Macroaxis Launches New Version of Optimization Engine to Help Investors Salvage Their Investments
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Macroaxis (, the leading online personal investment management service, today launched a significant product upgrade. New features make personal investment management easier than ever before. Improvements include enhanced portfolio optimization and back-testing, better correlation and volatility introspection, larger position coverage and more categorized asset allocation options. An expanded wealth management solution now helps investors increase returns on existing investments or retirement accounts by reducing overall portfolio volatility and enhancing expected returns across different time horizons.
Macroaxis users will, for the first time, be able to:
- Track portfolio asset allocation by sector, equity type and market cap
- Utilize larger historical horizons
- Verify new optimized portfolios against back-testing tool
- Rebalance portfolios manually with immediate optimization feedback
- Originate new portfolios quickly via one screen interface to execute multiple transactions
The upgrade also expands Macroaxis's popular portfolio suggestion feature, where users can find much better alternatives to their existing holdings and back-test them in real time to verify assumptions.
The new features introduced today represent the enhancements most often requested by current users and by prospective investors with specific portfolio management, monitoring, rebalancing, and optimization needs.
About Macroaxis (
Macroaxis is the nation's leading online personal investing service, providing thousands of investors of all levels and skills a fresh, easy and intelligent approach to optimizing their investments across multiple portfolios. Designed to be effortless and self-explanatory, a Macroaxis account takes less than a minute to set up. Registered users can import transaction data from multiple portfolios via CSV file or by using quick import interface and optimize their portfolios using proprietary algorithms based on Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Macroaxis provides a unified view of all portfolios. It allows users to monitor their investments in real time at or from any mobile phone.
For more information on Macroaxis's online personal investment service, please visit
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SOURCE Macroaxis
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