Reportlinker Adds Global Powder Metallurgy Industry
NEW YORK, June 24 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Powder Metallurgy Industry
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Powder Metallurgy in US$ Million. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for North America, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World. Annual forecasts are provided for each region for the period of 2007 through 2015. The report profiles 149 companies including many key and niche players such as ACu Powder International, LLC, ATI Alldyne, American Chemet Corp., AMETEK Specialty Metal Products, Burgess-Norton Manufacturing Co., Carpenter Powder Products, Daido Steel Co. Ltd., Dowa Holdings Co. Ltd., Erasteel SAS, F. W. Winter Inc. & Co., Federal-Mogul Corp., Fine Sinter Co. Ltd., GKN Sinter Metals, Inc., Hoeganaes Corp., H.C. Starck GmbH, Hawk Corp., Hoganas AB, Inco Special Products, JFE Steel Corp., Kennametal, Inc., Kobe Steel Ltd., Metaldyne LLC, Mi-Tech Metals, Inc., MMC Norilsk Nickel, PMG Holding S.A., Pometon SpA, Quebec Metal Powders Ltd., Revere Industries, LLC, Sandvik Osprey Ltd., Toyal America, Inc., Umicore S.A, and United States Bronze Powders, Inc. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are mostly extracted from URL research and reported select online sources.
Study Reliability and Reporting Limitations I-1
Disclaimers I-2
Data Interpretation & Reporting Level I-2
Quantitative Techniques & Analytics I-3
Product Definition and Scope of Study I-3
Global Outlook II-1
Impact of Recession II-1
Manufacturers and Suppliers Across Segments Feel the Heat II-1
Improved Outlook Predicted Post-Recession II-2
Newer Advances and Technological Breakthroughs Drive the Market II-2
Current and Future Market Analysis II-3
Analysis for Metal Powders II-3
Analysis for Powder Metallurgy (PM) parts II-3
Trends and Issues II-4
Powdered Metallurgy Market Review II-4
Powder Metal Consumption in the Auto Industry II-4
Marked Trends towards Finer Powders and Advanced PM Parts II-5
Expanding Applications Drive Powder Metals Market II-5
Table 1: Usage of P/M Structural Components by Application
(2008) - Percentage Share Breakdown in Volume Terms for
Automotive, Hand Tools and Recreation Products, Industrial
Motors, Household Appliances, Hardware Components, Business
Machines, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-6
Aluminum and Titanium Base Powders Witness Growth II-6
Nanopowders: A Major Area of Focus II-6
Intense Consolidation: An Ongoing Process II-6
M & A Activity in the Powder Metallurgy Industry: 2007-2009 II-7
Competitive Landscape II-7
GKN Dominates Fragmented PM Parts Industry II-7
Diverse Company and Product Strategies II-8
Powder Metallurgy and Auto Industry II-8
Historical Relationship Between P/M and Automotive Industry II-8
Benefits for Automotive Industry II-8
Powder Metallurgy in Passenger Cars II-9
Recent Developments in the Automotive Industry II-9
Prospective Automotive Applications II-9
Carrier Housings II-10
Future Growth Directions for the PM Industry II-10
Diversification II-10
Sustainability II-10
Investments in Technology II-11
Powder Metallurgy (PM) Technology: A Primer II-12
A Peek into History of Metal Powders II-12
Definition II-12
Attributes II-12
Particle Size Distribution: A Key Attribute II-13
Metal Powders Classification II-13
Ferrous Powders II-14
Iron Powder II-14
Stainless Steel Powder II-14
Table 2: Powder Metallurgy Production of Iron & Steel (In
Thousand Short Tons) for Structural Components During the
Period 2001 to 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-15
Non-Ferrous Powders II-15
History II-15
Scope II-15
Types of Non-Ferrous Powders II-15
Aluminum Powder II-15
History II-15
Benefits II-16
Applications II-16
Types of Atomized Aluminum Powders II-16
Aluminum PM Production II-16
Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Process II-17
Copper (and Copper Alloy) Powder II-17
Table 3: Global Copper Production Scenario (2007 & 2008):
Mine Production and Refined Production (Million Tons) II-18
Key Applications of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders II-18
Nickel Powder II-19
Table 4: Leading Nickel Mining Countries Worldwide:
Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Mining Volume
(2006 to 2008) - Russia, Canada, Australia, Indonesia,
New Caledonia, Philippines, Colombia, Cuba, China,
Brazil, Botswana, South Africa, and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-20
Table 5: Leading Nickel Consuming Countries Worldwide:
Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Volume Consumption
(2006 to 2008) - China, Japan, US, Germany, South Korea,
Taiwan, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Finland, India, Sweden,
and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-21
Table 6: Nickel Consumption by End-use Applications
(2007): Percentage Share Breakdown In Terms of Volume
