Reportlinker Adds Telecommunications Market in Poland 2010
NEW YORK, Dec. 9, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Telecommunications Market In Poland 2010
The report gives a comprehensive overview of the telecommunications market in Poland. It discusses the main events, trends and directions of development in the coming years. In addition to the data for the telecommunications market as a whole, the report analyses all the key segments, namely mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony and ISP.
Each chapter offers most recent data on individual segments of the market and presents profiles of the largest players. The report also gives forecasts of the key market indicators and analyses growth opportunities in each segment in the years to come.
For the sake of this report, we conducted a survey among the management staff of top 100 telecoms companies in Poland. The responses from our interviewees helped us better understand the current situation in the telecoms industry and were very helpful sources of information about the market.
Questions addressed by the report
- How did the value of the telecommunications services market and its individual segments change over the last several years?
- What are individual providers' shares in the market?
- How do the opinions of entities involved in the telecoms business in Poland change?
- What are the main barriers and growth drivers in the years to come?
- What are the growth prospects for the market?
- Which segments of the telecommunications market are most promising for operators?
Methodology of the report
Executive summary
An overview of the telecommunications market in Poland
Value and change of the telecommunications market in Poland
Current situation, events and trends on the market
Current situation
Key events on the market
The most important trends on the market
Forecasts for the telecommunications market in Poland
Development forecasts for the market between 2010-2014
The most important trends on the Polish telecommunications market over the coming years
Legal regulations and institutional environment of the telecommunications market
Telecommunications law
Planned changes in the telecommunications law
Other significant legal changes
Act for supporting development of telecommunications services and networks
UKE-TP SA agreement
Changes of MTR rates
Reforms in the telecom sector
The Court of Justice verdict on the regulation of retail prices
Regulatory offices and industry institutions
The National Broadcasting Council of Poland (KRRiT)
Industry institutions
Supplement: Key capital groups on the Polish telecommunications market
Results of a survey of the largest telecommunications firms in Poland
Assessment of the situation on the Polish telecommunications market and forecasts for near future
Value of the Polish telecommunications market
The impact of the global financial crisis on the Polish telecommunications market
Growth drivers and barriers for the Polish telecommunications market
Appraisal of UKE
Household outlays on telecommunications services
Business outlays on telecommunications services
Act of 17th July 2010 and its impact on the Polish telecommunications market
Growth prospects for individual segments of the Polish telecommunications market
The most prospective segments of the Polish telecommunications market
Growth prospects for LTE network
Growth prospects for WiMAX network
Growth prospects for MVNOs
Mobile television
Expectations concerning mergers and acquisitions
Forecasts concerning the number of fixed-lines and SIM cards
Mobile telephony
Value of the market
The number of users and penetration of mobile telephony
Structure of the Polish market of mobile telephony
Trends and events on the market
Players on the Polish market of mobile telephony
PTK Centertel
Forecasts for the Polish market of mobile telephony
Supplement: The MVNO market in Poland
Supplement: Distribution and market of mobile telephones in Poland
Supplement: Mobile internet access
Fixed-line telephony
Value and growth rate of the market
Number of lines and penetration of fixed telephony
Events and trends on the market
VoIP market
Business market
Structure of the fixed telephony market
Market of local calls
Market of domestic long distance calls
Market of international long distance calls
Market of fixed-to-mobile calls
Key players on the Polish market of fixed telephony
Telekomunikacja Polska (TP SA)
Telefonia Dialog
Multimedia Polska
Other operators
GTS Energis
MNI Telecom
Forecasts for the Polish market of fixed-line telephony
Data transmission, line rental and internet services provision
Value and growth rate of the market
Structure of the Polish DLISP market
Market of data transmission
Market of line rental
Market of internet access
Current situation and market trends
Market of dial-up services
Market of broadband internet access
Key players on the DLISP market
GTS Energis
TK Telekom
Telefonia Dialog
Crowley Data Poland
CaTV operators
Multimedia Polska
Forecasts for the Polish DLISP market
List of graphs
List of tables
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List of graphs
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the telecommunications market in Poland, 1999-2009
Value of WIG20 and WIG-Telekom, 1st Oct 2007-30th Sept 2010
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the telecommunications services market in Poland, 1999-2009
Polish telecommunications market - shares of individual segments (%) in the total value of the market, 2009
Monthly cost of fixed-line (euro) for individual users in Poland, selected European states and the EU, 2000-2009
Monthly cost of fixed-line (euro) for corporate users in Poland, selected European states and the EU, 2000-2009
Aggregate monthly revenue (PLN) per fixed-line, mobile and broadband internet access user in Poland, 2001-2010
Number (m) of permanent internet connections and broadband internet connections in Poland, 2004-H1 2010
Penetration of desktop computers, laptops and internet in households in Poland, 1998-2009
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of telecommunications market in Poland, 2009-2014
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the telecommunications services market in Poland, 2009-2014
Value of individual segments of the telecommunications market in Poland (PLN bn), 2000-2014
Telecommunications market in Poland - shares of selected segments (%) in market value, 2000-2014
Telecommunications market in Poland - individual segments' values growth rates (%), 2000-2014
TP Group
Polkomtel/Exatel Group
Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Group
Netia Group
Cyfrowy Polsat/Aero2 Group
What was 2009 like for your firm?
