SAN FRANCISCO, April 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Concerned about your investments? Worried about the next bubble? You're not alone, and Macroaxis' personalized investment management platform can help you protect your wealth and enhance returns on already invested capital for you or your clients.
Initially built for amateur investors, Macroaxis has gained increasing interest in its software platform from professional money managers and personal financial advisors. The recently released upgrade to its service added valuable functionality to enable its users to optimize any portfolio across various equity types and industry classifications.
Macroaxis' robust portfolio optimization engine utilizes a text-book implementation of mean-variance optimization and provides investors and savvy money managers with a clear methodology to generate more assets under management and reduce overall volatility of their holdings.
Advisors can showcase their model portfolios on a personalized risk-reward plot so that investors can clearly see the advantages of traditional portfolio optimization.
After its initial launch in April of 2008 Macroaxis has gained tens of thousands of users, half of which are professional money managers that reportedly track over $6 billion in assets under management with an average return on investment of 14.5% in 2010.
About Macroaxis (
Macroaxis is the nation's leading online personal investing service, providing thousands of investors of all levels and skills a fresh, easy and intelligent approach to optimizing their investments across multiple portfolios. Designed to be effortless and self-explanatory, a Macroaxis account takes less than a minute to set up. Registered users can import transaction data from multiple portfolios via CSV file or by using the quick import feature and optimize their portfolios using proprietary algorithms based on Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).
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