Usage for Stainless Steel, Nickel Based Alloys, Casting
and Alloy Steels, Electroplating, Rechargeable Batteries,
Coinage, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-21
Titanium Powder II-22
Refractory Metals II-22
Tantalum II-22
Tungsten II-22
Powder Metallurgy II-23
Introduction II-23
Powder Metallurgy vs. Other Techniques (Machining, Die
Casting and Forging) II-23
Process Description II-23
Fundamental Steps II-24
Types of Methods II-26
Mixing II-26
Pressing II-26
Forming II-26
Sintering II-26
Sinter Hardening II-27
Re-Pressing II-28
Hot Re-Press II-28
Forging II-28
Infiltration II-28
Impregnation II-29
Heat Treatment II-29
Surface-Hardening II-29
Steam Treatment II-29
Blueing II-29
Plating II-29
Coating II-29
Mechanical Treatment II-30
De-Burring II-30
Rapid Solidification II-30
Advantages II-30
Disadvantages II-31
Sintered Components: An Overview II-31
Metal Powders Present Rich Scope for Economical, Creative
Design Offerings II-31
Benefits and Features of Sintered Components II-32
The Manufacturing Process for Sintered Components II-32
Applications of PM and PM Parts II-33
Metal Powders II-33
PM Parts II-34
Powder Metallurgy: Suitable Technique for Parts Production
and MMC II-34
Powder Metallurgy Magnets II-34
Powder Metallurgy in Tool Steels II-34
Products Derived from Metal Powders II-35
Mechanical or Structural Components II-35
Ferrous Structural Parts II-35
Non-Ferrous Structural Components II-35
Exclusive High-Duty Alloys II-36
Composite Materials II-36
Hard Metals and Diamond Tools II-36
Magnetic and Electric Parts II-36
Porous Materials II-37
Powder Metal Parts: Production Technologies II-37
High-Potential Technologies II-37
Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) II-37
Dynamic Magnetic Compression (DMC) II-37
Spray Forming II-38
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) II-38
Powder Injection Molding (PIM) II-39
Traditional Methods II-40
Hot Pressing II-40
Isostatic Pressing II-40
Cold Isostatic Pressing II-40
Hot Isostatic Pressing II-40
Extrusion II-40
Hot Extrusion II-41
Cold Extrusion II-41
Roll Compaction II-41
Other Methods II-42
Powder Forging II-42
Powder Rolling II-42
Net Shape Processing II-42
Powder Metal Processing Techniques II-42
Atomization Process II-43
Gas Atomization II-44
Water Atomization II-44
Electrolysis II-44
Mechanical Comminution Methods II-44
Mechanical Alloying II-45
Chemical Methods II-45
Diffusion Bonding II-45
Solid State Reduction II-46
Hydrometallurgical Process II-46
Hunter Process II-46
Kroll Process II-46
Powder Metallurgy Equipment II-47
Associations/Federations II-47
Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) II-47
APMI International II-47
Impco Develops a Powder Metal Plating Process II-48
JFE Group Develops New Steel Sheet, JFE ECOGAL™ II-48
Toyal Launches Atomized Aluminum Powders II-49
Kobe Steel Introduces Water Clarifying Iron Powder II-49
Crucible Materials Develops New Powder Metallurgy 625M Alloy II-49
Stratasys Designs Cobalt-Chromium Alloy, ASTM F-75 II-49
MLC Extrusion Develops High Pressure Extrusion Process II-49
DuPont Offers High Purity Titanium Metal Powder II-50
ATI Acquires Crucible Compaction Metals and Crucible Research
(US) II-51
ASMP Acquires Stainless Steel Powder Operations of ANCOR®
Specialties (US) II-51
Sandvik Signs Agreement to Acquire WBH II-52
Bayer MaterialScience to Develop CNC Reinforced Aluminum II-52
MD Investors Acquires Meta II-53
Cristal Announces Acquisition of International Titanium Powder
(USA) II-53
Plansee Group Acquires Global Tungsten Powder Business of
Osram (USA) II-53
Erasteel to Build New Gas Atomization Facility for Metal
Powder (Sweden) II-54
Platinum Equity Acquires SCM Metal Products (US) II-54
Nippon Steel and Kobe Steel Establish a Steel Dust Recycling
Joint Venture (Japan) II-54
Hoganas Agrees to Acquire KOMPA (US \ Sweden) II-55
PMG Group to Construct New Powder Metallurgy Plant (China) II-55
AMETEK Takes Over Reading Alloys II-55
Carpenter Powder Acquires Ultrafine Powder II-56
JFE to Expand Output of Ultrafine Nickel Powders II-56
Alconix to Establish Subsidiary in Taiwan II-56
China Direct to Establish Aluminum Recycling Plant II-56
Kobe Steel Plans to Close Down US Steel Powder Operations II-57
Magnezit Takes Over Razdolinskiy Plant II-57
Dowa to Acquire Yamaha Subsidiaries II-57
Ceratizit Takes Over Newcomer Products II-58
W. C. Heraeus GmbH Acquires French Company PSP II-58
Sandvik Takes Over Metso Powdermet II-58
Asahi Tec Acquires Metaldyne Corporation II-59
Ametek Takes Over Hamilton Precision Metals II-59
GKN Sinter Metals Acquires Teleflex Aerospace II-59
JFE Steel and Gerogsmarienhutt Renew Comprehensive Cooperation
Deal II-60
Xiamen Tungsten and Luoyang Government Sign Letter of Intent II-60
Apex Advanced Technologies Collects US Patent II-60
Three Chinese Firms to Setup a Tungsten and Molybdenum Facility II-60
Raymor's Subsidiary Starts Production Operations II-60
