NEW YORK, March 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Broadcasting Industry Industry
The global outlook series on the Broadcasting Industry provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. The report offers a bird's eye view of the global broadcasting market and identifies major trends, issues, challenges and growth drivers. Regional markets briefly abstracted and covered include US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, China, India, Mexico, Middle East and Africa among others. The report offers a compilation of recent mergers, acquisitions, strategic corporate developments and product launches. Market discussions in the report are punctuated with a number of fact-rich market data tables. Also included is an indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of 517 companies worldwide.
1. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 1TV Broadcasting - The Major Segment 1Dynamics of the Global TV Broadcasting Industry 1Technological Advancements - Key Growth Propellers 2Transformation now Imminent for Broadcasters 2Conventional TV Facing Competition from Cable and Satellite TV 3Broadcasters Reduce Spending on Technology during Recent Downturn 3Free-to-Air TV Beginning to Lose Stand 3Is Radio Broadcasting Going Obsolete? 4Global Broadcasting Industry - An Outlook 4Key Statistics: 5Table 1: Global Market for Broadcasting and Cable TV byGeographic Region - US, Canada, Europe and Rest of WorldMarkets Independently Analyzed with Annual Revenue Figures inUS$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 5
Table 2: Global Five Year Perspective for Broadcasting and
Cable TV by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of
Dollar Revenues for US, Canada, Europe and Rest of World
Markets for Years 2011 & 2015 6
Video-over-Internet - An Overview 7
iPTV - The New Buzz Word 7
Table 3: Global iPTV Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Leading iPTV Operators 8
2. BROADCASTING GOING DIGITAL 9Table 4: Global Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Market(2006-2011): Breakdown by Number of Subscribers in Millions 9Top Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Markets Worldwide (2011): Countries Ranked by Number of Subscribers in Millions 9Table 5: Global Broadband Market (2011 Q3): PercentageBreakdown for Number of Broadband Lines in Million by MajorRegions 10Growth of Public Service Broadcasting - Need of the Hour 10
Advertising 11
Changing Video Viewership Structure Leads to Fragmentation of
Audience 11
Table 6: Annual Compounded Growth Rates for Advertising in
Various Media Over the Period (2011-2015) 11
Pay-TV Channels 12
Table 7: Global Market for Pay TV by Geographic Region - US,
Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific (Including Japan), Latin America
and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual
Revenue Figures in US$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 12
Table 8: Global 5-Year Perspective for Pay TV by GeographicRegion - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenues for US,Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific (Including Japan), Latin Americaand Rest of World Markets for Years 2010 and 2015 13Public Funding 13
Broadcasting Methods 14
Broadcasting Technologies 14
DTV Broadcasting Standards 14
ATSC System 14
DVB Standard 15
Transmission Techniques 15
Digital Transmission Vs. Analog Transmission 16
HD Broadcasting Standards in Select Countries 16
5. MAJOR ISSUES AND TRENDS 17Increased Levels of Piracy 17Convergence Vs. Divergence 17Open Standards - Increasing Interoperability 17Interactive Content - Demand Vs. Detriments 17Interactive TVs (ITVs) Gains Popularity 17Exclusive Channels for Children Coming Up 18Advertising Campaigns - Increasing Choices 18Need for Reliable Satellite Services 18Advent of Portable TV Technology 18Programmers and Cable Operators Must Join the Force 18Market Growing for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) 19Broadcast and DTT Video Encoders Market Recovers Post Recession 19Global IP Set-top Box Market to Expand 20Distribution - Terrestrial/Satellite/Cable 20
Broadband Market 21
Table 9: Global Broadband Technology (2011 Q3): Percentage
Share Breakdown by Major Types - DSL, Cable Modem, FTTx,
FTTH, Satellite/mobile and Others 21
Table 10: Global Market for ADSL Broadband Market byGeographic Region - North America, Europe, Japan, and AsianMarkets Independently Analyzed with Subscribers in Millionfor Years 2003 through 2008 21Digital Cable TV Household Penetration 22Table 11: Global Digital Cable Television Market (2010):Number of Households in Millions by Country - China, USA,Germany, Japan, India, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Brazil,Argentina, Taiwan, South Korea, Turkey, France, Mexico,Belgium, and Others 22HDTV Market 23Table 12: Global Market for HDTV by Geographic Region - USA,Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan), LatinAmerica, and Rest of World markets Independently Analyzedwith Annual Sales Figures in Thousand Units for Years 2005through 2008 23
