NEW YORK, March 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Mining Industry Industry
The global outlook series on the Mining Industry provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. The report offers an aerial view of the global mining industry, identifies major short-to-medium term market challenges, and growth drivers. Market discussions in the report are punctuated with fact-rich 57 market data tables. Regional markets elaborated upon include United States, Canada, France, Germany Russia and the CIS, Australia, China, India, Japan and Brazil among others. The report provides a recapitulation of recent mergers, acquisitions, and other noteworthy strategic corporate developments in addition to an included indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of 550 companies worldwide.
Table 1: Global Mining Equipment Market (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Demand by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific,
North America, Western Europe and Others 2
Table 2: Leading Players in the Global Mining Equipment Market
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Market Share for Caterpillar,
Sandvik, Komatsu, Atlas Copco, Metso, Joy Global, and Others 2
Global Competitive Scenario 2
Trends 3
Leading Companies Perform Well Despite Crisis 3
China, India: The Frontrunners 4
Demand Outpaces Supply 4
Consolidation Wave Hits Mining Industry 5
Mineral Prices Roar Up 5
Copper Leads the Race 5
Exchange Traded Funds Increases Precious Metal Demand 5
Mining Woes 6
Challenges Confronting the Global Mining Industry 6
Environmental and Regulatory Risks 7
Foreign Companies Buying into Domestic and Extreme Markets 7
A Gloomy Economic Scenario 7
Towards Sustainable Development 8
Mining Industry- Future Trends 8
Global Mining Industry Takes a New Course 8
The 'Chinese' Influence 9
Switching Priorities 9
Market Scenario 9
Overview of Select Metals and Minerals 10
Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) 10
Role of Platinum in Global Economy 10
Table 3: Global Platinum and Palladium Market (2009&2010):
Production in Kilograms by Country for the US, Canada,
Colombia, Russia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Others 11
Table 4: Leading Players in the Global Palladium Mining
Industry (2010): Percentage Breakdown of Production for
Norilsk, Anglo Platinum, Implats, Stillwater¸ Lonmin, Vale
Inco, North American Palladium, Aquarius, ARM Platinum,
Xstrata, and Others 12
Table 5: Leading Players in the Global Platinum Mining
Industry (2010): Percentage Breakdown of Production for
Anglo Platinum, Implats, Lonmin, Norilsk, Aquarius,
Northam, Vale Inco, Xstrata, and Others 12
Bauxite 12
Global Aluminium Industry to Witness Growth 13
Asian Countries Drive Rapid Growth in the Aluminum Market 13
Consolidation - The New Trend 14
Table 6: Global Aluminum Market (2009&2010): Production in
Thousand of Metric Tons by Country-The US, Australia,
Bahrain, Brazil, Canada¸ China, Germany, Iceland, India,
Mozambique, Norway, Russia, South Africa, UAE (including
Dubai), Venezuela, and Others 14
Competitive Climate 15
Table 7: Leading Players in the Global Aluminum Market
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Capacity for UC RUSAL,
Chalco, Rio Tinto Alcan, Alcoa, Norsk Hydro, BHP Billiton
and Others 15
Fluorspar 15
Fluorspar Growth Dependant on Many Factors 16
Table 8: Global Fluorspar Production (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Production By Region for China, Europe,
Russia, South Africa, Mongolia, Mexico, Namibia, Thailand
and Others 16
Table 9: Global Fluorspar Reserves (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Share in Reserves by Country 17
Coal Mining 17
Top 10 Hard Coal Producing Countries in the World (2010) 18
Top 7 Coal Exporters in the World (2010) 18
Top 7 Coal Importers in the World (2010) 18
Feldspar and Nepheline Syenite 19
Economic Meltdown Derails Market Momentum 19
Table 10: Global Feldspar Market (2009): Production in
Thousand Metric Tons by Country - Turkey, Italy, China,
Japan, Spain, Thailand, France, US, Czech Republic, Mexico
and Others 19
Sulfur 20
Copper: The Red Metal 20
Table 11: Global Copper Production (2010): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Mining Output by Leading Players - Codelco,
F-McM Copper and Gold, BHP Billiton, Xstrata AG, Rio Tinto,
Anglo American plc, Southern Copper, KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.,
RAO Norilsk, Kazakhyms and Others 21
World Copper Production 21
Copper Mining Output 21
Table 12: Global Copper Industry (2009 & 2010): Production
in Thousands of Metric Tons by Country for The US,
Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Kazakhstan,
Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia, Zambia and Others 22
Lead 22
Table 13: Global Lead Industry (2009 & 2010): Production in
Thousands of Metric Tons by Country-US, Australia, Bolivia,
Canada, China, India, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia,
South Africa, Sweden and Others 23
Table 14: Leading Players in the Global Lead Market (2010):
Percentage Breakdown of Production for BHP Billiton, Doe
Run, Glencore, Xstrata, Volcan, Apex Silver, Hindustan Zinc,
and Others 23
Manganese 24
Table 15: Global Manganese Market (2009): Reserves in
Thousand Metric Tons by Country - Ukraine, South Africa,
Australia, India, Gabon, China, Brazil, Mexico, and Others 24
Nickel 24
Table 16: Global Nickel Production: (2009 & 2010) Annual
Breakdown in Metric Tons by Country for Australia, Botswana,
Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic,
Indonesia, Madagascar, New Caledonia (7), Philippines,
Russia, South Africa, Venezuela and Others 25
Table 17: Leading Players in the Nickel Mining Industry
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Production for Norilsk,
Vale, Antam, BHP Billiton, Xstrata, Cubaniquel, Eramet,
JNMC¸Minara, SMSP, and Others 26
Graphite and Industrial Diamonds 26
Zinc-Key Statistics 27
Table 18: Global Zinc Industry (2009 & 2010): Production in
Thousands of Metric Tons by Country for The US, Australia,
Bolivia, Canada, China, India, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Mexico,
Peru and Others 27
Table 19: Leading Players in the Zinc Mining Industry
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Production for Glencore,
Teck, Hindustan Zinc, Xstrata, Oz Minerals, Anglo American,
Boliden, Volcan, Ziniflex, Votorantim and Others 27
Kaolin 28
Overview 28
Niobium 28
Zirconium 28
Market Faces Challenges 29
Table 20: Leading Players in the World Zircon Market
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales for Iluka
Resources, Rio Tinto/BHPB, Exxaro, and Others 29
World Mine Production, Reserves and Reserve Base 29
Table 21: World Zirconium Market (2009): Mine Production
in Thousand Metric Tons by Select Country - Australia,
South Africa, China, Indonesia, Ukraine, India, and Brazil 30
Cobalt 30
Table 22: Global Cobalt Reserves (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Share by Country for Congo, Australia, Cuba,
Zambia, Russia, New Caledonia and Rest of World 30
Tin 31
Table 23: Global Tin Industry (2009 & 2010): Production in
Metric Tons by Country for Australia, Bolivia, Brazil,
China, Congo (Kinshasa), Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru,
Portugal, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and Others 31
Silver 31
Table 24: Global Silver Industry (2009 & 2010): Production
in Metric Tons by Country for US, Australia, Bolivia,
Canada, Chile, China, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia and
Others 31
Gold 32
Overview 32
Table 25: Global Gold Industry (2009 & 2010): Production in
Metric Tons by Country for The US, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, China, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, Papua New
Guinea, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Uzbekistan and Others 32
Table 26: Leading Firms in the Global Gold Mining Industry
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Production for Barrack Gold
Corp., Newmont Mining, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields,
Coldcorp, Newcrest Mining, Kinross and Others 33
Global Gold Demand Rises Amidst Weakening Economy 33
Gold Mining in Developing Nations 33
Gold Production Cost Increases Significantly 34
Rising Cost Hits Gold Industry 34
India: Australia's Export Hub 34
Iron Ore 35
Excessive Supply Declines Iron ore Prices 35
Future Prospects 35
Table 27: Global Iron Ore Market (2006 & 2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Imports by Country - Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, China and Rest of World 36
Table 28: Global Iron Ore Market (2006 & 2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Exports by Country - Australia, Brazil,
India, Canada, South Africa, and Rest of World 36
Table 29: Leading Players in the Global Iron Ore Market
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Market Share for Vale, Rio
Tinto, BHP Nilliton, Arcelor Mittal Group and Others 37
Table 30: Global Pigiron and Raw Steel Industry (2009 &
2010): Production in Millions of Metric Tons by Country for
US, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea,
Russia, Ukraine and Others 37
Uranium 38
Table 31: Global Uranium Mining Industry (2010): Breakdown
of Production in Tons by Countries 38
Table 32: Leading Players in the Global Uranium Mining
