NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
The global outlook series on Apparel provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. The report offers a bird's eye view of latest trends and consumer-dictated themes lending growth traction to this effervescent, ever-changing industry. The report also recapitulates recent noteworthy mergers, acquisitions, and other strategic developments. Market discussions in the report are punctuated with fact-rich market data tables. Regional markets elaborated upon include United States, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, UK, China, India and Brazil, among others. The report also includes an indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of 1451 companies worldwide.
1. GLOBAL MARKET DYNAMICS 1Table 1: Global Luxury Apparel Market (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share by Category-Clothes, Lingerie,Footwear, Jeans, Formalwear, Outwear and Others 1Top 10 Apparel Brands in the World (2010: Ranked By Brand Value 1Women's Wear 2Classification 2Trends 2Womenswear Leads the International Apparel Demand 2Transforming Women Sports Wear Trends 2Expansion of Women's Line of Business Casual Clothes 3Women Show Marked Preference for Casuals 3Table 2: Global Women and Girl's Clothing Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -Blouses & Shirts, Slacks & Trousers, Dresses, Suits &Coats, Underwear & Nightwear and Other Garments 3Bridal Wear: On a Path of Consistent Growth 4Men's Wear 4Classification 4Trends 4Key Players Team Up to Reinforce their Market Shares 4Casual Wear Finds Place in Workplaces 5Sportswear: On an Upward Trend 5Sportswear Turns Versatile and Functional 5Table 3: Global Athletic Apparel Market (2010):Percentage Breakdown of Market Share by Company-Nike,Adidas, VF Knitwear, Columbia, Puma, Quicksilver, Reebokand Others 6
Table 4: Global Soccer Apparel Market (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Market Share by Companies-Adidas, Nike,
Vital Apparel and Under Armour and Others 6
Women: Major Decision Makers 6
Jeans: Universal Appeal 7
Table 5: Global Men's and Boys' Clothing Market (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product - Segment
Suits, Shirts & T-Shirts, Trousers, Slacks & Jeans, Suits,
Coats & Jackets, Underwear & Nightwear and Miscellaneous
Clothing 7
Table 6: Women's Jeans Market (2011): Percentage Breakdownof Value Sales by Retail Channel Type-Specialty Stores,Department Stores, National Chains, Mass Merchants,Off-price Retailers, Mail/Internet, Outlets and Others 7Children's Wear 8Overview 8Table 7: Global Children's Apparel Market (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Value Sales by Brand-Specialty Retail Brands,Carter's, OshKosh, Private Labels and Others 9Infant and Toddler Apparel 9Designer Wear 9Online Apparel 10Review of ATC and WTO on the Industry 10Removal of Textile and Apparel Quotas 10Agreement on Textiles and Clothing 11The Impact 11General Outlook 11Fashion Trends 12Dominance of Inventories 12
Sportswear Remains Largely Unaffected by Recession 14
Low-cost Apparel Extremely Popular in Developing Economies 14
Role of E-Business in Apparel Retailing Sector 14
Private Labels: A New Trend in the Apparel Industry 15
Fashion Drives the Apparels Market 15
Environmental Sustainability: A New Trend 15
Consolidations Mark the Apparels Market 15
Market Analysis 16
Table 8: Global Current and Future Analysis of Apparel Market
by Geographic Region-US, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific
(including Japan), Latin America and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed with Annual Revenues in US$ Billion
for the Years 2010 through 2015 16
Table 9: Global 5-Year Perspective for Apparel Market byGeographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenuesfor US, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific (Including Japan), LatinAmerica and Rest of World Markets for Years 2011 & 2015 17