Table 13: Global Market for HDTV (2005- 2008): Geographic
Regions Ranked by Growth - Asia-Pacific, USA, Canada, Europe,
Latin America, Japan, and Rest of World 23
1a. THE UNITED STATES 96Market Scenario 96US Broadcasters Perform Well in 2010 after a Year Long Slump 96Table 14: Revenue Growth of Broadcasting Companies in the US- Percentage Growth in Broadcaster Revenues in 2010 OverRevenues in 2009 96Facts and Figures 97Competitive Scenario 97Top 10 Broadcasting Companies in the US (2011) - Ranked onthe Basis of Coverage 97Market Overview 97Table 15: Broadcasting Market in the US (2011): PercentageBreakdown by Category - Cable, Satellite and Others 98
Table 16: TV Distribution Advertising Market in the US
(2007-2010): Value in US$ Billion by Category - TV Stations,
Local, National Spot and Multichannel Systems 98
Table 17: Major Revenue Sources (Advertisers) for USBroadcast TV (2011): Percentage Share Breakdown byAdvertising Industries - Automotive, Telecommunications,Restaurants, Car & Truck Dealers, Government & Publications,Furniturestores, Insurance, Hotels & Resorts, Financial andOthers 99
Table 18: Leading Advertising Media to Which Teens Pay More
Attention in the US (2011): Breakdown in Survey Percentage
for Cable TV, Radio, and Broadcast TV 99
Radio Broadcasting Market 99
Table 19: US Market for Local Radio Stations Analyzed with
Annual Internet-Derived Revenues in US$ Million for Years
2004 through 2010 100
Direct Broadcast Satellite Television 100
Table 20: Direct Broadcasting Satellite Market in the US
(2011): Percentage Breakdown of Subscribers by Type - Single
Family Home, Mobile Home, Apartment, Multi-Family Home,
Condo, and Others 100
Digital TV Broadcasting 101
Table 21: US Market for Digital TV by Platform -
Direct-To-Home, Cable, and Digital Terrestrial Households
Independently Analyzed with Annual Households in Millions for
Years 2003 through 2008 101
Pay TV Market 101
Table 22: US Market for Pay Television Analyzed with Annual
Revenue Figures in US$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 101
iPTV Market 102
Table 23: US Current and Future Analysis for iPTV by Number
of Subscribers in Million for the Years 2009 through 2015 102
Television Watching Habits - Demographic Surveys 103
Table 24: Television Viewership in the US (2011): Survey
Percentage for Urban Market and National Market by
Demographic Profile - Married, Households with Children aged
< 18, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Household Income <$25K,
Household Income >$25K & <$50K, Household Income >$50K &
<$75K, and Household Income >$75K &
<$100K 103>Table 25: Leading Pay Television Subscribers in the US(2011): Survey Percentage for Movies, Documentaries,Education, Children's Programming, Sports, News &Information, and Music 104
1b. CANADA 105
Broadcasting and Cable Industry in Canada - An Overview 105
Legal Aspects of Broadcasting 105
Opportunities for US Broadcasters 105
Broadcast Industry in Canada Posts Increased Revenues in 2010 106
Impact of Recession on Private Radio Broadcasters in Canada 106
Consolidations Marks the Canadian Broadcasting Sector 106
Television Broadcasting 106
Table 26: Canadian Market for Pay Television Analyzed with
Annual Revenue Figures in US$ Billion for Years 2010 through
2015 107
2. EUROPE 108Overview 108European TV Industry - Facts and Figures 108Strong Recovery for Big Five European Broadcasters in 2010 109European Pay TV Market Analytics 109Table 27: European Market for Pay TV by Geographic Region -France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Rest of Europe MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Revenue Figures in US$Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 109
Table 28: European 5-Year Perspective for Pay TV by
Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenues
for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, and Rest of Europe
Markets for Years 2010 and 2015 110
Radio Broadcasting 111
Table 29: European Market for Radio Advertising Analyzed with
Annual Sales Figures in € Billion for Years 2003 through 2008 111
Television Broadcasting 111
Table 30: Broadcasting Market in Europe (2006): Number of
Video-on-Demand (VOD) and Near Video-on-Demand (NVOD)
Services Introduced by Technology Platform/Category - Cable,
Satellite, DTT, and IPTV 112
Digital TV Penetration in Europe 112
Table 31: European Digital TV Penetration (2011): Penetration
as a Percentage of TV Households in Individual Countries 112
Table 32: European Market for Television by Select Country -Germany, Poland Czech Republic, Netherlands, and AustrianMarkets Independently Analyzed with Annual Household Figuresin Million for Years 2003 through 2008 113Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Service 113Table 33: Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Market inEurope (2011): Service Revenues in US$ Million by SelectCountry - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, and Russia 113
Table 34: Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Market in
Europe (2011): Number of Subscribers in Millions by Select
Country - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Russia 114
