Reportlinker Adds EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Worldwide
NEW YORK, May 5 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Worldwide
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR), also referred to as improved oil recovery or tertiary oil recovery, is most often achieved by injecting a liquid or gas into an oil reservoir, thereby lowering oil viscosity and increasing the amount of oil available for production. Some of the more common EOR methods include CO2-EOR, thermal EOR and chemical EOR. Microbial EOR and seismic EOR also hold a strong niche in the EOR market. While only about 10% - 30% of oil is typically extracted by conventional oil production processes, EOR methods can enhance these recovery rates by an additional 5% to 20%, on a conservative average.
The global market for EOR, estimated at nearly $62.5 billion (for barrels of crude oil) for 2009, has shown exciting growth since 2005, when it totaled $3.1 billion. Technological challenges, hazy regulations, and costly implementation have often kept oil companies from using EOR. However, EOR is quickly becoming more feasible, due to rising government interest and investment, new technologies, and increased availability of required materials (such as CO2). It is expected EOR will continue to perform extremely well in the world marketplace.
The world's governments' interest in EOR has been fueled by a number of factors, the most obvious being an increase in oil production. Besides increasing oil revenue, countries that are able to increase their oil production are often lowering their increase in demand for oil imports. There is also much anticipation regarding the use of CO2-EOR to sequester CO2 permanently in the ground. It is estimated 130 billion tons of CO2 worldwide could potentially be captured through the use of CO2-EOR, which would help to reduce industrial emissions, and in turn reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some governments are also taking note that EOR has the potential to propel substantial economic growth. In Texas, where EOR now accounts for 20% of its oil production, it is estimated the benefits of EOR production will result in additional revenue of $200 billion and will create 1.5 million jobs.
Many of the world's oil fields have experienced or are experiencing a decline in oil production; using EOR has the potential to reverse this downward trend. Oman's historical oil production reflects this; between 2001 and 2007 its oil production fell by 27%, but by 2009, due mostly to EOR projects, oil production increased by 17%.
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Worldwide contains comprehensive historical (2005-2009) and forecast (2010-2015) data; plus EOR's share of overall standard oil production, market size in terms of barrels of oil, and dollar value. This report identifies key trends, regulations, new technologies, economic factors, environmental factors, and industry hurdles affecting the direction and size of market growth, and discusses market size and growth in various countries. Profiles of major - or simply interesting - companies using EOR are also included.
Report Methodology
The information in EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Worldwide is based on data from government agencies, such as the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Energy, and the Central Intelligence Agency; trade associations; business, science and law journals; company literature and websites; interviews with key individuals; and from research services and institutes from around the world.
How You Will Benefit from This Report
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Worldwide details significant trends, numbers, and technologies for a clear overview of the complex EOR market.
This report will help:
- Managers identify market opportunities and develop implementation plans for EOR.
- Research and development professionals stay on top of competitor initiatives, and to explore the ups and downs associated with EOR projects.
- Advertising agencies working with clients in the oil and energy industries to help design appropriate messages and images for the EOR market.
- Business development executives understand the dynamics of the market and identify possible partnerships.
- Information and research center librarians access vital information.
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Market Scope
Report Methodology
EOR Overview and Regulation
Conventional Oil Recovery Leaves 70% of Oil in Reservoir
EOR Regulations Still in Early Stage of Development
Market Size and Growth
Figure 1-1: Total EOR Market Value Worldwide, 2005-2009 (in billion $)
EOR Share of Total Oil Market About 3.3%
Figure 1-2: EOR Share of Total Oil Market Dollars, 2009 (in %)
EOR Market Value Projected to Reach $1.3 Trillion by 2015
Figure 1-3: EOR Projected Growth Worldwide, in Dollar Value, 2009-2015 (in million $)
EOR Around the World
Saudi Arabia To Use CO2-EOR in World's Largest Oil Field
Canada's Alberta Oil Fields Especially Suited for CO2-EOR
