NEW YORK, Aug. 22, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Industrial Castings Industry
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Industrial Castings in Thousand Tons by the following Product Segments: Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, & Steel Castings), and Nonferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings). The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2009 through 2017. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. The report profiles 1209 companies including many key and niche players such as Bradken - Engineered Products, Esco Corporation, Inc., GIW Industries, Intercast and Forge Pty. Ltd., Kubota Corp., Precision Metalsmiths, Inc., Ryobi Ltd., and Wyman-Gordon Company. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based upon search engine sources in the public domain.
I. INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY & PRODUCT DEFINITIONSStudy Reliability and Reporting Limitations I-1Disclaimers I-2Data Interpretation & Reporting Level I-2Quantitative Techniques & Analytics I-3Product Definitions and Scope of Study I-3Ferrous Castings I-3Gray Iron Castings I-3Ductile Iron Castings I-4Malleable Iron Castings I-4Steel Castings I-4Nonferrous Castings I-4Aluminum I-5II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Market Outlook II-1
Global Foundry Industry to Witness Steady Growth II-1
Foundries Market in North America and Europe to Witness
Speedy Recoveries II-1
Migration of Foundry Facilities to Developing Regions II-2
Market for Aluminum Die-Castings to Grow Steadily II-2
Aluminum Castings: Bright Long-Term Prospects in Transport
Sector II-2
Table 1: Global End-Use Profile for Aluminum (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Applications by Industry for
Transportation, Containers & Packaging, Building &
Construction, Consumer OEMs, and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-3
Growing Opportunities for Magnesium Die Casting II-3
Key Trends II-3
Industrial Machinery and Aerospace Equipment Applications
Fuel Demand II-3
Increasing Usage of Aluminum Castings by the US Automobile
Industry II-3
Innovative Applications Spur Demand for Castings II-4
Metal Die-Castings Industry Trends II-4
Ferrous Metal Castings: A Stagnant Market II-4
Usage of Ductile Iron Predominates Over Gray Iron II-4
Nonferrous Metal Castings: Emerging Sector II-4
Plastics: Evolving as a Fast Growing Substitute II-5
Aluminum and Magnesium Castings on a High Growth Note II-5
Aluminum Die Casting Industry Exempt from Plant Emission
Regulations II-5
Production Scenario II-6
Table 2: Leading Countries in Ferrous Metal Casting
Production for 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-6
Table 3: Leading Countries in Nonferrous Metal CastingProduction for 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-6Table 4: Number of Metal Casting Facilities (Ferrous &Nonferrous) by Major Country for 2008 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-6Table 5: Global Metal Casting Production (2010) - PercentageBreakdown by Top 10 Producing Countries - China, US, Russia,India, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Italy, France and Korea (InMillion Tons) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-7
Industrial Castings - A Preface II-8
Casting Process II-8
Major Metal Casting Processes II-8
Conventional Molding II-8
Precision Molding II-8
Semi-Precision Molding II-9
Chemically Bonded Self-Setting Sand Molding II-9
Innovative Molding II-9
3. PROCESS OVERVIEW II-10Sand Molding II-10Green Sand Molding II-10Skin Dried Molding II-10Floor and Pit Molding II-10Dry Sand Molding II-11Chemical Setting Systems II-11Precision Molding II-11Permanent Mold Casting II-11Cosworth Process II-12Investment Casting II-12Semi-Precision Molding II-13Shell Mold Casting II-13Plaster Mold Casting II-13Ceramic Mold Casting II-13Centrifugal Casting II-14The V-Process II-14Innovative Molding II-14Daimler-Benz Innovates New Casting Process II-14FM Process II-14Squeeze Casting II-15Rheocasting and Thixomolding II-15Steel II-15Iron II-16Die Casting II-16Benefits of Die-casting II-16World Market for Industrial Castings - Casting ProcessCharacteristics II-16Casting Procedure II-17
Ferrous Castings II-18
Gray Iron Castings II-18
Ductile Iron Castings II-18
Malleable Iron Castings II-18
Steel Castings II-19
Nonferrous Castings II-19