Table 35: Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Market inEurope (2011): Percentage Penetration of IPTV in Total Pay TVHouseholds by Select Country - Italy, Spain, France, Norway,Slovenia, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, and UK 114Multi-Channel Television Service 115Table 36: Western European Market for Multi ChannelTelevision Service by Country - Austria, Belgium, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,UK, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Russian MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Annual Subscribers in Millionsfor Years 2003 through 2008 115Interactive Television 116Table 37: European Market for Interactive TelevisionAdvertising by Country - Germany, UK, Sweden, France, Italy,Spain, and Others Markets Independently Analyzed with AnnualSales Figures in £ Million for Years 2003 through 2008 116High Definition TV Channels in EU 117Table 38: High Definition Channels in EU (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Channels Available by Genres 117
2a. FRANCE 118
Radio Broadcasting 118
TV Broadcasting 118
Market Players 118
Table 39: French Market for Television Broadcast Services by
Type - Cable and Satellite Independently Analyzed with
Annual Household Figures in Millions for Years 2003 through
2008 119
2b. GERMANY 120Radio Broadcasting 120TV Broadcasting 120Trends 120
2c. ITALY 121
Overview 121
Radio Broadcasting 121
Television Broadcasting 121
Table 40: Number of Broadcast Television Service Households
by Select Type in Italy: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008
in Millions for Cable and Satellite 121
2d. SPAIN 122Overview 122Table 41: Broadcast Television Penetration by Type in Spain(2011): Percentage Share Breakdown for Direct-To-HomeSatellite, Cable and Digital Terrestrial Television 122Television Broadcasting 122Emergence of Local TV Stations 122Table 42: Number of Households with Broadcast TelevisionServices by Type in Spain: Annual Market for 2003 through2008 in Millions for Satellite and Cable 123
TV Viewership in UK 124
Table 43: Television Viewership in the UK (2011) : Percentage
Share Breakdown by Channels 124
Broadcasting Regulations 124
Table 44: Number of Broadcasting Services Households in the
UK: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Millions of
Households for Terrestrial Analog, Digital Satellite, Digital
Cable, and Digital Terrestrial 125
Table 45: Number of Households with Broadcast TelevisionServices by Type in UK: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008in Millions for and Satellite and Cable 125
Table 46: iTV Network Viewers by Characteristics in the UK:
2011 Survey Percentage 126
3. ASIA-PACIFIC 127Leading Broadcasters in the APAC 127Leading Broadcasters in Asia-Pacific - Ranked on the basis ofEBITDA in 2010 127Cable Broadcasting 127Table 47: Cable Households By Geographic Regions in Asia:Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Millions of Numbersfor China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, South Korea,Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia,Malaysia, Pakistan, and New Zealand 128The Multi-Channel Television 129Table 48: Multi Channel Television Service Subscribers byCountry in Asia: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 inMillions for China, India, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea,Philippines, Pakistan, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia,Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and New Zealand 129Pay Television (Pay TV) Market 130Asian Pay TV Market to Witness Strong Growth 130Leading Broadband Pay-TV Operators in Asia-Pacific - Rankedon the Basis of EDITDA in 2010 130Table 49: Number of Pay Television Services Households byCountry in Asia: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 inMillions of households for China, India, Indonesia, Korea,Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, andSingapore 131
Table 50: Pay Television Services Penetration in Asia: 2011
in Percentage for Taiwan, India, Korea, Indonesia, China,
Hog Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand 131
3a. AUSTRALIA 132TV Broadcasting 132Table 51: Number of TV, Cable, and Satellite Households inAustralia: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Millions 132
Table 52: Broadcasting Media in Australia - Annual
Advertising Expenditure for Television and Radio in US$
Million for Years 2003 through 2009 132
3b. JAPAN 133Table 53: Internet-Protocol Television (IPTV) Market in Japan- Number of Subscribers in Millions for Years 2006 through2010 133
Table 54: Broadcasting Media in Japan: Annual Advertising
Expenditure for Television and Radio in US$ Million for Years
2003 through 2009 133
3c. CHINA 134Overview 134Table 55: Television and Radio Broadcasting Penetration inChina: 2011 Percentage of Population Covered for TV and Radio 134
Table 56: TV and Radio Advertisement Turnover in China:
Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Billions of Renminbi 135
Radio Broadcasting 135
Television Broadcasting 135
