WASHINGTON, March 17, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- America's Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) kicked-off their 35th Anniversary Monday, March 16th with a reception and SBDC client showcase on Capitol Hill. Representative Steve Chabot of Ohio, Chairman of the Committee on Small Business and Representative Ander Crenshaw of Florida, Chairman of the Financial Services & General Government Subcommittee of the Committee of Appropriations addressed the reception guests. The America's SBDC Network showcased 11 SBDC clients from 8 SBDC state programs (New York, Louisiana, Ohio, Connecticut, Florida, Washington, North Texas and Maryland). The SBDC clients were intelliPaper (WA), Comfort Keepers (FL), Burley Oak Brewery (MD), Maggie Austin Cake (MD), JEM Engineering (MD), YEI Corporation (OH), General Hearing Instruments LLC (LA), Appetizer App LLC (NY), Bear Creek Smokehouse (TX), Vista Group International Inc.(CT) and Amodex Products Ink (CT).
The 63 state and regional Small Business Development Center Networks provide free one-on-one consulting to small businesses through nearly 1,000 locations. In 2014 SBDC clients reported their businesses increased sales by $5.9 billion. According to data provided by the SBA, every federal dollar spent on the SBDC network helped small businesses access $46.25 in new capital. The SBDC program is a public-private partnership in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
"America's small businesses are truly the engine of economic growth, and for 35 years, America's SBDCs have been like spark plugs helping to keep that engine going, "said Charles "Tee" Rowe, president of America's SBDC. "SBDCs are driving small business growth by helping to create a new business every 33 minutes and a new job every seven minutes."
Business has changed dramatically in the last 35 years, from the introduction of new technologies to the expansion of global trade. America's SBDCs has been there throughout helping small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs achieve the American dream of owning their own business. For more information on America's SBDC or to find a SBDC near you, go to www.AmericasSBDC.org.
About America's SBDC Program: America's SBDC (Small Business Development Center) Network is a partnership uniting private enterprise, government, higher education and local nonprofit economic development organizations. It is the Small Business Administration's largest partnership program, providing management and technical assistance to help Americans start, run and grow their own businesses. Learn more at www.americassbdc.org.
Press Contacts:
April Youngblut, Director, Marketing & Communications;
America's SBDC
(703) 764-9850
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