Industry (2010): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production
for Cameco, Areva, KazAtomProm, Rio Tinto, ARMZ, Uranium
One, Navoi, BHP Billiton, Paladin, Sopamin and Others 38
Table 33: Leading Uranium Producing Mines in the World
(2010): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for
McArthur River (Canada), Ranger (Australia), Rossing
(Namibia), Kraznokamensk (Russia), Arlit (Niger), Tortkuduk
(Kazakhstan), Olympic Dam (Australia), Budenovskoye 2
(Kazakhstan), South Inkai (Kazakhstan), Inkai (Kazakhstan)
and Others 39
Key Statistics 40
Table 34: Global Metal & Mining Industry by Geographic
Region - US, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and
Rest of World Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales
Figures in US$ Million for Years 2010 through 2015 40
Table 35: Global Metal & Mining Industry (2011 & 2015):
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Geographic Region 41
Overview 80
Overview 81
Information Technology in Mining 81
Depletion of Rare Metals in China to Revitalize US Mines 82
Fluorspar 82
Market Trends - A Quantitative Analysis by Mineral 82
Bentonite, Fuller's Earth & Allied Clays 82
Bentonite Production on the Rise in the US 82
Table 36: Leading Markets for Bentonite in the US (2010):
Percentage Breakdown of Market Share by Type 83
Coal 83
Some Interesting Coal Facts 83
Overview 84
Table 37: Volume Production (in Tons) of Coal in the US
(2005-2010) 84
Table 38: Leading Coal Mines in the US (2008): Production
in Millions of Tons for North Antelope Rochelle, Black
Thunder, Jacobs Ranch, Cordero Ranch, Antelope, Caballo,
Belle Ayr, Buckskin, Eagle Butte and Spring Creek 84
Power: A Major End-Use Sector 85
Asian Coal Consumption to Drive Production in the US 85
Feldspar & Nepheline Syenite 85
Feldspar Mine Locations and Producers 85
Gold 86
Rising Gold Prices Increase Mining Activity 86
Gold Output Grows in Nevada 86
Environmental Concerns 86
Soda Ash 86
US Companies Seek New Markets 86
US Soda Ash Producers Witness Recovery in Operating Rates 87
Sulphur 87
Table 39: Sulfur Market in the US (2005-2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Annual Volume Production for Recovered
Elemental and Other Forms 87
1b. CANADA 88
The Largest Producer of Nepheline Syenite 88
Table 40: Canadian Feldspar, Fluorspar; Leucite; Nepheline
and Nepheline Syenite Market (2008 & 2009): Exports Value in
US$ Thousand by Country for US, Italy, Spain, Germany,
Netherlands, Australia, Taiwan, China, Japan, Indonesia, and
Others 88
Table 41: Canadian Feldspar, Fluorspar; Leucite; Nepheline
and Nepheline Syenite Market (2008 & 2009): Imports Value in
US$ Thousand by Country for China, Spain, Mexico, US, and
Others 89
Canadian Mining Sector 89
Outlook 89
Future Trends in the Canadian Mining Industry 89
Effect of the Recession on the Canadian Mining Industry 90
Trade Statistics 90
Table 42: Canada Mineral Exports (2010): Percentage Breakdown
of Exports by Destination Country 90
2. EUROPE 91
Overview 91
Exploration Expenditure 91
Consolidation - Ongoing Process 91
Regulatory Environment 91
Key Statistics 92
Table 43: European Metal & Mining Industry by Geographic
Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest
of Europe Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in
US$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 92
Table 44: European Metal & Mining Industry (2011 & 2015):
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Geographic Region 93
2a. ARMENIA 94
2b. GERMANY 94
Overview 94
2c. RUSSIA 95
Overview 95
Financial Structure of the Mining Industry 95
A Review of the CIS Mining Market 95
Key Statistics 97
Table 45: Metal and Mining Market in Russia and CIS (2010):
Percentage Breakdown of Revenue Share by Segment 97
2d. SPAIN 97
2e. TURKEY 98
2f. UKRAINE 98
3. ASIA 99
Overview 99
Growth Prospects in the Asian Mining Industry 99
Table 46: Asia-Pacific Metal & Mining Industry by Geographic
Region - Japan, China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific
Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 100
Table 47: Asia-Pacific Metal & Mining Industry (2011 & 2015):
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Geographic Region 101
Overview 102
Australian Minerals Industry: A Glimpse Into Recent Past 102
Mining Industry Surges in Australia 102
Reduced Australian Coal Output Causes Black Out in India and
China 103
Demand from Asian Nations Drives Growth 103
Industry Performance 103
Exports on Rise 103
Mineral Prices Take Upward Swing 104
Production Goes Up 104
Exploration Expenditures on Higher Side 104
Major Challenges and Trends in Australian Mining Industry 104
Insolvencies, Restructuring, Project Interruptions and Shutdowns 105
