NEW YORK, March 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Textiles Industry
The global outlook series on Textiles provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. The report offers an aerial view of the global textiles industry, identifies major short to medium term market challenges, and growth drivers. Regional markets elaborated upon include United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, UK, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, China, India, Pakistan, and Brazil, among others. Also included is an indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of 715 companies worldwide.
1. OVERVIEW 1Nature of the Textile Industry 1Impact of Recession 1Recession Brings in Capacity Rationalization 2Market Trends 2Migration of Textile Manufacturing from Developed toDeveloping Nations 2Increasing Fiber Consumption in Textiles 2Coated Textiles Draw Interest 3China and India - Dominating the Market 3Issues Impacting the Industry 3Better Fabrics Emerge 3Manufacturers Focus on Improving Productivity 3Problems Faced by the Spinner 4Rising Raw Material Costs 4Synthetic & High-Tech Fabrics - Finding Favor with Designers 4Difficulties in Dyeing of Wool/Cotton Blends 4Undesirable Effects of Dyestuffs Used in Chemical Fibers 4Cotton and Wool - Natural Fibers with Inherent Shortcomings 5Influence of Moisture in Textiles 5Textile Fibers 5Table 1: World Textile Fibers Market by Geographic Region -US, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific (including Japan), MiddleEast, and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed withAnnual Sales Figures in Thousand Tons for the Years 2010through 2015 6
Table 2: World Textile Fibers Market (2011 & 2015) -
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales for US, Canada, Europe,
Asia-Pacific (including Japan), Middle East, and Latin
America 7
Table 3: World Spun Yarn Market by Geographic Region - US,Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific (including Japan), Middle East,and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with AnnualSales Figures in Thousand Tons for the Years 2010 through2015 8
Table 4: World Spun Yarn Market (2011 & 2015) - Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Sales for US, Canada, Europe,
Asia-Pacific (including Japan), Middle East, and Latin
America 9
Table 5: Global Fiber Consumption (2010): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Consumption for Man-Made Fibers(Synthetics [Filament and Staple] and Cellulosics [Filamentand Staple]) and Natural Fibers (Cotton, Wool and Silk) 9Global Fiber Production Rises 10Table 6: Share of Natural and Manmade Fibers in Global FiberSupply 10Fiber Production, Consumption and Pricing Trends in theGlobal Markets 11Table 7: World Textile Fiber Production (2000-2009) - Outputfor Natural Fibers (Cotton, Wool, and Silk), and anmade/Synthetic Fibers (Noncellulosic and Cellulosic) (In '000Tons) 11Synthetic Fibers Gain Popularity 12Table 8: Manmade Fiber Production Worldwide by MajorProducing Countries (2009): Production in Million Tons forChina, India, US, Taiwan, Korea and Rest of World 12
Table 9: Global Manmade Staple Fiber and Filament Yarn
Production by Type (2009): Production in '000 Tons for
Synthetics (Polyester, Polyamide, Polypropylene, Acrylics,
and Others) and Cellulosics 13
Polyester: Capacity Increases 13
Nylon - Impact of Recession 13
Acrylic Fibre Production 13
Cotton 14
Consumption Trends 14
Table 10: Global Cotton Consumption by Country (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Consumption for China,
India, Pakistan, Turkey, Brazil, Bangladesh, US, and Others 15
China - The Largest Cotton Producer 15
Table 11: Global Cotton Production by Country (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown for China, India, US, Pakistan,
Brazil, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Australia, Turkmenistan, EU-27,
and Others 16
China - Set to Emerge as a Global Player 16
Cotton Trade - Truly International 16
Technology Unlocking Novel Cotton Applications in the Non-
Woven Area 16
Organic Cotton - A Growing Market 17
Wool 17
Wool Production 17
Table 12: Global Wool Production by Country (2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Volume for
