PLEASANT GROVE, Utah, Nov. 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Every five minutes, a child in Africa dies from a water-related disease. While the people of Africa are working to improve their conditions, it takes service-oriented hearts from around the world to truly turn this fact into ancient history. Enter Vasayo.
When the Vasayo founders—Dallin and Karree Larsen, Daniel Picou, and Dan Zhu—first began building the company together, the "group of servants" set an objective to bless a million lives. With that vision in their minds and hearts, they immediately knew they had found an organization to help them achieve their goal when they learned about Hearts and Hands for Humanity.
A non-profit organization that drills wells in Africa to provide children and families with clean water, Hearts and Hands for Humanity uses a man-powered drill that can reach down 250 feet into the surface of the earth and access aquifers of clean water. This innovative approach to solving the water crisis in Africa resonated with the Vasayo founders.
"Every day in Africa there are over 2,000 children under the age of five who die because of waterborne diseases," Karree says. "That is why we have made it our mission to drill wells to provide the most basic of human needs: fresh water."
Because women and children in Tanzania—where the bulk of the wells are drilled—often spend a good part of their days walking to get water, Hearts and Hands for Humanity strategically drills wells near schools so children can have clean water during the day and bring water home to their families after school. As a result, women and children can spend more time in the classroom and less time hiking to water sources. This increase in education and confidence creates genuine change for communities, economies, and families.
In the first year of its partnership with Hearts and Hands for Humanity, Vasayo raised enough funds from founder and Brand Partner donations to build 20 wells. As of October 2019, they have built 66 wells in Tanzania and blessed the lives of more than 145,000 people. In October 2018, corporate office members and Brand Partners traveled to Tanzania where they helped drill more wells and met the people whose lives have been directly impacted by their donations and work.
"It has been an amazing thing to watch the generosity of our wonderful Brand Partners who have fully supported such a worthwhile cause," says Picou, Vasayo Co-Founder and President.
Founder and CEO Dallin A. Larsen adds that Vasayo's commitment is to eventually drill hundreds of wells in order to reach that original objective of blessing a million African lives with fresh water. He looks forward to the day when each Vasayo Brand Partner who wishes to do so can be part of an expedition.
"To see the look in the children's eyes when they experience pure water for the very first time is more than words can describe," Dallin says. "My wish is that every Brand Partner can experience it."
For Karree, the fact that the drill used by Hearts and Hands for Humanity is human powered has special symbolic significance.
"Using our hearts and our hands, we are blessing a million lives together," Karree says.
About Vasayo Vasayo is a direct sales company based in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Each nutritional product Vasayo develops features the company's proprietary Advanced Delivery Technology for superior nutrient assimilation, eliminating the fillers, binders, and other additives found in most traditional nutritional supplements. For more information on Vasayo—the company that is Delivering Solutions—visit
About Hearts and Hands for Humanity Hearts and Hands for Humanity is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit solution that was founded to engage family and friends in our humanitarian efforts, with the hopes to make a small difference within the world we live. For more information, visit
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