Reportlinker Adds Drug Delivery Technologies: Players, Products & Prospects to 2018
NEW YORK, May 4 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Drug Delivery Technologies: Players, products & prospects to 2018
Critical analyses and competitive ratings for major specialist developers
Unique sales forecasts to 2018 for key current and new products utilising drug delivery technologies
A comprehensive examination of the 4 major and compelling drug delivery sectors
While pharmaceutical sales have risen steadily over the last five years generating over US$720 billion in 2008, analysts are forecasting sales growth will slow over the next five years due to an unprecedented level of patent expiration compounded by the downturn in the global economy. At the same time, the global drug delivery market has undergone rapid growth from an estimated US$26 billion in 2000 to approximately US$74 billion in 2008.
This market has been driven by a number of factors:
Advances in new delivery technology (microencapsulation, nanotechnology);
Development and cost-effective manufacture of new delivery materials (dendrimers, lipid formulations and biodegradable polymers);
Emergence of new delivery specialists expanding the availability of delivery platforms e.g. siRNA delivery;
Patent expiration of leading brands forcing the pharmaceutical industry to evaluate ways to maximise product lifecycles through new formulations, combinations and repositioning;
Renewed interest in the development of novel biologics and vaccines requiring specialised delivery technologies;
Dramatic growth reflected in the evolution of an array of delivery vehicles and hybrid platforms that are increasingly being used to deliver approved and novel therapeutic agents.
Within this market there are areas of advanced drug delivery which have attracted the attention of the pharmaceutical industry and the investment community.
Focusing on the sectors that are driving growth!
Few sectors of the pharmaceutical industry will be as resistant to the global economic downturn
Drug Delivery Technology: Assessing its potential
The time when advanced drug delivery was merely a means for profitable product life extension has gone. Drug delivery is now a major component of the pharmaceutical industry's future and critical to bringing novel therapies to market.
Indeed, without the ability to effectively deliver targeted drugs in therapeutically significant quantities, many of the gene-based agents in research would not be viable. Despite the importance of the sector, the pharmaceutical industry has not always been quick to embrace the full range of potential technologies and opportunities on offer.
With so many companies pursuing a wide range of research strategies, it is difficult for industry and commercial executives to get a balanced and independent overview of the competitive landscape.
That is why this major new 4-volume report, Drug Delivery Technologies: Players, Products and Prospects to 2018, is essential reading for everyone in the field, from niche technology specialists through to the investment community and the pharmaceutical industry itself.
By 2018 sales of products using the novel drug delivery technology assessed in this report could exceed US$58 billion
This report provides a detailed insight into the current and future market for drug delivery technology and...
Provides an overview of the marketplace, outlining current thinking on the technologies being researched and employed;
Appraises currently available products which utilise drug delivery technology and assesses their future;
Examines new product developments from major specialist drug delivery companies, critically analysing the prospects at the product level and forecasting sales;
Allows ready comparison on different technologies within a company's portfolio;
Provides a unique window on the sector's product launch timetable;
Includes detailed appendices which allow at-a-glance reviews of the competitive landscape for both new and up and coming products.
Use this report to...
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of competing products/technologies in the context of specific delivery sectors and development companies;
Identify and review licencing and collaboration partners;
Understand the merits and applications of the main approaches being researched;
Quantify the commercial prospects for current and future products.
Volume I
Controlled-release Delivery
The controlled-release market was worth nearly US$21 billion globally in 2008. The sector is dominated by the launch of oral controlled-release formulations in key therapeutic areas such as the central nervous system, cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory diseases. The growth of controlled-release delivery continues to be fuelled by line extensions helping to offset the impact of generic erosion. We estimate there are around 60 approved controlled-release products which will generate global sales of over US$21.5 billion in 2009, peaking at around US$29.5 billion in 2017 as products mature and face patent expiration leading to a decline in mature product sales to US$28.9 billion by 2018. In addition, we forecast that controlled-release products in development from 17 key companies could generate additional sales of over US$5.1 billion by 2018.