1a. THE UNITED STATES 99Overview 99Table 10: Apparel and Accessories Market in the US (2010):Sales in US$ Billion by Sub-Segment - Tops, Bottoms, TailoredClothing, Intimate Apparel, Outerwear, Sleepwear, Hosiery,Fleecewear, Accessories, Male Underwear, Swimwear,Children's/ Infants' Sets, and Special Infants' Wear 99
Table 11: Leading Apparel Specialists in the US (2010): Sales
in US$ Million for TJMaxx/ Marshalls, Old Navy, Foot Locker,
Ross Stores, and Victoria's Secret 100
Table 12: Protective and Safety Apparel Market in NorthAmerica (2011): Percentage Breakdown of Market Share bySector-Thermal, Visibility, Ballistics/ Cut and Stash,Chemical, Conducive/anti-static and Others 100Women's Wear 101Table 13: US Women's and Girls' Clothing Market (2004 &2008): Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by ProductSegment - Blouses & Shirts, Slacks & Trousers, Dresses, Suits &Coats, Underwear & Nightwear and Other Garments 101
Table 14: Leading Women's Apparel Chain Stores in the US
(2008): Sales in US$ '000 for Charming Shoppes Inc., Ann
Taylor Stores Corp., Chico's FAS Inc, The Dress Barn Inc, New
York & Co, Cato Corp., Coldwater Creek Inc., Christopher &
Banks Corp and Cache 102
Trends 102
Women's Plus-Size Market: Rapidly Expanding 102
Activewear in Demand from Health- Conscious Females 102
Table 15: Leading Off-Price Apparel Chain Stores in the US
(2011): Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales in US$ Billion
by Companies T.J Maxx/Marshalls, Ross Dress for Less,
Burlington Coat Factory, DSW and Nostrom Rack 103
Top Women's Apparel Brands (2010): Ranked By Consumer
Preference 103
Market Scenario 103
US Apparel Market: An Overview During and Post Recession 103
Leather Apparels Back in Fashion 104
Jeans Market 104
Outerwear 104
Sportswear 105
Factors Affecting Women's Sportswear Market 105
Casual Sportswear Industry - Trekking the Crests & Troughs 105
Casualization Boosts Women's Spending 105
National Chains Lead Sales 105
Activewear 106
Hosiery 106
Overview 106
Intimate Apparel 107
Factors Governing Purchase of Intimate Apparel 107
Maternity Apparel 107
Key Trends 107
Men's Wear 108
Surge in Menswear Sales Balance out Falling Womenswear Sales 108
Market Scenario 108
Table 16: US Men's and Boys' Clothing Market (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -
Trousers, Slacks & Jeans, Suits, Coats & Jackets, Shirts &
T-Shirts, Underwear & Nightwear, and Miscellaneous Clothing 108
Men's Underwear Segment 109
Boy's Wear 109
Girl's Wear 109
Children's Wear 110
Trends 110
Back to School - The Best Shopping Season 110
Brand Names Dominate the Market 110
School Uniforms on the Rise 110
Market Scenario 111
A Review 111
Outsourcing Destinations 112
Advertising - A Key Ingredient 112
Leading Players 112
Demographic Scenario 112
Table 17: Apparel Market in the US (2011): Annual Average
Spending in US$ by All Consumers and Women (Aged between
16-64) 113
Table 18: Apparel Market Survey in the US (2010 & 2011):Percentage Breakdown of US Customers Preference for Men'sApparel, Intimate Apparel, Women's Apparel, and Children'sApparel 113
Table 19: Apparels Market in the US (2011): Annual
Expenditure per Household in US$ by Category - Women's
Apparel, Men's Apparel, Girl's Apparel, and Boy's Apparel 114
Table 20: Apparel Market in the US (2011): Apparel Purchasesin US$ Billion by Age Group - 13-24, 25-44, 45-64, and 65+ 114Retail Scenario 114Table 21: US Apparel Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown ofValue Sales by Retail Channel-Specialty Stores, MassMerchants, Departmental Stores, National Chains, Off-PriceRetailers, Direct-Mail/E-Tail Pure Plays, Factory Outlets andAll Other 115
Table 22: Apparel e-Coupons Market in the US (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Redemption through Channel - Retail
Store, Online, Catalog, Phone, and Others 115
Branded Apparel 115
Overview 115
Leading Players and Brands 116
