The program is open to all college students around the globe. Students are welcome to transfer to Emory & Henry for a semester to engage in an once-in-a-lifetime experience while earning credits in a field of interest. Faculty from both colleges work together to set the curriculum and outcomes.
E&H sophomore Sadie Burton and junior Tilghman Moyer, a transfer student from Temple University, shared their experiences along the trail during spring semester 2019 in a video. It was the first time both students hiked a portion of the trail to earn hands-on credit. Burton from Spartanburg, S.C., focused her journey on creative writing and photography with the goal of producing a documentary and Moyer from Philadelphia, Pa., developed a project in phenology, studying plant and animal life cycle events along the A.T.
"This is the definition of exceptional hands-on learning in a gorgeous outdoor lab," said Jim Harrison, director of outdoor programs. "Both students trained and learned how to hike the trail to be prepared. Prior to the trip, they learned wilderness first aid techniques and received instruction on packing, eating, safety and mental wellness. Being on the trail for long periods of time can be physically and mentally challenging, yet so rewarding."
Burton logged 400 miles and ended her section in Damascus, Va. and Moyer completed his thru-hike of 2,190 miles and ended at Mt. Katahdin at Baxter Peak, the northern terminus of the A.T. Statistics show only one in every four hikers accomplish a thru-hike and it usually takes five to six months. Moyer finished in five months.
"We're 14 miles from the A.T. and our students are blessed not solely to hike, but kayak in all sorts of rivers and lakes; go bouldering and rock climbing, and take in all of the natural beauty in Southwest Virginia," said Harrison. Students from across the country enjoy the Outdoor Program and the Adventure Team to explore and learn about lifetime outdoor activities. Visit:
SOURCE Emory & Henry College
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