Australia, China, New Zealand, and Others 17
Textile Machinery: An Introduction 18
Man-Made Fiber Machines 18
Significance of Specialty Machines 18
Global Market for Apparel & Other Textiles/ e-Commerce 18
Global Production of Non-Woven Textiles 19
Key Markets 19
Production Technologies 19
Outlook 19
Technical Textiles Market 19
Table 13: Global Geotextiles Demand by Region (2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Demand for North
America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Others 20
Table 14: Fibre Usage in Technical Textiles (2010):Percentage Share Breakdown for Polyester, Polyolefin, Glass,Jute, Cotton, Polyamides, Viscose & Cellulosics, and Others 20Import Export Statistics 20Table 15: Global Textile Industry Exports by Country(2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for US,UK, UAE, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Bangladesh, Turkey,and Others 21
Table 16: Global RMG Exports by Country (2009-10): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Export Value for US, UK, Germany, UAE,
France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Denmark,
Canada, Belgium, and Others 21
Table 17: Global Textile Imports (Excluding RMG) by Country(2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value forChina, US, Chinese Taipei, Bangladesh, Australia, Thailand,Nepal, Korea RP, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, and Others 22
Table 18: Global Import of Textile Items by Category
(2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value for
Fibre, Fabrics, Yarn, Madeups/Carpets, RMG, and Others 22
Table 19: Global RMG Imports by Country (2009-10): PercentageShare Breakdown of Import Value for China, Italy, Hong Kong,Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, UK, France, Thailand, Spain, US, andOthers 22
1a. UNITED STATES 33Market Overview 33Impact of Recession 33Specialty Fabrics Segment 34Textile Plants & Employment Opportunities 34Textile Machinery Market in the US 35US Trade of Textiles and Apparel 35Exports Scenario 35Table 20: Textile and Apparel Exports in the US (2009-2010):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value by DestinationCountry for Canada, Mexico, Honduras, China, DominicanRepublic, Japan, El Salvador, UK, and Others 36
Table 21: US Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for RMG,
Madeups/Carpets, Fabrics, Yarn, Fibre, and Others 36
Yarn and Fabric Exports Increase 37
Textile Industry Imports 37
Table 22: Textile and Apparel Imports by Country in the US
(2009-2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value for
China, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, Honduras, Cambodia, and Others 37
Market Trends 38
Natural Fibers Find Favor 38
Threat of Biological Attacks - Demand for Protective Clothing 38
Industrial Textiles - An Active Sector 38
Automation in the Textiles Industry 38
Environmental Concerns 39
Scented Textiles 39
Finishing Chemicals Market 39
Academia Helps US Textile Industry 39
Trends in Cotton Segment 40
Cotton Consumption 40
India and China - Potential Markets for US Cotton 40
American Players Face Competitive Heat from Indian Cotton
Exporters in China 40
The Favorable Caribbean Basin Initiative 40
Quota on Textile and Clothing 41
The US Manufacturers 41
Staggered Quota Elimination by the US - Global Implications 41
MFA-ATC Comparison 41
Smart and Interactive Textiles Market 41
Yarn Market 42
Manmade Fibers Industry 42
Polyesters 42
Home Textiles Retail Industry 43
1b. CANADA 44Overview of the Textile Industry 44Demand for Natural Fiber Materials 44Fibre, Yarn and Thread Mills Market 44Table 23: Canadian Fibre, Yarn and Thread Mills Industry inCanada (2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of ManufacturingCosts for Materials and Supplies, Labor, and Energy, Fuel &Water Costs 44Export-Import Scenario 45Table 24: Canadian Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value forMadeups/Carpets, RMG, Fabrics, Yarn, Fibre, and Others 45Canadian Textile Tariff Rates Mild vis-à-vis the US 45
1c. MEXICO 46
Textile and Apparel Sector - An Overview 46
Changing Trends Shape Domestic Market Trends 46
Table 25: Mexican Apparel Market by Segment (2010E):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Value Sales for Men's Wear,