Impact on product lifecycles
Controlled-release technologies, possibly more than any other approved delivery systems, have been an important tool for pharmaceutical companies to protect their branded franchises from the ever increasing and competitive generic market. These formulations play a critical role in establishing a balanced portfolio of solid dosage products and may lead to enhanced efficacy and improved patient compliance. This leads to reductions in patient costs and extending product life-cycle management for both branded and generic pharmaceuticals.
In the past, pharmaceutical companies have tended to develop controlled-release formulations as immediate-release counterparts near patent expiration. This trend is reversing and companies are developing controlled-release formulations earlier in the product life-cycle and often launching multiple formulations (immediate release, controlled release/
modified release, and delayed release) in parallel to expand the potential addressable patient population and gain a significant share of competitive market places.
This report answers key questions...
Who will have launched novel products by 2018 and what technologies could they be using?
Can market leaders such as ALZA and Elan maintain their status in controlled release in the face of growing competition?
What obstacles must companies overcome to achieve full market potential?
What strategies are proving most productive and for which companies?
What will the product/company landscape look like in 2018?
Volume II
Nano-enabled Delivery
The true value of nanotechnology lies in its potential to improve the solubility and enhance the efficiency of product delivery. It has been successfully applied to the commercialisation of more than 30 drugs. Regulators have published numerous white papers on the topic and established Task Forces to monitor the progress and application of this technology although there are presently no regulations specific to nanomedicine or nano-enabled medical devices.
As the field of nanotechnology gains momentum and nano-enabled platforms emerge to address the industry's need for therapeutic, bioavailable and less toxic products, this market is expected to grow significantly over the next decade. Proof of concept data with novel compounds is accumulating and new formulations of old chemotherapeutic drugs offer the promise to revolutionise cancer therapies.
The potential of future applications:
Tissue specific delivery – targeting the delivery of small and macro molecules across biological membranes such as the blood brain barrier for CNS drugs;
Gene and vaccine delivery – non-viral delivery of genetic materials in nanohydrogels and nanocarriers with a high degree of efficiency and expression;
Controlled-release devices – design of new nanoporous, bioerodible membranes;
Increased biocompatibility – design of artificial surfaces engineering for medical and dental implants to by-pass unwanted inflammatory response;
Improved drug bioavailability and solubility – through the engineering of drugs and reagents by nanostructuring;
Applied diagnosis, etiology, prognosis and therapy (ADEPT) technology for the safe targeted delivery of toxic therapeutic drugs.
By 2018, the market could exceed US$13 billion
By 2018 the established nanotechnology product market will be US$10.2 billion. The market will mature as the number of marketed nano-enabled products doubles and second generation nanomedicines begin to emerge. These agents will address areas of high unmet clinical need and result in the formulation of approved and novel drugs which are safer, less toxic and more efficacious than first generation products.
By 2018 these second generation nanomedicines could generate sales of nearly US$2.9 billion and establish nanotechnology as an important tool in the industry's delivery armoury. A range of proprietary delivery platforms will utilise CaP technologies, FluidCrystals, micelles and polymeric nanoparticles to target a number of therapy areas such as CNS disorders, oncology and infectious diseases.
Volume III
Nucleic Acid Delivery
The nucleic acid delivery market is maturing with over 1,450 clinical trials underway worldwide. The majority of these are in early clinical development (approximately 60%) with just over 3% in Phase III trials. Our analysis indicates that up to 35 novel nucleic acid products could reach the market within our forecasting period (2008-2018). However the harsh economic environment may force companies to place promising drugs on hold as they focus on lead projects rather than multiple programmes. To date, only a handful of nucleic acid-based products have been approved for human prescription and these products rely on delivery technologies in one shape or form. We estimate the nucleic acid market was worth just over US$80 million globally in 2008.
By 2018 we anticipate the nucleic acid technology market will have matured as many of the late-stage clinical programmes come to fruition and drug delivery companies continue to overcome issues surrounding its safety and efficiency. The development of nucleic acid delivery systems will help to improve specificity whilst the development of novel polymers and lipopolymer complexes will help to carry larger DNA payloads in order to target cells and make multigene targeting a reality. We forecast that nucleic acid products in development from 11 key companies could generate additional sales of nearly US$2.3 billion by 2018. These products utilise a range of delivery platforms including viral to non-viral delivery systems, and cover gene therapies, gene agents and DNA vaccines for a variety of targets including cancer, cardiovascular and infectious diseases.
