Personal Investment Platform Macroaxis Embraces the Bitcoin Marketplace, Providing Tools and Techniques to Safeguard Investors From Undue Exposure and Risk
Forward-thinking investors encouraged to capitalize on Bitcoin while the market is young
SAN FRANCISCO, June 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- As one of the first digital, trans-national currencies, Bitcoin has earned legions of supporters—but also more than a few detractors. While it's true that Bitcoin is more volatile than bank-supported currencies, investors can apply certain financial tools to the problem and significantly reduce their risk. Macroaxis (, a free, online personal investing service, has taken the lead in this regard, offering mean-variance optimization on Bitcoin securities in a product known as Digital Wealth Optimization. Learn more at
Digital Wealth Optimization follows the guidelines of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Generally, MPT seeks a balance between risk and return that is suitable for the average investor. Macroaxis provides curated lists of Bitcoin assets, or themes, enabling investors to create diversified portfolios of these sought-after assets using the platform's optimization engine. Risk is always part of investing, but the opportunities represented by digital currencies outweigh the challenges.
A niche market in the beginning, Bitcoin leapt upon the world stage in 2008. Today, the digital, peer-to-peer currency is accepted at thousands of online vendors and has generated plenty of buzz in the tech world. Among the advantages of Bitcoin are freedom from exchange rates, instant transactions and low or zero fees per transaction.
Bitcoin's total circulation is tightly managed, with new money released to the market at regular intervals. This central control has helped to fuel impressive surges in value, but has also led some to question the long-term viability of Bitcoin. Macroaxis' goal with Digital Wealth Optimization is to make Bitcoin a legitimate component of a diversified portfolio by using proven financial tools and instruments.
"No one can know for certain where digital currency will be in 5 or 10 years, and the recent volatility has probably scared a lot of people. Governments will no doubt step in and enforce regulations similar to those applied to traditional currency markets, and of course there is overall speculative risk. However, this also creates significant opportunity," observed Eric Chaikin of Chaikin Analytics, who is producing a documentary on digital currencies and 'the disruption of money'. "We're still in the 'Wild West' of digital currencies like Bitcoin, which for many of us is very exciting. From an investment perspective, we don't believe novelty is a reason to avoid Bitcoin. With Digital Wealth Optimization, risk can be managed and significant returns can be realized. When part of a diversified portfolio, Bitcoin is a definite added value."
Investors should understand that Bitcoin is still a relatively new form of currency. Its liquidity is variable, and its exchange value can fluctuate rapidly. Even though Bitcoin is not a national currency, it's still subject to any applicable taxes, including capital gains taxes.
Macroaxis was designed to help individuals manage and grow their wealth without the expense and hassle of a brokerage. There are no pushy salespeople, and the platform is free for all registered users. Currently, the platform manages more than 230,000 portfolios representing all types of investors, from seasoned veterans to beginners.
About Macroaxis
Macroaxis is the nation's leading online personal investing service, providing thousands of investors of all levels and skills a fresh, easy and intelligent approach to optimizing their investments across multiple portfolios. Designed to be effortless and self-explanatory, a Macroaxis account takes only few seconds to set up. To learn more about Macroaxis please visit
Note: Macroaxis is a registered trademark of Macroaxis Inc.
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