Future Flow Cytometry Market Outlook: US, Europe, Japan--Emerging Opportunities and Business Expansion Strategies
NEW YORK, March 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Complete report $18,500. DataPack (test volumes, sales forecasts, supplier shares) $7,400.
This 7-country report will help current suppliers and potential market entrants identify and evaluate emerging opportunities in the flow cytometry markets during the next five years. The report explores future marketing and technological trends in seven countries; provides market share estimates, test volume forecasts, and instrument placements; compares features of major clinical and research flow cytometers; profiles competitors and emerging market entrants; and suggests specific product and marketing opportunities for flow cytometry instruments and reagents.
During the next five years, continued advances in molecular diagnostics, monoclonal antibodies, lasers and IT, as well as growing understanding of immunologic forces regulating systemic diseases, will have a profound impact on the flow cytometry markets worldwide. New molecular diagnostic and monoclonal antibody tests will facilitate existing procedures and provide basis for sensitive, specific and simple assays. The introduction of smaller and easy-to-operate laser systems will further expand applications of flow cytometry to routine clinical laboratories. Further advances in IT will reduce the cost of instrument manufacture, service warranty, and permit development of self-troubleshooting, autocalibration and other advanced features. Presently tedious analyses of chromosomal abnormalities, DNA content, and lymphocyte subsets will become more automated and routine.