Catalysts for change
Improvements in our understanding into the underlying genetic causes of disease as well as the uptake of new mechanisms of modulating DNA such as RNA interference which will help to fuel market growth.
The development of a new generation of DNA vaccines that will provoke strong immunogenic responses and will help to determine whether this has been a sound investment for the pharma industry.
Launch of the first siRNA-based therapeutics (although progress has been dampened following the recent termination of Opko Health's leading eye treatment at the Phase III development stage). We anticipate companies will pursue other conditions such as infectious diseases and cancer where robust preclinical studies have already been performed and where drug delivery platforms have been adopted rather than the use of naked siRNAs.
Which companies and products will dominate?
This volume will tell you!
Volume IV
Targeted Delivery
By 2018, over 30 new products will be launched resulting in a global market for advanced targeted delivery products worth over US$8.5 billion.
Despite considerable advances in drug delivery technologies, there continues to be a high unmet clinical need for safer and better-tolerated drugs. Sub-optimal compliance and failure to persist with drug treatments are important determinants of therapeutic non-response and are of significant cost to healthcare providers. Advanced targeted drug delivery technologies will help to overcome some of these issues by improving pharmacokinetics, increasing tolerability and reducing dose-limiting off-target effects.
The need for targeted delivery platforms is increasing as patients and drug regulators seek to meet these challenges.
Current and future applications
Whilst the majority of targeted delivery systems under evaluation incorporate passive carrier systems, there will be a shift towards the use of actively targeted carriers to increase the therapeutic index of existing and new products. There are significant opportunities for future commercial developments within the pharmaceutical industry. These include:
Cost-effective production of antibodies and antibody fragments for drug targeting;
Development of new polymers and biopolymers that may be utilised in the safe and efficient targeted delivery of drugs and pro-drugs into host cells;
Development and selective targeting of macromolecules to improve intracellular uptake and tissue specificity;
Development of inactive pro-drugs for tissue specific release;
Extended product life-cycles through the development of targeted formulations;
Identification of new targeting ligands to improve the targeted delivery of small molecules and macromolecules;
Utilisation of multiple targeting ligands to address the needs of patient sub-types;
Combined technology platforms to develop targeted therapeutics and diagnostics in a single molecule.
A new generation of targeted delivery systems is under development to meet these needs which should provide greater control over the selective targeting of tissue, either with active moieties or inactive moieties which may be activated within the tissue by biological (enzymes), chemical (pH) or physical means (light, ultrasound) in order to release the active agent. The multitude of delivery platforms will lend themselves to the delivery of both small molecules and macromolecules and to a variety of target sites and delivery routes.
Unique company & technology evaluation
It is vital that management information is reliable, current and insightful. Today, product and company assessment must be seen in a wider competitive and market environment.
In this report we present a précis on each of the leading delivery specialists and potential new delivery platforms and have identified their key attributes, based on a number of criteria including:
Proprietary delivery technology
Applications of the delivery technology within the pharmaceutical industry
Management/technical expertise of the delivery specialist
Competition within the delivery technology sector
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology
We have established a competitor ratio analysis based on each of the criteria mentioned above. Each criterion attracts an award of up to 10 points, with a maximum score of 50, thus enabling the establishment of an Espicom "ranking table" in each segment of the market, dependent on their relative attributes.
Multi-point evaluation and scoring assessment
Pharma drugs that utilise drug delivery systems have been evaluated based on a number of parameters, including:
The technology
Comparison of delivery platforms within each area including: activated, degradation or diffusion for controlled-release systems; nano-engineered (nanocrystals, nanoparticle, nanosuspension) or nanocarriers (carbon/ceramic, dendrimer, liposome, micelle, polymeric nanoparticles) for nano-enabled delivery; viral or non-viral platforms for nucleic acid delivery and active or passive platforms for targeted delivery systems
The application of the technology within a number of therapy areas
Route of delivery (oral, parenteral, transdermal, implantable), delivery of small molecules/macromolecules and vaccines, additional features such as bioerodible materials etc
The current status of the technology in clinical development or following approval
Number of approved and marketed products, clinical or preclinical development candidates, single or multiple products.