Industry Advantages and Hurdles
The Price of Oil Has Reigns on EOR Market
Alternative Fuel Sources Become More Available
Funding for EOR R&D Fueling Market Growth
Not All EOR Methods Suitable for All Oil Fields
Current Technological Advances
Industrial Emissions of CO2 for EOR: Gasification Technology
Brightwater® Reservoir Sweep Efficiency Technology
Saudi Aramco Creating Microscopic Robots for EOR Monitoring
Environmental Factors and Impact
Carbon Capture Storage and Reducing Greenhouse Gases
Environmentalists May Stifle EOR Progress
Table 1-1: Abbreviations Utilized in This Report
Chapter 2: EOR Overview and Regulation
Definition of EOR
Conventional Oil Recovery Leaves 70% Oil in Reservoir
The Beginnings of EOR
Phases of Oil Recovery
Primary Recovery
Secondary Recovery
Tertiary Recovery
Three Main Methods of EOR
Other Methods of EOR
EOR Regulations Still in Early Stage of Development
Increased Regulation and Market Growth Go Hand In Hand
The Kyoto Protocol
Carbon Emissions Trading Market
Clean Development Mechanism
Joint Implementation
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
OPEC Aims to Coordinate and Unify Policies Among Countries
Fragmented Land Ownership Can be A Nightmare
Chapter 3: Market Size and Growth
Total Oil Production Value Reached Nearly $1.9 Trillion in 2009
Figure 3-1: Dollar Value of Total Worldwide Oil Production, 2005-2009 (in trillion $)
Total Oil Production Jumps in 2008
Figure 3-2: Value of Total Worldwide Oil Production, in Barrels, 2005-2009 (in barrels)
EOR Dollars Reach Nearly $62.5 Billion in 2009
Figure 3-3: Total EOR Market Value Worldwide, 2005-2009 (in billion $)
EOR Production Worldwide Nears 1.4 Billion Barrels in 2009
Figure 3-4: Total EOR Production Worldwide, in Barrels, 2005-2009 (in barrels)
EOR Growth Compared to Total Oil Growth
Figure 3-5: EOR Production Growth Compared to Total Oil Production Growth Worldwide, in Dollars, 2005-2009 (by % change)
EOR Share of Total Oil Market About 3.3%
Figure 3-6: EOR Share of Total Oil Market Dollars, 2009 (in %)
EOR Share of Global Oil Output, by Method
Figure 3-7: Share of Global EOR Output, by Method, 2009 (in barrels)
Worldwide Oil Production Projected to Continue Small Climb
Figure 3-8: Projected Total Oil Production Worldwide, in Barrels, 2009-2015 (in billion barrels)
Projected Worldwide Growth for EOR Monumental
Figure 3-9: Projected EOR Production Worldwide, in Barrels, 2009-2015 (in billion barrels)
EOR Market Value Projected to Reach $1.3 Trillion by 2015
Figure 3-10: EOR Projected Growth Worldwide, in Dollar Value, 2009-2015 (in million $)
EOR Projected Growth, in Three Scenarios
Figure 3-11: EOR Projected Growth Based on Oil Price per Barrel, Three Scenarios, 2009-2015 (in million $)
Table 3-1: EOR Projected Market Value in Dollars Based on Oil Price per Barrel, in Three Scenarios, 2010-2015 (in billions)
High Gas Prices Increase R & D Funding and Propel EOR Market
Figure 3-12: EOR Projected Market Growth, as Influenced by Potential Revenue for the Oil Industry Based on The Price of Oil, In Three Scenarios, 2009-2015 (barrels, in billions)
Table 3-2: EOR Market Growth, as Influenced by Potential Revenue for the Oil Industry, Based on The Price of Oil, 2009-2015 (percent growth in dollars)
EOR's Share Will Comprise One-third of Total Oil Market by 2015
Figure 3-13: Projected EOR Market Share Worldwide, 2015 (in barrels)
Figure 3-14: Projected EOR Market Share Worldwide, Considering Low Oil Price Scenario, 2015 (in barrels)
Figure 3-15: Projected EOR Market Share Worldwide, Considering High Oil Price Scenario, 2015 (in barrels)
EOR Share Worldwide
Figure 3-16: EOR Share Worldwide, by Country, 2009 (in barrels)
Figure 3-17: EOR Production Worldwide, by Country, 2009 (in barrels)
Countries New to EOR Change Market Share Dramatically
Figure 3-18: Projected EOR Worldwide Market Share of Production in Barrels, by Country, 2015 (in %)
Table 3-3: Projected EOR Worldwide Market Share in Production of Barrels by Country, with Percent Change, 2009-2015 (in %)
EOR Has Potential to Increase Global Oil Recovery by 18.0%
Figure 3-19: EOR's Potential Recovery, Compared to Conventional Methods Based on 2009 Worldwide Proven Reserves (in barrels)
EOR Potential and Proven Oil Reserves, by Country
Figure 3-20: Potential EOR Production by Country Based on 2009 Proven Oil Reserves, 2009 (barrels, in billions)
Table 3-4: Potential Conventional Recovery and EOR Based on Proven Oil Reserves, by Country, 2009 (barrels, in billions)
Potential Reserves Estimated at 14.0 Trillion Barrels
Figure 3-21: Potential EOR Recovery, 2009 (in trillion barrels)
EOR Equipment & Components
Chapter 4: EOR Around the World
Use of EOR Worldwide
Saudi Arabia To Use CO2-EOR in World's Largest Oil Field
Mature Oilfields in Russia Benefit from EOR
United States Favors CO2-EOR
Clean Coal Power Initiative
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
EPA Proposes New Well Category and Regulations for EOR
UIC Under Safe Drinking Water Act
National Environmental Policy Act
Tax Credit for CO2-EOR Sequestration in U.S.