Sportswear 116
Increase in Sports Spending 116
Table 23: US Sports Clothing Market (2011): Percentage
Breakdown by Apparel Type - General Sports Apparel and
Active Sports Apparel 117
Table 24: US Sportswear Market (2010-2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Women's Sportswear Market by Age Group: 55+,35-54, 25-34, 18-24, 13-17, Below 12 117Brand Awareness 117Leading Athletic Apparel Brands in the US (2010): Ranked onthe Basis of Consumer Perception of Product Quality with 1for Highest Quality 118Table 25: US Sports and Fitness Clothing Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Product Segment -T-shirts, Other sports shirts, Swimwear, Sweatshirts,Sweatpants and pants, Outerwear/jackets, Socks, Shorts,Caps/hats, Sports bras, and Other active wear 118
Table 26: Leading Youth Apparel Chain Stores in the US
(2008): Dollar Sales in '000 for American Eagle Outfitters
Inc, Aeropostale Inc, Urban Outfitters Inc, Abercrombie &
Fitch Co, Hollister, Pacific Sunwear of California Inc,
Charlotte Russe Holding Inc., The Buckle Inc, Hot Topic Inc
and The Wet Seal Inc. 119
Table 27: Athletic Apparel Market in the US (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Apparel Preferred by Women (AgedBetween 16 to 70 years) for Cotton, Polyester, Fiber Blend,Microfibers, Stretch Material, and Others 120
Table 28: Women's Activewear and Athletic Apparel Market in
the US (2011): Percentage Breakdown of Apparel Purchased by
Channel - Department Store, Discount Store, Catalog,
Athletic Footwear Store, Specialty Store, Sporting Goods
Store, and Online Retailer 121
Active Apparel Market 121
Table 29: US Sports and Fitness Clothing Market (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Product Segment -
T-shirts, Other sports shirts, Swimwear, Sweatshirts,
Sweatpants and pants, Outerwear/jackets, Socks, Shorts,
Caps/hats, Sports bras, and Other active wear 122
Table 30: Active/Athletic Apparel Market in the US (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Various Sources Used by Women toObtain Information for Magazines, Ads, Friends, TV, GarmentHang Tags, Newspapers, Salespersons, and Internet 122Jeans 122A Brief Review 122T-Shirts 123Table 31: Cotton T-Shirt Market in the US (2009 & 2010):Percentage Breakdown of Sales for Gildan and Others 123Jackets 123Non-Woven Apparel 124Trade Statistics 124Table 32: US Apparel Market (2010): Percentage Breakdown ofImport Share by Origin Country-China, Vietnam, Bangladesh,Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Cambodia, India, El Salvador andPakistan 124
1b. CANADA 125
Overview 125
Table 33: Canada Apparels Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown
of Value Sales by Retail Channel-Apparel Specialty Stores,
Discount Stores, Department Stores, Sporting Goods Stores and
All Other Channels 125
Men's Wear 125
Table 34: Canada Men's Apparel Market (2011): Percentage
Breakdown of Value Sales in Dollars by Category-Underwear,
Socks, Suits and Sport Coats, Pants, Shirts, Sweaters and
Other Tops, Fleecewear and Sports Apparel and Outwear 126
Table 35: Canada Men's Jeans Market (2010): Percentage ofValue Sales in Dollars by Brands - Levi Straus, Mark's WorkWearhouse, Wrangler, Wal-Mart/725 and Others 126Women's Wear 127Table 36: Canada Women's Apparel Market (2010): PercentageBreakdown of Value Sales in Dollars by Category - Outerwear,Dresses, Skirts, Suits and Blazers, Pants and Others 127Policy Changes 127Trade Statistics 128Table 37: Canada Apparel Market (2010): Percentage Breakdownof Value Exports by Destination Country-China, Bangladesh,US, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, Indonesia, Italy,Turkey and Others 128
1c. MEXICO 129
Overview 129
Table 38: Mexican Apparel Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown
of Market Share by Category-Women's Wear, Men's Wear and
Children's Wear 129