Competition within the technology arena
Alternative drug delivery systems to technologies under evaluation, advantages and disadvantages over competitors.
The drug delivery specialist's expertise
Number of drug delivery systems in development, strategic alliances, financial position, marketing presence.
The product portfolio
Drug delivery systems under evaluation, products in development, commercialisation/development partnerships.
Potential drug sales
Based on key events such as market, competition, patent expiry, time of entry into the market.
Overview of controlled-release delivery: past, present & future. 10
Leading controlled-release technology platforms & characteristics...10
Controlled delivery profiles.. 11
Drug release profiles........12
Controlled-release delivery: motivators & resistors..... 12
Controlled-Release technology motivators..13
Controlled-Release technology resistors......14
Controlled-release delivery: impact on product lifecycles.. 15
Impact of reformulation on product life-cycle......15
Types of controlled-release delivery used by pharma industry .. 16
Activated controlled-release delivery...16
Activated controlled-release delivery – ALZA's OROS systems...16
Degradation controlled-release delivery......17
Degradation controlled-release delivery – SkyePharma's GEOMATRIX ..17
Diffusion controlled-release delivery...18
Monolithic diffusion controlled-release delivery – LaboPharm's Contramid ...18
Reservoir diffusion controlled-release delivery – Impax' CMDS.18
Combined controlled-release delivery – Flamel's Micropump...19
Advantages and disadvantages of controlled-release platforms........20
Current therapeutic application of controlled-release in drug delivery.20
Leading brands that utilise controlled-release delivery...... 21
Leading controlled-release approved drugs21
Future commercial applications & opportunities 21
Leading controlled-release drug delivery companies.23
Leading controlled-release drug delivery companies....23
Partnerships & acquisitions..27
Strategic developmental & commercialisation partnerships.......27
Merger & acquisitions27
Recent partnerships & acquisitions in the controlled-release field......28
Intellectual Property.....30
Controlled-Release patents ..31
THE controlLed-releas e MARKET . 32
Now 2009..32
Approved controlled-release product sales .32
Future 2018........32
Global controlled-release product sales ......33
Novel controlled-release product sales........33
Movers & Shakers: Cutting edge or losing their grip....34
Movers & shakers in controlled-release drug delivery systems..35
AlphaRx Corporation ( 36
Proprietary delivery technology...36
Applications in the pharma industry36
Management/technical expertise36
Competition within the delivery technology sector....37
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..37
AlphaRx' product pipeline....37
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....37
AlphaRx' drug delivery sales.38
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....38
ALZA Corporation ( 39
Proprietary delivery technology...39
Applications in the pharma industry40
Management/technical expertise40
Competition within the delivery technology sector....40
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..40
ALZA's product pipeline...41
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....41
ALZA's drug delivery sales.....41
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....42
Antares Pharma, Inc. ( 43
Proprietary delivery technology...43
Applications in the pharma industry43
Management/technical expertise44
Competition within the delivery technology sector....44
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..44
Antares' product pipeline44
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....44
Antares' drug delivery sales..45
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....45
Biovail Corporation ( 46
Proprietary delivery technology...46
Applications in the pharma industry46
Management/technical expertise46
Competition within the delivery technology sector....47
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..47
Biovail's product pipeline48
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....48
Biovail's drug delivery sales ..48
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....48
Camurus AB ( 49
Proprietary delivery technology...49
Camurus' FluidCrystal CR technology..49
Applications in the pharma industry50
Management/technical expertise50
Competition within the delivery technology sector....50
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..50
Camurus AB's product pipeline......50
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....51
Camurus AB's drug delivery sales...51
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....51
Cerulean Pharma Inc (
Proprietary delivery technology...52
Applications in the pharma industry52
Management/technical expertise52
Competition within the delivery technology sector....52
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..52
Cerulean's product pipeline...52
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....53
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....53
Cipher Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ( 54
Proprietary delivery technology...54
Applications in the pharma industry54
Management/technical expertise54
Competition within the delivery technology sector....54
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..54
Cipher's product pipeline55
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....55
Cipher's drug delivery sales...55
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....55
Debiopharm Group ( 56
Proprietary delivery technology...56
Applications in the pharma industry56
Management/technical expertise56
Competition within the delivery technology sector....57
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..57
Debiopharm's product pipeline.....57