Shandong to Expand Manufacturing Capacity of Alumina Powder II-61
Reading Alloys to Build a New Plant in South Heidelberg Township II-61
Plansee Announces Major Expansions II-61
Hoganas Brazil Ltd Plans to Build New Plant II-61
North American Hoganas Plans to Expand II-62
Rolls Royce and Metalysis to Establish Tantalum Plant II-62
Crucible to Build Service Center in Ohio II-62
Teikoku Piston Ring to Build New Plant II-62
Anqing TP to Build a New Plant II-63
Cloyes Gear and Products Divests Cloyes Europe GmbH II-63
Bayer Divests H.C. Starck to Advent and Carlyle II-63
OM Group Divests Nickel Business II-63
Miba AG Invests in New Plant in China II-64
Saw Mill Capital Partners Announces Acquisition of Hawk Corp's
Division II-64
Hascor International and Shieldalloy Metallurgical Form Alliance II-64
Dowa Establishes Subsidiary in Thailand II-65
Ingushetia to Build Mining and Metallurgy Complex II-65
ECKA Granules Establishes New Production Units in the US II-65
Element Six Acquires Technology from Skeleton Technologies II-65
Brovary Powder Metallurgy Reduces Iron Powder Output II-66
Inco Limited, Falconbridge, and Phelps Dodge Merge to form
Phelps Dodge Inco II-66
Kennametal Divests Electronics Business, Kemmer Praezision II-66
BHP Billiton and MMC Norilsk Nickel form Alliance to Explore
Minerals II-66
ACu Powder International, LLC (USA) II-67
ATI Alldyne (USA) II-67
American Chemet Corp. (USA) II-67
AMETEK Specialty Metal Products (USA) II-67
Burgess-Norton Manufacturing Co. (USA) II-68
Carpenter Powder Products (USA) II-68
Daido Steel Co. Ltd. (Japan) II-68
Dowa Holdings Co. Ltd. (Japan) II-69
Erasteel SAS (France) II-69
F. W. Winter Inc. & Co. (USA) II-70
Federal-Mogul Corp. (USA) II-70
Fine Sinter Co. Ltd. (Japan) II-70
GKN Sinter Metals, Inc. (USA) II-71
Hoeganaes Corp. (USA) II-71
H.C. Starck GmbH Germany) II-71
Hawk Corp. (USA) II-72
Hoganas AB (Sweden) II-72
Inco Special Products (USA) II-72
JFE Steel Corp. (Japan) II-73
Kennametal, Inc. (USA) II-73
Kobe Steel Ltd. (Japan) II-73
Metaldyne LLC (USA) II-74
Mi-Tech Metals, Inc. (USA) II-74
MMC Norilsk Nickel (Russia) II-74
PMG Holding S.A. (Luxembourg) II-75
Pometon SpA (Italy) II-75
Quebec Metal Powders Ltd. (Canada) II-75
Revere Industries, LLC (USA) II-75
Sandvik Osprey Ltd. (UK) II-76
Toyal America, Inc. (USA) II-76
Umicore S.A. (Belgium) II-76
United States Bronze Powders, Inc. (USA) II-76
Table 7: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Metal Powders by Geographic Region - North America, Japan,
Europe, and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with
Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2007 through
2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-77
Table 8: World Historic Review for Metal Powders by Geographic
Region - North America, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World
Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in
US$ Million for Years 2001 through 2006 (includes
corresponding Graph/Char) II-78
Table 9: World 13-Year Perspective for Metal Powders by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for
North America, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World Markets for
Years 2003, 2009 & 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-79
Table 10: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for P/M
Parts by Geographic Region - North America, Europe, Asia
Pacific, and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with
Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2007 through
2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-80
Table 11: World Historic Review for P/M Parts by Geographic
Region - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of
World Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures
in US$ Million for Years 2001 through 2006 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-81
Table 12: World 13-Year Perspective for P/M Parts by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World Markets
for Years 2003, 2009 & 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-82
A. Market Overview III-1
Current and Future Market Analysis III-1
Powder Metallurgy Industry in North America III-1
Metal Powder Demand to Increase III-2
Tantalum Powder to Witness Decline in Volume Demand III-2
Import and Export Scenario III-3
Table 13: US Metal Powders Market Exports (2008 & 2009):
Value in US$ Thousand for Aluminum Powders; Copper Powders;
Molybdenum Powders; Nickel Powders and Flakes; and Tungsten
(Wolfram) Powders (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-3
Table 14: US Metal Powder Exports (2006 & 2007): Value in
US$ Thousand for Aluminum Powders; Copper Powders; Iron and
Steel Powders; Gold Powder (Non-Monetary); Lead Powders and
Flakes; Molybdenum Powders; Nickel Powders and Flakes;
Silver Powder; Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders; Zinc Powders and
