Travel Insurance and Assistance in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe
NEW YORK, Oct. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Travel Insurance and Assistance in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe
Travel Insurance and Assistance in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe investigates the market for stand-alone travel insurance and assistance in 12 countries in this region, namely, Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.
This market is estimated by Finaccord to be worth EUR 1.52 billion in gross written premiums in 2012 and its value has proved to be fairly resilient in spite of a challenging economic environment. Moreover, the competitive and distribution dynamics of the market continue to evolve with new channels emerging and partnerships with major distributors subject to regular change.
For the research, Finaccord investigated the distribution partnerships of over 1,500 travel trade, transportation and financial organisations across the region; it also analysed systematically the involvement in travel insurance in each country of other key distributor categories, namely automotive clubs, direct sales, online aggregators and brokers, other online brands, and retailers.
The report, which represents an update and expansion to previous Finaccord studies on the subject issued since 2003, is accompanied by an Excel PartnerBASE™ dataset that details the travel insurance partnerships of each of the travel trade, transportation and financial organisations covered, plus a convenient market data annexe, also in Excel format.
Key findings from the executive summary include:
- across the region as a whole, the number of foreign trips (lasting one night or more) rose from 187.4 million in 2008 to 199.4 million in 2012, with a contraction only occurring in 2009 – this equates to compound annual growth of 1.6% during this period;
- the number of travel policies sold in Turkey rose by around 10.7% per annum during the same period and other markets that made fairly strong progress by the same measure were Romania, Finland and Norway with respective annual growth rates of 6.8%, 4.8% and 4.4%;
- across all organisations in the region classified as online travel specialists (e.g. ebookers, octopustravel, opodo, Travellink), 69.5% have an arrangement for selling travel cover with country-specific rates of provision in this category peaking at 90.9% and 90.0% in Switzerland and Germany, respectively;
- in terms of its number of distribution partnerships among travel trade, transportation and financial organisations, Munich Re – often through Europäische Reiseversicherung (ERV) – is the leading group in the region, followed by Allianz, Generali, HanseMerkur and De Goudse.
Economic crises have not reduced the volume of outbound travel. 2
.albeit in the Czech Republic and Poland the markets contracted significantly between 2008 and 2012 . 2
Germany accounts for one third of all premiums paid for travel insurance and assistance in this region 3
Frequency of travel affects the relative success of different distribution channels 4
Two groups account for nearly 30% of stand-alone travel insurance partnerships 4
Foreign trips are expected to rise in all 12 countries of the region . 5
At the local level, the strongest growth is expected to occur in Turkey . 6
What is this report about? 9
Rationale . 9
This report builds upon Finaccord's previous ground-breaking studies of this topic . 9
Methodology . 10
Primary research . 10
The survey includes around 1,500 travel trade, transportation and financial organisations… . 10
…and draws on an analysis of travel benefits linked to thousands of banking products 10
Market data . 12
External sources . 12
Travel insurance and assistance: how it all fits together 12
The term 'travel insurance' can refer to protection from a heterogeneous range of risks… . 12
.and assistance companies play a fundamental role in the European travel insurance industry . 13
Definitions . 13
Terms and abbreviations 13
Types of packaged travel insurance and assistance 14
Operating models . 14
Currencies, exchange rates and inflation 15
PartnerBASE™ 15
Finaccord 16
Introduction . 18
Underlying foreign travel markets 18
Number of trips 18
The number of trips has increased in most countries in the region. 18
…with Denmark, Norway and Russia experiencing the strongest growth 18
On a per capita basis, foreign travel is most common in the Nordic countries and Switzerland 20
There is a marked correlation between citizens' wealth and their outbound travel habits 22
Purpose of trips . 24
In Turkey, the importance of business travel is very high 24
In many countries, business travel has declined more rapidly than leisure travel in recent years . 24
Destination of trips 28
Over 70% of foreign travel is to destinations within the EU… 28
…and travel to other continents is most common among residents of Russia and Turkey . 28
Markets for travel insurance and assistance 31
Policy numbers and value of premiums 31
In real terms, regional premiums have remained virtually unchanged 31
The Norwegian market for travel insurance is very large compared to the size of its population . 32
Policy volumes have been increasing significantly in some markets, including that of Turkey… 32
…although gross written premiums have fallen elsewhere, most notably in the Czech Republic . 33
The use of annual policies has risen sharply in Finland . 35
Market metrics . 38
Across this two-tier region, premiums per capita vary from around EUR 0.32 to nearly EUR 57.49… . 38
