BANGALORE, Jan. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- AiR - Atman in Ravi's 23rd book 'Why Bad Things Can't Happen to Good People' has just been launched. It brings with it the answers to many questions such as why the nicest of people go through bad times or why innocent people experience hardships when they should be leading peaceful, blissful lives. AiR - Atman in Ravi delves deep into the subject of Karma in this latest book.
The book sheds light on Karma - the law which records both good and bad equally and responds to every action with an equal reaction. This does not mean that the Law of Karma is cruel. When this Law of Karma is understood and given significance, it helps many live a life with a positive attitude, accepting the consequences of their own past actions.
This book, 'Why Bad things Can't Happen to Good People' aims to help people realize who they truly are, understand their purpose on earth and ultimately be liberated, not just from the misery of the world, but from the constant cycle of death and rebirth. Atman in Ravi considers this as the mission of his life.
Reflecting on his work, the author, Atman in Ravi said, "When bad things happen, don't ask, why?Don't fold your hands and look at the sky, sure, we see misfortune strike at our door but look deeper and find out why you slipped on the floor."
Buy the book on Amazon or the AiR website.
About the author- AiR
AiR - Atman or the Soul in Ravi, is an embodied Soul whose only mission in life is to help people realize the Truth. He was born in Bangalore on October 15, 1966. As a part of the humanitarian initiative (, a charitable hospital and charitable homes were set up. Today, over 600 homeless and suffering people are served and cared for in our destitute homes and provided with free shelter, food, clothing, and medical care.
A Shiva Temple ( was built in the year 1995 in Bangalore which is now known as the Shivoham Shiva Temple. AiR now believes that religion is just a kindergarten to Spirituality, and we all have to go beyond religion to truly realize God. One day, his Guru provoked him to introspect: What is the purpose of life? Is life just meant to seek pleasures and to live and die without any purpose? What happens after death? Will we be reborn? Where is God? Several questions like these took him on a quest, a search for the Truth. He gave up his life of Achievement and Fulfilment in search of the final peak of life: Enlightenment. After a few years of intense search in retreat, deep in the mountains, he realized that we are not this body or mind but the Divine Soul, the Atman. He metamorphosed to AiR - Atman in Ravi and gave up his entire life as RVM and started living as an instrument of God doing 'His Divine Will'. AiR has dedicated his life to helping people realize the Truth.
With AiR's own Realization, he has authored several books, composed bhajans, blogs, quotes, poems and taken up several other initiatives that can direct people towards the Truth and eradicate the ignorance that they live in. His vision, now, is to help people to Ask, Investigate, and Realize the Truth.
Media Contact :
Vivekananda M
[email protected]
AiR Institute of Realization
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