Market Opportunities and Emerging Trends in the Prepaid Card Market in Sub-Saharan Africa
NEW YORK, May 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Market Opportunities and Emerging Trends in the Prepaid Card Market in Sub-Saharan Africa
The report provides top-level market analysis, information and insights on the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market, including:
• Current and forecast values for the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market
• Comprehensive, country-specific analysis of the industry's market attractiveness, covering key trends and drivers, plus benchmarking with other key markets
• Detailed analysis of the marketing strategies adopted for selling prepaid cards used by various bankers in the market
• Detailed analysis of the challenges affecting the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market
• Company profiles of the major insurers in the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market
The prepaid cards market has slowly gained popularity in South Africa, as organized retailers and vendors began to accept prepaid cards, with no processing fee. Furthermore, hoteliers and vehicle rental vendors have also started to accept prepaid cards for their service transactions. In addition, convenience will be the most important driver of the adoption of prepaid cards in South Africa.
Demand from younger consumers is expected to play a vital role in the growth of the prepaid cards market over the forecast period. While simple eligibility criteria established by Nigerian banks is expected to support the sales of prepaid cards in the country. As the majority of Nigerians do not have a bank account, Nigerian banks have established simple eligibility criteria so that more people can easily benefit from prepaid cards. Moreover, The Central Bank of Nigeria has implemented a new policy in Lagos to reduce the amount of physical cash such as notes and coins in rotation in the economy, while encouraging electronic-based transactions for the payment of goods and services.
In Kenya, the prepaid card market is in its early stages of development and provides modest growth potential for new market entrants. A number of banks, including Kenya Commercial Bank, Investment and Mortgages Bank and Bank of Africa have begun to offer prepaid cards. The prepaid cards markets in other Sub-Saharan countries such as Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana are in their early stages of development and only a few companies have entered the respective markets. The prepaid cards market in Tanzania is more developed than that of Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana, however, younger consumers are expected to support further growth over the forecast period.
• This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the prepaid card market in Sub-Saharan Africa
• It provides current values for the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market and forecast figures to 2016
• It offers a detailed analysis of the key markets in the Sub-Saharan African prepaid card market, along with market forecasts until 2016
• It details the different macroeconomic factors affecting the Sub-Saharan African prepaid card market
• It covers an exhaustive summary of the key trends and drivers affecting the prepaid card market
• It outlines the current regulatory framework in the industry
• It details the marketing strategies used by various bankers
• It profiles the major banks in the Sub-Saharan African prepaid card market
Reasons To Buy
• Make strategic business decisions using top-level historic and forecast market data related to the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card industry and each market within it
• Understand the key market trends and growth opportunities within the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market
• Assess the competitive dynamics in the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market
• Gain insights into the marketing strategies used by prepaid card vendors
• Gain insights into the key regulations governing the Sub-Saharan Africa prepaid card market
Key Highlights
• For all the Sub-Saharan countries, growth in macroeconomic indicators is expected to support the financial cards market. The overall economic growth in the Sub-Saharan countries attracts investments in various sectors, which are also expected to support the growth of prepaid cards in these countries.
• The South African prepaid cards market grew significantly during the review period and this is expected to grow at a CAGR 65.49% over the forecast period. Such growth can be attributed to the projected social protection expenditure by the South African National Treasury, which is expected to pay wages to millions of South Africans through prepaid cards over the forecast period.
• The Nigerian prepaid cards market recorded sizeable growth during the review period and this is expected to be stronger and grow at a CAGR 47.91% over the forecast period.
• Kenya's prepaid cards market is projected to record a CAGR of -3.08% over the forecast period. The negative growth is mainly due to the increasing popularity of mobile payment services and a lack of technological infrastructure.