Iran Not Investing in EOR
China Has Huge EOR Potential
Brazil Discovers Large Offshore Oil Field
EOR in Mexico Has Helped to Slow Production Decline
Canada's Alberta Oil Fields Especially Suited For CO2-EOR
Canada's Energy and Utility Board
Alberta's Oil & Gas Conservation Regulations
United Arab Emirates Major Expansion Program
EOR in Venezuela Has Potential to Add 40 Billion Barrels
EOR in Kuwait on Hold
Norway's EOR Production All Offshore
Threats from Armed Rebels Slow Oil Production in Nigeria
Algeria to Claim Roughly 2.4% of EOR Market Share by 2015
Iraq Offers Production-Service Contracts to International Companies
Foreign Oil Companies Invest in Angola's Oil Fields
Un-Sanctioned Libya Has Freedom to Move Forward
U.K. to Increase Productivity of Mature Fields Through EOR
Qatar Turns to EOR to Offset Anticipated Oil Declines
EOR May Save Oman's Oil Production
Syria Testing Cyclic-Steam EOR
Chapter 5: Industry Advantages and Hurdles
EOR Market Affects Global Economy
Global Economy Influences EOR Growth
The Price of Oil Has Reigns on EOR Market
Figure 5-1: The Historical Price of Oil, Worldwide Average, 1980-2009 (in dollars per barrel)
Demand for Oil Increasing Worldwide
Table 5-1: Oil Consumption Compared to Production, Exports, and Imports, Selected Countries, 2008 (in millions of barrels per day)
China Soon to Lead World in Energy Consumption
Figure 5-2: Historical and Projected Energy Consumption, Selected Countries (in quadrillion BTUs, 1990-2030)
High Demand for Petroleum Products Worldwide
Stringent Regulations May Stifle EOR Growth
Some Say Up to 1.0 Trillion Barrels of Oil Yet Undiscovered
"Easy" Oil Becoming Scarce
Figure 5-3: Worldwide Oil Share, by Oil Type, 2010
Oily Sands a Hidden Gold Mine
Only About One Quarter of World's Offshore Oil Produced
Potential CO2-EOR Sequestration Equals Nearly 130 Billion Tons
Figure 5-4: Anthropogenic Providers of CO2 for EOR Use, by Industry Type (Based on tons)
CO2 Industry Expanding Beyond EOR
Non-EOR Storage Options Available For CO2
Increase in CO2 Pipelines Create Market Stability
CO2 Producers Join Forces with EOR Industry
Enhanced Energy and Agrium Sign CO2 Agreement
Dow Chemical Provides CO2 to Denbury Onshore
Hunton's Coke Gasification 'Green' Energy Plant to Deliver CO2
SaskPower to Provide CO2 for EOR Projects
Rancher Signs CO2 Agreement with ExxonMobil
Business Focuses on Developing and Marketing EOR Chemicals
Alternative Fuel Sources Become More Available
Corn Ethanol
Cellulosic Biofuels
Synthetic Fuels
Liquid Coal Fuel
BioFuel from Algae
Solar Powered Cars
Fuel from Clean Coal Technology
Funding for EOR R&D Fueling Market Growth
Canada's Government Funds Alberta's 240-Kilometer CO2 Pipeline
Canada Commits $3.4 Billion to Pengrowth's CO2-EOR Project
Alberta Government Invests $271 Million in Gasification Project
United Kingdom Supporting Large Scale Demonstration in CCS
Increase in EOR Schemes Leads to Job Growth
Electric Cars Decrease Petroleum Demand
Rise of the Automobile in BRIC Countries
EOR Helps Foster Energy Independence in U.S.
