Reportlinker Adds External AC-DC Power Supplies: Worldwide Forecasts - Tenth Edition
NEW YORK, April 26, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
External AC-DC Power Supplies: Worldwide Forecasts - Tenth Edition
The external power supply market is projected to see considerable growth over the next five years. New power architectures, smaller form factors, more efficient designs and improved power management technology, combined with growing application demand, is expected to create new opportunities. Led by the communications, computer, consumer, portable medical and building/lighting segments, the external power supply industry will experience a number of significant opportunities and threats, as manufacturers scramble to produce products designed for the latest demanding high-tech applications.
Within the application segments, a number of interesting trends are emerging. The first can be seen in the traditional three C applications, which include the communications, computer and consumer segments. Here, a convergence among average wattages can be seen, while in the newer and emerging sectors, higher wattages are appearing.
The worldwide external power supply (EPS) market is projected to grow from $9.3 billion in 2011 to $14.0 billion in 2016, a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5%. The worldwide EPS unit market is expected to grow at an even faster pace, increasing from 2.7 billion units to over 5.0 billion units, a CAGR of 13.0% over the same period. For the purpose of this report, the worldwide market includes three regions: North America, Europe and Asia. The Darnell Group expects to see significant growth for the external ac-dc power supply market over the forecast period in each of these three regions.
Most external power supply opportunities are expected to be found in the traditional sectors: communications, computer and consumer applications (the three C's) External power supplies in the computer segment were determined to have the highest weighted average unit cost per power supply, followed by the consumer sector and then the communications sector. A close look at these applications found that the weighted average wattage between the consumer and computer sector converging over the forecast period. The primary reason for this is that the consumer market is offering applications, like gaming devices and LCD TVs, which require higher wattage levels, while at the same time computer applications, including the booming tablet market, are becoming more energy efficient and are reducing their wattage levels.
The communications segment is projected to maintain the largest unit market and will be dominated by the mobile phone industry, which uses inexpensive low-wattage power supplies. Due to the high level of commoditization for mobile phone power supplies, this segment will record the lowest per unit average selling price. However, despite having the lowest average selling price, the communications segment will record the second-largest dollar market covered in this report and will present a significant opportunity.
The computer segment will record the second-largest unit market and the largest dollar market covered in this report. Fueled primarily by the sales of notebook computers, tablets, printers and other portable handheld computer devices, the unit market for this segment is projected to see the highest rate of growth among the three Cs. Growth in this segment is also expected to be driven by a number of additional factors, including the need for portability required by the growing notebook, netbook and tablet markets, and the need for portable printers to be used with digital cameras.
Tablet computers were found to be a break-out technology over the forecast period and are expected to present a significant opportunity for external power supplies. They are projected to record both the fastest growing unit and dollar markets. Consumer demand for tablet computers is expected to be driven by the number and variety of compatible third-party applications for content and services. Expected growth in the dollar market, as well as the unit market, will come at the expense of netbooks and notebook computers.
The Consumer segment has the largest number of applications with 12, with no one application making up over 20% of the total. This segment will include a number of new and promising applications including pico projectors, ebooks and wireless charging pads. Wireless charging pads are particularly interesting as they pose both an opportunity and a threat to the external power supply market. In contrast to the unit market, the dollar market is dominated by two applications, gaming devices and LCD TVs, which are expected to be two of the best areas of opportunity for external power supplies.
The portable medical devices market is the smallest segment covered in this report. Unlike the other applications, medical power supplies must meet strict medical standards, which do not typically apply to other applications. Also, the market for these devices is small and does not benefit from volume pricing conditions which exist in other industries. This can be seen in the average unit selling price for medical power supplies, which are the highest among the segments covered in this report. Despite the medical application segment's relatively small size, it will remain one of the more promising markets for external power supplies.