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
2 Sub -Saharan Africa Prepaid Cards Market Environment and Benchmarking
2.1 Introduction and Overview of the Sub-Saharan Region
2.1.1 Economic activities and natural resources in Sub-Saharan Africa
2.1.2 Recent economic developments: financial resilience
2.1.3 Population of Sub-Saharan Africa: young and growing population despite social issues
2.1.4 Millennium development goals: a distinct lack of progress
2.2 Payment Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
2.3 Macroeconomic Factors
2.4 Technology Infrastructure Factors
3 Prepaid Cards Market in South Africa
3.1 Market Environment
3.1.1 Regulatory framework
3.1.2 Microeconomic indicators
3.1.3 Banking industry structure in South Africa
3.1.4 Payment system in South Africa
3.2 Market Size and Growth Potential
3.2.1 South African banking sector market size
3.2.2 South Africa prepaid cards market size
3.3 Marketing Strategies Adopted for Selling Prepaid cards
3.4 Competitive Landscape
3.5 Key Trends, Drivers and Challenges for Prepaid cards market in South Africa
3.5.1 Business trends and growth drivers
3.5.2 Challenges
4 Prepaid Cards Market in Nigeria
4.1 Market Environment
4.1.1 Regulatory framework
4.1.2 Microeconomic indicators
4.1.3 Banking sector structure in Nigeria
4.1.4 Payment systems in Nigeria
4.2 Market Size and Growth Potential
4.2.1 Nigerian banking industry market size
4.2.2 Nigerian prepaid cards market size
4.3 Marketing Strategies Adopted for Selling Prepaid Cards
4.4 Competitive Landscape
4.5 Key Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges for Prepaid Cards Market in Nigeria
4.5.1 Business trends and growth drivers
4.5.2 Challenges
5 Prepaid Cards Market in Kenya
5.1 Market Environment
5.1.1 Regulatory framework
5.1.2 Microeconomic indicators
5.1.3 Banking sector structure in Kenya
5.1.4 Payment system in Kenya
5.2 Market Size and Growth Potential
5.2.1 Kenyan banking industry market size
5.2.2 Kenyan prepaid cards market size
5.3 Marketing Strategies Adopted for Selling Prepaid Cards
5.4 Competitive Landscape
5.5 Key Trends, Drivers and Challenges for Prepaid Cards Market in Kenya
5.5.1 Business trends and drivers
5.5.2 Challenges
6 Other Sub-Saharan Markets
6.1 Market Environment
6.2 Trends and drivers
6.3 Tanzania
6.3.1 Market environment
6.3.2 Banking industry overview
6.3.3 Macroeconomic indicators
6.4 Mozambique
6.4.1 Market environment
6.4.2 Banking sector overview
6.4.3 Microeconomic indicators
6.5 Zambia
6.5.1 Market environment
6.5.2 Banking sector overview
6.5.3 Microeconomic indicators
6.6 Botswana
6.6.1 Market environment
6.6.2 Banking sector overview
6.6.3 Microeconomic indicators
7 Appendix
7.1 About BRICdata
7.1.1 Areas of expertise
7.2 Methodology
7.3 Disclaimer
List of Tables
Table 1: Categorization of Sub-Saharan Africa by resources
Table 2: Membership of Economic Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa
Table 3: Ibrahim Index Indicators for Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2010
Table 4: World Bank Assessment of the Ease of doing Business in Sub-Saharan Africa, June 2011
Table 5: Personal Bank Account Ownership by Sub-Saharan Country (%), 2010
Table 6: Next Strategic Move for Key Mobile Operators
Table 7: Strategic Partners (Specify Financial Services , Retail, IT)
Table 8: Brief Description of IT Platform and Compatibility with Other Platforms
Table 9: Awareness of Microfinance Providers by Country
Table 10: Dependence on Community Savings Schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa (%)
Table 11: Sub-Saharan Countries' Macroeconomic Conditions, 2011
Table 12: Penetration Levels in Key Sub-Saharan Countries
Table 13: South Africa's GDP at Constant Prices (ZAR Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 14: South Africa Annual Disposable Income,(ZAR Billion), 2007-2016
Table 15: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 16: Number of Internet Subscribers (Million), 2007-2016
Table 17: Personal Computers Per 100 People, 2007-2016
Table 18: Mobile Phone Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 19: Various Types of Credit Cards in South Africa
Table 20: Nigeria's GDP at Constant Prices (NGN Trillion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 21: Nigeria's Annual Disposable Income (NGN Trillion), 2007-2016
Table 22: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 23: Mobile Phone Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 24: Types of Commercial Banks on the Basis of Minimum Capital Requirements,(NGN Billion)
Table 25: Minimum Capital Requirements of Various Types of Specialized Banks, (NGN Billion)
Table 26: Nigerian Commercial Bank's Assets,(NGN Trillion), 2007-2011
Table 27: Kenya's GDP at Constant Prices (KES Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 28: Kenya's Annual Disposable Income, (KES Billion), 2007-2016
Table 29: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 30: Kenya's Mobile Phone Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 31: Tanzania's GDP at Constant Prices (TZS Trillion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 32: Tanzania's Annual Disposable Income,(TZS Trillion), 2007-2016