Contains 358 pages and 107 tables
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Flow Cytometry Applications
1. Cell Surface Markers
a. Lymphocyte Subclassification CD4/CD8
- Instrumentation and
Reagent Test Kits
* BD FACS Count
* Beckman Coulter VCS
* T Cells Diagnostics TRAx
b. Other Cell Markers
2. DNA Content Analysis
3. RNA Content Analysis
4. Chemotherapy Monitoring
5. Cell Cycle Analysis
6. Reticulocytes
7. Chromosome Analysis
8. Fetal Cell Analysis
9. HLA Typing
10. Microbiology
11. Protein Content Analysis
12. Multiparameter Analysis
13. Other Applications
B. Instrumentation Review
a. Introduction
b. System Overview
- BD FACSadvantage
- BD FACSCalibur
- BD FACScan
- BD FACSCount
- BD FACSort
- BD FACStar Series
- BD FACStrak
- BD FACS Vantage
- BD Influx
- Beckman Coulter Epics C
- Beckman Coulter Epics Elite Analyzer
- Beckman Coulter Epics Elite ESP
- Beckman Coulter Epics Profile
- Beckman Coulter Epics XL
- Beckman Coulter FC 500 Series
- Beckman Coulter Vi-CELL XR
C. Current Market Needs and Future Demand for
Hematology Analyzers
D. Reagents and Controls
E. Current and Emerging Technologies
1. Information Technologies
2. Automation and Robotics
3. Lasers
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Monoclonal Antibodies
6. Molecular Diagnostics
7. Microdrop Technology
F. Worldwide Market Overview
1. Business Environment
2. Market Structure
3. Market Size and Growth
III. France
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
IV. Germany
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
V. Italy
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
VI. Japan
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
VII. Spain
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
IX. U.S.
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
1. Health Care Expenditures
2. Cost Consciousness
3. Reimbursement
4. Industry Consolidation
5. Managed Care
a. HMO
b. PPO
6. Hospitals
7. Admissions
8. Length of Stay
9. Industry Diversification
10. Physician Demographics
11. Population Aging
a. Chronic Illness
b. Disease Incidence
c. Susceptibility to Iatrogenesis
d. Multiple Illness Cases
12. Laboratory Regulations
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers'
Instrument Placements, Installed Base, Sales
and Market Share
X. Major Product Development Opportunities
A. Instrumentation
B. Reagent Kits and Test Systems/Panels
C. Information Technology
D. Auxiliary Products
XI. Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products
XII. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for the Decentralized
Testing Markets
1. Four Marketing Approaches
2. Product Complexity Factor
3. Customer Preference Factor
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation Factor
XIII. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
XIV. Competitive Assessments
- Abbott
- Beckman Coulter/Danaher
- Becton Dickinson
- Bio-Rad
- Dako
- Horiba
- Iris
- Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
- Nihon Kohden
- Roche
- Siemens
- Sysmex
XV. Appendix: Major Universities and Research
Centers Developing Hematology/Flow Cytometry
Technologies and Applications
List of Tables
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Laboratories
Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Flow
Cytometry and Special Hematology Specimen
Volume By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Flow Cytometry
Diagnostics Market By Country
France, Laboratories Performing Hematology/Flow
Cytometry Tests By Market Segment
France, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Hematology and Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
France, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume By Market Segment
France, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Test Volume By Market Segment
France, All Market Segments, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
France, Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
France, Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
France, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
France, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast
By Market Segment
France, Flow Cytometry Consumable Market Forecast
By Market Segment
France, Total Flow Cytometry Market By Major Supplier
France, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
By Major Supplier
France, Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
By Major Supplier
Germany, Laboratories Performing Hematology and
Flow Cytometry Testing By Market Segment
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Hematology and Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Hematology and Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
Germany, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Test Volume Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Test Volume By Market Segment
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
Germany, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Germany, Flow Cytometry Consumable Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Germany, Total Flow Cytometry Market
By Major Supplier
Germany, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
By Major Supplier
Germany, Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
By Major Supplier
Italy, Laboratories Performing Hematology/
Flow Cytometry Tests By Market Segment
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Hematology and Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Hematology and Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
Italy, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast By Market Segment
Italy, All Market Segments, Total Flow
Cytometry and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Italy, All Market Segments Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Italy, Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Italy, Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
Italy, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Italy, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Italy, Flow Cytometry Consumables Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Italy, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
By Major Supplier
Italy, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
By Major Supplier
Italy, Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
By Major Supplier
Japan, Laboratories Performing Hematology/
Flow Cytometry Tests By Market Segment
Japan, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
Japan, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast By Market Segment
Japan, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Test Volume Forecast By Market Segment
Japan, All Market Segments, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Japan, Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Japan,Commercial/Private Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Japan, Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
Japan, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Japan, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Japan, Flow Cytometry Consumable Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Japan, Total Flow Cytometry Market
By Major Supplier
Japan, Total Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
By Major Supplier
Japan, Total Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
By Major Supplier
Spain, Laboratories Performing Hematology and Flow
Cytometry Tests By Market Segment
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Hematology and Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
Spain, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast By Market Segment
Spain, Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Test Volume Forecast By Market Segment
Spain, All Marker Segments, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Spain, Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Spain, Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
Spain, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Spain, Flow Cytometry Consumable Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Spain, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Spain, Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
By Major Supplier
Spain, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
By Major Supplier
Spain, Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
By Major Supplier
U.K., Laboratories Performing Hematology and Flow
Cytometry Tests By Market Segment
U.K., Hospital Laboratories, Performing Hematology/
Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume, By Market Segment
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume, By Volume Forecast
U.K., Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.K., Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry Instrument
Market Forecast By Market Segment
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry Consumable
Market Forecast By Market Segment
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry Market By Major Supplier
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry Instrument
Market By Major Supplier
U.K., Total Flow Cytometry Consumables
Market By Major Supplier
U.S., Laboratories Performing
Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Market Segment
U.S., Hospital Laboratories Performing
Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests By Bed Size
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Annual Test Volume
U.S., Physician Offices/Group Practices
Performing Hematology/Flow Cytometry Tests
By Practice Size
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry and Special
Hematology Specimen Volume Forecast
U.S., All Market Segments Flow Cytometry and
Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Hospital Laboratories, Flow Cytometry and
Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Commercial/Private Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Physician Office Laboratories, Flow Cytometry
And Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S., Major Flow Cytometers, Estimated
Placements and Installed Base
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Forecast By Market Segment
U.S., Flow Cytometry Instrument Market Forecast
By Market Segment
U.S., Flow Cytometry Consumable Market Forecast
By Market Segment
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
By Major Supplier
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
By Major Supplier
U.S., Total Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
By Major Supplier
To order this report:
In Vitro Diagnostic Industry: Future Flow Cytometry Market Outlook: US, Europe, Japan--Emerging Opportunities and Business Expansion Strategies
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Nicolas Bombourg
Email: [email protected]
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626
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