Flakes (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-3
Table 15: US Metal Powders Imports (2008 & 2009): Value in
US$ Thousand for Aluminum Powders; Copper Powders;
Molybdenum Powders; Nickel Powders and Flakes; and Tungsten
(Wolfram) Powders (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-4
Table 16: US Metal Powders Imports (2006 & 2007): Value in
US$ Thousand for Aluminum Powders; Copper Powders; Gold
Powder; Iron and Steel Powders; Lead Powders and Flakes;
Molybdenum Powders; Nickel Powders and Flakes; Silver
Powder; Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders; Zinc Powders and Flakes
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-4
Table 17: Canadian Metal Powders Exports (2008 & 2009):
Value in US$ Thousand for Aluminum Powders; Copper Powders;
Granules & Powders of Pig Iron, Spiegeleisen, Iron or
Steel; Molybdenum Powders; Nickel Powders and Flakes; and
Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders (includes
correspondingGraph/Chart) III-5
Table 18: Canadian Metal Powders Imports (2006 & 2007):
Value in US$ Thousand for Aluminum Powders; Copper Powders;
Gold Powder; Iron or Steel Powders; Lead Powders and
Flakes; Molybdenum Powders; Nickel Powders and Flakes;
Silver Powder; Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders; Zinc Powders and
Flakes (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-6
Aluminum Powders III-7
Table 19: US Aluminum Powder (Lamellar and Non-lamellar
Structure, and Flakes) Exports by Region (2008 & 2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for Japan,
Canada, UK, South Africa, Germany, Indonesia, Hong Kong,
India, Mexico, South Korea, and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-7
Table 20: US Aluminum Powder (Lamellar and Non-lamellar
Structure, and Flakes) Imports by Region (2008 & 2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for
Australia, Germany, Austria, South Korea, Bahrain, France,
UK, China, Japan, India, and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-8
Table 21: Canadian Aluminum Powder (Lamellar and
Non-lamellar Structure, and Flakes) Exports by Region
(2008 & 2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of
Revenues for Germany, US, Taiwan, China, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-9
Table 22: Canadian Aluminum Powder (Lamellar and Non-
lamellar Structure, and Flakes) Imports by Region (2008 &
2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for
US, Germany, France, UK, China, India, Italy, Finland,
Sweden, Austria, and Others (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-9
Copper Powders III-10
Table 23: US Copper Powder (Lamellar and Non-lamellar
Structure) Exports by Region (2008 & 2009): Percentage
Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for Canada, China,
Mexico, South Korea, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Japan,
Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Others (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-10
Table 24: US Copper Powder (Lamellar and Non-lamellar
Structure) Imports by Region (2008 & 2009): Percentage
Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for China, Germany,
Poland, Italy, Japan, France, Spain, Belgium, UK, Canada,
and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-11
Table 25: Canadian Copper Powder (Lamellar and
Non-lamellar Structure) Exports by Region (2008 & 2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for US,
Germany, Brazil, Chile, Australia, Japan, Trinidad and
Tobago, South Korea, Argentina, Taiwan, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-12
Table 26: Canadian Copper Powder (Lamellar and
Non-lamellar Structure) Imports by Region (2008 & 2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for US,
Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, China, Japan, Russia,
India, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-13
Iron Powders and Granules III-14
Table 27: Canadian Exports Granules (Steel, Spiegeleisen,
and Pig Iron) and Powders (steel or iron, Spiegeleisen,
Pig Iron, and alloy steel) by in 2008 & 2009: Percentage
Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for US, UAE,
Argentina, China, Thailand, France, Australia, Mexico, and
Others III-14
Table 28: Canadian Imports of Granules (Steel,
Spiegeleisen, and Pig Iron) and Powder (steel or iron,
Spiegeleisen, Pig Iron, and alloy steel) by Region (2008 &
2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for
US, Japan, Germany, China, Sweden, France, Turkey, Czech
Republic, Re-Imports Canada), Ukraine, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-15
Molybdenum Powders III-16
Table 29: US Molybdenum Powders Exports by Region (2008 &
2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for
Chile, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Taiwan, India,
Sweden, Mexico, France, and Others (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-16
