WASHINGTON, March 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Act for America is the largest national security-focused grassroots organization in America, with over one million members, transcending all racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
Yesterday afternoon, a controversial public display in the West Virginia State Capitol was brought to our attention. The display included a poster using Representative Ilhan Omar's face and the New York World Trade Center Towers.
This was NOT an ACT for America display; ACT for America was not aware of the display, the poster, or the event itself; and ACT for America did not have any staff in the state of West Virginia at the time. Anyone who claimed to be with ACT for America was doing so without the permission and approval of ACT for America.
ACT has one million members and 45,000 activists and chapter leaders. It is impossible for our National Headquarter to monitor the behavior of every single individual who claims to represent us. We have clear and established rules and guidelines for our activists that require approval from the National Office before using our logo, likeness or name. The display in the West Virginia Capitol yesterday was in direct violation of those rules and guidelines.
ACT for America has a strict zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination, and anyone engaging in rhetoric or behavior contrary to our stated values does not speak on behalf of ACT for America.
While we find many of the views and actions of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to be reprehensible, the display in the Capitol rotunda would have never been approved or endorsed by our National Office.
Any publications claiming or implying that this was in fact an ACT For America approved and endorsed event is expected to issue an immediate retraction. ACT For America will pursue legal action against any publications claiming otherwise and misrepresenting the facts.
For more information about ACT for America, please visit www.actforamerica.org.
SOURCE ACT for America
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