Increased Mergers and Integration Activity 105
Rising Foreign Investment and Alternate Financing Options 105
Responsibilities towards Stakeholders and Regulatory Authorities 105
Feldspar Deposits 106
Gold Mining 106
Diamonds 106
Kaolin 106
Kaolin Exports in Australia to Witness Sharp Growth 106
Nickel 107
Table 48: Annual Production Capacity of Major Nickel Mines in
Australia (In Metric Tons) 107
Trade Statistics 107
Table 49: Australian Uranium Exports (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Exports by Destination Country-EU, Japan,
the US, China, South Korea, Canada, Taiwan and Others 107
3b. JAPAN 108
3c. CHINA 109
Overview 109
Chinese Mining Industry to Show Robust Growth Amidst
Uncertainties 109
Coal Production Continues to Increase 110
Coal Production Exceeds Demand 110
Coal Mining Industry: Threats Overrule 110
Table 50: Leading Coal Mining Machinery Manufacturers in
China (2009): Sales Revenues in Millions of Yuan for
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Co., SANY Heavy Equipment
Co., China Coal Zhangjiakou Coal Mining Machinery Co., Coal
Mining Machinery Co., China Coal Beijing Coal Mining
Machinery Co., Chang Zhi Qinghua Machinery Factory,
Pingdingshan Coal Mine Machinery Corp. Ltd. and Sichuan
Shenkun Equipment Co. 111
Limited Technology Availability Restricts the Growth of
Chinese Mining Sector 112
Mining Industry Reforms and China's Growing Appetite for
Minerals Drives up Foreign Participation 112
China - A Major Producer of Fluorspar 112
Kaolin 112
Outlook 113
Copper 113
A Dominant Copper Producer 113
Chinese Look At Canada for New Copper Resources 114
Gold 114
Go for 'Gold' 114
Nickel 114
Chinese Nickel Industry: A Glance 114
Imports and Exports Scenario 115
Nickel Pig Iron Output Rises Three-Fold 115
Platinum 115
Overview 115
Platinum Group Metals to Witness Significant Growth 116
Driving Factors of Growing Demand 116
3d. INDIA 117
Overview 117
Turbulence in the Indian Mining Industry 117
Iron Ore 117
Bauxite 118
Endowed with Rich Reserves of High Quality Bauxite 118
Bauxite Export from India Doubles 118
Coal 118
Coal Mining in India 118
Table 51: Leading Producers in India (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Production for Coal India Ltd, Singareni
Colleries Company Ltd and Others 118
Gold 119
Domestic Gold Prices Expected to rise to record High 119
Soaring Gold Prices Dramatically Decrease Imports 119
Key Statistics 119
Table 52: Number of Reporting Mines by States in India
(2010) 119
Overview 120
Coal Mining 120
Table 53: Indonesian Coal Exports (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Exports by Destination Country 121
Industrial Salt 122
3f. KOREA 122
Gold 123
Privatization of State-Owned Mining Companies 123
4. AFRICA 125
Overview 125
Diamonds 125
Gold 126
Manganese, Iron ore and Coal 126
Platinum Group Elements 126
Democratic Republic of Congo 126
Copper Production in Congo 127
Ghana 127
Gold Mining 127
Mali 127
Mining Sector - Characterized by Gold 127
Zimbabwe 128
Burgeoning Growth in Mining Industry 128
Overview 129
Mining Sector Growth Slows Down 129
Capital Intensive Technology for Hard Rock Mining Set to Grow 130
Overview 131
Mineral Wealth 131
Outlook 131
Potential Expansion Opportunities for the US Coal Exports 132
Table 54: Latin America Metal & Mining Industry by Geographic
Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America
Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$
Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 132
Table 55: Latin America Metal & Mining Industry (2011 &
2015): Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Geographic
Region 133
5b. BOLIVIA 134
5c. BRAZIL 135
Brazil: A Major Kaolin Producer 135
Demand for Iron Ore Remains Strong 135
Brazil: An Investors Hub 135
Brazilian Mining Industry amidst Challenges 136
5d. CHILE 137
Overview 137
Copper Production 137
Largest Global Producer of Copper 138
Key Statistics 138
Table 56: Chilean Mining Industry (2010): Volume Production
in Millions of Tons by Segment 138
Table 57: Leading Copper Mines in Chile (2009): Percentage
Share Breakdown by Production-Escondida, Codelco Norte,
Collahuasi, El Teniente, Los Pelambres, Los Bronces and
Andina 139
5e. COLOMBIA 140
5f. ECUADOR 141
5g. PERU 142
Major Mineral Deposits in Peru 142
Copper Dominates Metal Extraction Market in Peru 142
Major Equipment Suppliers 143
5h. MEXICO 143
Overview 143
Metal Production Shines 143
Gold Demand Declines in The Middle East 144
To order this report:
Metal and Mineral Industry: Global Mining Industry Industry
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Nicolas Bombourg
Email: [email protected]
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