Table 30: US Molybdenum Powders Import by Region (2008 &
2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for
China, Japan, Germany, Austria, Canada, Belgium, UK, and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-17
Table 31: Canadian Molybdenum Powders Exports by Region
(2008&2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in terms of
Revenues for US, China, Australia, Poland, Cuba, Brazil,
and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-17
Table 32: Canadian Molybdenum Powders Imports by Region
(2008 & 2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of
Revenues for US, China, Belgium, Brazil, Japan, Chile, and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-18
Nickel Flakes and Powders III-19
Table 33: US Nickel Flakes and Powders Exports by Region
(2008 & 2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of
Revenues for Germany, Canada, Singapore, China, UK, Japan,
South Korea, Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-19
Table 34: US Nickel Flakes and Powders Imports by Region
(2008&2009): Percentage Share Percentage Share Breakdown
in Terms of Revenues for Canada, Russia, Germany, UK,
South Africa, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Netherlands,
China, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-20
Table 35: Canadian Nickel Flakes and Powders Exports by
Region (2008&2009): Percentage Share Percentage Share
Breakdown in Terms of Revenues for US, Japan, China,
Belgium, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Brazil, Singapore,
Thailand, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-21
Table 36: Canadian Nickel Flakes and Powders Imports by
Region (2008&2009): Percentage Percentage Share Breakdown
in Terms of Revenues for Australia, US, UK, Russia,
Belgium, Ireland, Re-Imports (Canada), South Africa,
Germany, France, and Others (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-22
Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders III-23
Table 37: US Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders Export Scenario
(2008&2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of
Revenues for Germany, Canada, Singapore, China, UK, Italy,
Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Netherlands, and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-23
Table 38: US Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders Imports by Region
(2008&2009): Percentage Share Percentage Share Breakdown
in Terms of Revenues for Germany, Israel, South Korea,
China, Japan, Canada, UK, Spain, France, Austria, and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-24
Table 39: Canadian Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders Exports by
Region (2008&2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of
Revenues for US, Australia, Sweden, China, South Africa,
Germany, Japan, Czech Republic, Finland, South Korea, and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-25
Table 40: Canadian Tungsten (Wolfram) Powders Imports by
Region (2008&2009): Percentage Share Breakdown in Terms of
Revenues for US, Germany, China, Israel, Belgium, France,
South Africa, UK, Switzerland, South Korea, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-26
Market Dynamics III-26
Role of Metal Powders in Automotive Industry III-27
Increase in Light Trucks and SUVs III-27
Impact of Metal Parts on Automotive III-28
Consumption Trends III-28
Developments in Iron Powder Segment III-28
North American MIM Market Updates III-29
Competitive Scenario III-29
Product Launches/Developments III-29
Strategic Corporate Developments III-30
Key Players III-36
B.Market Analytics III-43
Table 41: North American Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Metal Powders by Product Segment - Iron &
Steel, Stainless Steel, Tungsten, Aluminum, and Others
Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015(includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-43
Table 42: North American Historic Review for Metal Powders
by Product Segment - Iron & Steel, Stainless Steel,
Tungsten, Aluminum, and Others - Independently Analyzed with
Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-44
Table 43: North American 13-Year Perspective for Metal
Powders by Product Segment - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar
Sales for Iron & Steel, Stainless Steel, Tungsten, Aluminum,
and Others for Years 2003, 2009 & 2015 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-44
Table 44: North American Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Metal Powders by Product Segment - Iron &
Steel, Stainless Steel, Tungsten, Aluminum, and Others
Independently Analyzed with Annual Shipments in Thousand Ton
for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-45
Table 45: North American Historic Review for Metal Powders
by Product Segment - Iron & Steel, Stainless Steel,
Tungsten, Aluminum, and Others - Independently Analyzed with
