Introduction of Feed in Tariff Encourages People to Generate Their own Energy
LONDON, May 26 /PRNewswire/ -- On the 1st of April 2010 the Government officially launched its Clean Energy Cashback or Feed-in Tariff (FIT) in an effort to encourage people to generate their own low carbon energy.
This means that you could be paid for every kilowatt hour (kWh) of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels - an investment that could save you money by generating the electricity you need to power your home while also earning you benefits through the Government's Clean Energy Cashback.
Once solar PV panels have been installed in your home, you will be presented with a certificate confirming FIT compliance, which is then handed over to the energy supplier. You will then qualify for the Clean Energy Cashback plan, you could earn 692.95 pounds Sterling* a year, including the savings you'll make reducing the amount of electricity you'll need to purchase from your supplier.
At British Gas we know the importance of this scheme. We're one of the UK's leading providers of renewable energy systems and our team of Energy Experts can help you choose the solution that's right for you and your home.
Please visit British Gas to learn more about the Clean Energy Cashback or Feed-in Tariff Initiative
*Payments for Solar PV panels for the electricity you generate and use start from April 2010 as part of the Government's Clean Energy Cashback Scheme. Assumes our 1.68kWp British Gas Standard PV System with 50% on site consumption with excess exported back to the grid on a typical export tariff. Based on an average annual household's annual single rate electricity consumption of 3,300 kWh. Unit price used in calculation representative of the average p/kWh charge, as derived from the annual bills at industry average consumption of 20,500 kWh for gas and 3,300 kWh for single rate electricity, paying by Monthly Direct Debit on our Standard Tariff prices as at January 2010, averaged across all regions and including VAT. 50% on site consumption number sourced from the Feed-in tariffs (Specified Maximum Capacity and Functions) Order 2010. Correct at time of going to print April 2010.
For all media enquiries please contact: British Gas Press Office, +44 (0)845 072 8002
SOURCE British Gas

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