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....57
DebioPharm's drug delivery sales..57
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....58
DelSite Biotechnologies, Inc. ( 59
Proprietary delivery technology...59
Applications in the pharma industry59
Management/technical expertise59
Competition within the delivery technology sector....60
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..60
DelSite's product pipeline60
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....60
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....60
Depomed, Inc. (
Proprietary delivery technology...61
Applications in the pharma industry62
Management/technical expertise62
Competition within the delivery technology sector....62
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..62
Depomed's product pipeline.63
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....63
Depomed's product sales63
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....63
Durect Corporation ( 64
Proprietary delivery technology...64
Applications in the pharma industry65
Management/technical expertise65
Competition within the delivery technology sector....65
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..65
Durect's product pipeline66
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....66
Durect's product sales.....66
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....67
Elan Corporation ( 68
Proprietary delivery technology...68
Applications in the pharma industry68
Management/technical expertise68
Competition within the delivery technology sector....68
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..69
Elan's product pipeline....69
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....69
Elan's drug delivery sales70
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....70
Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (
Proprietary delivery technology...71
Applications in the pharma industry71
Management/technical expertise71
Competition within the delivery technology sector....71
Elite's product pipeline....72
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....72
Elite's product sales72
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....72
Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ( 73
Proprietary delivery technology...73
Applications in the pharma industry73
Management/technical expertise73
Competition within the delivery technology sector....74
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..74
Endo's product pipeline...74
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....74
Endo's product sales........74
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....75
Ethypharm SA (
Proprietary delivery technology...76
Applications in the pharma industry76
Management/technical expertise76
Competition within the delivery technology sector....77
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..77
Ethypharm's product pipeline........77
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....77
Ethypharm's product sales....77
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....78
Eurand ( 79
Proprietary delivery technology...79
Applications in the pharma industry79
Management/technical expertise79
Competition within the delivery technology sector....80
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..80
Eurand's product pipeline.....80
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....81
Eurand's product sales....81
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....81
Flamel Technologies, Inc. ( 82
Proprietary delivery technology...82
Flamel's Medusa technology 82
Flamel's Micropump technology ...83
Applications in the pharma industry83
Management/technical expertise83
Competition within the delivery technology sector....83
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..83
Flamel's product pipeline84
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....84
Flamel's product sales.....84
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....85
Glycologic, Ltd ( 86
Proprietary delivery technology...86
Applications in the pharma industry86
Management/technical expertise86
Competition within the delivery technology sector....87
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..87
Glycologic's product pipeline.87
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....87
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....87
KV Pharmaceuticals, Inc ( 88
Proprietary delivery technology...88
Applications in the pharma industry88
Management/technical expertise88
Competition within the delivery technology sector....88
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..89
KV's product pipeline......89
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....89
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....89
Labopharm, Inc. ( 90
Proprietary delivery technology...90
Applications in the pharma industry90
Management/technical expertise90
Competition within the delivery technology sector....90
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..91
Labopharm's product pipeline.......91
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....91
Labopharm's product sales...91
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....91
Lavipharm SA (
Proprietary delivery technology...92
Applications in the pharma industry92
Management/technical expertise92
Competition within the delivery technology sector....93
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..93
Lavipharm's product pipeline........93
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....93
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....94
Nano Interface Technology ( 95
Proprietary delivery technology...95
Applications in the pharma industry95
Management/technical expertise95
Competition within the delivery technology sector....95
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..95
