, journalists and influencers in 170 countries around the world. Our team provides edits for every press release: Fixing spelling and grammar errors, optimizing them for search engines and ensuring every detail follows best practices for press release templates. Sign up now and start distributing hassle-free press releases that check all the boxes. 

FAQs About Press Release Templates and Formatting

What are the 7 parts of a press release template?

The seven essential parts of a press release template are the headline, dateline, introduction, body, call to action, boilerplate and contact information. The headline should be compelling and grab attention. The body content offers detailed information, while a quote adds a personal touch. Supporting information, like statistics, gives context, and the boilerplate provides the company background. Lastly, contact information is included for follow-ups.

Should a press release be Word or PDF?

A press release can be sent as either a Word document or a PDF. Press release templates in Word are common because they are easily editable, but they can be converted to PDF. PR Newswire supports the following file types for press release uploads: .doc, .docx, .txt, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .pptx, .ppt, .html and .htm. These options cater to different preferences and ensure readability.

Does Word have a press release template?

Yes, you can find various press release templates for Word. These templates provide a structured format with placeholders for the various parts of the press release. Using a template ensures that your press release is professionally formatted and includes all essential elements. You can also copy and paste any online template into Word..

Crafting a press release that gets noticed goes way beyond knowing the right structure. Engaging headlines, multimedia, data points, and compelling calls to action can all increase the odds of getting coverage for your story. Download our Definitive Guide to Crafting an Engaging Press Release for tips and tricks that go beyond press release templates.
