This petition says, 'Every child must have at least 30 minutes of physical activity 3 times a week in school'. Almost 50% of schools have eliminated physical education and many have eliminated recess.
PHIT America Founder Jim Baugh, the former President of Wilson Sporting Goods, said, "I've been sitting on the sidelines for 3 to 4 months listening to our government talk about the three ways adults and kids can protect themselves from COVID-19: 1) wear a mask, 2) social distancing, 3) wash your hands. But these leaders are overlooking one of the most important ways to protect yourself from COVID-19, increasing physical activity."
PHIT America is partnering with Dr. Zhen Yan from the University of Virginia. Here is what Dr. Yan says, "There's no question that increased physical activity will build up a child's natural defense system and protect them from COVID-19."
Other research has shown that people who are most prone to COVID-19 have pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and being overweight with recent studies showing obesity increases risk of COVID-19 death by 48%.
Dr. Yan says, "All of these can be minimized through increased physical activity. And, physical activity also helps people who are struggling with depression, anxiety and other ailments." Former CDC Director, Thomas Frieden, clearly stated these benefits, "Physical activity is the closest thing we have to a wonder drug."
This campaign targets both Republican and Democratic leaders and top health officials including President Donald Trump, VP Joe Biden, Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker Pelosi, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and others.
Through its established physical activity programs, PHIT America has introduced over half a million kids to regular physical activity in schools. PHIT welcomes private and corporate donations in its pursuit to end the Inactivity Pandemic. Donate and learn more about PHIT by visiting All data and research sources can be found on
SOURCE PHIT America Foundation
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