Table 39: Men's Jeans Market in Mexico (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Value Sales by Major Brands-Levi Straus, Furor,Oggi, Wrangler, Lee, Cimarron, Diesel and Others 129Textile Industry 130Contribution 130Exports 130Table 40: Mexico Apparel Market (2010): Percentage Breakdownof Value Exports by Destination Country-US, China, Spain,Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Colombia, Taiwan, Canada andIndia 131Imports 131Raw Materials 131Benefits of NAFTA 131Growth Drivers and Hindrances 132Children's Wear 132Trends 132Post Recessional Analysis of the Apparel Market 132Informal Sales a Turn off for the Legal Sales 132Imported Merchandize to Eat Away Local Share 132Chained Retailers Dominate Sales 133Table 41: Apparel Market in Mexico (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share by Retail Channel-DepartmentalStores, Self-service, Apparel stores/Boutiques, FleaMarkets, Direct sales and Others 133Positive Future Outlook for the Mexican Apparel Industry 133
2. JAPAN 134
Market Highlights 134
Japan: A Fast Changing Apparel Market 134
Japanese Textile Industry to Flourish in 2011 135
Key Statistics 135
Table 42: Japan Sportswear Market (2011): Percentage
Breakdown of Market Share in JYP Million by Category-Training
Wear, Golf Wear, Outdoor Wear, Lifestyle Wear, Soccer &
Futsal Wear, Baseball & Softball Wear, Tennis Wear, Swim
Wear, Ski & Snow Board Wear, Fitness Wear, Athletic & Running
Wear, Basketball Wear, Volleyball Wear and Other Wear 135
Table 43: Japan Apparels Market (2010): Percentage Breakdownof Value Imports In US$ Million By Origin Country-China,Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, India, Indonesia,Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia and Others 136Men's Wear 136Table 44: Japanese Men's/ Boys' Clothing Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -Suits, Coats & Jackets, Shirts & T-Shirts, Trousers, Slacks &Jeans, Underwear & Nightwear, and Miscellaneous Clothing 136Women's Wear 137Table 45: Japanese Women's and Girls' Clothing Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -Dresses, Suits & Coats, Blouses & Shirts, Slacks & Trousers,Underwear & Nightwear, and Other Garments 137
Table 46: Japan Women's Apparel Market (2010): Breakdown of
Value Sales in JYP Million by Manufacturer- World, Onward
Holding, Wacoal Holding, Five Foxes, Renown, Sanei
International, Sanyo Shokai, Itokin, Gunze and Cross Plus 137
Children's Wear 138
3. EUROPE 139Market Overview 139Jeans: Relatively Low Profile 139Market Trends 139Table 47: EU-27 Denim Jeans Market (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Value Sales in Billions of Euros by Country-Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium andOther EU Countries 140Online Apparel 140e-Commerce - Emergence of a New Channel 140Market Statistics 141Table 48: Apparel Market in Belgium (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Value Sales in Thousands of US$ byCategory-Menswear, Womenswear, Underwear, FoundationGarments, Swimwear, Jog and Athletic Suits, Hosiery, Gloves,Accessories, Infant Wear and Other Apparel 141
Table 49: EU-27 Knitted Tops Market (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Value Sales in Millions of Euros by Country-
Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium and
Other EU Countries 141
Market Analysis 142
Table 50: Europe Current and Future Analysis of Apparel
Market by Geographic Region-France, Germany, Italy, UK ,
Spain and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with
Annual Revenues in US$ Billion for the Years 2010 through
2015 142
Table 51: Europe 5-Year Perspective for Apparel Market byGeographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenuesfor France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Rest of EuropeMarkets for Years 2011 & 2015 143
3a. AUSTRIA 144
3b. DENMARK 144Table 52: Apparel Market in Denmark (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share by Segment-Womenswear, Menswear andChildrenswear 144
3c. FRANCE 145