The building/lighting segment is a new category to the external power supply report and is made up of high-wattage power server modules and LED lighting applications. Power server modules are an emerging technology whose continued growth is dependent on the development and further advancement of dc-powered facilities. In contrast to an individual external power supply, the power servers offer 16 channels powering 200 watts per channel. They are designed to fit into ceilings and have an entirely new packaging configuration. They also feature the highest average selling price per unit covered in this report.
The introduction of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting as an application for external power supplies also represents a significant development for the industry. The LED power supply forecasts presented cover all of the wattage segments. LED lighting is growing in popularity because it is following the major trends in the lighting industry, which include a strong demand for lighting equipment that is smaller and more efficient. A specific area of opportunity is in channel letter lighting, as most LED channel letter systems are easily installed and many can be powered from a simple external ac-dc power supply.
The largest number of external power supply units sold are projected to be in the lower wattage categories,
The current trend in external power supplies is towards smaller configurations that leave room for added functionality and processing power. It is also important that the power supply be as efficient as possible. Power supply engineers have responded to these challenges by steadily reducing the size and improving the efficiency of their designs. The forecasts presented in this report show that the much smaller wall plug adapter configuration makes up a much larger portion of the external power supply market than the larger in line power configuration. Over the forecast period, the difference in unit size between the two configurations will continue to grow.
Over 65 tables, graphs and illustrations are presented in this report covering the external
power supply market for twenty seven applications and three regions: North America, Europe and Asia. The focus of this comprehensive analysis will be to provide decision makers with a detailed and insightful look at the current and future opportunities available in the external power supply market.
Topics Covered:
Regional Forecasts (Asia, Europe & North America)
Wattage Forecasts (100W)
Package Style Forecasts (Wall Plug & In Line)
Regulation Forecasts (Switchmode & Linear)
Application Forecasts (Communications, Consumer, Computing, Portable Medical, Building/Lighting)
Application Forecast by Wattage
Forecasts by Application Sub-segments
Appendix A – Forecast Methodology
Table of Contents
Introduction 8
Regional Forecasts 11
Wattage Forecasts 15
Package Style Forecasts 24
Regulation Forecasts 29
Application Forecasts... 32
Communications Forecasts... 33
Computer Forecasts... 33
Consumer Forecasts... 34
Portable Medical Forecasts... 34
Building/Lighting Forecasts 40
Application Forecast by Wattage... 40
Communications Forecasts by Wattage.. 40
Computer Forecasts by Wattage... 43
Consumer Forecasts by Wattage... 45
Forecasts by Application Sub-segments... 47
Communications Sub-segment... 48
Computer Sub-segment... 55
Consumer Sub-segment... 64
Building/Lighting Sub-segment 75
Appendix A – Forecast Methodology 78
List of Exhibits
Table 1 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Region
(millions of units) ……….........................................................…...............11
Table 2 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Region
(millions of dollars) ……............................................................................12
Table 3 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage
(millions of units) ………............................................................…........... 16
Table 4 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage
(millions of dollars) ………....................................................................... 17
Table 5 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage
($/unit) ……….........................................…………...................................20
Table 6 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Package
(millions of units) ...…….............................................................…......... 24
Table 7 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Package
(millions of dollars) ….…...........................................................................26
Table 8 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Package
($/unit) ..………......................................………….................................. 28
Table 9 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Regulation (millions of units) ........................................................…....... 29
Table 10 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Regulation (millions of dollars).…………..….............................................31
Table 11 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Regulation ($/unit)………..…………..………… ...................................….32
Table 12 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Application (millions of units).………..………..........…..............................33
Table 13– Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Application (millions of dollars)…………………….....................................36
Table 14 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Application ($/unit)…………….……..………… ......................................36
Table 15 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, Communications Forecasts by Wattage
(millions of units)…...…............................................................................ 41
Table 16 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, Communications Forecasts by Wattage
(millions of dollars)….…............................................................…........... 41
Table 17 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, Communications Forecasts by Wattage
($/unit)…………………..............................................................…........... 42
Table 18 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, Communications, Computers, Consumer Weighted Average
Forecast by Wattage (Watts per unit)…....................................…........... 42
Table 19 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market,
Computer Forecasts by Wattage
(millions of units)…...…............................................................................ 44
Table 20 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market,
Computer Forecasts by Wattage
(millions of dollars)...…............................................................................. 44
Table 21 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market,
Computer Forecasts by Wattage
