Reportlinker Adds Global B2C E-Commerce Report 2010
NEW YORK, May 4 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global B2C E-Commerce Report 2010
1.) Key Findings
- Asia was the leading geographic region in terms of Internet users in 2009, reaching approximately 740 million, followed by Europe with approximately 420 million.
- North America (74%) was the leading geographic region in terms of Internet penetration rates in 2009.
- Brazil is the Latin country with the highest number of Internet users (32 million) and most hours per user spent surfing the web (27 hours per month).
- Norway (70%) was the leading European country in terms of Internet shoppers in 2009, followed by the UK (66%).
- China, home to the largest Internet population in the world, experienced a 31-percent increase to 221 million in 2009, making it the fastest-growing Internet country in Asia.
2.) Effective decision support for E-Commerce managers
- E-Commerce is the sales channel of the future. However, even the brightest prospects will not materialize, unless providers keep track of trends, consumer demands and competitors in this challenging market environment. The key to entrepreneurial success in the E-Commerce market is access to objective, reliable and up-to-date information that provides an insight into the dynamics of the market. is the one-stop source for these facts.
3.) Contents
- Current Trends in the E-Commerce Segment
- Sales numbers and growth rates of B2C E-Commerce
- B2C E-Commerce vs. retail and home shopping sales figure comparisons
- Basic data on the number of internet users, penetration, types of used internet connections, number of internet shoppers and demographics (including penetration rates)
- Product rankings, which show the top selling assortments on the internet.
- Rankings and short profiles of the main competitors
- News on leading B2C E-Commerce companies
4.) About our Reports
- Market reports by inform top managers about recent market trends and assist with strategic company decisions
- the author provides secondary market research: By using various sources of information we ensure maximum objectivity for all obtained data. As a result companies get a precise and unbiased impression of the market situation.
- The analyses, statistical reports and forecasts are only based on reliable sources including national and international statistical offices, industry and trade associations, business reports, business and company databases, journals, company registries and news portals.
- Our international employees research and filter all sources and translate relevant information into English. This ensures that the content of the original studies is correctly interpreted.
- the author delivers all research results as PowerPoint files. All data can therefore be used directly for board presentations or be individually adapted.
- If required, the author provides in-depth analysis for all research projects. Simply send us a request.
- Internet Users by geographic Regions, in millions, December 2009
- World Internet Penetration Rates by geographic Regions, in %, December 2009
- Breakdown of Internet Users, by Region, in %, December 2009
- B2C E-Commerce Sales of Major Global Companies, in local Currency and EUR billion, 2006-2008
USA (Top Country)
- 6 Key Trends in Online Retail 2010
- B2C E-Commerce Sales, by Retail and Online Travel Sales, in USD billion and % change, 2008-2013f
- Development of Internet Shoppers (million) and their Percentage of Internet Users, 2006-2011f
- Top 10 Internet Retailers, by Web Sales in USD billion, 2008
- Top 10 Internet Retailers by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet Sales
- Broadband Subscribers, compared to Germany, USA and the OECD, 2003-June 2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet Users and Hours spent Online, September 2009
BRAZIL (Top Country)
- E-Commerce Trends: Sales and Top Players
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- E-Commerce Trends; incl. B2C/C2C E-Commerce Sales, in ARS billion, 2008-2010f
- E-Commerce Travel Trends
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- E-Commerce Market Overview
- Internet Usage and E-Commerce Trends
- E-Commerce Sales, in USD million, 2008-2009
- Major Product Categories in E-Commerce, 2007
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- General E-Commerce Trends
- Internet Usage and E-Commerce
- Online Banking and Online Projections
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- E-Commerce Development
- Internet Users and E-Commerce
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Major Product Categories in E-Commerce, in %, 2008
- Frequency of Online-Shopping, in %, 2008
- Preferred Online-Shop, in %, 2008
- Internet Usage and Penetration
- B2C E-Commerce Sales in Western Europe, in EUR billion, 2009 & 2014f
- Annual Average Spending of Western European B2C E-Commerce Consumers, in EUR, 2009 & 2014f
- B2C E-Commerce and Travel Sales in selected European Countries, in EUR billion, 2014f
- Percentage of Households with Internet Access, in %, Q1 2007-Q1 2009
- Percentage of Households with Broadband Connections, in %, Q1 2007-Q1 2009
- Individuals using the Internet on average daily or almost every Day, in %, Q1 2009
- Internet Shoppers by Gender, ranked by Total, in %, Q1 2009
- Share of Internet Shoppers in Europe, 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2009
- Internet Users in CEE Countries, as % of the Population, 2008 & 2009
UK (Top Country)
- Online Shopping Market Development Overview
- Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Development of Internet Users and its Percentage of Country Population, 2000-2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- B2C E-Commerce: Internet Sales and Webshop Numbers
- Internet Shoppers by Age Groups compared to the EU27 Average, in %, 2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet Usage and B2C E-Commerce