NITI's product pipeline.....96
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....96
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....96
OctoPlus N.V. ( 97
Proprietary delivery technology...97
Applications in the pharma industry97
Management/technical expertise97
Competition within the delivery technology sector....98
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology..98
OctoPlus' product pipeline....98
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.....98
OctoPlus' product sales...98
Competitor Ratio Analysis.....99
Penwest Pharmaceuticals ( 100
Proprietary delivery technology 100
Applications in the pharma industry.......101
Management/technical expertise...101
Competition within the delivery technology sector..101
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology101
Penwest's product pipeline.102
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...102
Penwest's product sales102
Competitor Ratio Analysis...102
SCOL R Pharma, Inc. ( 103
Proprietary delivery technology.103
Applications in the pharma industry.......103
Management/technical expertise.. 104
Competition within the delivery technology sector. 104
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 104
SCOLR's product pipeline...104
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...105
SCOLR's drug delivery sales.105
Competitor Ratio Analysis...105
Shire, Plc ( 106
Proprietary delivery technology.106
Applications in the pharma industry.......106
Management/technical expertise...106
Competition within the delivery technology sector..107
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology107
Shire's product pipeline.107
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...107
Shire's leading drug delivery product sales108
Competitor Ratio Analysis...108
Skinvisible, Inc. ( 109
Proprietary delivery technology.109
Applications in the pharma industry.......109
Management/technical expertise...109
Competition within the delivery technology sector..109
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology110
Skinvisible's product pipeline.......110
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...110
Competitor Ratio Analysis...110
SkyePharma (
Proprietary delivery technology.111
Applications in the pharma industry.......111
Management/technical expertise...112
Competition within the delivery technology sector..112
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology112
SkyePharma's product pipeline... 113
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...113
SkyePharma's product sales........ 113
Competitor Ratio Analysis...114
Spherics (
Proprietary delivery technology.115
Applications in the pharma industry.......115
Management/technical expertise...115
Competition within the delivery technology sector..115
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology115
Spheric's product pipeline...116
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...116
Spheric's product sales..116
Competitor Ratio Analysis...116
Watson Pharmaceuticals (
Proprietary delivery technology.117
Applications in the pharma industry.......118
Management/technical expertise...118
Competition within the delivery technology sector..118
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology118
Watson's product pipeline..119
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...119
Watson's drug delivery sales........119
Competitor Ratio Analysis...119
APPENDIX 1.. 120
Global controlled-release approved drugs sales 2008-2018 (US$million)......120
APPENDIX 2.. 122
Global controlled-release developmental drugs sales 2008-2018 (US$million)...122
APPENDIX 3.. 124
Competitor Ratio Analysis Criteria...124
Key Controlled-release delivery companies by 2015....125
GLOSSARY.... 127
Acronyms ... 129
Endnotes.... 132
Drug Delivery Technologies: Nanotechnology
Overview of nanotechnology: past, present & future........138
Multifunctional nanotechnology platform ........139
Nanotechnology: motivators & resistors.......139
Nanotechnology motivators .......139
Resistors...... 140
Nanotechnology resistors....141
Nanomedicines, formulations and product regeneration. 141
Failure rates at each stage of clinical drug development.141
Core nanotechnology used by the pharma industry 143
Nano-engineered drugs...143
Dendrimer structure......144
Liposome structure .......144
Micelle structure...145
Polymeric nanoparticle structure - Abraxane.....146
Current therapeutic applications of nanotechnology in drug delivery.147
Leading brands that utilise nanotechnology delivery........147
Nanotechnology-enabled approved drugs........147
Future commercial applications & opportunities.......149
Leading nanotechnology drug delivery companies..150
Leading nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery companies...150
Partnerships & acquisitions153
Strategic development & commercialisation partnerships and joint ventures...153
Mergers, acquisitions, start ups & spin offs..153
Recent partnerships & acquisitions in the nanotechnology field......154
Intellectual Property156
Nanotechnology patents ....156
Now 2009158
Leading approved nano-enabled product sales 158
Leading companies developing nano-enabled product sales .159
Future 2018......159
Novel nano-enabled product sales ..160
Global nano-enabled product sales .160
Movers & Shakers: Cutting edge or losing their grip..161
Movers & shakers in nanotechnology drug delivery systems...162
Abraxis Bioscience ( 163
Proprietary delivery technology.163
Abraxis Protosphere - nab technology.......163
Applications in the pharma industry.......163
Management/technical expertise...163
Competition within the delivery technology sector..163
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 164
Abraxis' product pipeline....164
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 164
Abraxis' sales forecasts..164
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 164
