Reportlinker Adds Steel Grinding Balls Market Research in Russia and Forecast of Its Development in Conditions of the Economic Crisis
NEW YORK, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of steel grinding balls in Russia and forecast of the market development up to 2015. The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 164 pages, including 41 Figures, 61 Tables and 3 Appendices. This work is desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Inter-State Committee on Statistics of CIS countries, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official domestic railage statistic of JSC RZhD, sectoral (industrial) and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as data from web-sites of company-producers and consumers of steel grinding balls. Notice that, in Russia, trucking of freight is not liable to obligatory statistic account, so the report considers only data on railage of the product.
The first Section of the report presents review of technology of production and requirements, imposed on quality of steel grinding balls, produced in Russia.
The second Section is devoted to analysis of production statistics for the period of 1998-2008, including data on steel grinding balls output in Russia, dynamics of production of the commodity products, regional pattern of the production, as well as consideration of current standing of key large producers of steel grinding balls. The Section presents data on technology of production and applied equipment, range and grade of products, the production volumes, plans on enterprise development, as well as data on volumes and flows (destinations) of supplies of the products for 2002-2008.
The third Section is devoted to analysis of Russian foreign trade in steel grinding balls in 1998 - 2008. Besides, the Section presents brief description of markets of steel grinding balls of the main country-consumers of the production: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.
The fourth Section is devoted to analysis of prices on steel grinding balls in Russia, including data on release domestic prices of the main Russian producers, as well as analysis of export-import prices from 1999 to 2008.
The fifth Section presents analysis of consumption of steel grinding balls in Russia. The Section presents supply-demand balance of the product. Description of the main end-uses of steel grinding balls (mining and cement industries) and characteristics of the greatest consumers of steel grinding balls (including dynamics of their production) in Russia are given. Besides, the Section presents forecasts of development of the main end-uses of steel grinding balls.
The sixth, final Section of the report presents forecast of production of steel grinding balls in Russia for 2009-2015 and forecast of consumption of steel grinding balls for the period.
The Appendices include addresses and contact information on the main enterprise-producers of steel grinding balls and large consumers of the products in iron ore, nonferrous metallurgy, gold-producing, cement, power-generating sectors.
Table of Contents
1. Review of technology of production and quality of products
1.1. Main technology of production of grinding balls
1.2. Requirements, imposed on quality of steel grinding balls
2. Production of grinding balls in Russia
2.1. Volumes of production of steel grinding balls in Russia (1998-2008)
2.2. Current standing of main company-producers of steel grinding balls
2.2.1. JSC <<Nizhny Tagil Integrated iron&steel works>> (JSC <<NTMK>>, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region)
2.2.2. JSC <<Novokuznetsk Integrated iron&steel works>> (JSC <<NKMK>>, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region)
2.2.3. JSC <<Gur'evsk Metallurgical Works>> (JSC <<GMZ>>, Gur'evsk, Kemerovo region)
2.2.4. LLC <<Voskresensk plant <<Mashinostroitel'>> (LLC <<VZM>>, Voskresensk, Moscow region)
2.2.5. Other Russian producers of steel grinding balls
2.3. Production of steel grinding balls in CIS countries
3. Export-import of grinding balls in Russia (1999-2008)
3.1. Export of grinding balls in Russia (1999-2008)
3.2. Import of grinding balls in Russia (2005-2008)
4. Review of domestic and export-import prices on grinding balls
4.1. Review of domestic prices on steel grinding balls
4.2. Review of export-import prices on steel grinding balls
5. Analysis of domestic consumption of grinding balls in Russia
5.1. Supply-demand balance of grinding balls in Russia
5.2. Main consumers of grinding balls
5.2.1. Iron ore industry
5.2.2. Nonferrous metallurgy
5.2.3. Gold-producing industry
5.2.4. Cement industry
5.2.5. Power-generating industry
5.2.6. Other large consumers of steel grinding balls
6. Forecast of production and consumption of grinding balls up to 2015
Appendix 1. Contact information on companies
Appendix 2. Large consumers of steel grinding balls in mining-metallurgical sector of Russia in 2004-2008, t