($/unit)……………....…............................................................................ 45
Table 22 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market,
Consumer Forecasts by Wattage
(millions of units)…...…............................................................................ 46
Table 23 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market,
Consumer Forecasts by Wattage
(millions of dollars)…............................................................................... 47
Table 24 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market,
Consumer Forecasts by Wattage
($/unit)…...…............................................................................................ 47
Table 25 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment (millions of units)…………......................48
Table 26 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment (millions of dollars)………...…................50
Table 27– Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment ($/unit)……..………………….................50
Table 28 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment (millions of units)…………..........………….........55
Table 29 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment (millions of dollars)……………..………..…....... 58
Table 30– Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment ($/unit)………..………………..........……….......60
Table 31 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment (millions of units).………...........…………........ 65
Table 32 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment (millions of dollars)..……….........………...........67
Table 33 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment ($/unit)……..……….......……..…………...........69
Table 34 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Building/Lighting Sub-Segment (millions of units).........…………......... …75
Table 35 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Building/Lighting Sub-Segment (millions of dollars)..........……….......... ..76
Table 36 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Building/Lighting Sub-Segment ($/unit)………......……..………….......... .77
Graph 1 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Region
(unit market share)……….........................................................................13
Graph 2 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Region
(dollar market share)………......................................................................14
Graph 3 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage
(millions of units)..……………...……………. ............................................18
Graph 4 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage (millions of dollars) ………..………............................................................19
Graph 5 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage Pricing Trend ($/unit) ……..………............................................................21
Graph 6 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage (unit market share)… ……..………...........................................................22
Graph 7 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Wattage (dollar market share) .……..………...........................................................23
Graph 8 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Package (millions of units) …………..……….......................................................... 27
Graph 9 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Package (millions of dollars) ………..………............................................................28
Graph 10 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Regulation (millions of units) .…….……....................................................30
Graph 11 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Regulation (millions of dollars) ………….................................................. 31
Graph 12 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Application (millions of units).. ………….................................................. 34
Graph 13 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Application (millions of dollars) …..……....................................................35
Graph 14 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Application Pricing Trend (millions of units)..............................................37
Graph 15 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Application (unit market share) …..……....................................................38
Graph 16 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, by Application (dollar market share) ………..................................................39
Graph 17 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market, Communications, Computers, Consumer Weighted Average
Unit Forecast by Wattage…......................................................…........... 43
Graph 18 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment (millions of units)..…………...................49
Graph 19 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment (millions of dollars).................................51
Graph 20 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment (unit market share)..………….................53
Graph 21 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Communications Sub-Segment (dollar market share)..............................54
Graph 22 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment (millions of units)……….....................................56
Graph 23 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment (millions of dollars)………..................................57
Graph 24 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment (unit market share)……….................................61
Graph 25 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Computer Sub-Segment (dollar market share)……………………………………………………................................62
Graph 26 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment (millions of units)………....................................66
Graph 27 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment (millions of dollars)……….................................68
Graph 28 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment (unit market share)……….................................71
Graph 29 – Worldwide External AC-DC Power Supply Market by
Consumer Sub-Segment (dollar market share)……………………………………………………................................72
Figure 1 – External In-line Power Supply
(TDK Lambda)………………………………………...................................25
Figure 2 – External Wall Plug Power Supply (Phihong)…………………………………………….....................................26
Figure 3 – Example of HB-LEDs for Channel Lighting………………………………………. ……................................... ..76
Figure 4 – Nextek Power Server Module …............................................77
To order this report:
: External AC-DC Power Supplies: Worldwide Forecasts - Tenth Edition
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