Future R&D Strategies in Food & Drinks: Evolution from orthodox approaches to open innovation models
NEW YORK, Nov. 8, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Future R&D Strategies in Food & Drinks: Evolution from orthodox approaches to open innovation models
R&D is a key driver of sales growth in the CPG industry, but returns from investments in R&D and innovation have been falling. This has led to further cuts to R&D budgets, making breakthrough innovations (which typically have higher returns than incremental innovations) even less likely, leading to lower returns still.
This downward spiral in R&D investment is not the only problem. A rigid adherence to orthodox approaches towards innovation, which once served the industry well, are now holding back innovation as they lead to large numbers of undifferentiated innovations hitting the shelves of retailers.
However, major changes are afoot. The advent of open innovation seems to offer a magic bullet solution; it can both improve innovation and simultaneously reduce costs. Certainly the larger, global, players have been quickest of the mark in adopting open innovation approaches, and smaller companies risk being left behind. But open innovation itself is only part of the puzzle -- it needs to fit in with a coherent set of innovation strategies and approaches in order for it to work in the long term.
The multitude of approaches available also makes deciding upon innovation strategy (and surprisingly this basic step is often not given enough attention), approaches and processes increasingly difficult. This report examines what the latest strategies and approaches are, what is required in order to execute them effectively and crucially assesses the areas where companies need to tailor approaches to fit their own company's needs and drive future success.
Key features of this report
• Review and assessment of the strategic innovation options that CPG companies should examine. Crucially, this analysis also covers the need to develop a coherent innovation strategy across categories and platforms and for alignment with overall corporate strategy.
• Failings with current CPG innovation approaches and how these are holding back innovation are examined.
• The various types of innovation approaches and the keys to unlocking their potential are analysed.
• Analysis of open innovation and its potential benefits for the CPG industry is provided. Crucially the steps required in order to effectively approach open innovation are covered.
• A framework for managing innovation pipelines is developed which allows it to be seen if an innovation portfolio contains enough of the right types of innovations in the pipeline in order to secure a flow of innovative products in not just the short-term, but also the medium and long-term.
Scope of this report
• Evaluate all the strategic options available to a CPG company in order to start the processes of deciding upon how to update innovation strategy to lay the basis for future growth.
• Understand the crucial actions and approaches required in order to execute strategic decisions effectively -- from updating corporate cultures and skills sets to establishing more effective innovation processes.
• Identify flaws in current innovation practices and understand why these are holding back product innovation. Use this to be able to select only the best, most useful practices for use in the future.
Key Market Issues
• Innovation budgets are under pressure as a result of current innovation approaches resulting in lower returns than before. Companies need to innovate to maintain their sales, but new approaches are required in order to achieve the gains sought.
• Opening up innovation teams and practices to people external to the company (open innovation) is a hot new topic. Yet most firms are only in the early stages of their open innovation programs and need help in optimizing their approaches.
• Many companies can improve their innovation practices and approaches by incorporating, where appropriate, best practices found in other firms. Yet to do this effectively they must first analyze exactly what their overall innovation strategies are and how these fit with overall corporate strategy.
Key findings from this report
• Orthodox approaches to innovation in CPG companies are leading to most new launches being incremental innovations which are poorly differentiated from other products in the market.
• The CPG industry invests relatively little (as a percentage of sales) in R&D compared to many other industries. This is despite breakthrough innovations (which typically require greater levels of investment than incremental innovations) offering higher returns.
• Breakthrough innovations accounted for just 1.5% of all product launches over the last three years.
• A changing innovation environment is creating many challenges to innovation. One major change is the incoming Health Claims Regulation in Europe which will both increase the cost of healthy product innovation and challenge current innovation practices.
Key questions answered
• What are the latest strategies in product innovation and which are likely to offer the best returns for my company in the future?
• What are the pitfalls to avoid when making use of open innovation? What are the best practice approaches to emulate in order to maximize the chance of success?
• What are the flaws in current R&D practices and how should they be addressed?
• How can I manage my overall product development pipelines strategically in order to ensure that innovation activity is optimal for my company?
• What are the latest best practice approaches towards innovation in the CPG industry and which should I seek to apply to my business?