Aluminum II-19
Key Facts Involving Aluminum and its Applications in
Automobiles II-19
Major Benefits II-20
5. AN INSIGHT INTO THE APPLICATION MARKETS II-21Automobiles - A Major End Use Market II-21Aerospace Equipment II-21Internal Combustion Engines II-21Construction Machinery/Equipment II-22Oil Field Equipment II-22Valves & Fittings II-22Special Industry Machinery II-22Instruments II-22Other Applications II-22
N.F. CASTING (India) Launches Non-Ferrous Metal Castings and
Alloys II-23
Access and CD-adapco Jointly Introduce STAR-Cast II-23
Dean Group International Introduces Safe Investment Casting Tools II-23
Yamaha to Launch DiASil Technology in India II-23
Yamaha Motor Develops New CF Magnesium Die-Casting Technology II-24
Researchers Develop New Lightweight Magnesium Alloy Casting
Method II-24
Delphi Develops Delphi K-Alloy II-24
7. RECENT INDUSTRY ACTIVITY II-25Ball Corporation Takes Over Neuman Aluminum II-25Superior Takes Over Stake in Synergies Castings II-25Continental Casting Snaps Up Intermet Plants II-25Norcast Wear Solutions Acquires Assets of Swanmet Engineering II-25Citation Merges with Grede II-26The Montupet Group Snaps Up Fonderie du Poitou Aluminium II-26Pace Industries Acquires Business Unit of Del Mar Industries II-26Ashland to Form JV with Sud-Chemie II-26Kobe Steel Completes Construction of Forging Press II-27Virginia Casting Industries to Establish New ManufacturingFacility II-27DISA Group and Wheelabrator Group Merge II-27Compass Automotive Group Takes over Citation's Casting andMachining Operations II-27Eisenwerk Sulzau-Werfen Acquires Miller Centrifugal Casting II-28IBC Advanced Alloys Acquires Specialloy Copper Alloys II-28Aerocast and Sikorsky Aircraft Sign Agreement II-28Acroni Opens Up Continuous Steel Casting Unit II-28Pomina Steel to Construct Steel-Casting Foundry II-29DCM Engineering Commences Production of CGI Castings II-29Globetech Group Commences Operations in North America II-29ProMetal RTC to Provide Casting Technology for DiMora MotorcarProgram II-29Grede Foundries to Shut Down Facilities II-30China First Heavy Industries Invests in Steel Casting andForging Base II-30
Bradken Acquires Atlas II-31
Bradken Acquires AmeriCast Technologies II-31
Yash Birla Group Acquires Birla Perucchini II-31
Riverside Europe Fund III LP Takes over Mekoteknik II-31
Andritz Forms JV with Wolfensberger II-31
MHSC Inks Purchase Agreement with CFM II-32
OMZ Foundry Production Bags Contract to Manufacture Steel Casting II-32
U.S. Aluminum Castings Establishes New Warehouse II-32
Intermet to Shut Down Manufacturing Facility II-32
Precision Castparts Acquires GSC Foundries and Related Assets II-33
AmeriCast Acquires Atlas Castings and Technology II-33
Precision Castparts Acquires Scotland Based Caledonian Alloys II-33
Dynacast Canada Acquires Q-Zip Diecasting II-34
Dynacast Canada Acquires Techmire II-34
Endurance Group Acquires Amann Druckguss II-34
Endurance Technologies Acquires M/s. Fondalmec S.p.A II-34
Fiat Acquires Teksid Aluminum II-35
Harvey Industries Acquires Indiana Power Train II-35
Georg Fischer Takes Over E.D.C. II-35
Bahr Bros Manufacturing Acquires Specialty Castings II-35
Kirloskar Acquires TKSL II-35
Silverhawk Acquires Stake in Elyria Foundry II-36
Sun European Partners Acquires Manoir Industries II-36
Sakthi Auto Acquires Internet Europe II-36
CZP Acquires Brock Metal Unit from Alumasc II-36
TMB Industries Announces Acquisition of Richland Center Foundry II-37
Marathon Asset Management Acquires SPX Contech Division II-37
Nidec Acquires 87% Stake in BML II-37
Aleris International Acquires Wabash Alloys II-37
Advanced Metals Acquires Ross Aluminum Castings II-38
Grupo Alfa Acquires TK Aluminum II-38
Amtek Auto Acquires JLF's Witham Facility II-38
Ashok Leyland Forms Joint Venture with Alteams of Finland II-39
Asahi Tec Sets Up Second Joint Venture for Aluminum Wheel
Production in China II-39
RSB and Team Industries Form a Joint Venture II-39
Standard Car Truck Forms a Joint Venture with Tian Rui Group II-39
Rico Auto and JINFEI Ink Joint Venture Agreement II-40
INTERMET Signs New Contracts for High Pressure Die Cast
Products Supply II-40
Mercury Marine Signs a Licensing Agreement with Top Die Casting II-40
GF Automotive Signs a Licensing Agreement with Cymat II-41
Ashok Leyland Enters into Agreements with Nissan II-41
Shanghai Intech Precision Bags an Initial Order from V.E.