Table 33: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 34: Mozambique's GDP at Constant Prices (MZM Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 35: Mozambique's Annual Disposable Income,(MZM Billion), 2007-2016
Table 36: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 37: Zambia's GDP at Constant Prices (ZMK Trillion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 38: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Table 39: Botswana's GDP at Constant Prices (BWP Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Table 40: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
List of Figures
Figure 1: Millennium Development Goals Progress Update, 2011
Figure 2: Personal Bank Account Ownership by Sub-Saharan Country (%), 2010
Figure 3: Bank Account Ownership by Location, Gender and Age Group (%)
Figure 4: Key Mobile Payment Operators in Sub-Saharan Africa
Figure 5: Number of Customer in Specific Countries
Figure 6: South Africa's GDP at Constant Prices (ZAR Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 7: South Africa Annual Disposable Income,(ZAR Billion), 2007-2016
Figure 8: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 9: Number of Internet Subscribers (Million), 2007-2016
Figure 10: Personal Computers Per 100 People, 2007-2016
Figure 11: Mobile Phone Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 12:Urban and Rural Population, 2007-2016
Figure 13: FDI Inflows (ZAR Billion), 2007-2010
Figure 14: South Africa's Internet Penetration Level (%),2007-2010
Figure 15: South Africa's Payment System Transactions (%), 2010
Figure 16: Future Drivers of Debit Card Adoption in South Africa
Figure 17: Challenges to Debit Card Growth
Figure 18: South Africa's Total Banking Sector Assets (ZAR Billion), 2008-2010
Figure 19: Market Share by Bank Assets, June 2010
Figure 20: South Africa Prepaid Cards Market Size by Value (ZAR Billion), 2011 vs. 2016
Figure 21: South Africa Prepaid Cards market by Segment,(%), 2011
Figure 22: Future Drivers of Prepaid Cards Growth in South Africa
Figure 23: Challenges to Prepaid Card Growth in South Africa
Figure 24: Nigeria's GDP at Constant Prices (NGN Trillion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 25: Nigeria's Annual Disposable Income (NGN Trillion), 2007-2016
Figure 26: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 27: Mobile Phone Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 28: Urban and Rural Population, 2007-2016
Figure 29: Nigeria FDI Inflow,(NGN Billion), 2007-2010
Figure 30: Electronic Card-Based Transactions by Volume, 2010
Figure 31: Nigerian Commercial Banks' Assets,(NGN Trillion), 2007-2011
Figure 32: Nigerian Prepaid Cards Market Size, (NGN Billion), 2011 vs. 2016
Figure 33: Kenya's GDP at Constant Prices (KES Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 34: Kenya's Annual Disposable Income, (KES Billion), 2007-2016
Figure 35: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 36: Kenya's Mobile Phone Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 37:Kenya's Urban and Rural Population, 2007-2016
Figure 38: Kenya's FDI Inflows (KES Billion), 2007-2010
Figure 39: Kenya's Banking Industry Structure, December 2010
Figure 40: Kenya's Banking Industry Structure, Ownership vs. Assets, December 2010
Figure 41: Kenya's Internet Penetration Levels,(%), 2007-2011
Figure 42: Kenya's Market Share of Financial Cards (%), 2009 vs. 2010
Figure 43: Future Drivers Of Debit Card Adoption in Kenya
Figure 44: Key Challenges of Debit Card in Kenya
Figure 45: Kenya Mobile Penetration Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 46: Kenya's Financial Cards by Volume, 2007-2011
Figure 47: Kenya's Banking Industry Total Assets (KES Million), as of December 2010
Figure 48: Kenya's Banking Sector's Market Shares, as of December 2010
Figure 49: Kenyan Prepaid Cards Market Size by Value (KES Million), 2011 vs 2016
Figure 50: Future Drivers of Prepaid Cards Growth in Kenya
Figure 51: Key Challenges to Prepaid Card Growth In Kenya
Figure 52:Tanzania's GDP at Constant Prices (TZS Trillion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 53: Tanzania's Annual Disposable Income,(TZS Trillion), 2007-2016
Figure 54: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 55: Mozambique's GDP at Constant Prices (MZM Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 56: Mozambique's Annual Disposable Income,(MZM Billion), 2007-2016
Figure 57: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 58: Zambia's GDP at Constant Prices (ZMK Trillion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 59: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
Figure 60: Botswana's GDP at Constant Prices (BWP Billion), (Base Year 1999-2000), 2007-2016
Figure 61: Inflation Rate (%), 2007-2016
To order this report:
Credit Card Industry: Market Opportunities and Emerging Trends in the Prepaid Card Market in Sub-Saharan Africa
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