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Types of Goods ordered over the Internet, in % of Individuals Age 16+, Q2 2009
- Internet Shoppers compared to the EU27 Average, in %, 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2009
- Awareness of Online Shops, in %, 2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, Feb. 2010
- B2C E-Commerce: General Trends
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, Feb. 2010
- Internet Penetration and B2C E-Commerce
- Broadband Market Overview
- Types of Goods and Services bought online, compared to the EU27 Average, in %, Q2 2008
- Development of Internet Shoppers, comp. to the EU27 Average, in %, 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, Feb. 2010
- Types of Goods and Services bought Online, in % of Internet Users, May 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, Feb. 2010
- Top 10 Online Retail Sites by million Visitors, July 2008 & July 2009
- E-Commerce of Clothing and Fashion
- Value and Number of Online Purchases and Average Spending per Online Purchase, 2007-2008
- Development of Internet Users (millions) and its Percentage of Country Population, 2001-2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Online Sales in EUR million, 2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Development of Internet Shoppers, compared to EU27 Average, in %, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet and Telecommunication Trends
- Cross-Boarder B2C E-Commerce
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- ICT and E-Commerce Industry
- Types of Goods and Services bought Online, in %, 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- B2C E-Commerce Trends
- B2C E-Commerce Trends
- B2C E-Commerce: General Trends
- B2C E-Commerce: Sales
- B2C E-Commerce: Online Shoppers
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Average Value of Online Transactions, in PLN, Q2 2008, Q2 2009
- Development of Internet Shoppers compared to the EU27 Average, in %, 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2009
- Top 10 Online Shops; ranked by Net Revenue, in PLN million, 2008
- Top 10 Online Shops; ranked by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Top Clothing Internet Shops by Net Revenue, Number of Orders, Users, Average Net Order Value, Net Profit, Number of Employees, and Owner, 2008
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Internet Usage Trends
- Internet Usage Indicators compared to the EU, 2004-2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Online Shopping Trends
- B2C E-Commerce Trends: Market Development
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet Usage Indicators, compared to the EU, 2004-2008
- Online Shopping Trends
- Top 3 Product Groups purchased online in E-Commerce, in % of Respondents, 2009
- Internet Usage and Internet Shopping Habits, 2008
- B2C E-Commerce Growth, Q2 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet Usage: Broadband, Internet Banking, Shopping
- B2C E-Commerce: Sales and Online Payments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Online Grocery Shopping, total and average Spending, 2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- B2C E-Commerce Sales, Volume of Transactions, in YTL million, 2008
- Development of Internet Users (million) and its Percentage of Country Population, 2000-2008; Share of Internet Shoppers of Internet Users, in %, 2008
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Internet Usage, Access and Demographic Trends
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Asia Pacific Region and Individual Country Growth by unique Visitors, Sep. 2008-Sep. 2009
JAPAN (Top Country)
- E-Commerce Trends: Sales and Products
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- E-Commerce Trends
- Online Shopping Market Trends
- Transaction Size of the Online Shopping Market, in RMB billion, 2007-2012f
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- E-Commerce Trends: General Overview
- E-Commerce Trends: Shoppers and Online Purchases
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Web Portal for Online-Shopping
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Internet Usage
- Cross-Boarder B2C E-Commerce
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2009
- Major Product Categories in E-Commerce, in %, 2009
- News about
- E-Commerce Trends
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- E-Commerce Trends
- E-Commerce Transactions in the Middle East
- E-Commerce Growth in the Middle East
- B2C E-Commerce Spending, 2008
- Broadband Penetration in the Middle East
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- Current Trends in Online Shopping
- B2C E-Commerce by Products, in KRW billion and in %, Q4 2008-Q2 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- B2C E-Commerce Trends; incl. Sales, in USD billion, 2009
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- News about
- B2C E-Commerce Trends, incl. Sales in THB billion, 2008-2009
- B2C E-Commerce Trends, incl. Sales Growth and Major Players
- Product Categories in E-Commerce, by B2B, B2C and B2G, in %, 2009
- Website of the Department of the Business Development for E-Commerce Service
- News about Rakuten /
- News about Thai Airways
- News about True Corp
- News about PayPal
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- News about
- News about
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Online Shopping Trends
- Internet and E-Commerce Trends
- Online Shopping Trends
- Retail and B2C E-Commerce Trends
- General B2C E-Commerce Trends
- Mobile Trends in Africa
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Assortments
- Leading B2C E-Commerce Players; by Unique Visitors and Audience Reach, February 2010
- News about
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