Assemblyman Ken Cooley To Speak At Walk For Brain Injury Event
Largest Brain Injury Awareness Event in California's History
SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 21, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Assemblyman Ken Cooley (District 8) will address over 1,200 participants at the Walk for Brain Injury at the West Steps of the State Capitol on Sunday, March 22nd. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and Assemblyman Cooley is slated to introduce a Resolution on the Assembly Floor next Thursday, designating March of each year as Brain Injury Awareness, Treatment, and Prevention Month in the State of California. The resolution encourages officials and the citizens of California to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs to raise awareness about the symptoms of, treatments for, and ways of preventing brain injuries.
"I'm excited to participate in this event to help raise awareness of this critical issue, especially childhood brain injuries," said Assemblyman Cooley. "The Brain Injury Association of California was an essential partner in passing my Assembly Bill 2127 last year, which limits full-contact high school football practices to reduce adolescent brain trauma."
More than 2.5 million people in the United States sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in the U.S. each year, with over 250,000 of those injuries people residing in California. At least 5.3 million Americans live with TBI-related disabilities at a cost of more than $76 billion each year.
In recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month, the Brain Injury Association of California is hosting a Walk For Brain Injury at the State Capitol on Sunday, March 22nd. Participants have raised over $63,000 in support of the Brain Injury Association of California, with 40% of the gross proceeds benefitting the local host organization, UC Davis Medical Center. Online registration will remain open until 7:00 pm on Saturday, March 21st from the BIACAL website, and walk-up registrations are welcome beginning at 9:00 am on Sunday. For more information on Brain Injury Awareness Month, and the Walk For Brain Injury in Sacramento, please contact Paula Daoutis, Executive Director at (661) 203-5143.
About the Brain Injury Association of California
The Brain Injury Association of California (BIACAL) is a non-profit organization and chartered state affiliate of the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). Founded in 2005, BIACAL serves Californians by providing information and resources, education, prevention and awareness, and legislative advocacy. BIACAL's mission is to be the voice of brain injury. Visit for more information.
SOURCE Brain Injury Association of California
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