Need More Phone Numbers? There's An App for That.
Vancouver-based Shuffle app celebrates launch, lets users create a phone number for every occasion.
Vancouver-based Shuffle app celebrates launch, lets users create a phone number for every occasion.
VANCOUVER, Jan. 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Phone and email communication is getting a much-needed makeover thanks to Shuffle, the new mobile app dedicated to helping users take control of their communication. Shuffle lets users create unlimited phone numbers and email aliases, and control them all through one streamlined, easy-to-use app. The result: a smart, easy, affordable way to inject some organization, simplicity and security into your communication.
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With Shuffle, you can create a dedicated phone number and email alias for every unique purpose. Have one phone number that you give to friends, another that you give to clients, another that you give to dates, plus add and remove numbers and emails for more limited purposes as needed. Selling your couch on Craigslist? Create a temporary Shuffle phone number where the buyer can reach you, and keep your personal contact information protected.
Shuffle offers all of the features that today's phone users expect from their mobile phone service, including voicemail, SMS & photo messaging capabilities. The app also features unique color-coded icons that make it easy to keep track of different phone numbers and email aliases.
While there are other "burner apps" available today, none of them is a match for Shuffle when it comes to diversity and functionality of features. Also setting Shuffle apart is the app's pricing. Shuffle eschews the plan structure followed by most phone providers today, giving users the freedom to add and subtract numbers as needed. Shuffle also says no to the credit structure favored by many online phone companies, which can often conceal the actual cost to customers.
The idea for Shuffle was born after founder Craig Collett looked himself up on Google, and was astonished by how easy it was to find his personal contact information online. Then, Craig was watching an episode of Shark Tank where a founder was pitching an app that allowed users to block unwanted calls. Craig started to wonder whether there was a way to build an app that would allow users to block unwanted calls and protect their identity, while helping them take control of their communication in other ways, too.
"We wear so many different hats throughout the day," Collett says of the inspiration behind Shuffle. "Why not have a separate number and a separate email alias for each one?"
Collett started Shuffle in 2013 while working full-time. In 2014, he quit his job to focus on building Shuffle full-time.
The Shuffle app for iOS is live and available for download from the Apple Store, with an Android version in the works. Shuffle is available for download all over the world, while phone number options are currently limited to US and Canadian phone numbers.
For more information about this story, contact:
Craig Collett, Founder
[email protected]
SOURCE Shuffle
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