Power Door II-41
Shanghai Intech Electronics Receives Initial Order from CUI II-41
FisherCast Expands Magnesium Die Casting Capacity II-42
AACT to Expand Tennessee Plant II-42
Hong Teo to Double the Plant Space II-42
M/s Bangladesh Vilia Casting to Set Up New Facility in
Karnaphuli EPZ II-42
Hi-Tech ARAI to Establish Aluminum Die-Casting Facility II-42
Emirates Techno to Establish Manufacturing Plant in India II-42
Sona Koyo to Establish Aluminum Die Casting and Forging Facility II-43
Wetzel to Establish New Plant II-43
Sona Koyo to Build New Aluminum Forging and Die-Casting Facility II-43
Ryobi to Build Die-Cast Production Facility in Mexico II-43
RSB Transmission Invests in Various Business Ventures II-43
Leggett and Platt to Shutter Precision Industries Plant II-44
Intermet Divests European Operations II-44
Plas-Tec Tool and Dienamics Changes to Inventix Manufacturing II-44
Kirloskar Ferrous Acquires Kirloskar Oil Engines' Castings II-44
9. FOCUS ON SELECT GLOBAL PLAYERS II-45Bradken - Engineered Products (US) II-45Esco Corporation, Inc (US) II-45GIW Industries (US) II-45Intercast and Forge Pty. Ltd. (Australia) II-45Kubota Corp. (Japan) II-46Precision Metalsmiths, Inc. (US) II-46Ryobi Ltd. (Japan) II-47Wyman-Gordon Company (US) II-47
Table 6: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Industrial Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and
Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual
Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-48
Table 7: World Historic Review for Industrial Castings byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-49
Table 8: World 15-Year Perspective for Industrial Castings by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Middle East Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &
2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-50
Table 9: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forFerrous Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East andLatin American Markets Independently Analyzed with AnnualDemand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-51
Table 10: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Ferrous Castings by Product Segment - Gray Iron Castings,
Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel
Castings Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-52
Table 11: World Historic Review for Ferrous Castings byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-53
Table 12: World Historic Review for Ferrous Castings by
Product Segment - Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,
Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand
Tons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-54
Table 13: World 15-Year Perspective for Ferrous Castings byGeographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand forUS, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),Middle East and Latin America Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-55
Table 14: World 15-Year Perspective for Ferrous Castings by
Product Segment -Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron
Castings, and Steel Castings Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &
2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-56
Table 15: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forGray Iron Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and LatinAmerican Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-57
Table 16: World Historic Review for Gray Iron Castings by
Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific
(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand
Tons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-58
Table 17: World 15-Year Perspective for Gray Iron Castings byGeographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand forUS, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),Latin America, and Middle East Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-59
Table 18: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Ductile Iron Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada,
Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East
and Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual
Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through
2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-60
Table 19: World Historic Review for Ductile Iron Castings byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-61
Table 20: World 15-Year Perspective for Ductile Iron Castings
by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand
for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Middle East Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &
2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-62
Table 21: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forMalleable Iron Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada,Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle Eastand Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with AnnualDemand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-63
Table 22: World Historic Review for Malleable Iron Castings by
Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Middle East Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand
Tons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-64
Table 23: World 15-Year Perspective for Malleable IronCastings by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of VolumeDemand for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excludingJapan), Latin America, and Middle East Markets for Years 2003,2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-65
Table 24: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Steel Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East, and Latin
American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-66
Table 25: World Historic Review for Steel Castings byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-67
Table 26: World 15-Year Perspective for Steel Castings by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Middle East Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &
2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-68
Table 27: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forNon-Ferrous Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and LatinAmerican Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-69
Table 28: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Non-Ferrous Castings by Product Segment -Aluminum Castings,
Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous
Castings Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-70
Table 29: World Historic Review for Non-Ferrous Castings byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-71
Table 30: World Historic Review for Non-Ferrous Castings by
Product Segment -Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium
Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings Markets Independently
Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years
2003through 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-72
Table 31: World 15-Year Perspective for Non-Ferrous Castingsby Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demandfor US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),Middle East and Latin American Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-73
Table 32: World 15-Year Perspective for Non-Ferrous Castings
by Product Segment - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and
Other Nonferrous Castings Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-74
Table 33: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forAluminum Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and LatinAmerican Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-75
Table 34: World Historic Review for Aluminum Castings by
Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific
(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand
Tons for Years 2003through 2008 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-76
Table 35: World 15-Year Perspective for Aluminum Castings byGeographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand forUS, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),Middle East and Latin American Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-77
Table 36: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Copper Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin
American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-78
Table 37: World Historic Review for Copper Castings byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-79
Table 38: World 15-Year Perspective for Copper Castings by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),
Middle East and Latin America Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &
2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-80
Table 39: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forMagnesium Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan,Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and LatinAmerican Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-81
Table 40: World Historic Review for Magnesium Castings by
Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific
(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand
Tons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-82
Table 41: World 15-Year Perspective for Magnesium Castings byGeographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand forUS, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),Middle East and Latin American Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-83
Table 42: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Other Non-Ferrous Castings by Geographic Region - US, Canada,
Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), Middle East and
Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual
Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through
2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-84
Table 43: World Historic Review for Other Non-Ferrous Castingsby Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific(excluding Japan), Middle East and Latin American MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in ThousandTons for Years 2003 through 2008 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-85
Table 44: World 15-Year Perspective for Other Non-Ferrous
Castings by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Volume
Demand for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding
Japan), Middle East and Latin American Markets for Years
2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-86
A.Market Analysis III-1
Overview III-1
US Metal Castings Industry Stumbles Amidst Recession III-1
US Market for Industrial Castings: Metal Casting Industry At
a Glance III-2
Metal Casting Production in the US III-3
Table 45: Metal Casting Production in the US (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown by Segment - Ductile Iron, Gray
Iron, Steel and Nonferrous (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-3
Focus on Select Players III-3
Precision Castparts Corp. III-3
B.Market Analytics III-4
Table 46: The US Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings
(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron
Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings
(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and
Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed
with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009
through 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-4
Table 47: The US Historic Review for Industrial Castings byProduct Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and SteelCastings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other NonferrousCastings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-5
Table 48: The US 15-Year Perspective for Industrial Castings
by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,
Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous
Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium
Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets for Years
2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-6
2. CANADA III-7A.Market Analysis III-7Table 49: Canadian Metal Casting Production (2008-2010):Annual Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile Iron andAluminum (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-7B.Market Analytics III-8Table 50: Canadian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysisfor Industrial Castings by Product Group - ferrous Castings(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable IronCastings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, andOther Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzedwith Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009through 2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-8
Table 51: Canadian Historic Review for Industrial Castings
by Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,
Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel
Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,
Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous
Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-9
Table 52: Canadian 15-Year Perspective for IndustrialCastings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of VolumeDemand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, DuctileIron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, CopperCastings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings)Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) III-10
A.Market Analysis III-11
Aluminum Die-Casting Applications III-11
Table 53: Japanese Aluminum Die-Cast Applications (2009 &
2010): Breakdown by End-use Segments - Industrial Machinery &
Engineering, Electrical Equipment, Automotive, Motorcycle &
Other Vehicles and Others (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-11
Metal Casting Production in Japan III-11
Table 54: Metal Casting Production (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile Iron, Steel
and Nonferrous (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-11
Players III-11
B.Market Analytics III-12
Table 55: Japanese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings
(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron
Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings
(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and
Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed
with Annual Sales Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009
through 2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-12
Table 56: Japanese Historic Review for Industrial Castingsby Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and SteelCastings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Non-FerrousCastings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-13
Table 57: Japanese 15-Year Perspective for Industrial
Castings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume
Demand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile
Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)
and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper
Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings)
Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-14
4. EUROPE III-15A.Market Analysis III-15Overview III-15The Cost Factor in the European Castings Market III-15Escalating Demand for Magnesium Die-Castings III-15Production Scenario III-15Table 58: Leading European Countries in Metal Casting(Ferrous & Nonferrous) Production for 2008 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) III-16
Table 59: Western Europe Metal Die-Castings Production
(2008-2010) - Annual Breakdown by Segments Gray Iron