…with the Turkish and Romanian markets recording good growth by this measure . 38
Romania has a higher number of policies per trip than any other country in the region… . 42
…although the most valuable travel policies are sold in Norway and Finland 42
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 45
Provision rates 45
Travel agents / tour operators: all Austrian, Czech and Danish travel agents researched offer policies . 45
Online travel specialists: the provision rate varies greatly between countries . 46
Airlines: provision is strongest in Poland and the Czech Republic 47
Ferry operators: in terms of selling travel policies, ferry companies are less active than airlines . 48
Railway operators: most countries researched feature only one national railway operator . 50
Banking organisations: Norwegian banks display the highest provision rate for stand-alone policies . 50
Specialised card providers: these are far less likely than regular banks to offer stand-alone cover 52
Operating models . 53
The majority of stand-alone travel schemes involve a single external underwriter… . 53
…although the use of captive underwriters or insurance brokers is widespread in certain markets 53
Competitive landscape . 56
Switzerland and Austria have the most concentrated markets in the region 56
On a combined basis, providers owned ultimately by Munich Re hold the highest share of partnerships… 58
…and other leading groups in the region include Allianz and Generali . 58
Distribution linked to payment cards and bank accounts . 59
The practice of linking travel policies to credit cards is particularly widespread in Austria 59
Forecasts 64
Underlying foreign travel markets 64
The region's outbound travel sector is expected to grow at a modest rate between 2012 and 2016… 64
…although some individual markets will grow significantly 64
Markets for travel insurance and assistance . 65
At a regional level, policy volumes are forecast to rise at around 1.3% per annum… 65
…although, in real terms, gross written premiums will remain virtually unchanged in 2016. 66
At the local level, the strongest growth is expected to occur in Turkey . 66
3.0 AUSTRIA . 70
Introduction . 70
Underlying foreign travel market . 70
Foreign business trips slumped in 2009 and 2010 . 70
Austrian travellers are focusing more on cheaper short-distance holiday trips . 72
Market for travel insurance and assistance 73
The number of policies sold has fallen since 2009 . 73
The share of annual policies has fallen in recent years . 73
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 75
Summary of organisations researched 75
Provision rates 75
Almost two thirds of all organisations researched are distributors of travel insurance 75
Operating models . 76
Single external providers dominate the Austrian market for stand-alone travel insurance . 76
Competitor share of partnerships . 78
Six providers compete for mandates in the travel trade although four of these have just one deal each 78
Mondial Assistance was rebranded Allianz Global Assistance at the beginning of 2012 . 78
Europäische Reiseversicherung claims two key partnerships in the transportation category 79
Only two providers have established bank distribution partnerships for travel insurance. 80
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 81
Credit cards almost always include comprehensive travel cover 81
Other distribution channels 84
Automotive clubs . 84
The two largest automotive clubs offer travel insurance 84
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 84
Six of the top ten non-life insurance underwriters distribute travel cover on a direct or semi-direct basis . 84
Online aggregators and brokers 84
Only a limited number of comparison websites and aggregators offer travel insurance 84
Other online brands 85
Retailers 85
Other types of distributor 85
Forecasts 85
Underlying foreign travel market 85
Business trips will recover swiftly from the downturn . 85
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 87
Austria's market for travel insurance is forecast to increase in nominal terms 87
Introduction . 89
Underlying foreign travel market . 89
The Czech foreign travel market has yet to recover from the 2009 economic downturn . 89
The proportion of long-distance trips, in particular, has decreased since 2008 91
Market for travel insurance and assistance 92
The Czech market for stand-alone travel insurance and assistance has fallen back since its peak in 2008 92
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 94
Summary of organisations researched 94
Provision rates 94
All researched travel agents and tour operators offer travel insurance . 94
Operating models . 95
Three of the largest banking organisations work with captive providers . 95
Competitor share of partnerships . 97
Within the travel trade, two providers account for over 50% of partnerships 97
Three significant distribution mandates are in place in the transportation segment . 98
?SOB Pojiš?ovna benefits from its captive partnerships . 99
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 100
Comprehensive travel insurance is commonly bundled with both credit and debit cards 100
Other distribution channels 103
Automotive clubs . 103
Neither of the two automotive clubs offers travel insurance . 103
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 103
Most non-life insurance underwriters distribute travel cover on a direct or semi-direct basis . 103
Online aggregators and brokers 103