Companies mentioned
Danone, DSM, General Mills, Kraft, P&G
Table of Contents
Future R&D Strategies in Food & Drinks
Executive summary 12
The need to reassess R&D 12
Improving R&D strategy 13
Food and drinks: Performance and innovation practices 14
Case studies 15
Chapter 1 The need to reassess R&D 18
Summary 18
Historic R&D approaches are failing 19
Innovation is the "backbone" of a FMCG company 19
Innovation during a recession is vital 19
R&D budgets in FMCG companies have been cut 20
There is a downward spiral in innovation budgets 20
R&D and general innovation face numerous other challenges 21
Ingrained approaches are holding back FMCG innovation 21
"Fast following" is an easier route 22
Selecting an R&D strategy and approach is complex 22
Innovation should vary on a category by category basis 23
Variation should not cancel out an overall strategy 24
New challenges to current R&D practices 25
Product lifecycle management issues 25
Product lifecycle management in practice 25
Time to market for new products is shrinking 25
New innovation strategies and processes 26
Adoption of open innovation is in its infancy, especially for smaller companies 26
The food sector is leading in the adoption of open innovation 27
Health claims regulation 27
Accounting for regulation will become embedded in the innovation process 27
R&D operations can learn from the pharmaceutical industry 27
Health claims regulation will increase the cost of "healthy" innovations 28
Consumer uptake of new products 28
Uptake of new products is currently decreasing, at least in the US 28
Flaws in current R&D approaches 29
A failure to meet consumers' needs effectively 29
Extreme cost reduction in R&D 30
British food and drinks producers are low R&D investors 30
A similar pattern applies to the FMCG industry globally 32
R&D processes and organizational structures 33
The lack effective processes and team structures 33
Conclusions and outlook 33
Chapter 2 Improving R&D strategy 36
Summary 36
The need to define innovation strategy 37
Defining basic innovation strategy is often overlooked 37
Deciding on the type of innovation 37
Breakthrough innovations sell better 37
Most FMCG companies do not actively pursue breakthroughs 39
Open or "closed" innovation? 39
Open innovation is much more than being open to the idea 39
The danger of over-relying on open innovation 40
Open innovation can tangibly improve R&D 41
Defining open innovation 41
Using inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate innovation 41
Open innovation replaces "hub and spoke" innovation structures 41
New structures can result in new business approaches 42
The benefits of open innovation 43
Case study 1: Using open innovation to create major new products 43
Open Innovation: collaboration 44
Collaboration with retailers can be highly successful 44
The rationale is clear, but uptake has been slow 44
Collaboration should focus on specific opportunities 44
Relationships and structures must allow effective working practices 45
Supplier collaboration is also important 46
Kraft's supplier approach highlights how practices can be enhanced 46
Open innovation: consumer-led approaches 47
What are consumer-led approaches? 47
Consumer-led approaches are not the same as using consumer research 47
Types of consumer involvement 48
Effectively utilizing consumer-led approaches 48
Making consumer-led involvement a reality is possible 48
Consumer-led approaches and supply chain challenges 49
Smaller volumes and SKU proliferation are obstacles to overcome 49
Second supply chains for consumer-created products are realistic 49
Benefits of consumer-led innovation 50
Making new innovation processes work 51
The basics: Strategy alignment and engaging employees 51
Becoming the partner of choice for open innovation 51
Being the preferred partner is a powerful position to be in 51
Structural improvements 52
Removing "roadblocks" is key, but they vary with company size 52
Cross-functional teams are fundamental to success 53
Procedural improvements and decreasing time-to-launch 53
Re-examining stage-gating to make decisions more effective 53
Enhancing information, especially by "hyper-communicating" 54
Product innovation as a part of overall product lifecycle management 54
Using old techniques, like "teardowns" more effectively 55
Improving and consistently using innovation metrics 56
Adopting strategic pipeline management 57
Coordination of activities is crucial 57
Other strategic options 59
"Buying in" innovation 59
Numerous other options bolster improvements 59
Outsourcing innovation processes 60
Outsourcing part process is not the same as "open innovation" 60
Conclusions 61
There is a gap between views and how companies approach innovation 61
Chapter 3 Food and drinks: performance and innovation practices 64
Summary 64
Introduction 65
R & D and FMCG company performance 65
The link between R&D and performance 65
A complex relationship between R&D investment and sales growth 66
Food and drinks: R&D strategy and approach 68
Drivers of R&D 68
Focusing on competitive pressures could diminish breakthrough innovations 68
Natural products and ingredients are vital 69
Substantiated health claims will be an important product feature 70
Sources of innovation 71
Most companies still carry out the majority of innovation work inhouse 71
Outsourcing is about accessing expertise, not about cutting costs 73
Structures 74
Regional structures are regarded as offering the best returns 74
Regions 75
Asia-Pacific will become an important innovation hub 75
Food and drinks: Product launch analysis 76
The number of true "innovations" 77
There are very few breakthroughs despite their importance 77
Innovative formulations account for the majority of product breakthroughs 77
By region 78
New product launch patterns challenge views about regions' innovativeness 78
By company 79
Some companies have maintained launch activity, while others have cut back 79
By claim 80
A clear focus on health 80
Conclusions 82
Companies that have cut innovation need to have launched fewer, better, products 82
Chapter 4 Case studies 84
Summary 84
Introduction 85
Case study 2: P&G is FMCG's leader in open innovation 86