Women's Wear, Childrens' Wear, and Infant Wear 46
Fiber/Filament Market 47
Export Scenario 47
Table 26: Mexican Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for RMG, Yarn,
Fabrics, Madeups/Carpets, Fibre, and Others 47
2. JAPAN 48Overview of Fiber and Filament Market 48Industrial Fabrics Market 48Export Import Statistics 48Table 27: Japanese Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for RMG,Madeups/Carpets, Yarn, Fabrics, Fibre, and Others 49Increase in EXIM of Japan-Indonesia Textile Industry 49
3. EUROPE 50
Market Overview 50
Textile Fibers Market 50
Table 28: European Textile Fibers Market by Geographic Region
- France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia, and Rest of
Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2010 through 2015 50
Table 29: European Textile Fibers Market (2011 & 2015) -Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales for France, Germany,Italy, UK, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe Markets 51
Table 30: European Spun Yarns Market by Geographic Region -
France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe
Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in
Thousand Tons for Years 2010 through 2015 52
Table 31: European Spun Yarn Market - Percentage Breakdown ofVolume Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia,and Rest of Europe 53Industry Structure 53Environmental Aspects 54Outward Processing Traffic (OPT) 54Rising Raw Material Prices - Cause of Concern for Rug & CarpetIndustry 54Risk to European Textile Industry from Asian Competitors 54Home Textiles Market in Europe 55Rising Demand for Trendy & Sustainable Products 55Table 32: EU Home Textiles Market by Segment (2009):Percentage Share Breakdown of Consumption Value for BedLinen, Bath and Kitchen Linen, Blankets and Rugs, and Others 56
Table 33: EU Home Textiles Market by Country (2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Consumption Value for France,
Italy, UK, Spain and Others 56
Developing Countries - The Major Textile Suppliers 56
Table 34: EU Home Textile Imports by Country (2009):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value for Germany,
France, UK and Others 56
Rising Demand for Organic and Natural Fibers 57
Certifications for Organic Textiles 57
Distribution Channels 57
Furnishing Textiles Market 57
Import-Export Scenario 58
Table 35: Leading Export Markets for the EU Textile &
Clothing Market (2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Export
Value for Switzerland, US, Russia, Turkey, Tunisia, and
Others 58
Table 36: EU Textile Exports (Including RMG) by Country(2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value for UK,Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark,and Others 58
Table 37: EU Exports of Textile Items (Including RMG) by
Category (2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import
Value for RMG, Madeups/Carpets, Yarn, Fabrics, Fibre, and
Others 59
Table 38: EU Imports of Textile Items (Including RMG) byCountry (2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Valuefor Germany, Italy, UK, France, Austria, Belgium, Spain,Netherlands, and Others 59
Table 39: EU Imports of Textile Items by Category (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value for Fibre,
Fabrics, Yarn, RMG, Madeups/Carpets, and Others 59
3a. BELGIUM 60Market Overview 60
Cotton Industry Relies on Imports 60
3c. FRANCE 61Technical/Industrial Textiles Market 61Domestic Production of Technical Textiles 61Export Statistics 61Table 40: French Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for Madeups/Carpets, RMG, Fabrics, Yarn, Fibre, and Others 61
3d. GERMANY 62
Market Overview 62
Table 41: German Textile Industry (2010E): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Production by Segment for Technical Textiles,
Clothing, and Home Textiles 62
Clothing & Outwear Market 62
Domestic Production Declines 63
Liberalization of Trade 63
Challenges Facing Textile and Clothing Industry 63
Competition in the Textile and Clothing Industry 63
Technical Textiles Market 64
Environmental Protection 64
Packaging 64
Advanced Clothing Technologies 65
Organic Textiles Market 65
Import Export Statistics 65