What will 2010 be like for your firm, compared with 2009?
Telecom business index, PMR 2002-2010
Change in the value of the Polish telecommunications market in 2009 on 2008
Change in the value of the Polish telecommunications market in 2010 on 2009
Change in the value of the Polish telecommunications market in 2011 on 2010
Impact of the global financial crisis on the Polish telecommunications market in 2010
Expected impact of the global financial crisis on the Polish telecommunications market's rate of change in 2009-2010, Aug 2009
Which segment of the Polish telecommunications market suffered strongest negative impact of the global financial crisis?
Investments of telecommunications operators in Poland in 2010
Currently, what are the biggest growth barriers for the Polish telecommunications market?
Selected growth barriers for the Polish telecommunications market, 2002-2010
What will be the main growth drivers for the Polish telecommunications market in the next two years?
How do you rate the activity of UKE so far?
Which actions of UKE would be the most desirable?
Which action should UKE take towards TP SA?
Functional separation of TP SA would result in:
Household outlays on telecommunications services in 2010, compared with 2009
Business outlays on individual telecommunications services in 2010, compared with 2009
What impact will the mega-law have on the development of broadband infrastructure in Poland?
Mega-law gives local governments a chance to be telecommunications operators. Will they be capable of the role?
How will the value of the individual segments of the Polish telecommunications market change in the next two years?
Which value-added services of mobile telephony will develop the fastest in the next two years?
How will the segments develop in the next two years?
How will the segments develop in the next two years, compared with the entire market in Poland?
How will the segments develop in the next two years in Poland?
How will the segments develop in the next two years, compared with the entire market in Poland?
What are the growth prospects for LTE technology on the Polish market of mobile telephony?
Should any significant investment in development of WiMAX technology be expected in Poland?
Will any new operators appear on the Polish market of mobile telephony in the coming years?
How many virtual operators will there be in Poland at the end of… ?
How will MVNO develop in Poland?
When will commercial mobile TV be launched in Poland?
What content of mobile TV has a greatest chance of becoming popular in Poland?
Will there be any mergers and acquisitions among telecom operators, data transmission operators or internet access providers in Poland in the next year?
In 2010-2011, how likely is a takeover of a key... ?
Number of fixed-lines for every 100 Poles in 2009 and 2010, and forecast for 2011
Number of SIM cards for every 100 Poles in 2009, and forecast for 2010 and 2011
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish market of mobile telephony, 2002-2009
Polish market of mobile telephony - shares of operators (%) by revenues (PLN bn), 2009
Polish market of mobile telephony - shares of operators by revenue size (PLN bn), H1 2010
Quarterly values of the Polish market of mobile telephony (PLN bn), Q1 2004-Q4 2010
Penetration of mobile telephony (%) in Poland, 1998-H1 2010
Number of SIM cards in the mobile networks in Poland (m) and yearly change (%), 1998-H1 2010
Polish market of mobile telephony - shares of operators by number of SIM cards (m), H1 2010
Net number of new users of mobile telephony in Poland (thousands), 1998-2009
Number of new users of mobile telephony (thousands) in Poland, H1 2010
Total time of mobile telephone calls made in Poland (million of minutes) and change (%), 2006-2009
Total number of text messages sent in Poland (m) and change (%), 2006-2009
Total number of MMS sent in Poland (m), 2005-2010
Revenues of mobile network operators in Poland (PLN bn) by categories, 2005-2009
Share of pre- and postpaid subscribers (%) in the Polish market of mobile telephony, 2002-H1 2010
Postpaid services on the Polish market of mobile telephony - shares of operators (%) by number of users (m), H1 2010
Prepaid services on the Polish market of mobile telephony - shares of operators (%) by number of SIM cards (m), H1 2010
Average aggregate revenues per user for mobile network operators in Poland (PLN), 2001-H1 2010
Average revenues from one minute of connection for mobile networks in Poland (PLN), 2001-H1 2010
Share of revenues from non-voice services in the total revenues of mobile network operators in Poland (%), 2001-H1 2010
Scheduled change of MTR rate asymmetry for P4 and the three largest mobile network operators in Poland (% - maximum asymmetry level), 2009-2013