Origins of P&G's approach 86
Setting the agenda for open innovation 87
Using innovation networks effectively 88
P&G uses several proprietary networks 88
Open networks are also important 89
Results of the program 90
Making it work: Key factors 90
Fast, rigorous screening is a major factor for success 90
Sharing risks and rewards is vital in becoming the "partner of choice" 91
Product example: Pringle's Prints 91
Time-to-market and cost were reduced by using an open innovation approach 91
Case study 3: General Mills' smoothing processes 92
Origins of G-WIN 92
General Mills has focused on facilitating connections 92
G-WIN processes are linked to its innovation strategy 93
Setting the agenda for innovation 94
Unmet consumer needs provide the foundation 94
Enabling connected innovation 94
Structuring to achieve connected innovation 94
Simplifying the process of articulating needs 95
Results of the program 95
Product example: Progresso Light Soup 96
One of the main insights came from the yogurt division 96
Case study 4: Kraft's renewed focus on innovation 98
Origins of open innovation at Kraft 98
Approach to open innovation 99
A cultural change was required 99
Business processes have been updated 99
New tools have been developed to aid innovation efforts 100
Product example: Bagel-fuls 101
Case study 5: Danone's focus on "blockbusters" 103
Origins of Danone's approach 103
Danone's "blockbuster" approach is reflected in its structures and processes 103
Structuring to nurture breakthrough innovations 104
Structural changes have led to a greater focus on breakthroughs 104
Supplier collaboration is selective 105
Danone altered its procurement operations 105
Making it work: Key factors 106
Research practices fit with wider operations and strategies 106
Case study 6: DSM is an outstanding innovator 106
Origins of DSM's approach 106
DSM began with an ambitious plan to become "intrinsically innovative" 106
R&D budgets were also increased 107
Setting the agenda for open innovation 107
Trends form the starting point for innovation processes and thinking 107
Results of the program 108
DSM achieved results quickly 108
The focus on tracking innovation makes the process more manageable 108
Making it work: Key factors 109
Improved structures and processes were fundamental building blocks of success 109
Regular sanity-checks (stage-gates) are employed 109
DSM ensured it opened up its innovation practices 110
Developing new tools to aid innovation processes has been very important 111
Product examples 112
Innovations in nutrition and personal care 112
Chapter 5 Future outlook 114
A re-focus on innovation efforts 114
Innovation approaches will come under greater scrutiny 114
Innovators will have competitive advantage 115
Maintaining innovation will be a winning strategy 115
Characteristics of success will emerge 115
The best innovators will share common characteristics 115
Best practices will be adapted 116
Leaders will adapt the "best in class" innovation practices 116
Chapter 6 Appendix 118
Primary research methodology 118
Product Launch Analysis 118
Industry opinion survey 118
Index 122
References 123
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: R&D expenditure as a proportion of sales by sector in the leading 850 UK companies with R&D activities, 2003-2007 31
Figure 1.2: Global R&D expenditure as a percentage of sales by sector, 2008 32
Figure 2.3: Importance of different types of innovation for food and drinks NPD both now and in the next five years 38
Figure 2.4: Example schematic of a "hub and spoke" and a fully connected open innovation approach 42
Figure 2.5: NIKEiD: An example of consumers designing their own products 50
Figure 2.6: A framework for the strategic management of product development pipelines 59
Figure 2.7: Industry opinion survey: Importance of sources of innovation 60
Figure 3.8: Four year growth in R&D investment against four year growth in sales for global food, beverage and personal goods companies, 2003/04 – 2007/08 67
Figure 3.9: Industry Opinion Survey: Importance of business environment factors as drivers of R&D expenditure in the next five years 69
Figure 3.10: Industry opinion survey: Importance of product types and ingredients as drivers of R&D expenditure in the next five years 70
Figure 3.11: Industry opinion survey: Importance of product features as drivers of R&D expenditure in the last and next five years 71
Figure 3.12: Industry opinion survey: Where does the majority of innovation take place within your company? 72
Figure 3.13: Industry opinion survey: Importance of various sources of innovation 73
Figure 3.14: Industry opinion survey: Opinions about various statements about outsourcing R&D 74
Figure 3.15: Industry opinion survey: Which structures offer the greatest return on investment on R&D expenditure? 75
Figure 3.16: Industry opinion survey: Innovation ratings of regions now and in five years time 76
Figure 3.17: Share of breakthrough food and drinks innovations by innovation type, 2007 - 2009 78
Figure 3.18: Share of global food and drinks product launches, by region, 2007-2009 79
Figure 3.19: Number of new food and drinks product launches by leading companies, 2007-2009 80
Figure 3.20: Heat Grid Analysis: Share of claims made by leading manufacturers for their own products, by claim type, 2007-2009 81
Figure 4.21: Kraft's alliance framework for open innovation 100
List of Tables
Table 1.1: R&D value and growth (%); sales and profits growth (%), 2006-2007 31
Table 6.2: To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements in regard to outsourcing R&D? 119
Table 6.3: Rank in order which region will be the most innovative in R&D in the food and drinks industry in the next five years? 119
Table 6.4: Rate which R&D organizational structure you believe offers the highest return on investment (ROI)? 120
Table 6.5: Rate how important each of the following are as a source of innovation? 120
Table 6.6: Rate how important the following have been as drivers of R&D expenditure in the last five years? 120
Table 6.7: Major food and drinks manufacturers R&D spend ($m), 2005-2009 121
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