Wounded Warriors Family Support Welcomes Recipes, Stories & Photos for Served With Honor Memorial Cookbook
OMAHA, Neb., July 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Families of fallen Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Sailors are invited to contribute recipes, along with stories and photos, for a memorial cookbook.
Siobhan Fallon, author of You Know When The Men Are Gone, and Colonel John Folsom (USMCR, retired), founder of Wounded Warriors Family Support, are collecting the recipes for Served With Honor: Remembering Our Fallen Warriors at the Family Table.
Colonel Folsom and Ms. Fallon recognize many families will never again share a meal with their beloved spouse, parent, child, or sibling due to a devastating loss in a post-9/11 conflict. For many of our military families, a chair will forever sit empty at the supper table. Served With Honor is their effort to memorialize these lost loved ones through a collection of stories, photos, and favorite recipes.
"It is our hope that when these special recipes are prepared by families around the country, the sights, smells, and tastes, accompanied by the personal stories and photographs, will bring alive the memories of those who have given, as President Lincoln said, '...the last full measure of devotion,'" Folsom said.
The public can participate in the creation of Served With Honor by sending a favorite recipe of a Soldier, Airman, Marine or Sailor who was killed in a post-9/11 conflict. Include a photograph of the service person and a brief story explaining the significance of the recipe. Served With Honor will include as many recipes as possible; others will be featured on the Wounded Warriors Family Support website. Submission details may be found on the website.
Recipes, photographs, and stories as well as questions or media requests can be sent to [email protected] or mailed to:
Marian Fey
Wounded Warriors Family Support
920 S. 107th Ave. Suite 250
Omaha, NE 68114
(402) 502-7557
Photographs and stories will not be returned so please don't send originals.
Siobhan Fallon lived at Fort Hood while her husband was deployed to Iraq. She earned her MFA at the New School in New York City and lives with her family in northern Virginia. For more information: www.SiobhanFallon.com.
Colonel John Folsom is the founder of Wounded Warriors Family Support. It is his mission to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations. For more information: www.WoundedWarriorsFamilySupport.org.
SOURCE Wounded Warriors Family Support

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