A large number of online aggregator websites include travel cover 103
Other online brands 103
Retailers 103
Makro works with Allianz to offer travel insurance policies 103
Other types of distributor 104
Forecasts 104
Underlying foreign travel market 104
Overseas trips will have picked up by 2016 but may still not have recovered to the level of 2008 104
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 105
In real terms the Czech market for stand-alone travel insurance and assistance will decline 105
5.0 DENMARK 107
Introduction . 107
Underlying foreign travel market . 107
The Danish outbound travel market experienced strong growth between 2008 and 2012 107
The proportion of trips to North American countries decreased between 2008 and 2012 . 109
Market for travel insurance and assistance 110
The Danish market for stand-alone travel cover has increased in nominal terms 110
Annual policies have increased at a fast rate and now make up a majority of all policies 110
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 112
Summary of organisations researched 112
Provision rates 112
All researched travel agents and tour operators have an arrangement in place for selling travel insurance . 112
Operating models . 113
Single, external underwriters are most common among Danish distributors 113
Competitor share of partnerships . 115
In terms of their partnerships, Gouda and ERV dominate the travel trade segment 115
Falck is often used as an assistance provider 115
Only one organisation distributes travel insurance in the transportation segment 116
Seven travel insurance providers have won a distribution mandate in the financial segment 117
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 118
A very high proportion of premium payment card products carry comprehensive travel cover . 118
Other distribution channels 121
Automotive clubs . 121
Forenede Danske Motorejere has a joint venture for insurance 121
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 121
Many of the top ten non-life insurance groups sell travel insurance only to household insurance customers 121
Online aggregators and brokers 121
A specialist travel insurance aggregator has appeared, though with a limited number of partners . 121
Other online brands 121
Gouda has a separate online brand for travel insurance . 121
Retailers 122
Other types of distributor 122
Ældre Sagen is a significant distributor of travel cover to the over-50s market . 122
Forecasts 122
Underlying foreign travel market 122
Overseas trips are expected to increase in the years to 2016 . 122
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 124
In a growing market, annual policies will rise as a proportion of the total 124
6.0 FINLAND . 126
Introduction . 126
Underlying foreign travel market . 126
In a market that has increased since 2008, holiday trips expanded faster than business trips 126
The proportion of long-distance journeys to North America has fallen 128
Market for travel insurance and assistance 129
The Finnish market experienced strong growth between 2008 and 2012 129
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 131
Summary of organisations researched 131
Provision rates 131
None of the five ferry operators investigated offers travel insurance . 131
Operating models . 132
Three banking organisations use captive partners to offer travel insurance . 132
Competitor share of partnerships . 134
Pohjola Eurooppalainen predominates by its share of partnerships . 134
Blue1 is the only transportation organisation offering travel insurance . 135
Most of the major banks in Finland offer stand-alone travel insurance . 136
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 137
Around a half of credit card products carry travel-related cover in one form or another . 137
Other distribution channels 140
Automotive clubs . 140
Fennia is the partner for automotive clubs 140
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 140
All major non-life insurers sell single-trip and annual policies 140
Online aggregators and brokers 140
A price comparison site features travel insurance, but without the ability to buy through it 140
Other online brands 140
Chartis sells directly to consumers in Finland . 140
Retailers 140
A chain of convenience stores sells single-trip travel insurance 140
Other types of distributor 141
Trade union benefits can include annual travel insurance policies 141
Forecasts 141
Underlying foreign travel market 141
Outbound travel will increase slightly between 2012 and 2016 . 141
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 143
Gross written premiums are forecast to rise only marginally in real terms between 2012 and 2016 . 143
7.0 GERMANY 145
Introduction . 145
Underlying foreign travel market . 145
The foreign travel market is only slightly affected by the ongoing economic uncertainly 145
The proportion of trips to North America has decreased since 2008 147
Market for travel insurance and assistance 148
The total number of stand-alone travel policies has decreased slightly since 2008 . 148
Foreign health insurance plays an important role in the German market 148
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 150
Summary of organisations researched 150
Provision rates 150
Nearly 75% of all organisations researched offer at least one form of travel insurance or assistance 150
Operating models . 151
Several insurance providers use brokers as intermediaries 151
Competitor share of partnerships . 153
Three providers account for almost 75% of all partnerships 153
ERV has a number of important strategic partnerships in place 153