Table 42: German Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for RMG,
Madeups/Carpets, Yarn, Fabrics, Fibre, and Others 65
3e. POLAND 66Polish Cotton Market 66
3f. SPAIN 66
Major Producer of Textiles & Apparel in Europe 66
Table 43: Spanish Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for Madeups/
Carpets, RMG, Fabrics, Yarn, Fibre, and Others 66
3g. SWITZERLAND 67Overview 67
3h. TURKEY 68
Textile Industry 68
Home Textile Industry 68
Advantages for Turkish Textile Exporters 68
3i. THE UNITED KINGDOM 69Organic Textiles Market Recovers Post Recession 69Household Textiles Market 69Table 44: UK Household Textiles Market by Segment (2010):Percentage Share Breakdown of Value Sales for Bed Linen,Filled Products, Bathroom Textiles, Table linen & KitchenTowelling and Others 69Export Scenario 70Table 45: UK Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value forMadeups/Carpets, RMG, Fabrics, Yarn, Fibre, and Others 70
3j. UKRAINE 70
Textile and Clothing Market - An Overview 70
4. ASIA 71Polyester Market 71Asia Pacific Markets Witness Growth in Demand for Acrylic Fibers 71India and China Show Promising Ends 71
Bangladesh Takes Measures to Keep Pace with Growing Garment
Demand 72
Projects to Attain Autonomy in Silk- Yarn Production 72
WTO's Rejection Benefits Bangladesh 72
4b. CHINA 73Textile Industry - Market Overview 73Market Scenario in H1 2011 73Government Initiatives to Deal with Recession 74Environmental Concerns Fuel Demand for Natural Fibers 74China Enjoys Prominent Position in Textiles 74Chinese Bedding Stuff Market - An Insight 74Chinese Textile Output - Relatively Free from Government Planning 75Fibre/Filament Production & Consumption 75Table 46: Fiber/Filament Production in China (2009):Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Volume for ManmadeFiber/ Filament and Cotton 75Cotton Market - Overview 75The Balancing Role of Government 76Specialty Textiles Market 76Growing Demand for Flame Retardant and Automobile Textiles 76Fiber and Fabric Product Market Trends 76Import-Export Scenario 76Table 47: Chinese Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for Madeups/Carpets, RMG, Fabrics, Yarn, Fibre, and Others 77
Table 48: Chinese Yarn Exports by Region/Country (2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for Asia, Europe,
US, and Others 77
4c. HONG KONG 78Market Overview 78Responsive to Fashion and Technology 78Textile Manufacturers Explore Off-Shore Opportunities 79
4d. INDIA 80
A Leading Presence in the Global Textiles Market 80
Snapshots 80
Table 49: Indian Textile Industry by Segment (2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Revenues for Garments,
Household Fabrics, Technical Textiles and Home Textiles 80
Government Support Aids Textile Industry to Counter Recession 81
India to Enter into Free Trade Agreement with Japan 81
Industry Structure 81
Textile Sectors in India 82
Textile Mills 82
Table 50: Number of Cotton/Man-Made Fibre Mills in India
(2011): Percentage Share Breakdown for Spinning Mills and
Composite Mills 83
Installed Capacity 83
Table 51: Installed Capacity in Textile and Garment Industry
(2010-11) 83
Major Textile Players 84
Cloth Production in India 84
Table 52: Cloth Production by Segment in India (2009-2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown for Cotton Cloth, Blended Cloth,
and 100% Non Cotton Cloth 84
Table 53: Cloth Production by Sector in India (2009-2010):Percentage Share Breakdown of Production for PowerloomSector, Hosiery Sector, Handloom Sector, and Mill Sector 84Fiber and Filament Industry 85Yarn Production 85Table 54: Production of Yarn in India (2005-2010) (In BillionKilograms) 85
Table 55: Yarn Production by Segment in India (2009-2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown for Cotton Yarn, Blended Yarn, and
100% Non Cotton Yarn 86
Table 56: Spun Yarn Production in India (2009-10): PercentageShare Breakdown of Quantity for Cotton, Blended, andNon-Cotton 86Man-Made Fiber Market - An Insight 86Table 57: Man-Made Fibers Market in India (2010-11):Breakdown of Installed Capacity (In Million Kg) by PolyesterStaple Fiber, Acrylic Staple Fiber, and Viscose Staple Fiber 87
Table 58: Man-Made Fibers Market in India (2010-11):
Breakdown of Production (In Million Kg) by Polyester Staple
Fiber, Acrylic Staple Fiber, and Viscose Staple Fiber 87
