OJO CALIENTE, N.M., Sept. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- On 5 June, 2020, G2P Principals led by Dr. JC van Velkinburgh briefed Bill Richardson, former US Ambassador to the United Nations and Governor of New Mexico, on the scientific and societal implications of a public release of its information. Also discussed were the facts that G2P principals and associates embody expertise in science, security, and technology, and all have carried secret clearances with DOD and/or DOE. All have signed non-disclosure agreements, to preserve the confidentiality of the participants and maintain focus on the integrity of the information.
On 4 August, 2020, Primeau Forensics completed the digital media forensic authentication of 37 of G2P's images (.jpeg) and videos (.heic, .mov), including images captured with infrared (IR) technology. The scientific analyses were carried out according to the methodological standards outlined by the Scientific Working Group for Digital Evidence (SWGDE) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Chain of custody documentation of the evidence (digital files and the image-capturing devices) was strictly maintained, from intake to extraction and handling of the data.
These forensically-authenticated copywritten images are now undergoing scientific content analysis. Subsets of the 37 images and videos are being shared with various experts in physics, engineering and intelligence. The first set of 7 (Series I) have been submitted to:
G2P is currently negotiating book rights and the production rights for a 4-segment documentary series. This will focus on the story of its 3-year investigation from Vallito Peak Ranch® in Ojo Caliente, NM (population 450). This 140-acre property is part of the legendary Black Mesa region, inspiration to renowned artist Georgia O'Keefe and landscape photographer Ansel Adams.
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