HOF Players Classic is proud to announce that they have teamed up with SottoPelle®, internationally recognized Hormone Replacement Therapy Provider
Paul Krause, Bobby Bell, Joe DeLamielleure and other Pro Football Hall of Fame Players, Retired NFL Players and supporters of the HOF Players Classic are now patients of and strongly endorse hormone replacement therapy provider SottoPelle®. Utilizing natural bioidentical hormones SottoPelle has been able to offer a much needed defense to a variety of medical conditions facing these NFL legends.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., July 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- SottoPelle®, a world recognized leader in the application of natural bioidentical hormones and natural hormone replacement therapy, announced today that its patients, Paul Krause, Bobby Bell and Joe DeLamielleure, NFL Legends and Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees, have signed a multi-year agreement to be spokesmen for the brand. "I can honestly say I needed help physically and mentally. Like many NFL Players I've had some dark and difficult times due to my CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disease caused by repetitive brain trauma). I started not to have fun and didn't want to do anything, my memory was going and I just didn't care what would happen to me. At one time I didn't care if I left or not. I went to other clinics and doctors and they said we really can't tell what your problem is," said Krause during a recent interview at SottoPelle's North American headquarters in Scottsdale, Ariz. "I tried these tiny pellets and I started feeling better, I could concentrate, read, relax and I'm good again. It's changed my life! SottoPelle is the answer for me."
The SottoPelle method for hormone replacement was scientifically created by Gino Tutera, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., who is an internationally renowned leader in the field of bioidentical (natural) hormone replacement.
"I chose SottoPelle to help me achieve balance in my body and mind which I have been struggling with for a long time," said DeLamielleure. "I have never put anything in my body that was not natural and I have never used alcohol, drugs, or steroids; I have always been a health nut. I am recommending this to my fellow players, friends and even my family... I wouldn't do that unless I believed it was completely safe and the best form of hormone replacement available."
"These men go, go, go. On a monthly basis they travel an average 25 days coast to coast doing speaking engagements, appearances, etc. they have to be engaging and interactive at every stop, every airport, hotel, restaurant," says Megan Holland, Director of the HOF Players Classic. "Traumatic Brain injury is all over the news but what the world doesn't see is the stress, pain and anguish it causes these legends and their families. They can't sleep, become frustrated because they can't concentrate and staying on track becomes extremely difficult, in addition to life's daily struggles; then combine them all together and you have combustion, depression and mood swings. Over the past nine months I have watched SottoPelle give these men back their desire to live, to take care of their families and fellow players in need. They are sleeping, able to concentrate, happy and excited for what the future holds. HOF Players Classic is proud to call SottoPelle a partner and forever will be indebted to Dr. Tutera for giving these players and all their NFL teammates the opportunity to function and enjoy life again."
SottoPelle uses tiny hormone "pellets" custom compounded using natural, plant-derived hormones that are biologically identical to the testosterone and estrogen made by the human body. Numerous studies have shown that when prescribed and administered correctly, bioidentical hormone pellets can benefit a variety of conditions—including symptoms of menopause, andropause (male menopause) depression, weight gain and osteoporosis.
"We are thrilled to have Paul, Joe D. & Bobby share their inspirational stories," said Carol Tutera, President of SottoPelle, Inc. "SottoPelle has changed countless lives for the better, and with these Legends of the NFL a part of the SottoPelle TEAM, we know we can continue to help so many other people, save more lives and help millions more people live a better, more balanced, happier life, at any age."
For more information about SottoPelle, bioidentical hormones and natural hormone replacement therapy, visit http://www.sottopelletherapy.com.
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