Access Pharmaceuticals ( 165
Proprietary delivery technology.165
ProLindac nanoparticulate prodrug.165
Cobalamin coated nanoparticulates166
Applications in the pharma industry.......166
Management/technical expertise...166
Competition within the delivery technology sector..167
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology167
Access Pharmaceuticals product pipeline..167
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...167
Access' sales forecasts....167
Competitor Ratio Analysis...168
AlphaRx Corporation ( 169
Proprietary delivery technology.169
Nanoparticle targeted delivery & uptake...169
Applications in the pharma industry.......169
Management/technical expertise...170
Competition within the delivery technology sector..170
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology170
AlphaRx' product pipeline..170
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...170
AlphaRx' pharmaceuticals sales ..171
Competitor Ratio Analysis...171
ALZA Corporation (
Proprietary delivery technology.172
Applications in the pharma industry.......172
Management/technical expertise...172
Competition within the delivery technology sector..172
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology172
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...172
ALZA's drug delivery sales ..172
Competitor Ratio Analysis...173
Aphios Corporation (
Proprietary delivery technology.174
Applications in the pharma industry.......174
Management/technical expertise...174
Competition within the delivery technology sector..174
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology174
Aphios' product pipeline.....175
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...175
Competitor Ratio Analysis...175
APR Applied Pharma Research (
Proprietary delivery technology.176
Applications in the pharma industry.......176
Management/technical expertise...176
Competition within the delivery technology sector..176
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology177
APR's product pipeline..177
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...177
Competitor Ratio Analysis...177
BioSante Pharmaceuticals (
Proprietary delivery technology.178
Applications in the pharma industry.......178
Management/technical expertise...178
Competition within the delivery technology sector..179
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology179
BioSante's CaP product pipeline...179
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...180
BioSante's drug delivery sales......180
Competitor Ratio Analysis...180
Calando Pharmaceuticals (www.
Proprietary delivery technology.181
Schematic of cyclodextrin polymeric nanoparticles....181
Applications in the pharma industry .......181
Management/technical expertise...181
Competition within the delivery technology sector..182
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology182
Calando's product pipeline..182
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...182
Calando's sales forecasts.....182
Competitor Ratio Analysis...182
Camurus AB ( 183
Proprietary delivery technology.183
Applications in the pharma industry.......183
Management/technical expertise...183
Competition within the delivery technology sector..183
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology183
Camurus AB's product pipeline....184
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...184
Camurus AB's drug delivery sales.184
Competitor Ratio Analysis...184
Cerulean Pharma Inc ( 185
Proprietary delivery technology.185
Applications in the pharma industry.......185
Management/technical expertise...185
Competition within the delivery technology sector..185
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology185
Cerulean's product pipeline.185
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...186
Competitor Ratio Analysis...186
CytImmune Sciences Inc ( 187
Proprietary delivery technology.187
CytImmune's Colloidal Gold Nanoparticle Delivery.....187
Applications in the pharma industry .......187
Management/technical expertise...187
Competition within the delivery technology sector..188
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology188
CytImmune's' product pipeline....188
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...188
CytImmune's sales forecasts188
Competitor Ratio Analysis...189
Elan Corporation ( 190
Proprietary delivery technology.190
Applications in the pharma industry.......190
Management/technical expertise...190
Competition within the delivery technology sector..190
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology191
Elan's NanoCrystal product portfolio191
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...191
Elan's drug delivery sales....192
Competitor Ratio Analysis...192
Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (
Proprietary delivery technology.193
Applications in the pharma industry.......193
Management/technical expertise...193
Competition within the delivery technology sector..193
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology193
Enzon's product pipeline.....194
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...194
Enzon's targeted product sales.....194
Competitor Ratio Analysis...194
Gilead Sciences ( 195
Proprietary delivery technology.195
Applications in the pharma industry.......195
Management/technical expertise...195
Competition within the delivery technology sector..195
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology195
Gilead Sciences' product pipeline.195
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...196
Gilead Sciences' drug delivery sales...196
Competitor Ratio Analysis...196
Introgen Therapeutics (
Proprietary delivery technology.197
Applications in the pharma industry .......197
Management/technical expertise...197
Competition within the delivery technology sector..197
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology197