Castings and Ductile Iron Castings for Countries - Germany,
Italy, France, Turkey, Spain, UK, Sweden, Belgium,
Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Switzerland, Norway,
Portugal and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-17
B.Market Analytics III-18
Table 60: European Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Industrial Castings by Geographic Region - France,
Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe
Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in
Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-18
Table 61: European Recent Past, Current & Future Analysisfor Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable IronCastings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, andOther Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzedwith Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009through 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-19
Table 62: European Historic Review for Industrial Castings
by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain,
Russia, and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed
with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003
through 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-20
Table 63: European Historic Review for Industrial Castingsby Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and SteelCastings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other NonferrousCastings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-21
Table 64: European 15-Year Perspective for Industrial
Castings by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of
Volume Demand for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain,
Russia, and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2003, 2011 &
2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-22
Table 65: European 15-Year Perspective for IndustrialCastings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of VolumeDemand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, DuctileIron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, CopperCastings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings)Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) III-23
A.Market Analysis III-24
Overview III-24
Metal Casting Production III-24
Table 66: France Metal Casting Production (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown by Segment - Ductile Iron, Gray
Iron, Steel and Nonferrous (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-24
B.Market Analytics III-25
Table 67: French Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings
(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron
Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings
(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and
Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed
with Annual Sales Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009
through 2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-25
Table 68: French Historic Review for Industrial Castings byProduct Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and SteelCastings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other NonferrousCastings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-26
Table 69: French 15-Year Perspective for Industrial Castings
by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand for
Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,
Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous
Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium
Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets for Years
2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-27
4b. GERMANY III-28A.Market Analysis III-28Overview III-28Recession Overview of Metal Die-Castings Industry in Germany III-28Metal Cast Production III-28Table 70: Metal Casting Production in Germany (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, DuctileIron, Steel and Nonferrous (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) III-28B.Market Analytics III-29Table 71: German Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forIndustrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable IronCastings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, andOther Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzedwith Annual Sales Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009through 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-29
Table 72: German Historic Review for Industrial Castings by
Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,
Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel
Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,
Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous
Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-30
Table 73: German 15-Year Perspective for Industrial Castingsby Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand forFerrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-FerrousCastings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, MagnesiumCastings, and Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets for Years2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-31
4c. ITALY III-32
A.Market Analysis III-32
Brief Overview of the Metal Die-Castings Industry III-32
Recession Analysis III-32
Metal Casting Production III-32
Table 74: Italian Metal Casting Production (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile
Iron, Steel and Nonferrous (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-32
B.Market Analytics III-33
Table 75: Italian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings
(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron
Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings
(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and
Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed
with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009
through 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-33
Table 76: Italian Historic Review for Industrial Castings byProduct Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and SteelCastings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Non-FerrousCastings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-34
Table 77: Italian 15-Year Perspective for Industrial
Castings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume
Demand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile
Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)
and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper
Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings)
Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-35
4d. THE UNITED KINGDOM III-36Market Analysis III-36Table 78: The UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forIndustrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable IronCastings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, andOther Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzedwith Annual Sales Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009through 2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-36
Table 79: The UK Historic Review for Industrial Castings by
Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,
Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel
Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,
Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous
Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008
(includes corresponding Graph/chart) III-37
Table 80: The UK 15-Year Perspective for Industrial Castingsby Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume Demand forFerrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-FerrousCastings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, MagnesiumCastings, and Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets for Years2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-38
4e. SPAIN III-39