Trend Analysis of the French Apparel Industry 145
Economic Slump and Price Competition to Hinder Apparel Sales 145
Economic Recovery in 2010 Drives Apparel Sales 145
Increasing Sales through Alternative Retail Channels 145
Future Projection for the French Apparel Industry 145
Men's and Women's Wear 145
Children's Wear 146
3d. GERMANY 147Men's and Women's Wear 147Table 53: German Men's and Boys' Clothing Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -Suits, Coats & Jackets, Shirts & T-Shirts, Trousers, Slacks &Jeans, Underwear & Nightwear, and Miscellaneous Clothing 147
Table 54: German Women's and Girls' Clothing Market (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -
Dresses, Suits & Coats, Blouses & Shirts, Slacks & Trousers,
Underwear & Nightwear, and Other Garments 148
Children's Wear 148
3e. ITALY 149Market Snapshots 149Woven Outwear Market: Statistics 150Table 55: Italian Woven Outwear Market for Women and Girls(2011): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by ApparelCategory- Blouses, Skirts, Other Cotton Trousers, Dresses,Synthetic Trousers, Outdoor Jackets, Denim Trousers andIndoor Jackets (Sales in Million Units) 150
Table 56: Italian Woven Outwear Market for Men and Boys
(2011): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales in Millions of
Units by Apparel Category- Shirts, Other Cotton Trousers,
Shorts, Denim Trousers, Outdoor Jackets, Synthetic Trousers
and Indoor Jackets 150
Table 57: Italian Woven Outerwear Market (2010): PercentageBreakdown of Exports of Woven Outerwear by DestinationCountry-Switzerland, France, US, Germany, Russia, Spain,Japan, UK, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Greece, Ukraine and Others 151
3g. RUSSIA 152Market Highlights 152Trends 152
3h. SPAIN 153
Market Highlights 153
Men's and Women's Wear 154
Key Trends 154
Large-scale Over-Supply and Weakened Demand Trouble Apparel
Market 154
Ethical Clothing: Emergence of a New Trend 154
Expansion of the Plus-Size Clothing Market 154
Levi's: Regaining Past Glory 155
Teen Wear 155
Children's Wear 155
Highlights 156
Table 58: UK Childrenswear Market (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Market Share by Retailers-Next, Asda, Primark,
Tesco, Marks and Spencers, Sainsbury's, Mothercare, Bhs,
Adams and Others 156
Table 59: Apparel Shopping by Children Aged 11-16 Years inthe UK (2010): Survey Percentage by Type - Total Purchasersand Average Monthly Spending 156An Insight into Retail Scenario 156Online Apparel 157Table 60: Online Apparel Market in the UK (2011): SurveyPercentage of Apparel Purchased by People with InternetAccess Aged between 18-55+ 157Trade Statistics 158Table 61: UK Apparel Market (2010): Percentage Breakdown ofValue Imports in Millions of US$ by Origin Country-China,Hong Kong, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Italy, France, Moroccoand Others 158
4. ASIA 159
Asia: the Emerging Apparel Market 159
Post Recessionary Challenges for the Apparel Industry 159
Decline in Apparel Exports Compels Exporters to Diverge to
Technical and Industrial Wear 159
Bangladesh: the Most Preferred Asian Outsourcing Destination 160
Poor Export Climate Compels Sri Lanka to Cut Down Exports 160
Vietnam to Develop Apparel Industry 160
Market Analysis 161
Table 62: Asia-Pacific Current and Future Analysis of Apparel
Market by Geographic Region-Japan, China, India and Rest of
Asia Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Revenues in
US$ Billion for the Years 2010 through 2015 161
Table 63: Asia-Pacific 5-Year Perspective for Apparel Marketby Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of DollarRevenues for Japan, China, India and Rest of Asia Markets forYears 2011 & 2015 162
4a. CHINA 163
Market Overview 163
Chinese Apparel Market 164
Factors Expected to Accelerate Growth in Chinese Apparel Industry 164
Sportswear Industry Poised to Grow in Near Term 165
Shift to Online Markets on the Rise 165
Tax Rebate to Influence Apparel Market 165