Material Costs of EOR Fluctuate Wildly
Figure 5-5: Average CO2 Capture Cost, by Source (in tons)
Primary Recovery Methods Become More Advanced
U.S. Oil Market Fears Obama's Proposals
Commercial CCS in Coal Dependent Developing Countries
Some Countries Heavily Reliant on Money from Oil
Success Stories
DOE Sponsored Project Hits 1.0 Million-Ton Milestone for Injected CO2
Saskatchewan's Largest Full Scale Study of CO2 Storage
CO2-EOR Established Practice in Texas for More than 35 Years
Wyoming's Salt Creek Field Under CO2 Flood Since 1986
EOR Industry's Growing Pains
Not All EOR Methods Suitable for All Oil Fields
EOR Often Has Slow Implementation Process
EOR Startup Costs Can Be High
EOR Not as Viable for Small Producers
EOR in Its Infancy: Unforeseen Hurdles Yet to Come
Pure CO2 from Natural Sources Scarce
CO2 Pipelines Can Be High Maintenance
Future Worth of CO2-EOR Sequestration Sites Should Not Be Overlooked
Natural Disasters Unavoidable
CO2 Can Be Corrosive to Pipes
Peak Oil - Reality Or Myth?
Chapter 6: Current Technological Advances
Industrial Emissions of CO2 for EOR: Gasification Technology
Clean Carbon Technology Cleans up Coal's Dirty Reputation
MEOR Has Huge Potential, But Still Unreliable
4-D High Resolution Seismic Monitoring
3-D Seismic EOR Increases Production in SOME Wells
Horizontal Drilling Adds 11,000 BOPD to Rajasthan Barmer Field
Modifying CO2 Viscosity to Improve Reservoir Sweeps
BrightWater Reservoir Sweep Efficiency Technology
PetroLuxus Solution Offers "Green" Option for Oil Wells
Powerwave for Broader Distribution of CO2
Saudi Aramco Creating Microscopic Robots for EOR Monitoring
Canada's Coal to Liquids CO2 Capture Project
Dragon Uses KEP's Coriba Chemical Technology
Kansai-Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process
Waterflood and Natural Gas in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay
Acrylamide Demand in EOR Growing Nearly 5.0% Per Year
Environmentally Friendly EncapSol Nanotechnology
Conoco Investing $400,000/Year for Nanotechnology Research
Some Polymer Flooding Systems Increase Production by 40.0%
Research for EOR Surfactants Ongoing
Joint Implementation of Vapor Extraction
Wettability Alternation Phenomena
Chapter 7: Environmental Factors and Impact
Increase in Oil Production Will Lead to Increase in Emissions
Roughly 83% of GHG Emissions are from CO2
CO2 Emissions Worldwide
Figure 7-1: Worldwide CO2 Emissions, Selected Countries (Based on 2006 data, in megatons)
Historic Emissions of CO2
Table 7-1: Historic CO2 Emissions, Selected Oil Producing Countries (1990-2006, in million metric tons)
Projected Emissions of CO2
Figure 7-2: Projected CO2 Emissions, Selected Oil Producing Countries, 1990-2030 (in million tons)
Carbon Capture Storage and Reducing Greenhouse Gases
EPA Endangerment Finding in the United States a Threat to EOR
Scientists Aim to Debunk Global Warming
CO2 Leakage May Compromise Integrity of EOR Projects
Environmentalists On EOR Land Patrol
Greenpeace Focuses on Oilsands Mining
Monetary Benefits May Outweigh Environmental Impact For Some in Alaska
Environmentalists May Stifle EOR Progress
Chapter 8: Company Strategies
EOR Used Mostly By Majors
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Table 8-1: Saudi Arabian Oil Company, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
PetroChina Company Limited
Table 8-2: PetroChina Company Limited, Profile
EOR Developments
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Table 8-3: Exxon Mobil Corporation, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
Chevron Corporation
Table 8-4: Chevron Corporation, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
Royal Dutch Shell plc
Table 8-5: Royal Dutch Shell plc, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
Cairn Energy PLC
Table 8-6: Cairn Energy PLC, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
Penn West Energy Trust, Incorporated
Table 8-7: Penn West Energy Trust, Incorporated, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
Statoil ASA
Table 8-8: Statoil ASA, Profile
Corporate Overview
EOR Developments
Enhance Energy, Incorporated
Table 8-9: Enhance Energy, Incorporated , Profile
Corporate Overview
Portfolio & EOR Developments
Appendix: Addresses of Selected Marketers
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