Number of SIM cards in mobile networks in Poland (m) and yearly change (%). 2009-2014
Share of prepaid and postpaid service users (%) in the total number of mobile network subscribers in Poland, 2009-2014
Penetration of mobile telephony (%) in Poland, 2009-2014
Value (PLN bn) and change (%) of the Polish market of mobile telephony, 2009-2014
Structure of the Polish MVNO market by number of SIM cards (thousands) by operators, H1 2010
Value (m) and change (%) of sales of new mobile telephones in Poland, 2003-2010
Polish market of mobile telephones by sales of top producers (m of units), 2009
Value (m) and change (%) of smartphone sales in Poland, 2008-2010
Top distributors on the Polish market of mobile telephony by number of shops, August 2010
Number of subscribers (thousands) of mobile internet services in Poland, 2006-H1 2010
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish market of fixed telephony, 2001-2009
Polish market of fixed telephony - shares of key players (%) by revenue size (PLN m), 2009
Number of lines in fixed networks (m) and penetration of fixed-line telephony (%) in Poland, 1996-H1 2010
Polish market of fixed-line telephony - shares of key players (%) by number of lines, H1 2010
Number of lines (thousands) supported by TP SA within wholesale line rental (WLR) to alternative operators, Q1 2007-Q4 2010
VoIP's share in the total time of voice connections in fixed-line networks in Poland (%), 2001-2009
Do you use voice communicators? Internet users in Poland, 2009
Subscribers of VoIP fixed telephony in largest cable TV networks in Poland, 2008-2009
Number of business lines in Poland (m) and share in total number of fixed lines (%), 2003-H1 2010
Business market of fixed telephony in Poland - shares of largest players (%) by number of lines (thousands), H1 2010
Breakdown of the fixed telephony market in Poland by revenue source, 2004-2009
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) for the Polish market of voice connections, 2001-2009
Value (PLN bn) of the Polish market of voice connections by market segments, 2001-2009
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish LC market, 2001-2009
Value (PLN bn) of the Polish LC market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) and growth rate(%) of LC market in Poland, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) of the Polish LC market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Polish LC market - shares of key players by revenue size (PLN m), 2009
Share of TP SA in the Polish LC market within own network (%) by traffic volume, Q1 2005-Q2 2010
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish DLD market, 2001-2009
Value (PLN bn) of the Polish DLD market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) and growth rate(%) of DLD market in Poland, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) of the Polish DLD market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Polish DLD market - shares of key players by revenue size (PLN m), 2009
Share of TP SA in the DLD market within own network (%) by traffic volume, Q1 2005-Q2 2010
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish ILD market, 2001-2009
Value (PLN m) of the Polish ILD market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) and growth rate(%) of ILD market in Poland, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) of the Polish ILD market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Polish ILD market - shares of key players by revenue size (PLN m), 2009
Share of TP SA in the Polish ILD market within own network (%) by traffic volume, Q1 2005-Q2 2010
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish F2M market, 2001-2009
Value (PLN bn) of the Polish F2M market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Volume (bn minutes) and growth rate(%) of F2M market in Poland, 2001-2009
Volume (PLN bn) of the Polish F2M market - traditional sector and VoIP, 2001-2009
Polish F2M market - shares of key players by revenue size (PLN m), 2009
Share of TP SA in the Polish F2M market within own network (%) by traffic volume, Q1 2005-Q2 2010
Shares (%) of individual segments in the consolidated revenues of TP SA, H1 2005-H2 2010
Shares (%) of subscription fees and calls in revenues of TP SA from fixed telephony, 2002-H1 2010
Number of fixed-lines (m) and penetration of fixed-line telephony (%) in Poland, 2009-2014
Number of fixed-lines (m) in Poland by consumer and business lines, 2009-2014
Growth rate of fixed-lines in Poland by consumer and business lines (%), 2004-2013
Share of WLR/LLU in the total number of fixed lines in Poland, 2009-2014
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish market of fixed-line telephony, 2009-2014
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish DLISP market, 2001-2009