FAI Expands in Textile Sector 165
Key Market Share Statistics 166
Table 64: China Sports Apparel Market (2010): Percentage
Breakdown of Value Sales by Companies-Nike, Adidas, Li Ning,
Anta, Kappa, Xtep and Others 166
Table 65: China E-commerce Market in China (2010): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share for Independent Sales by PlatformType- VANCL,,, Masa Maso, Shishangqiyi,,, HANY and Others 166
4b. HONG KONG 167
Hong Kong Apparel Industry Picks Up Post Recession 167
Price Rise: A Resultant of Economic Expansion 167
Changing Consumer Preferences 167
Hong Kong Expands Apparel Exports 167
4c. INDIA 168Table 66: India Apparel Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown ofValue Sales in US$ Billion by Category- Menswear, Womenswear,Unisex, Kidswear, Uniform 168Trends in the Apparel Market 168Indian Consumer - Highly Conscious of Quality and Price 168Clothing Companies Rope in Personalities for Endorsement 168Premium Wear Companies Descend to Meet the Average IndianConsumer 169Modern Clothing - A Super Fast Evolution in Urban India 169Changing Needs for Suitable Clothing at Different Places 169Excise Duty Weakens Apparel Sales 169Fast Growing Indian Apparel Market 170Booming Indian Sportswear Market 170Indian Sportswear Market (2010): Leading Sportswear Brands-Reebok, Adidas, Nike and Puma 170Kids: the New Shoppers 171Transitionary Trends in the Market 171Apparel Sales to Show Manifold Growth by 2015 171Falling Apparel Exports 171A Major Outsourcing Destination 172Government Policies 172Apparel Parks 172Schemes & Certifications 172Textile Manufacturing 173Corporate Maneuvers 173Growing Domestic Retail Market 174Retailers 174Franchisees 174Men's Wear 175Table 67: Leading Apparel Brands in India (2009 & 2010):Percentage Breakdown of Sales for ColourPlus, TNG Casuals,Indus-League, Blackberry's, Freelook, Provogue, and Others 175
Apparel Market 176
4e. SOUTH KOREA 177Synoptic Review of the Korean Apparel Industry 177Table 68: Korea Apparel Market (2011): Percentage Breakdownof Market Share in Value Terms by Category-Women's Wear,Fashion Accessories, Casual, Men's Wear, Sportswear, LuxuryGoods, Outdoor, Children's Wear, Golf Wear, Inner Wear andInstyle 177Sportswear Segment 177Market Snapshots 178
A Brief Note on the Textile Industry in Philippines 178
4g. THAILAND 179Casual Styles Dominate Children's Wear Market 179Key Market Share Statistics 179Table 69: Thailand Swimwear Market (2010): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share by Brand- Triumph, Speedo, Jantzenand Others 179Trade Statistics 179Table 70: Thailand Garment Market (2010): Breakdown of ValueExports ( In US$ Million) of Garments by DestinationCountry-US, Japan, UK, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium,Netherlands, Canada, UAE and Others 179
5a. ISRAEL 180Projections for the Israel Apparel Industry 180
Overview 180
Market Snapshots 180
6. LATIN AMERICA 181Market Analysis 181Table 71: Latin America Current and Future Analysis ofApparel Market by Geographic Region-Brazil, Mexico and Restof Latin America World Markets Independently Analyzed withAnnual Revenues in US$ Billion for the Years 2010 through2015 181
Table 72: Latin America 5-Year Perspective for Apparel Market
by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar
Revenues for Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America for
Years 2011 & 2015 182
6a. ARGENTINA 183Apparel Industry in Argentina Flourishes Post Recession 183Focus on Active Lifestyles 183Apparel Market Growth Remains Unaffected by UncertainPolitical Climate 183
6b. BRAZIL 183
Booming Brazilian Apparel Market 183
Retail Expansion: A Boon or a Bane? 183
6c. CHILE 184Overview of the Apparel Industry 184GLOBAL DIRECTORY
To order this report:Clothing and Textile Industry: Global Apparel Industry
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Nicolas Bombourg
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