Sokikom in Spanish, could this be the answer for your ELLs?
SAN JOSE, Calif., April 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Sokikom, the leading k-5 collaborative math program, unveiled a new Spanish-based mathematics learning program designed specifically to prepare teachers and students for the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC). The new program comes after much demand from teachers and administrators for a program that helps their English Language Learners (ELLs).
With more than 42% of California students speaking a language other than English at home, schools are long due for a program to bridge the gap. Sokikom's Spanish mathematics program gives students who may not have a strong command of English the opportunity to succeed in the classroom. Too often do ELLs fall behind because they do not understand the teacher's explanation or assignment instructions. With this program, students will be able to progress through concepts at their own pace, in their native language.
Often times math doesn't get mentioned much when it comes to ELLs but with the new SBAC assessment students are being asked to articulate math using language in ways that they haven't before. Sokikom's Spanish version is a great tool for teachers that do not speak Spanish but have Spanish speaking ELLs in their class. Now, teachers can assign a math lesson to their student(s) who can watch a video in Spanish on how to master the lesson, then apply what they just learned in an interactive game platform that resembles the SBAC.
The program has received positive feedback from several schools that have piloted it in Spanish. As Linda Laneback, a 5th grade teacher in Tempe, AZ puts it, "Sokikom really is being meticulous about how they are trying to get children to understand math and make it easy for teachers to understand how their children are learning in both English and Spanish."
For more information on Sokikom and the new Spanish language program, go to
Kaitlyn Tessmer
1757 Blossom Hill Road
Suite 20
San Jose, California 95124
[email protected]
SOURCE Sokikom
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