Houston Chronicle posts print audience growth; Multi-media expansion efforts continue
HOUSTON, May 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- More Houstonians are interacting with Houston Chronicle products, including the printed newspaper, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations' March 31, 2012 FAS-FAX report, released Tuesday, May 1. The Chronicle's daily circulation increased 6.8 percent, while Sunday circulation increased 2.8 percent year-over-year.
According to the latest Scarborough Newspaper Penetration Report, the Houston Chronicle's audience increased across print and digital platforms, most notably Sunday readership, which was up 10 percent over the same period from the previous year. Increased Sunday readership by Hispanics (+22 percent), Adults 18-34 (+16 percent), and Families (+11 percent) drove the increase, according to Scarborough.
"We have set our Sunday audience as a top priority, and we are more committed than ever in making our content available when, how and where consumers are looking for information. We are proud to be a neighbor in this great region, and based on these most current circulation and readership results, it's clear Houston is placing its faith in us to deliver," said Chronicle President John O'Loughlin.
The Chronicle also saw growth digitally in its flagship website Chron.com (traffic up seven percent). Additionally, apps were developed and launched late last year for iPad, iPhone and Android devices.
"Chron.com continues to be the dominant top local website in the Houston market growing in both unique visitor traffic and time spent per visitor," O'Loughlin said.
The Scarborough report, which assesses collective audience ratings across all platforms for local media companies, now ranks the Houston Chronicle (50 percent reach) second in metropolitan penetration among the nation's top ten markets, behind only the Washington Post (59 percent).
The Chronicle's Sunday print edition reaches 35 percent of Houston adults, and its average daily edition reaches 21 percent.
The Houston Chronicle, the largest newspaper in Texas and the nation's seventh-largest newspaper, has evolved into a multi-media company publishing online and commercial print products, in English and Spanish, reaching specific audiences with unique delivery programs. In addition to the Houston Chronicle's 950,000 daily readers and 1.5 million readers on Sunday, Chron.com, the Chronicle's online site, averages nearly 83 million page views and 7.7 million unique visitors each month. The Houston Chronicle is owned by the Hearst Corporation.
SOURCE Houston Chronicle

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