Appendix 3. Large consumers of steel grinding balls in cement industry of Russia in 2004-2008, t
List of Tables
Table 1. Ball-rolling mills of VNIIMETMASH at metallurgical enterprises in the world
Table 2. Sizes of balls in mm in accordance with GOST 7524-89
Table 3. Hardness of balls in accordance with GOST 7524-89
Table 4. Manufacture of steel grinding balls in Russia by main producers in 1998-2008, kt
Table 5. Characteristics of ball-rolling mills of JSC <<NTMK>>
Table 6. Characteristics of steel grinding balls, produced by JSC <<NTMK>>
Table 7. Pattern of supplies of grinding balls of JSC <<NTMK>> in 2002-2008, t, %
Table 8. Largest consumers of steel balls of JSC <<NTMK>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 9. Export of steel balls by JSC <<NTMK>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 10. Main foreign consumers of steel grinding balls of JSC <<NTMK>> in 2005-2008, t
Table 11. Characteristics of ball-rolling mills 40-80
Table 12. Performance specifications steel balls of JSC <<NKMK>>
Table 13. Pattern of supplies of grinding balls of JSC <<NKMK>> in 2002-2008, t, %
Table 14. Largest consumers grinding balls of JSC <<NKMK>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 15. Export of steel balls by JSC <<NKMK>> in 2005-2008, t
Table 16. Largest foreign consumers of steel grinding balls of JSC <<NKMK>> in 2005-2008, t
Table 17. Pattern of supplies of grinding balls of JSC <<GMZ>> in 2002-2008, t, %
Table 18. Largest consumers grinding balls of JSC <<GMZ>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 19. Export of steel balls by JSC <<GMZ>> in 2005-2008, t
Table 20. Largest foreign consignees of steel grinding balls of JSC <<GMZ>> in 2005-2008, t
Table 21. Performance specifications of balls of LLC <<VZM>>
Table 22. Ball heat treatment routines in LLC <<VZM>>
Table 23. Largest consumers of grinding balls of LLC <<VZM>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 24. Characteristics of rolls and ball rolling condition at Katav-Ivanovsk plant
Table 25. Russian export of steel grinding balls by countries in 1999-2008, t
Table 26. Main consignees of Russian steel grinding balls in 2005-2008, t
Table 27. Main exporters of steel grinding balls in 2005-2008, t
Table 28. Russian import of steel grinding balls by countries in 2005-2008, t
Table 29. Main company-exporters of steel grinding balls in 2005-2008, t
Table 30. Main Russian consumers of steel grinding balls in 2005-2008, t
Table 31. Prices on steel grinding balls in December 2005
Table 32. Prices on steel grinding balls in 2008, offered by JSC <<KRASO>> from warehouses in Russian regions, Ruble/t including VAT
Table 33. Prices on steel grinding balls, offered by JSC <<Promko>> in February 2009, Ruble/t
Table 34. Release price lists on balls of JSC <<NTMK>> and JSC <<NKMK>> on May 2009, Ruble/t exclusive of VAT
Table 35. Prices on steel grinding balls of JSC <<GMZ>> in September 2007, Ruble/t exclusive of VAT
Table 36. Prices on steel grinding balls, offered by main Russian exporters in 2007-2008, $/t
Table 37. Prices on steel grinding balls of main foreign exporters in 2007-2008, $/t
Table 38. Supply-demand balance of steel grinding balls in Russia in 1999-2008, kt
Table 39. Supplies of steel balls to main enterprises of Russian iron ore industry in 2007, t
Table 40. Supplies of steel balls to main consumers in iron ore industry of Russia in 2008, t
Table 41. Pattern of supplies of steel balls grinding to JSC <<Mikhailovsky GOK>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 42. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Karel'sky Okatysh>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 43. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Stoilensky GOK>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 44. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Kachkanar GOK>> in 2002-2008, t
Table 45. Supplies of steel balls to Russian enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy in 2007, t
Table 46. Supplies of steel balls to Russian enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy in 2008, t
Table 47. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to Polar Division of JSC <<MMC Norilsk Nickel>> in 2004-2008, t
Table 48. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Kola MMC>> in 2004-2008, t
Table 49. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Kola MMC>> in 2004-2008, t
Table 50. Supplies of steel grinding balls to gold-producing companies in 2007, t
Table 51. Supplies of steel grinding balls to gold-producing companies in 2008, t
Table 52. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to CJSC <<Polyus>> in 2004-2008, t
Table 53. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Aldanzoloto>> in 2004-2008, t
Table 54. Pattern of supplies of steel grinding balls to JSC <<Pokrovsky Mine>> in 2004-2008, t
