PA Department of Human Services Selected to Speak at National Medicaid Association Workshop
The department continues progress in value-based delivery of services
HARRISBURG, Pa., Feb. 2, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Officials from the Department of Human Services' (DHS) Office of Medical Assistance Programs were selected to participate in a two-day National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) workshop in New Orleans that begins today. Pennsylvania is one of nine states chosen to participate and lead various discussions during the workshop.
"We are committed to providing Pennsylvanians with access to high-quality care. By focusing on paying providers based on the quality of services they provide, rather than the quantity of care they give patients, we are able to move towards accomplishing that goal," said DHS Secretary Ted Dallas. "Being selected to lead the discussions on value-based services contract and request for proposal development will allow us to demonstrate the good work we have done to shift the Medicaid program from volume to value."
The workshop is a discussion-based, state-to-state learning opportunity, with Pennsylvania leading a discussion on strategies used to establish the state's Alternative Payment Model (APM) contracting strategies including how data sharing among managed care plans and providers will shape the way providers and managed care organizations serve patients. The workshop will also focus on how Pennsylvania developed request for proposals, contracts, and rate setting language and methods to reflect APM strategies.
"We are proud of the work the Office of Medical Assistance Programs is doing to ensure quality, affordable coverage is available to the people of Pennsylvania," said Dallas. "The steps we're taking today will lead to better outcomes by driving improvements in quality and slowing the growth in health care spending."
The shift to value-based purchasing will complement the department's existing program of performance-based contracts, which has improved the quality of care for Medicaid recipients. As an example, the department's existing performance-based contracts have helped achieve statistically significant improvements in diabetes screening and controlling high blood pressure.
NAMD serves as the voice for state Medicaid directors in national policy discussions, supports state-driven policies and practices that strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of Medicaid, and actively monitors emerging issues in Medicaid and health care policy.
For more information on value-based purchasing, visit
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Kostelac, 717-425-7606
SOURCE Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
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