Macroaxis' Portfolio Suggestion Module Maximizes Risk-Adjusted Returns on Investments Using Real-Time Market Analysis
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Macroaxis on Monday released a new Portfolio Suggestion feature that helps investors to optimize their portfolios using pre-computed investing themes. The new features will allow self-guided investors to receive suggestions that significantly increase risk-adjusted returns on their existing portfolios in real time. In addition to letting investors optimize their existing positions, the Macroaxis Suggestion module gives users a robust and scalable tool to generate a range of efficient portfolios based on investor preferences and constrains, a technique widely used by professional money managers, financial advisers, and hedge fund administrators.
Macroaxis' mission with the upgraded Portfolio Suggestion module is to shift focus of personal investment software beyond conventional portfolio management to using advances in software technology and financial engineering to generate new, valuable investing alternatives taking into account changes in market conditions, investor sentiment, and economic outlook -- all in real time.
Users can create a portfolio from existing themes or by specifying their own model portfolios. Themes are pre-computed based on industries, type of instruments, sector characteristics, news, investor sentiment, corporate announcements, and many other criteria. The new Macroaxis Suggestion module helps investors achieve their goals by providing an improved optimization engine with built-in micro-workflow to generate portfolios where total risk is minimized and expected return is maximized. With Macroaxis Portfolio Suggestion, investors can clearly see how their existing portfolios can be improved to generate better performing alternatives across different markets and time horizons. For more information please visit
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Macroaxis is the nation's leading online personal investing service, providing thousands of investors of all levels and skills a fresh, easy and intelligent approach to optimizing their investments across multiple portfolios. Designed to be effortless and self-explanatory, a Macroaxis account takes only few seconds to set up. To learn more about Macroaxis please visit
Note: Macroaxis is a registered trademark of Macroaxis Inc.
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