Table 59: Man-Made Filament Yarns Market in India (2010-11):Breakdown of Installed Capacity and Production (In MillionKg) by Viscose Filament Yarn, Nylon Filament Yarn, andPolyester Filament Yarn 87Import Export Statistics 88Table 60: Man-Made Fibre Market by Segment in India(2009-2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import and ExportVolume for Viscose Staple Fibre, Polyester Staple Fibre, andAcrylic Staple Fibre 88
Table 61: Man-Made Filament Yarn Market by Segment in India
(2009-2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import and Export
Volume for Polyester Filament Yarn, Viscose Filament Yarn,
and Nylon Filament Yarn 88
Cotton Market in India 89
Table 62: Cotton Production in India (2000-2011) (In Lakh
Bales of 170 Kg Each) 89
Table 63: Cotton Production in India (2010-2011): PercentageShare Breakdown by Region for North, Central, South, andOthers 89Import-Export Statistics 90Table 64: India's Export of Raw Cotton (including Waste) byDestination Country (2010): Percentage Share Breakdown ofExport Value for China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia,Turkey, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, andOthers 90An Overview of Jute Textiles Market 90Table 65: India's Production of Jute Goods (2005-11) (InMillion M.Tons) 91
Table 66: India's Production of Jute Goods (2010-11):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Quantity for
Sacking, Hessian, CBC, and Others 91
Table 67: India's Exports of Jute Goods by Segment (2009-10):Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Quantity for Hessian,Sacking, and Others 91Silk Production 92Table 68: Production of Raw Silk in India (2009-2010) (In'000 Tonnes) 92
Table 69: Production of Raw Silk by Type in India
(2009-2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Production
Quantity for Mulberry, Eri, Tasar, and Muga 92
Import-Export Statistics 93
Table 70: Silk Exports of India (2009-10): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Export Value for Natural Silk Yarn, Fabrics &
Made-up, Readymade Garments, Silk Carpet, and Silk Waste 93
Table 71: Silk Imports of India (2009-10): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Import Value for Raw Silk, and Silk Yarn &Fabrics 93Handloom and Handicraft Textile Segment - Benefiting fromGovernment Initiatives 93Technical Textiles - A Lucrative Investment Area 94Home Furnishings Market 94Textile-Related Changes in Budget 2011-12 94Garments Market 95Weaving Capacity 95Textile Industry Imports-Exports Scenario 96Table 72: Indian Textile Industry by Segment (2010-11):Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value by Fibre, Yarn andFabrics, and Madeups, RMG & Other Textiles 96
Table 73: Indian Exports of Textile Items (2010-11):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value by Commodity for
Fibre, Yarns, Fabrics & Madeups, RMG, Carpet, Jute, and
Others 96
4e. INDONESIA 97Market Overview 97Fiber Industry - Overview 97Lucrative Domestic Market 97Cotton Market 98
4f. KOREA 99
An Update on the Textile Industry in Korea 99
Table 74: Korean Textile Item Exports by Segment (2009-10):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for RMG,
Madeups/Carpets, Yarn, Fabrics, Fibre, and Others 99
4g. PAKISTAN 100Impact of Recession 100Government to Support Textile Industry 100Trade Regulations on Pakistan Textile Exports 100
Market Overview 101
Cotton Market 101
4i. TAIWAN 102Textile Fiber Industry Hit by Global Recession 102Manmade Fibers Market 102Yarns Market 102
4j. THAILAND 103
Textile Industry Overview 103
Yarn Market 103
5. LATIN AMERICA 103Emerging Market for Geotextiles 103
5a. BRAZIL 104
Textile & Apparel Industry 104
Market Characteristics 104
The Textile Sector 104
Export Statistics 105
Table 75: Brazilian Textile Item Exports by Segment
(2009-10): Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value for
RMG, Madeups/Carpets, Yarn, Fabrics, Fibre, and Others 105
5b. COLOMBIA 106Market Overview 106Regulatory Environment 106
6a. DUBAI 107Dubai Textile Industry Eyes European Markets 107
6b. JORDAN 107
Market Overview 107
7. SOUTH AFRICA 107South African Textile and Apparel Industries 107GLOBAL DIRECTORY
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