Introgen's product pipeline.198
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...198
Introgen's sales forecasts....198
Competitor Ratio Analysis...198
Mersana Therapeutics ( 199
Proprietary delivery technology.199
Applications in the pharma industry .......199
Management/technical expertise...199
Competition within the delivery technology sector..199
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology199
Mersana's product pipeline199
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 200
Mersana's sales forecasts....200
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 200
Nano Interface Technology ( 201
Proprietary delivery technology.201
Applications in the pharma industry.......201
Management/technical expertise...201
Competition within the delivery technology sector..201
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology201
NITI's product pipeline...202
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...202
Competitor Ratio Analysis...202
Nano S Biotechnology GmbH ( 203
Proprietary delivery technology 203
S-Layer Technology Platform.......203
Applications in the pharma industry...... 203
Management/technical expertise.. 203
Competition within the delivery technology sector. 204
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 204
Nano S' product pipeline.....204
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 204
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 204
NanoBio Corporation ( 205
Proprietary delivery technology 205
Applications in the pharma industry...... 205
Management/technical expertise.. 205
Competition within the delivery technology sector. 205
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 205
NanoBio's product pipeline.206
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 206
NanoBio's drug delivery sales......206
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 206
NanoBioMagnetics ( 207
Proprietary delivery technology.207
Applications in the pharma industry.......207
Management/technical expertise...207
Competition within the delivery technology sector..207
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 208
NanoBioMagnetics' product pipeline........208
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 208
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 208
Nanobiotix ( 209
Proprietary delivery technology 209
Applications in the pharma industry...... 209
Management/technical expertise.. 209
Competition within the delivery technology sector. 209
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 209
Nanobiotix' product pipeline.......209
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...210
Competitor Ratio Analysis...210
NanoCarrier (
Proprietary delivery technology.211
Micellar Nanoparticles..211
Applications in the pharma industry.......211
Management/technical expertise...212
Competition within the delivery technology sector..212
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology212
NanoCarrier's product pipeline....212
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...212
NanoCarrier's drug delivery sales.213
Competitor Ratio Analysis...213
Nanotechnology Victoria, Ltd (
Proprietary delivery technology.214
Applications in the pharma industry.......214
Management/technical expertise...214
Competition within the delivery technology sector..214
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology214
NanoVic's product pipeline.215
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...215
Competitor Ratio Analysis...215
NanoMaterials Technology (
Proprietary delivery technology.216
High Gravity Controlled Precipitation (HCGP) of nanomaterials........216
Applications in the pharma industry.......216
Management/technical expertise...216
Competition within the delivery technology sector..217
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology217
NanoMaterial's product pipeline.217
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...217
Competitor Ratio Analysis...217
Nanotherapeutics (
Proprietary delivery technology.218
Applications in the pharma industry.......218
Management/technical expertise...218
Competition within the delivery technology sector..219
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology219
Nanotherapeutics' product pipeline.219
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology...219
Nanotherapeutics' drug delivery sales.......220
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 220
Novavax ( 221
Proprietary delivery technology.221
Applications in the pharma industry.......221
Management/technical expertise...221
Competition within the delivery technology sector. 222
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 222
Novavax's product pipeline.222
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 223
Novavax's drug delivery sales......223
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 223
SkyePharma ( 224
Proprietary delivery technology.224
Applications in the pharma industry.......224
Management/technical expertise...224
Competition within the delivery technology sector. 225
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology........ 225
SkyePharma's product pipeline...225
Sales forecasts of products utilising the delivery technology.. 225
SkyePharma's product sales........226
Competitor Ratio Analysis.. 226
Spherics ( 227
Proprietary delivery technology.227
Applications in the pharma industry.......227
Management/technical expertise...227
Competition within the delivery technology sector..227
Products in development/approved utilising the delivery technology227
Spheric's product pipeline...228
Sales forecasts of products utilising t
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Drug Delivery Technology Industry: Drug Delivery Technologies: Players, products & prospects to 2018
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Nicolas Bombourg
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