Market Analysis III-39
Table 81: Spanish Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings
(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron
Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings
(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and
Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed
with Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009
through 2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-39
Table 82: Spanish Historic Review for Industrial Castings byProduct Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and SteelCastings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other NonferrousCastings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual DemandFigures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-40
Table 83: Spanish 15-Year Perspective for Industrial
Castings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of Volume
Demand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile
Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)
and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper
Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings)
Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-41
4f. RUSSIA III-42A.Market Analysis III-42Table 84: Russian Metal Casting Production (2008-2010):Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile Iron and Aluminum(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-42B.Market Analytics III-43Table 85: Russian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis forIndustrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings(Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable IronCastings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings(Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, andOther Nonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzedwith Annual Sales Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2009through 2017(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-43
Table 86: Russian Historic Review for Industrial Castings by
Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,
Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel
Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,
Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous
Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand
Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003 through 2008
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-44
Table 87: Russian 15-Year Perspective for IndustrialCastings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of VolumeDemand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, DuctileIron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, CopperCastings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings)Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) III-45
A.Market Analysis III-46
Metal Die-Castings Market in Eastern Europe III-46
Table 88: Eastern Europe Metal Die-Castings Production
(2008 & 2010) - Breakdown by Segments Gray Iron Castings
and Ductile Iron Castings for Countries - Poland, Czech
Republic, Romania and Hungary (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) III-46
Polish Market for Industrial Castings III-46
Market Conditions III-47
Czech Republic III-47
Hungary III-47
Romania III-47
B.Market Analytics III-48
Table 89: Rest of European Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous
Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,
Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous
Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium
Castings, and Other Nonferrous Castings) Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures in
Thousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017(includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-48
Table 90: Rest of European Historic Review for IndustrialCastings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray IronCastings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings,and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (AluminumCastings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and OtherNonferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed withAnnual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003through 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-49
Table 91: Rest of European 15-Year Perspective for
Industrial Castings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown
of Volume Demand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings,
Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel
Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings,
Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Nonferrous
Castings) Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-50
5. ASIA-PACIFIC III-51A.Market Analysis III-51Overview III-51Shifting of Markets III-51Competition III-51India - The New Cast Metals Hub III-52Rising Demand for SG and Gray Iron Castings in India III-52Metal Casting Industry Production Remains Upbeat III-53Table 92: Indian Metal Casting Production (2008-2010):Annual Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile Iron andAluminum (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-53Stable Machine Tools Industry to Increase Demand for Die-castings in India III-53China - A Key Market for Industrial Castings III-53Metal Casting Industry in China Remains Unaffected byRecession III-54Table 93: Chinese Metal Casting Production (2008-2010):Annual Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile Iron andAluminum (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-54Korea III-55Metal Die-Castings Production in Korea Slowdown Due toRecession III-55Table 94: Korean Metal Casting Production (2008-2010):Annual Breakdown by Segment - Gray Iron, Ductile Iron andAluminum (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-55Key Players III-55Bradken Limited (Australia) III-55B.Market Analytics III-56Table 95: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & FutureAnalysis for Industrial Castings by Product Group - FerrousCastings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-FerrousCastings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, MagnesiumCastings, and Other Non-Ferrous Castings) MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Demand Figures inThousand Tons for Years 2009 through 2017 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) III-56
Table 96: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Industrial
Castings by Product Group - Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron
Castings, Ductile Iron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings,
and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum
Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium Castings, and Other
Non-Ferrous Castings) Markets Independently Analyzed with
Annual Demand Figures in Thousand Tons for Years 2003
through 2008 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-57
Table 97: Asia-Pacific 15-Year Perspective for IndustrialCastings by Product Group - Percentage Breakdown of VolumeDemand for Ferrous Castings (Gray Iron Castings, DuctileIron Castings, Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings)and Non-Ferrous Castings (Aluminum Castings, CopperCastings, Magnesium Castings, and Other Non-FerrousCastings) Markets for Years 2003, 2011 & 2017 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) III-58
Market Analytics III-59
Table 98: The Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Industrial Castings by Product Group - Ferrous
Castings (Gray Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings,
Malleable Iron Castings, and Steel Castings) and Non-Ferrous
Castings (Aluminum Castings, Copper Castings, Magnesium
Castings, and Oth
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Nicolas Bombourg
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