Table 57: Chinese Internet-protocol Television (IPTV) Market
(2011): Percentage Breakdown of Consumer Preferences for
Video-on-demand, Live TV Broadcast, and Time Shifted TV
Broadcast 136
Modes of TV Broadcasting 136
Table 58: Number of Broadband Television Households in
China: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Millions 136
Table 59: Basic Cable Television Service Revenues in China:Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Billions of US$ 137
3d. INDIA 138
Indian TVBroadcasting Industry - An Overview 138
Table 60: The Indian TV Broadcasting Pie - 2011 138
Trends 139
Increasing Introduction of Reality Shows, Talent Hunts 139
Increasing Number of Niche or Specialty Channels 139
Rise in the Number of Market Players 140
Increasing Focus On Overseas Markets 140
Cable TV in India Going Digital 140
Indian DTH Market 140
Table 61: Indian DTH Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown of
Market Share for Providers - Dish TV, Sun Direct, Tata Sky,
Big TV, Airtel and D2H 141
4. LATIN AMERICA 142Satellite Television Market to Grow in Latin America 142Table 62: TV Distribution Market in Latin America(2007-2010): Value in US$ Million by Category - Subscriptionsand Video-on-Demand 142
Table 63: Number of Television Households by Country in Latin
America: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Millions for
Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico,
and Others 143
Table 64: Number of Broadcast Television Service Householdsby Type in Latin America: Annual Market for2003 through 2008in Millions for Cable and Satellite 144
4a. MEXICO 145
Overview 145
Television Broadcasting 145
Table 65: Television Broadcasting Industry by Number of TV
Households in Mexico: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in
Millions of Households 145
Table 66: Mexican Television Broadcasting Industry by Pay TVSubscribers: Annual Market for 2003 through 2008 in Millionsof Subscribers for Cable, MMDS, and DTH 146
Television Broadcasting 147
Table 67: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East: Number of
Television Households in '000 for 2005 through 2008 by Gulf
Country - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar 147
Table 68: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East: Number ofSatellite Television Households in '000 for 2005 through 2008by Gulf Country - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain,and Qatar 148
Table 69: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East: Number of
MMDS/Cable TV Households in '000 for 2005 through 2008 by
Leading Gulf Country - UAE, Kuwait, and Qatar 148
Table 70: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East: Number ofPay Direct-to-home (DTH) Households in '000 for 2006 through2008 by Leading Gulf Country - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE,Bahrain, and Oman 149
Table 71: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East (2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Multi-channel Television
Households in '000 for Gulf Country - Saudi Arabia, UAE,
Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar 149
Table 72: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East (2010):Percentage Share Breakdown of Pay Television Households in'000 by Gulf Country - UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar,Bahrain, and Oman 150
Table 73: Broadcasting Market in the Middle East (2010):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Net Television Advertising in
US$ Million by Gulf Country - UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar 150
6. AFRICA 151
Television Broadcasting 151
Table 74: Broadcasting Market in North Africa: Number of
Television Households in '000 for 2005 through 2008 by
Country - Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia 151
Table 75: Broadcasting Market in the North Africa: Number ofMulti-channel Television Households in '000 for 2006 and 2007by Country - Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia 151
Table 76: Broadcasting Market in the North Africa: Number of
Pay Television Households in '000 for 2006 through 2008 by
Country - Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco 152
Table 77: Broadcasting Market in the North Africa: Number ofPay Direct-to-home (DTH) Households in '000 for 2006 through2008 by Country - Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco 152
Table 78: Broadcasting Market in North Africa: Number of
Satellite Television Households in '000 for 2005 through 2008
by Country - Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia 153
Table 79: Broadcasting Market in North Africa: Net TelevisionAdvertising in US$ Million for 2005 through 2008 by Country -Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria 153
Overview 154
Policy Process 154
Broadcasting Reforms 154
Private Sector in Broadcasting 155
Advertising 155
Broadcasting and Manufacturing Sector 155
Cross Ownership Issues 156
Television Market in South Africa 156
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Nicolas Bombourg
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