SCM Beverage Brokers: The World's Top Five Finest Cigars To Enjoy For The Holidays
DAVIE, Fla., Dec. 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The holidays are a time for celebrating and what better way to celebrate than to light up a favorite cigar. Smoking cigars gained favor after the Civil War and has increased in popularity ever since. There are as many opinions about the finest cigars as there are actual cigars. However, a consensus among cigar aficionados who have ranked the best cigars in the world, rated the following among the top five cigars to enjoy during the 2014 holiday season.
1. Gurkha His Majesty's Reserve
The world's most expensive cigar is the Gurkha "His Majesty's Reserve." The Gurkha HMR is a rare and special cigar, famous for its distinctive taste. It's a blend of 15-year-aged Connecticut Maduro wrapper with 12-year-old Dominican binder and filler that's aged with one full shot of the world's finest cognac - Louis XIII. Only 75 boxes are made annually, so don't delay in getting yours. The amazing aroma as well as the taste of the cigar will be something that you will never forget. It retails for $1,000 per stick.2. Ashton Estate Sun Grown 22-Year Salute
The Ashton Estate Sun Grown made Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of 2014, coming in at number eight. This cigar is named for its very rare wrapper, a sun-grown, Cuban-seed leaf from Chateau de la Fuente, the home of Fuente Fuente Opus X. According to, Estate Sun Grown cigars can have a mellow start but they typically pick up in strength, leading brand owner Robert Levin to dub them "the Velvet Hammer" due to their sneaky strength. The nutty smoke has notes of cream, leather and earth, with a touch of almond on the finish. It retails for $20 per stick.3. Cohiba Behike
The Cohiba Behike cigar is one of the world's most expensive cigars. According to, it was named after the tribal chief of the Taino Indians and developed with a secret blend of the best Cuban tobacco from the Pinar del Rio, Vuelto Abajo. The Cuban cigar industry has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that this new line is special in every way. Not only are all the three sizes entirely new, but there is also a special classification of leaf within the blend of the filler, known as Medio Tiempo, which gives the new line a unique, distinctive taste. The natural scarcity of Medio Tiempo leaves dictates that annual production of these cigars will be restricted. The Behike BHKs are set to become Cohiba's most exclusive line and to represent the highest grade of cigar in production in Cuba today. It retails for $470 per stick.4. Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
Also making a big impression is the Davidoff Nicaragua Toro, a 100% Puro Nicaraguan blend with a 10-year aged Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado wrapper, a Jalapa binder and a blend of filler tobaccos cultivated in Esteli, Condega, and Ometepe. According to, this cigar has flavors of roasted coffee beans and dark, bitter chocolate that develops into a creaminess that grows excitement and balance, becoming the kind of experience that only Davidoff can create. It retails for $16.50 per stick.5. Monte by Montecristo Jacopo No. 2
The Monte by Montecristo Jacopo No. 2 is a remake of what Altadis did with its Romeo y Julieta cigar a few years ago. According to Cigar Aficionado, who rated this cigar as number nine of their top 25 cigars of 2014, where most Dominican Montecristos are mild, with Connecticut-seed wrappers, Monte by Montecristo Jacopo is blended with Ecuador Havana wrapper, Dominican filler and two binder leaves, one Dominican olor, the other Nicaraguan Corojo. The cigar has plenty of leather and spice on the palate, with a note of chocolate on the finish. It's a delicious new take on a celebrated old cigar brand. It retails for $10.
About SCM Beverage Brokers:
SCM Beverage Brokers was founded by Samuel C. McCartney, a cigar aficionado. It is a Florida-based national beverage brokerage that focuses on beer, wine and spirits.
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