Table 55. Projects on production modernisation in cement industry
Table 56. Supplies of steel grinding balls to cement plants in 2007, t
Table 57. Supplies of steel grinding balls to cement plants in 2008, t
Table 58. Supplies of steel grinding balls to enterprises of power-generating industry in 2007, t
Table 59. Supplies of steel grinding balls to enterprises of power-generating industry in 2008, t
Table 60. Other largest consumers of steel grinding balls in 2007, t
Table 61. Other largest consumers of steel grinding balls in 2008, t
List of Figures
Figure 1. Ball-rolling complex SHPS 40-100, elaborated by VNIIMETMASH
Figure 2. Dynamics of production of steel grinding balls by main producers in 1998-2008, kt
Figure 3. Scheme of positioning key production facilities of mills 40-80 and 80-120 JSC <<NTMK>>
Figure 4. Dynamics of production of grinding balls by JSC <<NTMK>> and its share in total Russian production in 1998-2008, kt, %
Figure 5. Pattern of supplies of JSC <<NTMK>> by branches of industry in 2007, %
Figure 6. Pattern of supplies of JSC <<NTMK>> by branches of industry in 2008, %
Figure 7. Dynamics of exports (kt) and average export prices ($/t) on steel balls of JSC <<NTMK>> in 2001-2008
Figure 8. Dynamics of production of grinding balls by JSC <<NKMK>> (kt) and its share in total Russian production (%) in 1998-2008
Figure 9. Pattern of supplies of JSC <<NKMK>> by branches of industry in 2007, %
Figure 10. Pattern of supplies of JSC <<NKMK>> by branches of industry in 2008, %
Figure 11. Dynamics of ball exports by JSC <<NKMK>> (kt) and average prices ($/t) in 2002-2008
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of grinding balls by JSC <<GMZ>> and its share in total Russian production in 1998-2008, t, %
Figure 13. Pattern of supplies of JSC <<GMZ>> by branches of industry in 2007, %
Figure 14. Pattern of supplies of JSC <<GMZ>> by branches of industry in 2008, %
Figure 15. Dynamics of ball exports by JSC <<GMZ>> (kt) and average prices ($/t) in 2002-2008
Figure 16. Scheme of positioning key production facilities of the ball-rolling mill of LLC <<VZM>>
Figure 17. Dynamics of production of grinding balls LLC <<VZM>> and its share in total Russian production in 1998-2008, t, %
Figure 18. Pattern of supplies of balls LLC <<VZM>> by branches of industry in 2007, %
Figure 19. Pattern of supplies of balls LLC <<VZM>> by branches of industry in 2008, %
Figure 20. Scheme of positioning key production facilities of the mill of Katav-Ivanovsk casting-mechanical plant
Figure 21. Dynamics of production of grinding balls by KILMZ and its share in total Russian production in 1998-2008, t, %
Figure 22. Dynamics of production of grinding balls by JSC <<VPZ>> and its share in total Russian production in 1998-2008, t, %
Figure 23. Dynamics of Russian exports of steel grinding balls in 1999-2008, kt
Figure 24. Dynamics of Russian imports of steel grinding balls in 2005-2008, kt
Figure 25. Dynamics of average export and import prices on steel balls in 1999-2008, $/t
Figure 26. Dynamics of <<apparent>> consumption of steel grinding balls in Russia in 1999-2008, kt
Figure 27. Pattern of consumption of steel grinding balls in Russia in 2004-2008, %
Figure 28. Pattern of consumption of steel grinding balls in Russia in 2008, %
Figure 29. Dynamics of mining of iron ore in Russia in 1998-2008, mln t
Figure 30. Manufacture of commodity ore by enterprises of iron ore industry of Russia (mln t), supplies of balls to the enterprises (kt) in 2007
Figure 31. Manufacture of commodity ore by enterprises of iron ore industry Russia (mln t), supplies of balls to the enterprises (kt) in 2008
Figure 32. Dynamics of production of commodity ore (kt) and supplies of steel balls (t) at JSC <<Mikhailovsky GOK>> in 2004-2008
Figure 33. Dynamics of mining ore (kt) and supplies of steel balls (t) at JSC <<Karel'sky Okatysh>> in 2005-2008
Figure 34. Dynamics of mining ore of Polar Division JSC <<MMC Norilsk Nickel>> and JSC <<Kola MMC>> in 2003-2008, mln t
Figure 35. Mining of gold in Russia from primary deposits in 2003-2008, t
Figure 36. Mining of gold by greatest Russian enterprises in 2003-2008, t
Figure 37. Production of cement in Russia in 2002-2008, mln t
Figure 38. Production of cement by JSC <<Gornozavodskcement>>, JSC <<Mal'tsovsky portlandcement>> and CJSC <<Kavkazcement>> in 2004-2008, kt
Figure 39. Dynamics of production of concentrate by JSC <<Apatite>> in 2000-2008, mln t
Figure 40. Top-10 greatest Russian consumers of steel grinding balls in 2008, kt
Figure 41. Forecast of consumption of steel grinding balls in Russia up to 2015, kt
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Metal Manufacturing Industry: Steel Grinding Balls Market Research in Russia and Forecast of Its Development in Conditions of the Economic Crisis
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