Brokers are often used as intermediaries . 154
Three providers have partnerships in place with transportation organisations . 154
Mutual and state-owned providers dominate in the financial organisations category . 155
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 156
Around a half of credit card products include travel cover in one form or another 156
Other distribution channels 159
Automotive clubs . 159
The majority of German automotive clubs offers travel insurance. 159
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 159
Almost all of the leading non-life insurers promote a travel insurance product of one sort or another . 159
Online aggregators and brokers 159
Online aggregators are not an important feature of the German market 159
Other online brands 160 acts as a multi-tied online agent 160
Retailers 160
Only one retail chain distributes travel insurance in Germany . 160
Other types of distributor 160
Members of the Boomerand Club frequent flyer program can earn points by purchasing travel insurance 160
Forecasts 160
Underlying foreign travel market 160
The number of foreign trips will increase slightly 160
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 162
Gross written premiums are forecast to rise only in nominal terms between 2012 and 2016 162
8.0 NORWAY 164
Introduction . 164
Underlying foreign travel market . 164
The Norwegian market for outbound trips recovered swiftly after a slump in 2009 164
Trips to non-EU European countries have increased in recent years . 166
Market for travel insurance and assistance 167
Annual policies account for 95% of the total . 167
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 169
Summary of organisations researched 169
Provision rates 169
The availability of travel cover varies significantly by distributor segment . 169
Operating models . 170
Banking organisations are most likely to use captive or joint venture underwriters 170
Competitor share of partnerships . 172
Europeiske Reiseforsikring has the most partnerships in place among travel trade entities 172
None of the transportation organisations researched distributes travel insurance . 173
Frende, a joint venture underwriter of several savings banks, accounts for over 30% of all partnerships. 173
.with a number of captive underwriters active among banks . 174
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 174
Premium products are far more likely to carry comprehensive travel cover than standard products. 174
Other distribution channels 177
Automotive clubs . 177
The largest automobile club in Norway does not distribute travel insurance, but its smaller rivals do . 177
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 177
All of Norway's leading non-life insurance underwriters sell travel insurance . 177
Online aggregators and brokers 177
There is an official aggregation site in Norway . 177
Other online brands 177
Retailers 178
Other types of distributor 178
The main benefit program for trade union members includes travel insurance and assistance 178
Forecasts 178
Underlying foreign travel market 178
The total number of trips undertaken by Norwegian residents will rise to 2016 178
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 180
Gross written premiums for travel insurance and assistance will shrink between 2012 and 2016 180
9.0 POLAND 182
Introduction . 182
Underlying foreign travel market . 182
The total number of foreign trips has decreased since 2008 . 182
Non-EU European countries have become more popular destinations in recent years . 184
Market for travel insurance and assistance 185
The total number of stand-alone policies in force decreased slightly between 2008 and 2012 . 185
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 187
Summary of organisations researched 187
Provision rates 187
Almost two thirds of all travel entities researched offer travel insurance . 187
Operating models . 188
Banking organisations display the most diverse set of operating models . 188
Competitor share of partnerships . 190
SIGNAL IDUNA has the most partnerships in place in the travel trade category . 190
The duo of Talanx and Meij Yahuda acquired Europa in 2012 . 190
PZU claims the two key partnerships with LOT and railway operator PKP 191
Brokers play an important role in the distribution of stand-alone travel cover among financial institutions 192
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 193
Many debit cards carry insurance or assistance cover but this is rarely travel-related . 193
Other distribution channels 196
Automotive clubs . 196
The Polski Zwi?zek Motorowy offers travel policies in association with PZM TU . 196
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 196
Nine of the top ten non-life insurance underwriters distribute travel cover on a direct or semi-direct basis . 196
Online aggregators and brokers 196
Multi-tied agent Ubezpieczenia operates a number of online platforms . 196
Other online brands 197
Retailers 197
Other types of distributor 197
Two mobile operators distribute travel cover in Poland 197
Forecasts 197
Underlying foreign travel market 197
Overseas trips are forecast to begin increasing again from 2013 onwards 197
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 199
Poland's stand-alone travel insurance and assistance market will experience sound growth . 199
10.0 ROMANIA . 201
Introduction . 201
Underlying foreign travel market . 201
At 0.04, trips per capita in Romania are extremely low in comparison with most European countries. . 201
