Transformify, a UK-based Recruitment CRM Announces its Partnership With Volunteer4India
NEW DELHI, September 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
Enabling Indian Corporates to build on their inclusion and diversity recruitment goals
Transformify, a UK-based Recruitment CRM, is pleased to announce a partnership with Volunteer4India, a social enterprise, to further broaden the presence of Transformify in India. Through an India-specific go-to-market strategy to mobilize CSR funds around 'Employment Enhancing Vocational Skills'- listed under Section 135 of the Company Affairs Act, 2013, and to promote diversity recruitment among corporate, Volnteer4India will support Transformify's mandate to reach corporate to help them access an India-wide skilled talent pool of under-addressed resources.
Gender diversity remains a top priority for many businesses in India. Workforce diversity is directly linked to the corporate culture, financial performance and social responsibility goals. In a survey conducted by LinkedIn on the global recruiting trends, 81% of the leaders stated that diversity recruitment had a heavy impact on their hiring strategies. At the same time, the HR leaders pointed out the challenges they face in accessing a diverse talent pool and building a diverse workforce.
The CEO of Transformify, Lilia Stoyanov, said, "We are pleased to work with Volunteer4India to help socially responsible organizations in India access an under-addressed talent pool. Enabling diversity hiring has a tremendous positive impact on the society as it increases the purchasing power, revitalizes the local communities and creates opportunities for people in need."
Stating his excitement about the partnership, Ranjoy Dey, CEO, Volunteer4India said, "We are pleased to extend Volunteer4India capabilities to help Transformify bring an ability-diverse talent pool that has mostly remained outside the ambit of corporate hiring efforts. Through our efforts, we aim to strengthen the inclusive growth and diversity hiring in collaboration with the corporate, HR community, employment forums, government bodies, and the social sector that are strategically synergized for meeting the skilling targets and bridging the skill gap between the industry and workforce."
About Transformify
Diversity, equality and financial inclusion are Transformify’s DNA.
Transformify is London based CRM recruitment firm that works for employment and creating opportunities for those who do not have access to these facilities. We believe that it is in human's hands to make the world we live in a better place. The adoption of the virtual office concept may contribute to the solution of a few major problems:
• Help people in a disadvantaged position to make a living
• Lower unemployment in areas with high unemployment rates
• Help manage immigration, as unemployment is one of its main drivers
• Help manage the balance between overcrowded cities and abandoned rural areas
• Curb the CO2 emissions related to daily commuting in/out/inside overcrowded cities
Employing single moms, creating jobs in high-unemployment areas, giving a chance to a fresher or embracing remote work to improve work-life balance, the jobs your company creates will transform people’s lives for good.
About Volunteer4India:
Volunteer4India is a dream that came into being when five professionals from different walks of life got together to ideate how they can build something for the country, where everyone can ‘Do Good’ and ‘Earn Good’. By combining the innate passion within everyone to participate in activities that are good for their country and community, and the desire to earn social recognition for their passion of doing good for the society, the platform Vounteer4India took birth to bring together an eco-system of Individuals, Community Organizations, Colleges, and Corporates/ Brands. The platform is available to everyone for registering themselves from their desktop computers or mobile devices. Being a marketplace of Volunteering activities, the platform had been conceptualized as a living, thriving, and growing community of social do-gooders across the nation.
Media Contact:
Tushuta Sahni
[email protected]
Commwiser Consultants LLP
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