Annual Shipments in Thousand Tons for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-46
Table 46: North American 13-Year Perspective for Metal
Powders by Product Segment - Percentage Breakdown of
Shipments for Iron & Steel, Stainless Steel, Tungsten,
Aluminum, and Others for Years 2003, 2009 & 2015 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-46
Table 47: North American Recent Past, Current & Future
Market Analysis for P/M Parts with Annual Sales Figures in
US$ Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-47
Table 48: North American Historic Review for P/M Parts with
Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-47
A. Market Overview III-48
Current & Future Analysis III-48
Metal Powder Shipments III-48
Table 49: Japanese Iron, Stainless Steel, and Copper/Copper
Base Powder Market (2005-2008): Shipments in Metric tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-48
Competitive Landscape III-48
Table 50: Sintered Parts Consumption by Weight (In
Kilograms) Per Car in Japan, During Years 2001 to 2008
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-49
Product Launches/Developments III-49
Strategic Corporate Developments III-50
Key Players III-51
B.Market Analytics III-54
Table 51: Japanese Recent Past, Current & Future Market
Analysis for Metal Powders with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-54
Table 52: Japanese Historic Review for Metal Powders with
Annual Sales Figure in US$ Million for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-55
A. Market Overview III-56
Current & Future Analysis III-56
Market Overview III-56
Metal Powder Shipments III-57
Table 53: European Iron/Steel Powder and Copper/Copper Base
Powder Market(2000-2010): Shipments in Short Tons (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-57
European Powder Metallurgy Industry III-57
End-Use Markets III-58
Obstacles Hindering Market Growth III-58
PM Industry in Central and Eastern Europe III-58
Russia III-58
Bulgaria III-58
Strategic Corporate Developments III-58
Key Players III-61
B.Market Analytics III-63
Table 54: European Recent Past, Current & Future Market
Analysis for Metal Powders with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-63
Table 55: European Historic Review for Metal Powders with
Annual Sale Figures in US$ Million for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-63
Table 56: European Recent Past, Current & Future Market
Analysis for P/M Parts with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-64
Table 57: European Historic Review for P/M Parts with Annual
Sales Figure in US$ Million for Years 2001 through 2006
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-64
A. Market Overview III-65
Current & Future Analysis III-65
Asia-Pacific Powder Metallurgy Market III-65
Overview of Select Regional Markets III-65
China III-65
State of the Chinese Powder Metallurgy Industry III-65
Foreign Manufacturers Enter Domestic Markets III-66
Chinese Government Limits Tungsten Exports III-66
Table 58: Chinese Imports of Titanium Dioxide:
2004-2007(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-67
Strategic Corporate Developments III-67
B.Market Analytics III-70
Table 59: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Market
Analysis for PM Parts with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-70
Table 60: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PM Parts with
Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-71
A. Market Overview III-72
Current & Future Analysis III-72
Product Launch III-72
Strategic Corporate Developments III-72
B.Market Analytics III-73
Table 61: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & FutureMarket
Analysis for Metal Powders with annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-73
Table 62: Rest of World Historic Review for Metal Powders
with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2001
through 2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-73
Table 63: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & Future Market
Analysis for PM Parts with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Million for Years 2007 through 2015 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-74
Table 64: Rest of World Historic Review for PM Parts with
Annual Sales Figure in US$ Million for Years 2001 through
2006 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-74
Total Companies Profiled: 149 (including Divisions/Subsidiaries - 182)
Region/Country Players
The United States 63
Canada 9
Japan 23
Europe 57
France 5
Germany 9
The United Kingdom 13
Italy 4
Spain 1
Rest of Europe 25
Asia-Pacific (Excluding Japan) 23
Latin America 4
Middle-East 3
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CONTACT: Nicolas Bombourg |
Reportlinker |
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Intl: +1 805-652-2626 |
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