Polish DLISP market - shares of segments in the market value (PLN m), 2009
Value (PLN m) and growth rate (%) of the Polish market of data transmission, 2001-2009
Polish market of data transmission - shares of key players by revenues (PLN m), 2009
Value (PLN m) and growth rate (%) of the Polish market of line rental, 2001-2009
Polish market of line rental - shares (%) of key players by revenues from retail and wholesale markets, 2009
Value (PLN m) and growth rate (%) of the Polish market of internet access, 2001-2009
Number of internet users (m) and penetration (%) in Poland, 1997-H1 2010
Percentage (%) of internet users in Poland browsing the internet daily or almost daily, Q2 2003-Q2 2010
Percentage (%) of internet users in Poland accessing the internet from home, Q2 2003-Q2 2010
Percentage (%) of internet users in Poland accessing internet from home - permanent access and dial-up, H1 2005-H1 2010
Types of internet connections used in Polish households (% of households), H1 2007-H1 2010
Internet penetration (%) in firms by employment in selected Central-European countries, 2009
Types of internet access used by SMEs in Poland, 2010
Nominal bandwidth of internet connections for SMEs in Poland, 2005 and 2010
Value (PLN m) and growth rate (%) of the Polish dial-up market, 2001-2009
Number of dial-up internet users for TP SA (thousands), Q2 2006-Q2 2010
Dial-up traffic in Poland (bn minutes), 2001-2010
Value (PLN m) and growth rate (%) for the Polish market of permanent internet access, 2001-2009
Percentage of broadband internet connections in Poland by transfer capacity to end user, H1 2010
Broadband subscribers (thousands) via xDSL and CaTV technologies in Poland, 2001-H1 2010
Number of BSA internet subscribers in Poland (thousands) by shares of key players, H1 2010
Polish market of broadband internet access - shares of key players/access types by number of subscribers (thousands), H1 2010
Penetration (%) of broadband internet in Poland, 2002-H1 2010
Revenues of TP SA on the DLISP market (PLN m) by segments, 2002-2009
Number of broadband subscribers for TP SA in retail and wholesale sectors (thousands), Q1 2007-Q2 2010
Number of broadband subscribers for Netia, Q1 2007-Q2 2010
Structure of revenues (PLN m) of TK Telekom, 2009
Number of internet subscribers of Telefonia Dialog and rate of change (% y-o-y), 2004-H1 2010
Top CaTV operators in Poland by revenues (PLN m) generated from internet access services, 2009
Top CaTV operators in Poland in terms of the number of subscribers to internet access services (thousands), H1 2009-H1 2010
Number of internet users (m) and penetration (%) in Poland, 2009-2014
Number of broadband subscribers (thousands) in Poland - corporate and household, 2009-2014
Number of broadband subscribers (m) by internet access technologies in Poland, 2009-2014
Share of individual broadband technologies in the total number of broadband connections in Poland, 2009-2014
Total number (thousands) of broadband subscribers in Poland - cable and mobile access, 2007-2014
Sales volume ('000) and growth rate (%) of portable computer sales in Poland, 2007-2014
Value (PLN bn) for individual segments of the Polish DLISP market, 2001-2014
Number of broadband connections (thousands) in TP SA - retail and BSA/LLU, 2007-2014
Value (PLN bn) and growth rate (%) of the Polish DLISP market, 2009-2014
List of tables
Telecommunications market in Poland - the most important data and forecasts, 2009-2014
Key developments on the market to September 2009
General information on the mobile telephony market in Poland
Aggregate ARPU (PLN) of mobile network operators in Poland and yearly change (%), 2005-H1 2010
Polkomtel: basic data, 2001-H1 2010
PTK Centertel: basic data, 2001-H1 2010
PTC: basic data, 2001-H1 2010
P4: basic data, 2007-H1 2009
Virtual operators active on, or set to enter, the Polish market of mobile telephony, H1 2010
Planned and estimated number of users for selected mobile virtual network operators in Poland, H1 2010
3G network coverage (%) of mobile network operators in Poland, end of H1 2009 and H1 2010
Number of base stations for selected frequencies of mobile network operators in Poland, 2010
Basic data on the fixed-line telephony market in Poland
TP SA: key data, 2000-H1 2010
Netia: key data, 2000-H1 2009
Telefonia Dialog: key data, 2000-H1 2009
Multimedia Polska: key data, 2002-H1 2009
Sferia: key data, 2005-H1 2010
Basic data on the data transmission, line rental and internet services provision (DLISP) market in Poland
Local ISPs acquired by Netia, 2006-H1 2010
Growth dynamics of individual segments of the Polish DLISP market (%), 2009-2014
Standard broadband offer for individual users in Poland by price (PLN) and bandwidth, 2008-2014
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Reportlinker |
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