. with those few residents who do travel rarely venturing to destinations outside Europe 203
Market for travel insurance and assistance 204
Travel insurance in Romania is heavily oriented to non-comprehensive, single-trip policies . 204
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 206
Summary of organisations researched 206
Provision rates 206
Almost two thirds of all organisations researched are distributors of travel insurance 206
Operating models . 207
Captive underwriters are visible only among banking organisations . 207
Competitor share of partnerships . 209
Ten providers compete for mandates in the travel trade although five of these have just one deal each . 209
Two airlines originating from Romania have distribution agreements for travel cover 210
Groupama holds the highest number of bank distribution partnerships for travel insurance 211
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 212
Almost two thirds of premium payment cards and bank accounts include comprehensive travel cover . 212
Other distribution channels 215
Automotive clubs . 215
The ACR utilises two underwriters for various forms of insurance including travel cover. 215
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 215
Six of the top ten non-life insurance underwriters distribute travel cover on a direct or semi-direct basis . 215
Online aggregators and brokers 215
Netrisk Broker's Asigura provides an aggregation service covering a number of underwriters. 215
Other online brands 215
. other focused online intermediaries of travel cover sit between agency and brokerage models . 215
Retailers 216
Carrefour distributes a travel insurance policy sourced from Otto Broker . 216
Other types of distributor 216
Forecasts 216
Underlying foreign travel market 216
The volume of overseas trips is forecast to rise by over 40% between 2012 and 2016 . 216
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 218
Romania's stand-alone travel insurance and assistance market is forecast to experience steady growth . 218
11.0 RUSSIA . 220
Introduction . 220
Underlying foreign travel market . 220
Apart from during 2009, Russia's outbound travel sector has continued to grow well in recent years 220
The types of foreign destination visited by Russian travellers has barely changed since 2008 . 222
Market for travel insurance and assistance 223
High levels of inflation mean that, in real terms, Russia's travel insurance market is fairly stagnant… . 223
…although the importance of annual travel policies continues to grow. 223
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 225
Summary of organisations researched 225
Provision rates 225
The availability of stand-alone cover from Russian banks and airlines is relatively weak 225
Operating models . 226
The vast majority of distributors in Russia choose to partner with a single, external underwriter 226
Competitor share of partnerships . 228
Four Russian insurers account for more than 50% of all schemes operated by the travel trade. 228
…and Ingosstrakh, the leading provider in this field, has a number of significant partnerships . 228
Virtually all of the airlines that offer travel insurance do so in partnership with AlfaStrakhovanie. 229
Two out of three banks make use of captive underwriters for this type of policy 230
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 231
Comparatively few payment card products incorporate forms of travel insurance . 231
Other distribution channels 233
Automotive clubs . 233
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 234
Direct selling exists, although sophisticated online purchasing systems are largely absent 234
Online aggregators and brokers 234
Other online brands 234
Retailers 234
Other types of distributor 234
Forecasts 235
Underlying foreign travel market 235
The number of foreign holiday trips is expected to grow at more than 7% per annum. 235
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 236
In nominal terms, premiums are likely to exhibit double-digit annual growth in the coming years . 236
12.0 SWEDEN . 238
Introduction . 238
Underlying foreign travel market . 238
The total number of foreign trips rose between 2008 and 2012 238
The number of trips to North America has contracted in recent years 240
Market for travel insurance and assistance 241
Sweden's travel insurance market value has risen only in nominal terms 241
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 243
Summary of organisations researched 243
Provision rates 243
The provision rates for travel insurance vary greatly between the categories 243
Operating models . 244
The single, external underwriter model is by far the most common approach 244
Competitor share of partnerships . 246
By share of travel trade partnerships, ERV dominates the market 246
Only a minority of transportation organisations offer travel insurance cover . 247
The supply structure is very limited among financial institutions 248
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 249
Many debit card products carry both travel accident and travel inconvenience insurance . 249
Other distribution channels 252
Automotive clubs . 252
No automotive club in Sweden has an arrangement for travel insurance . 252
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 252
The four largest non-life companies sell travel insurance packaged with household policies 252
Online aggregators and brokers 252
While comparison sites exist, they lack the ability to transact online . 252
Other online brands 252
Niche policies for students are available . 252
Retailers 253
Other types of distributor 253
Forecasts 253
Underlying foreign travel market 253
Foreign business trips will decrease in the years to 2016 253
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 255
In real terms, the value of Sweden's travel insurance market may decline up to 2016 255
Introduction . 257
Underlying foreign travel market . 257
Foreign business trips dropped sharply in the wake of the economic slowdown . 257
Trips to non-EU European countries have increased as a proportion of total trips . 259
Market for travel insurance and assistance 260
The Swiss market increased marginally in real terms between 2008 and 2012 . 260
Annual policies account for the majority of all policies . 260
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 262
Summary of organisations researched 262
Provision rates 262
Over 90% of travel trade entities researched are distributors of travel insurance . 262
Operating models . 263
The use of single external underwriters is most common in Switzerland 263
Competitor share of partnerships . 265
Two providers dominate the market among the travel trade entities. 265
.led by ELVIA, which rebranded to Allianz Global Assistance in 2011 265
EUROPÄISCHE Reiseversicherung claims the key airline relationship . 266
Only one financial institution was found to sell stand-alone travel insurance 267
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 268
Most credit cards carry travel-related cover but this is not normally comprehensive 268
Other distribution channels 271
Automotive clubs . 271
The two main automotive clubs offer travel insurance . 271
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 271
All top non-life insurance underwriting groups distribute on a direct or semi-direct basis . 271
Online aggregators and brokers 271
Only a few comparison websites include travel policies 271
Other online brands 272
The German broker Sekur Assekuranz has set up an online portal 272
Retailers 272
Other types of distributor 272
Swiss post office outlets sell travel insurance . 272
Forecasts 272
Underlying foreign travel market 272
Switzerland's mature travel market will experience only a slight increase in foreign trips 272
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 274
Annual policies will remain more important than single-trip policies 274
14.0 TURKEY 276
Introduction . 276
Underlying foreign travel market . 276
Overseas trips made by Turkish residents experienced quite substantial growth between 2008 and 2012 . 276
Destinations outside of Europe and North America make up a comparatively high proportion of the total. 278
. albeit turmoil in neighbouring Iraq and Syria has an effect on the share of 'rest of the world' countries 278
Market for travel insurance and assistance 279
Travel health insurance accounts for a significant chunk of Turkey's overall travel insurance market. . 279
. partly as a consequence of the fact that many policies sold cover travel-related medical costs only 279
Distribution through travel trade, transportation and financial organisations 281
Summary of organisations researched 281
Provision rates 282
The availability of travel cover varies significantly by distributor segment . 282
Operating models . 283
Divergence from the usual operating model is most apparent among banking organisations . 283
Competitor share of partnerships . 285
Over three quarters of travel trade partnerships are held by four main providers. 285
. the most prominent of which is actually the trade association for Turkish travel agents . 285
Just five partnerships exist among distributors in the transportation category 286
In the bank distribution channel, four captive underwriters and one joint venture are apparent. 287
Travel insurance and assistance linked to payment cards and bank accounts 288
Even in the case of premium credit cards, travel cover is not normally bundled on an automatic basis . 288
Other distribution channels 291
Automotive clubs . 291
The T?OF's relationship with Anadolu Sigorta does not extend to travel insurance 291
Direct distribution by insurance underwriters 291
All of Turkey's leading non-life insurance underwriters sell travel health insurance 291
Online aggregators and brokers 291
A variety of online aggregators, brokers and multi-tied agents are active in this field . 291
Other online brands 291
Online brands specifically or mainly dedicated to travel insurance are not obviously visible . 291
Retailers 291
Other types of distributor 292
Forecasts 292
Underlying foreign travel market 292
By 2016, international business trips will remain comparatively important within the total . 292
Market for travel insurance and assistance . 293
Robust growth is forecast for Turkey's stand-alone travel insurance sector. 293
. with regulatory changes expected to facilitate the sale of individual policies by the travel trade 293
Number of travel trade, transportation and financial organisations covered by the research, segmented by country and by type of organisation, 2012 11
Travel insurance and assistance: how it all fits together 13
Number of foreign trips undertaken by residents of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, segmented by country, 2008 to 2012 19
Number of foreign trips undertaken
To order this report:
Travel_Services Industry: Travel Insurance and Assistance in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe
Nicolas Bombourg
Email: [email protected]
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626
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